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10 Things Women Want Last Week -new pic
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Some men find confident women super sexy.  Other men prefer a lady who is more shy.  The answer from females is almost always the same, though.  A man who is confident will win over one who is not every time.
Confidence is not arrogance, nor is it bossy, controlling or condescending. Confidence is being comfortable in your own skin.  It is knowing when you talk people listen to you.  It is taking care of yourself and those who are important to you.  Confidence is all of these things, but the hallmark quality of confidence is belief in yourself and your abilities.  These feelings enable you to accomplish anything and that is the most attractive trait you can have according to women.
Because this is the number one most important thing women want and it is Christmas time I would like to offer you a gift.  Here are 6 ways you can work on improving your confidence. You will be thrilled how women react if you follow these simple steps:

Work on your body language. Hold your head high, sit up straight, gently bring your shoulders back to align your spine and look directly at the other person when interacting. Avoid a limp handshake and maintain good eye contact while someone is speaking to you.

Dress for success.  If you choose clothing and accessories that fit you well, suit your industry and lifestyle, and make you feel good, this will automatically increase your self-esteem. Look like the part you want to play, or in other words, suit up for success.  

Speak with conviction. Adopt an assertive, but not aggressive, way of speaking. You will feel your self-esteem begin to rise. To be taken seriously, avoid high-pitched, nervous chatter or twittering giggles in your speech.  

Be positive. Set your mind to the can-do side of any situation, avoiding the negative self-talk that can make you feel less confident. Smile, laugh and surround yourself with happy, positive people. You’ll feel better and the people with whom you spend time will enjoy your company.

Get moving.  Objects at rest stay at rest, objects in motion stay in motion.  Move your ass.  Do things.  Do things you normally would never do.  Get outside your comfort zone.

The 5 P’s to Success (confidence): Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Learn everything you can about your industry, your subject matter, your goals and what drives you towards success. Before you start a task, first imagine how you want to feel once you’ve completed it. Don’t try to accomplish too much at once. Break complex tasks up into small, bite-size, manageable pieces.

If you are a man who is attracted to women who stride with an air of grace into a room- not always the thinnest, prettiest, or smartest, nor arrogant ones, but the ones who make you want to be around them, then you just met your match. Let’s make plans to spend some time together.

Give me a call.
Send me an email.

If you are not quite sure yet, go through my profile, check out my website or even Google my name.  Then, give me a call or send me an email.  

You take care of everyone else, now it is my turn to take care of you.

Happy Holidays!
Charity McLain/ TheKelly Vegas
TER #43505
[email protected]

Phone: 702-553-8400

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