Las Vegas

The End ;-)
CindySpice See my TER Reviews 8512 reads

I also didn't think my simple question was going to turn into this "drama"
It was just a question . I wasn't looking for names or reasons why a lady had to cancel .

Yes although I did see your review that said it , there were also many  others that say the same thing .
So just wanted you to know it wasn't only because of your review I decided to ask that question .

You didn't have to come and tell LJ's story . That is my point .
She had a good reason to cancel , we are human it can happen to the best of us . It isn't like she stood you up or flaked on you . You understood she had a very good reason to cancel . She was kind enough to refer you to another great lady . You had a great time . What do you think it helped the review or other guys who read it making that statement ?

It was just  that in my opinion it doesn't add to the review . ( or any other reviews )  I was wondering what others think about it . Nothing bad here , no right or wrong , just wanted to hear others opinions .
Like MFSD did ( thanks for your opinion , that is all I was looking for ...........after all this is a discussion board to "discuss things"  ,)

How it got to all this  ??? I don't know . But no worries , no harm done , no regrets either .

Thanks again for sharing your story , and thanks to LJ , for allowing you to tell it , although truly it wasn't necessary .
xoxo CindySpice

I notice  some  guys in their reviews say things like this -

I was originally schedule to see a Vegas legend but she had to cancel at the last minute, so I ended up seeing  "so and so" .
I had an appointment with a well known independent , but she no showed so I ended up calling  "so and so"

Now I was wondering,  what do you think this adds to the review ?
Since we don't know who cancelled  or flaked because you don't mention her name , I don't really see the point in even making that statement .

Oh and I am sure it makes a girl feel real special that you let everyone know she was your second choice ;-) ;-)

So what do you guys think ?
xoxo CindySpice

-- Modified on 3/20/2004 12:23:42 PM

Sometimes the second choice turns out to be better than the first choice which is often apparent in the review.  Does it add anything to the review?  Probably not, however, as long as the review is truthful, does it really matter?

in any case the information needs to be posted, along with the name of the lady who was late or blew the appointment .. so many hobbies are so worried to be flamed that we hold back... if one is curious they can always back channel ... none the less it should be posted....... my .02

mrfun4u9268 reads

I say .. Name names. So we know who the providers are that cancel on us.

It lets people knows that some of the well reviewed and well liked indie can be unreliable sometimes...
The reason not to mention names maybe because one never knows that the no show is cause by personal issue or simply being a flake.  Hence, simple mentioned the exerience should be enough..
I have seen many times on this and other board that if one mentioned the name of a well known and liked indie was no show.  It just cause her follower to attact him and may effect his encounter with other ladies.....

pilot79551 reads

You're exactly right.  Who hasn't had a cancellation at one time or another.  Just get over the coitus interruptus, so to speak, --- reset the clock and move on.

Oh, Sorry!  I was going to reply to the question about the Horseshoe re-opening.  

Oh Well!  I would agree that it would not make a provider feel either better about herself or her date.  If the hobbyist were to call back for a future date, maybe the provider should say "Gee I was planning to see a really nice guy, but you will do."

LOL LOL LOL That is funny .

Hmm yeah I wonder how the guy would feel ;-) .

Of course a guy can have many choices .
He can like many ladies at the same time.
He can like one for certain things she does .and like another  for other things .One time he is in the mood for this , next for that . lets say a client  calls me because another lady no showed or cancelled doesn't make me feel like I am second rated and it doesn't make me feel bad about myself . Infact I prefer the client be honest with me and tell me why he is trying to  get a hold me last minute ............ I am just saying I don't see what it adds to the review written .

Well said!! It does not good accept to let us ladies know that we were second choice. I am moving from Arizona soon to Colorado and I had someone say to me the other day."I was going to see you before but I never made it and then when so and so cancelled on me I decided to finally give you a try. I am so glad I did and I hope you don't really move". What was wrong with this picture? Did he really need to mention that I was his second choice? There is no letting people know someone stood you up unless you say their name so that is no reason to even mention that you had called someone else first. Just my two cents:)

sexxygirrl9105 reads

It would be rude to tell a provider in person she was a  second (or third) choice, so it's equally hurtful to read that in a review of herself.

If the guy wants to let it be known that so-and-so cancelled at the last minute, or was a no-show, he could post it on this board and tell her name.

Well I personally can handle the truth,  just as I say the truth,  so I don't mind if the client  tells me I was his second , third or other choice .........but,  is it really necessary for the whole world to know .  ??

