Las Vegas

The point is many people are frauds when it comes to sex!
bigguy30 932 reads

So the thing that gets me is everybody has engaged in sex.
The real reason why it's news or this hobby is bad to outsiders.
Well a few things fear, religion and bitter marriage or dating partners.
It's all about control and people are always afraid of things they don't understand or can't control.

Posted By: Curvy CoEd Carly
Saw the Season Premire of 20/20 from Friday night about the Olympic Athlete who worked as an escort at a local agency here and on the episode they very publicly mentioned The Erotic Review and even discussed how when she was working for  she became obsessed with the escort rankings and becoming #1 in Vegas.    
 I understand she wants to sell some books and don't even get me started on her excuse blaming her bi-polar disorder for her choice to get into this but why can't they just leave TER out of this?  
 Rant Over....  

-- Modified on 9/13/2015 5:53:30 PM
-- Modified on 9/14/2015 1:35:53 AM

Saw the Season Premire of 20/20 from Friday night about the Olympic Athlete who worked as an escort at a local agency here and on the episode they very publicly mentioned The Erotic Review and even discussed how when she was working for  she became obsessed with the escort rankings and becoming #1 in Vegas.  

I understand she wants to sell some books and don't even get me started on her excuse blaming her bi-polar disorder for her choice to get into this but why can't they just leave TER out of this?  

Rant Over....

-- Modified on 9/13/2015 5:53:30 PM

TheCoochieMonster828 reads

Ya gotta admit, she has a great publicist!!  She'll also be the subject of Dr. Phil's episode tomorrow (Tuesday).   And if you have search skills, there's another book about to be published by her "madam"      If you suck at searching, you know how to reach me.    

Watching the 20/20 episode, I really got a chuckle out of the interviewer's reaction to the threesome!!!   Shocking!!  LOL!!  

Oh, and who recognized the hotel???

Oh I didn't know there was another book coming out.
I recognized the hotel that was pretty easy.

One of my ATF clients found TER on one of these shows and he is very grateful.
That was over 10 years ago... still no issues from that mention for TER, maybe more users tho!

Little do these shows know - but they are telling people where to go and bringing us more biz.

Sure, tons of newbies, but even if 10% of those who check it out here can get involved - who cares?

From what I heard she had an enemy who outed her and she wasn't (from hearsay) being discrete about her olympian past to clients. So, bad for her, yes, but this is only advertising for TER which in the long run may also not be so good but it's hard to say so it could just as easily be very good for TER and the providers utilizing it.

But then again I could be wrong...

National Geographic they had this show about escorts and they mentioned TER quite a few times.
The show actually showed TER on the computer screen and some providers ad pictures because I distinctly remember seeing some well known providers faces one was in vegas.
I watched the 20/20 episode you mentioned I might read her book I felt bad for her

I remember watching that as well

TER was mentioned and I saw the provider pictures, remembered them from doing my homework for my first Vegas trip

my SO was watching it with me and i was pretending to be so shocked at the program

was mostly about girls with pimps and streetwalkers though

just watched it on Hulu and I am just annoyed, and peeved by her.  



-- Modified on 9/13/2015 2:55:15 PM

of ways. One way is as you described and the other as free advertisement. I actually found out about TER when an article I was reading (online) about hobbying mentioned it. So it was good for me, because I have met some lovely ladies in many cities on TER.

bigguy30933 reads

So the thing that gets me is everybody has engaged in sex.
The real reason why it's news or this hobby is bad to outsiders.
Well a few things fear, religion and bitter marriage or dating partners.
It's all about control and people are always afraid of things they don't understand or can't control.


Posted By: Curvy CoEd Carly
Saw the Season Premire of 20/20 from Friday night about the Olympic Athlete who worked as an escort at a local agency here and on the episode they very publicly mentioned The Erotic Review and even discussed how when she was working for  she became obsessed with the escort rankings and becoming #1 in Vegas.    
 I understand she wants to sell some books and don't even get me started on her excuse blaming her bi-polar disorder for her choice to get into this but why can't they just leave TER out of this?  
 Rant Over....  

-- Modified on 9/13/2015 5:53:30 PM

-- Modified on 9/14/2015 1:35:53 AM

Are her reviews still up? If so, what was her TER profile number

Yet another reason Why square civvies don't belong in our provider world....they don't know how to keep their mouths shut!

