Legal Corner

Karrie 9891 reads
1 / 18

What can I do by a leagle stand point of turnning him in. What kind of trouble can I get in. My understanding is that counterfiting is more serious of a crime then Escorting?

What are my choices here I want to stop this man, imeadatly.

-- Modified on 5/17/2006 12:28:29 AM

cathyb 7675 reads
2 / 18

sometimes it is best just to cut your loses, never associate with that person in any way ,they have no integrity. move on,

the Cops are lazt lying perverts who cannot be trusted

hookedondietcokes 6852 reads
3 / 18

Give it to a lawyer and let him turn it in BTW it's legal not leagle and how did you find out it wasn't real?

wannarideher See my TER Reviews 8987 reads
4 / 18

I called up the Secret Service who granted me immunity and gave them the plastic bag w/ his fingerprints on it. I gave them his phone number, email address and a photo he mailed to me as well as the hotel I was at as the hotel had cameras

Turns out he had been passing counterfeit money to strippers, bartenders and people at flea markets under 20 dollar bills. Many of these people didn't want to press charges as they didn't know if it was intentional but remembered his description and his name. I had his ip address and he is now facing trial. The secret service says he had a prior record of doing this and his friends had also been caught with money.

He is facing trial.

btw. George Bush made some sort of announcement after 9-11 that he would even allow drug addicts to turn in counterfeit money if they had info on the source as counterfeit money is now considered part of terrorism or at least aiding the enemy

Karrie 7910 reads
5 / 18

BTW Correcting my spelling earns you no brownie points.

Despite my inability to spell I am not a stupid hooker. A catch 22 that you men put on us women, you make a point to a girl that the respectful thing to do is take the money after the session is over. I try to provide top notch service and look what it gets me. The man leaves and I check the envelope at first touch it was obvious it was fake. A good fake but still a fake.

lawtalkinguy 53 Reviews 7286 reads
6 / 18

I don't start working for a client until I get some money up front and you shouldn't either (ok, sometimes I do, but it's my choice and I realize at time that the engagement might turn out to be pro bono).  I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this point, by the way, but I have no problems getting a donation out of the first thing .  Karrie, see my PM regarding your real inquiry.

Karrie 9806 reads
8 / 18


-- Modified on 5/17/2006 3:16:38 PM

lawtalkinguy 53 Reviews 8995 reads
9 / 18

NP...e-mail sent.  EOM

sidone 6298 reads
10 / 18

Good for you!  Too bad there aren't more people willing to do what you did.

I think few prosecutors would go after escorts based upon information they reveal when they turn in counterfeit money.  HOWEVER, I want to make a couple of points.

First, the Secret Service can't grant immunity.  Only the U.S. Attorney or Office of the Attorney General can do that.  These offices would probably cooperate with the Secret Service in almost every counterfeiting case, but until they do the Secret Service's promise is an empty one.

Even when the feds have signed off on immunity, they can only grant it as to federal crimes.  Prostitution and solicitation are state crimes, and a federal grant of immunity will not protect you from your local D.A.  Few D.A.s would refuse to cooperate with the feds in a case like yours, but if they do - or if the feds don't even ask - then you are still open to prosecution.

Also, there are two different kinds of immunity and it is important to know which you are being offered.  Transactional immunity is the kind most people think of first - where the government agrees not to prosecute you for certain offenses in exchange for your testimony.  But there is also use immunity, in which the government promises only that your testimony won't be used against you.  A prosecutor who grants use immunity can still go after as long as the case is based solely on evidence found independently of your testimony.

The kind of deal wannarideher made is very sensible, but it is more complicated than it might seem.  Anyone who considers making such a deal should hire a lawyer to make sure you know what kind of protection you're getting and so you can hopefully get a better deal.

wannarideher See my TER Reviews 8655 reads
11 / 18

actually the secret service guy told me that they don't go after prostitution cases no more than a state trooper would investigate a house arson case. It's not their job. He did tell me that this guy may want a trial and then they would talk further with me

btw, does any have any business websites

I have decided to not open a massage clinic as that poses me more legal trouble and a medical malpratice felony of some sort and open up a seamstress shop since I have made my own clothes in the past and can still do that.

Can I be charged with a higher offense since I am a liscensed massage therapist if I get arrested for prostition even if I don't advertise my liscense?

Maggie4AZ See my TER Reviews 7692 reads
12 / 18

This is a tough one because I do not TOUCH the money until my client is gone. I have not had it happen, but what should we do, get a counterfit pen checker and check immediately after they are out they door and try to catch them and make them make it good? Kinda hard in public in a negligee and stilettos, but what else is there short of going to the law or cutting losses??? I have had great luck with very honest clients thus far... knock on wood.

sidone 6446 reads
13 / 18

The secret service doesn't bother with prostitution cases because it's a federal agency and prostitution is a state crime.  The secret service's jurisdiction is very limited and only encompasses a few federal crimes - especially counterfeiting.

I don't know how to answer your other questions because I am not licensed in your state (South Carolina, I think) and am not familiar with its laws.  Hopefully someone else here can answer them for you.

cowgirlrider See my TER Reviews 8436 reads
14 / 18

First of all, are you crazy? Why would you report this? Just burn the cash or if you need find a way to break it down and spend it, but considering people are check 20 dollar bills these days. I would burn it and forget about it.
This is a risky business you should expect BS like this.
This happened to me years ago from a middle eastern guy in the valley. I went to the bank to deposit the money and one of my 100 dollar bills was fake, the bank seized it immediately and nothing happened. I was just as surprised as they were. I told them I didn't know someone, owed me money and that is what they gave me. I left.

UsSecretService 6119 reads
15 / 18

We can work with the local prosecutors and have them leave you alone.

wayneo1211 1 Reviews 6598 reads
16 / 18

never dreamed  secret sevice  would do thatMake sure they will do it for you Before you do it

copperly 1 Reviews 7119 reads
17 / 18

How about if a cleint finds that's it's counterfiet pvssy ?

seducttra See my TER Reviews 8312 reads
18 / 18

This has happened to me as well, in Los Angeles.  The thing is... I do not touch the money, because that is how and why stings usually happen, accepting money for sex.  But I do incall, at a motel that is also where I stay, so as the client is cleaning up in the bathroom after our "visit", that is when I try to remember to check. If you ask me, a man has to be super slimey to have to resort to trying to trick a provider...especially an honest one.

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