Legal Corner

Hotel managers logging license plates.
GPS_Flex 1 Reviews 16999 reads

I am very new to things but I am a fairly observant person.

As I was leaving a motel and noticed a person standing in front of the managers office taking down license plate numbers on a legal pad.

I met with someone who I suspect frequents said motel often enough to have a reputation.

My question is: Should I worry about a hotel manager writing down my plate #? Am I on some sort of list now?

Are they comparing the coincidental occurrence of 2 plates at the same time at the same place and if so what would it gain them?

I could pay for top-notch lawyers if I was ever in a pinch but I am just curious about whether what I saw has any indication of trouble.

Many hotels and motels ask for your plate when you register.  Their software compares this against a list of known perps (providers and clients, convicted or suspected) and when they see a match they call local LE.  Similarly, LE in many muni's have conducted luncheon seminars on recognizing providers and clients.  When the registrar suspects something they call LE.

LE gets a printout of guests & plates from the registrar, inventories the parking lots against the list, and starts knocking on doors.  They generally have no legal basis for an arrest and will usually just let you know their there and they know what you're doing.  Putting two and two together they will wait around for a bit and add another plate to the list.

thatotherguy15929 reads

I know some ,if not most ,take down your plate # when you get the room. Some managers check plates throughout the night to make sure nobody is simply just getting a free parking space. If a car is in the lot that is not registered to a guest, it will be towed. That's what I have heard. Where do they get this software? This is a new one for me.

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