Las Vegas

Who does?
DamienScott 537 reads

Seems as though she has a distinct aversion to reviews. How can that be?

Posted By: old_sam
I welcome Robbin's relevant information. and Damien you obviously know nothing about Robbin.

SilkySizzle1483 reads

My god.  The mirrors on the ceiling at this place turn an ordinary hour into something extraordinary!

When will other Vegas hotels get it?

They are just so tiny...... The mirror on the ceiling is pretty cool though!!  

Posted By: SilkySizzle
My god.  The mirrors on the ceiling at this place turn an ordinary hour into something extraordinary!  
 When will other Vegas hotels get it?

As long as we're disseminating some information about this new joint, let it be said that they're NOT kind to card-counting 21 players.  Not friendly at all, like a North-strip Harrah's joint, in fact.  Enjoy the restaurants, though.

RokkKrinn538 reads

Wow.  Really?  I had the exact opposite experience there last night.  Played for several hours, and got absolutely no heat at all.  Sat down at a two-deck $15 table, starting off betting $50-$200 per hand, sometimes spreading to two hands when things were really favorable.  They even raised the table minimum, so that I could play unmolested by the morons who "just wanted to get rid of these last few chips". (Yeah, I know, this could also have been a way for them to focus on me a little more closely, can't be sure about that.)

To be fair, I throw a lot of camouflage play into my game, because it's the only way I can get any action at all nowadays.  I'm pretty much barred from all MGM casinos, Palms, Cosmo, TI, and semi-barred from Wynn.

I keep trying to leave a few places untouched--partially because I just like to play blackjack, and partially so that when friends and relatives visit from out of town, we have someplace to go and play some cards and get drunk.

Shoot, I was just about to go to SLS just now, but maybe I should steer clear for a few days...

These rooms are interesting, they do have a mirror on the ceiling but you sacrifice square footage the room can only be max 250 feet really, the walls and ceiling are concrete, the bed and couch frames are made out of hard plastic, I'm not even going to get into the bathroom, shower  accommodations, lol, I call it South Beachy boutique hotel that ran out of money to complete, it  seems it would appeal to the younger generation. They probably have larger rooms for an upgrade of course. But still a unique hotel...

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