Legal Corner

Fish: you should get "copywrited" copyrighted. (eom)regular_smile
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 434 reads

END OF MESSAGE victims rather than criminals.  This is being done in an effort to stop trafficking.  Career prostitutes probably won't get this kid glove treatment.

that leads gals into abusive no-win situations; but I have my doubts about it.

Those traffickers are well funded, organized, and can be violent when they need to be.

On the other hand, the agencies that we all know and love don't have any protection.

As long as these courts make arrests and send people to jail, they'll be regarded as a success.

So, if you were LE, and had a choice of going up against a bunch of crazy Russian gangsters with guns who will give you copious bribes; or going up against some nice agency, who would you prefer to arrest?  The pay is the same.

Thought so.

If they want to give these gals a break, decriminalize sex work so that they can go to authorities to report abusers and not be harassed.  The immigration part is still a problem, but at least they won't get a rap for the sex work.

I mean, if a copywriter has to get a copyright, then anything goes.

And don't get me started on playwrights either.

DAVEPHX551 reads

If it is coerced then it is "extreme trafficking".  Regular trafficking applies to in private consenting adults that is the scam that most arrests are for folks like here - totally consenting by choice and now many face 10+ years in prison if more than just one person (phone helper, driver, 2 gals together = criminal enterprise felony in many states now being enforced like gone wild in Phoenix to stop dangerous consenting private sexwork. the Phoenix Temple raid, the Phoenix Studio and many more.

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