Las Vegas

What is this place advertised as ????
kim 3422 reads

Whoa .... this is a new one to me!  All i can say is Oh my!! 15 minute time increments?  All i can say to that is WHOA!! Sounds like one cold and callous encounter..i myself couldnt deal with such a cold experience...nor could i hustle like that...TOTAL TURN OFF...there are some great independants in this town, its a shame it takes so long to find them and we have to fight to break the many 'fronts' in this town...have fun & play safe !

For those going to Las Vegas, beware of a place called the Comfort Zone (in the industrial area not to far from the Can Can Room.  A cabby gave a recommendation to a friend who passed it onto my buddy and I (last time that's going to happen).  After an evening at OGs, decided to try the Comfort Zone, thinking we could get a quick BJ or HJ.  It costs $35 to get into the place (non-refundable).  At the door, they use terms that hobbyists are use to, such as "all-inclusive" and "no tipping required or allowed".  Their come on is that you buy time to spend in their health club, but you spend time with your "personal consultant".  The two consultants assigned us were decent, but couldn't hold a candle to any od the girls at OGs.  We bought 30 minutes of time for $150.  All we got was lotion rubbed on us with latex gloves (yes, latex gloves).  They would not get naked, just kept on rubbing lotion.  This was all under the notion that we were waiting for a private room on "the other side", eluding to fact that this is where the action takes place.  They wanted us to purchase more "time".  Wanted $300.  I said we're out of here.  They asked how much more we were willing to spend on time.  We agreed upon $100 more each for another 15 minutes.  Got to the other side, nothing changed.  More lotion on the body.  I tried making advances for different parts of my body to be rubbed.  No go.  A TOTAL RIP OFF.  BEWARE.  I did do one good deed.  When I was changing in the locker room, another guy came in to use the rest room.  I told him if he hadn't bought "time" yet, to cut his losses and get out.  When I went outside, he had two other buddies with him.  Hopefully he heeded my advice.  Sorry of the long message, but you need to know the M.O. of their scam.

Sounds like a typical clip joint.  I can't believe that place is still around.  I remember the time when I almost scammed by that place 2 years ago.  Lucky for me, a hobbyst came out and warned me not to go in.  There is another place similar to that in the Commercial Center near the Green Dooe Swingers Club.  I forgot the name of it, but avoid also at all costs.

kim3423 reads

Whoa .... this is a new one to me!  All i can say is Oh my!! 15 minute time increments?  All i can say to that is WHOA!! Sounds like one cold and callous encounter..i myself couldnt deal with such a cold experience...nor could i hustle like that...TOTAL TURN OFF...there are some great independants in this town, its a shame it takes so long to find them and we have to fight to break the many 'fronts' in this town...have fun & play safe !

It's not really advertised.  I have a couple of friends who are cab drivers, and they indicated that they promote themselves to the cabbies.

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