Las Vegas

You men are so gullible...she lost her phone, Palm and Blackberry and you believe that? LOL
nameless lady 2097 reads

Hmm, what are the odds of losing all three devices at the same time?

And I suppose you never had any email contact with her either so she had no way to contact you by email?

(If I were a hobbyist coming to visit, I'd make sure the ladies had my phone number and email address.)

Anyway, glad it worked out in the end. I think your TER posting definitely put the heat on her.....maybe more guys should post about no-shows so the girls have pressure to make it up to them.

Been stood up by LV's best.....sorry - I don't kiss and tell....but I'm alone and lonely.....Nobu reservation outstanding....couples massage at the Canyon Ranch paid for and not used.....:-(

PM me or send me your two more days

Is to wait 24 hours before posting anything about it.

Also, I think trying to contact the provider to se if they will make it up to you.

But definitely tell us who it was.


If you're not going to tell us who was a no show, then don't bother posting at all.

It's 9:28.....meeting was for 7:00......will give the young lady the benefit of the doubt....but will out her if something isn't kosher by noon tomorrow.....look to this thread in the morning.....


I don't want to get dinged also !!

Is that not what TER is for?

when stood up......I do get vocal......been off the board for a while........looking for PM's for a recommendation.....

Be well all.


I hate getting stood up!
but i respect your decision to not say anything about it as well*L* ive been stood up by TER members*peers about* yahh..You!
no, im kidding....
heres where to find me...and as i said in my pm...all you have to do is say, MASSAGE! and Im SO there!
*goes back to looking up ice cream recepies*

puretwist1796 reads

Why not simply post your request for company without the additional info?  I am not saying that there are "rules" for a community board, but its my belief to share experiences so that other hobbyists can make decisions.

WebTerrorist2356 reads

actually I already know I'm weird, but that aside...

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, or I just don't understand, but you say this is "LV's Best", so I take it standing up clients isn't her normal MO?

You don't say she is an unknown, or unreviewed "toftt" find...if that were the case I could understand the the posting, the calls to name her, the "getting vocal" and such.

On the other hand if she is Vegas' best, that leads me to think she is someone that most know or know of, and if she isn't known for standing up her clients (and if she were, I doubt she would be Vegas' best) and this is out of character for her, I am inclined to worry that perhaps something happened to her that kept her from showing up, or at least contacting you.

Maybe, I am too trusting, too naive, too stupid, but I don't think I could imediately think the worst of someone I refer to as the "best".  
Even if intimacy is only physical, and only because of monetary compensation, I still would have to have concern. I would still not want to assume ill intent, or a lack or consideration on her part, first I would have concern, I would worry about the rest later after I knew all was well, but then that's me and I freely admit I'm weird, and that my understanding is less than that of the rest of you folks here.

All that said, I hope you either find another lady to make your time pleasant, or hear from this lady and that she "makes it up to you", and most of all I hope everything is alright with everyone.

If you hear from her, either way, and whether you decide to name her or not, could you post so that I can know that whoever she is all is well?

She called this AM very upset that she "stiffed me" - her words.  She lost her cell phone, palm pilot, blackberry thing and by the time she got to my was 3:00 AM...she called me at 7:00 AM and appologized. She has her life in the that digital organizer and she was freeking out.  

Rescheduled for today.....Canyon Ranch let me move the reservation.....Nice People......

PS.....she offered to lower her rate by the massage charge.....I said no.  See my review in a few days.....

ALL IS WELL! And, we can always replace a Blackberry or other techy stuff. As Webby said, the main thing was that she got back, explained, offered even a discount, and all else. STILL sounds like one of "Vegas's Best".

Having said all that I stand behind my first thread...Post by noon, so others don't get bit.

So she came through in flying colors, we look foward to a hot review.

lv2daty2160 reads

glad to hear that she made contact.  i've been stood up twice by very popular lv providers.  one made an excuse after a couple weeks and the other didn't say a thing.  one i talked to and she said she was on the way!  the other i talked to at least 5 time while i was there in vegas.

i understand that sometimes girls just have something else to do etc. but they should just be upfront and tell you.  it's just common respect for your time.  

i dunno how much you believe her excuse but i would be a little skeptical.  looking from the outside it seems more like she saw herself getting blasted and decided to make right.  all i know is if i lost my phone, i would be checking my messages constantly especially if i had an appointment.  was there no e-mail communication?

I agree with Web that i would first be worried about her safety.  I hope you feel comfortable with what happened and have a great session.

I've just been the victim of some BS and want to make sure you look at it clearly.

glad to hear everything went ok*L*
thats why I have 3 phones! all connected to one another....if you call one, and I cant answer, it gives the other numbers

now, if i lost all three....*ponders*

J - I wanted to make a smartass comment, but you'd call me on it!!!  Thanks again for your help.

WebTerrorist1928 reads

and that she offered to "make it up to you".

Thing about gadgets like Blackberries and the like is they can be lost, or loose data like anything else, and shouldn't be completely relied upon to hold one's "life".

nameless lady2098 reads

Hmm, what are the odds of losing all three devices at the same time?

And I suppose you never had any email contact with her either so she had no way to contact you by email?

(If I were a hobbyist coming to visit, I'd make sure the ladies had my phone number and email address.)

Anyway, glad it worked out in the end. I think your TER posting definitely put the heat on her.....maybe more guys should post about no-shows so the girls have pressure to make it up to them.

I'll be here in Las Vegas..untill October 5th..
So If you'd like to get together before then..      Give me a email at, [email protected]
or a Ring at Cell# 702-379-8433
Thanks..& Kisses

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