Las Vegas

Tipping providers
johnnymarx213 1 Reviews 1051 reads

Is tipping a provider considered standard? Just wondering. If so how much?

Tipping is never required, independent girls like me set our own rates and no one takes a cut. However if you have had a really great time or she stayed a bit over then you are always welcome to tip whatever amount you want and it is always appreciated

Never mention on ads or websites that we require tips. If you see this on ads that is usually an indication that you are looking at an agency ads posing as n independents. Us independents do appreciate when guys do tip but it is not mandatory. The tip amount depends on you every guy is different.
I have had guys spend $50 on tip and others have spent more than my hr or 2hr rate

Tipping isn't mandatory but appreciated šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

My greatest tips have been not money per say...

I've gotten gift cards, trips to spa, shopping trips, and even drawing picture of me. Personal items mean the most!  

So tips don't always have to be $$$ to mean something because I still have all little items of meaning someone gave to me. They hold special place in my heart!!!

Hugs Hazel Hayes šŸ©·

Iā€™m a mature male . My generation a simple gift to a lady was appropriate for even a date. The world is not like my younger days. My opinion. If she made a real impression on you . Then leave a bit more if you feel that way.  My opinion on what the world thinks now. No fucks given if you pay the expected rate of the contractual obligation.

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