Las Vegas

bufpiz 12 Reviews 1068 reads
1 / 23

Is it just an aftershock from the Soiree???? lol

I hope everyone is ok and safe

"I felt the earth.... move... under my feet"

best wishes to all

Heathergfe See my TER Reviews 637 reads
2 / 23

The entire house was shaking. It was the strongest one I have ever felt.  
I looked it up and it was a 5.4 mag in St George

bluesoniablue See my TER Reviews 535 reads
3 / 23

Never felt one before , the entire building was shaking!

april_luv See my TER Reviews 595 reads
4 / 23

I was sitting at a stop light and I thought something was wrong with my car it starting shaking bad.  

I used to live on the San andreas fault line so earthquakes were happening everyday but this is the first in all my years living here.  

Have a great weekend everyone.  
Posted By: bufpiz
Is it just an aftershock from the Soiree???? lol  
 I hope everyone is ok and safe  
 "I felt the earth.... move... under my feet"  
 best wishes to all

702touch See my TER Reviews 512 reads
5 / 23

oh good...thought it was just me sitting down on my couch to quickly...getting back to the gym

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 451 reads
6 / 23
CindySpice See my TER Reviews 524 reads
7 / 23

An earthquake ? what earthquake ?
 I thought I was having an orgasm. ;-);-)

xoxo CindySpice

MsLeilaLovely See my TER Reviews 338 reads
8 / 23

I didn't feel a thing!

Maybe because I'm more on the outskirts?

Hope everybody stays safe!

Ms. Leila Lovely

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 457 reads
10 / 23

So naturally I thought someone royally messed up!!! Thought the whole place was going to shake apart!

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 472 reads
11 / 23

I didn't feel the earthquake but then I saw the news reporting it.
But coming from the Bay Area I am used to earthquakes.

LarissaPearla See my TER Reviews 511 reads
12 / 23

In a high floor in the hotel I am staying at. I think I have never have left a building as fast as I did this morning. I have not experienced earthquake before so kinda of freaked out!


Larissa Pearla

hollydavis See my TER Reviews 449 reads
13 / 23
TectorGorch 17 Reviews 468 reads
14 / 23

5.4 is just a teaser; you'll probably get the real one in a day or so. Enjoy!

jgoodman222 14 Reviews 370 reads
15 / 23

I was with a well known provider and made the earth move.

Please keep this confidential as I cannot afford the reparations.

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 456 reads
16 / 23

Yep, that's what I'm afraid of! Lived in California too long!

Posted By: TectorGorch
5.4 is just a teaser; you'll probably get the real one in a day or so. Enjoy!

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 422 reads
17 / 23

I could live without the aftershock when I'm there next let's get it over with...NOW.

FrancescaFairford See my TER Reviews 343 reads
18 / 23

I was in Boulder City, and didn't feel it, but a few friends I was with did. Coming from the Modwest, I've never experienced an earth quake/aftershock before, and hopefully never will.  

- Vivian St. Cyr

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 321 reads
19 / 23

We had one on the East Coast a few years ago.  When it happened, I was having a new door installed in my house, so I missed it. would have been cool!

Ana Vixen See my TER Reviews 367 reads
20 / 23

Hello everyone,

  We are sad to report that Queeny and I caused that earthquake with our sexiness we brought from  Hope you all were safe and sound but the truth is we didn't even feel it because we were dancing our hearts out at an 80's music club at the Venetian xoxoxoxox  Wish you had the chance to see us.  We can cause a  We'll be back in 3 months so look for us on our calendars to see our tour dates.  We are the best of the best and you deserve us!

                                                   Luv Ana Vixen & Queeny

Lovely Lorena See my TER Reviews 467 reads
21 / 23

While the body is shaking!!!

Thanks southern california!!!
lovely lorena de leon

Kitty_Rains See my TER Reviews 348 reads
23 / 23

We built the worlds largest subwoofer - so damn big we could only fire up 6 of the 12 outputs.
Twas a great festival - y'all should have been there

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