This is a secret society, we don't need the negative attention... And girls making up stories.

Annoyed by the entire thing...thumbs down for big mouths!

-- Modified on 9/14/2015 7:06:05 AM

when I saw the clips. Talk about going after the $ with the book, she completely folded - not honest whatsoever. Move on already....>:/

Just started watching her interview on Dr. Phil. Seems like promotion for her new book.

massctman812 reads

Dr. Phil did not know what TER was.  He called the The Escort Review.  She is really promoted her book by appearing on the Dr. Phil show and 20/20. an excuse.  Perhaps someday we could have that discussion.  Wonder if she is on any appropriate bipolar medications?  If not, then she is likely only self-diagnosing.  My pick would be Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but would have to interview her first.  Do not find her to be particularly attractive.

orry but I find her to be a complete disrespect to this industry and in no way cares about anyones discretion or privacy

next she will be disclosing even more details about our world for a few more dollars..

she had no positive affect on this industry.
I cant believe she even deserves a thread.. My intuition says she still reads this board..  
here is to you Ms. Hamilton!! bravo!!!!!
keep that working  bag just in case lol.....blame it on the medication...sarcastically  
Lovely Lorena

privacy till death do us part is my motto..

Definitely agree. This hobby should not be discussed in any public forum.

I went away from TER for a few years around 2004 when there were TER ads in the weekly paper in Los Angeles - I thought it was too much exposure.


LovelyLorena, good words....  privacy till death do us part is my motto....

Thanks to Carly for starting this thread. Hadn't seen or heard about all this, but it doesn't surprise me. Unfortunately, I have to agree with several of the ladies who responded earlier in this thread...not impressed with the former Olympic athlete or how she's handled herself throughout all of this. Appears to be completely out for herself and monetary gain and notoriety with little regard for who she runs over in the process. I know for a fact that her former agency was being investigated for tax issues following the news article that outed her and it appears that the athlete provided authorities with her personal contacts from the hobby, presumably to avoid some kind of prosecution. I know that caused some disconcerting LE involvement for at least some hobbyists out there as tax authorities attempted to develop a case against the agency. So, I'm not a huge fan of said former athlete.

Some things I think we can all take from this:

- NEVER provide personally identifying information to a provider or agency; the risk is simply too high. If it's required for screening, move on til you can establish a good rep in the community or join a service like P411 (dangers there, too, of course, re: the recent release of members' emails from a prominent internet hookup site). Hobbyists I know close to the flame on this were contacted for "interviews" by tax authorities because some kind of contact info from the athlete's list led authorities to the hobbyist. That's gotta be scary.

- Be circumspect about personal details when meeting with providers and hobbyists alike. A hobbyist I know who got a little ensnared in this had made casual conversation with the athlete when meeting her as a provider and SHE HAD RECORDED THOSE DETAILS in her contact list! Providers should be equally careful...I met the athlete as a provider before this all went down and she had told me her birth date. She seemed familiar to me so I Googled the birthday right after the meet and bam, there was her name and everything. I even sent her a note afterward warning her to be more careful (a few months before it all came crashing down); sad to see she didn't extend similar courtesy to the hobbyists she met.

- Be careful with agencies. I know a lot of us have used them before or do use them. I certainly have despite warnings to the contrary previously, but finally swore off them after this whole thing went down. Likelihood of an independent being come after by LE for tax issues is pretty low...but it's much higher for an agency if they don't have a good tax shelter / "laundering" plan and if the authorities can develop the proper legal case to come calling (in this case the athlete's admission to working for an agency and relatively high public profile appears to have piqued the interest of the tax man)

- We all like to believe that this community has some kind of shared code of honor because we're all in this together thumbing our noses at convention and society (to a degree). However, when the chips are down, most of us will take care of ourselves and leave others out to dry. Unfortunate, but true. The athlete previously talked about such a code and discretion and the like in an interview I read about her after her outing but in the meantime sold every hobbyist she'd ever met with and kept contact info on down the river when it benefitted her. Maybe, you or I wouldn't do this. I'd like to believe I wouldn't...but do you want to bank your public reputation and maybe even your livelihood on my good graces? I didn't think so. Until the US moves away from it's archaic views toward sex and relationships and professional companionship, protect yourselves! No one else can be counted on to do so.

Safe lobbying,

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