It is ridiculous to think that if one lady became unavailable and he contact another lady, that means this lady is a 2nd choice and less favorite to him.   One can only meet a few ladies (and there are so many) with the limited amount of time in Vegas, so it does not necessary mean that the ladies he did not choose to meet(originally) during that trip are less favorite and 2nd choice to him.....

How is that not his second choice? He had someone in mind so when the didn't show he went with his SECOND choice. There is nothing wrong with being the second choice. But again I agree with not having the world know that he only saw you because so and so didn't show.

Well, let me give you an example.   Suppose one was scheduled to meet ladies A and B for two different days, after meeting lady A, lady B suddenly became unavailable, and he contact lady A again to see if she is available, Is lady A suddenly becaome a second choice to him????
When I read someone was stood up by a provider and have to contact another lady.   I never feel that the lady he contact is a second choice, it just a suituation happened in this hobby, and he is simply stating the fact about his experience....

Actually, I disagree. The nicest experience I've had in the "hobby" took place in Las Vegas just a year ago. I found TER almost by chance a few weeks before a convention trip, and when my SO begged off on attending (I only agreed to go because she loves the casinos), I did some "homework" and made an email appointment for my VERY first session with an escort, which I told myself would be a once-in-a-lifetime treat.

Arriving in Las Vegas I called to confirm and found that the lady I'd selected begged off because family had supposedly come from out of town. She suggested one or two of her friends (highly rated), but much of my anticipation excitement stemmed from making my own choice in the candy store, so I resolved to spend my nights at the Four Seasons alone.

A few strolls through the lobbies gazing at the incredibly sexy ladies wandering about (many of them probably grade school teachers dressing as they'd never dare at home) shattered my plans to keep my wallet (and my anatomy) in my pants. I perused TER again, picked two ladies by email, told BOTH of them why I was contacting them at last minute, and both offered to ease me in to this new world. They were both gorgeous. The first stated on her website that she traveled to the Greek Islands. I was so naive that I assume she was describing her vacations, and so nervous during the session that this item on the menu never came up. It was not a thrilling experience for either of us, but it left me curious, so I proceeded to "date" number 2, and she was AWESOME. Sweet, incredibly sexy, incredibly friendly, made me pop like I'd only dreamed about for years, THEN treated me to a massage that had me dreaming I was in heaven - actually, I think I WAS in heaven, because she brought me back from blissful near-coma to full arousal and pop #2, every bit as delicious as #1. When we showered together I think if I'd had the time pop #3 would have happened if only I'd not had to get back to more mundane matters.

Both these ladies knew that they were "choice #2", but one of them ended up WAY at the top of my list. Major bummer is that, just three months before my next Las Vegas trip, she's taken at least a six month "sabbatical" from providing.

Nikki Avalon8128 reads

Yes, I'm very much aware of Cindy Spice's campaign to discredit me by exploiting my problem with punctuality. (Pillow talk can be very informative)
Is this another attempt Cindy? You seemed so nice when I met and interviewed you for the Showtime project.
By way of explanation, I do my best to schedule appointments around my monthly cycle, but since it started earlier than expected this month, I had to cancel some appointments. I made alternative arrangements for most of them, but I'm assuming that one out of the two who opted to make their own arrangements contacted Cindy, thus making her aware of the situation.
I consider keeping appointments while on your period to be very rude and unprofessional and my clients seem to appreciate it when I make them aware of my condition, thus giving them the option to cancel instead of just showing up and saying, "Oh my God, you’re never going to believe this, but...I've just started my period!"

Cindy, you've gained an impressive reputation for yourself as a respectable, honest and kind provider. You'll ruin it completely if you persist with your not so subtle "digs" at other providers.

Nobody is perfect and we all have not so desirable qualities that we must work on. Exploiting the short comings of others will not help you with yours. I'm still working on my punctuality. However, I do have the forgiveness thing down and I would like to resolve this matter like mature adults.

Nikki I truly don't know where this is coming from ??
Another attempt ? What attempts are you talking about ??

You really shouldn't ASSUME anything . No one contacted me because you cancelled .
I was just reading some reviews and I notices those statements .
Sorry hon but my question had nothing to do with you , me  or your cancellations .  

"campaign to discredit me by exploiting my problem with punctuality" ( Pillow talk can be very informative)

I find in pillow talk how words are twisted and people will say what they chose to say making a total different meaning to what was said .
So I don't know who and what "pillow talk" you heard , but I always say very  NICE  things about you . That you are a great provider ,sexy ,  wild and fun .  That you are  very pretty  and  yes that you are late many times because you relay on cabs and in this town it is hard to  relay on cabs ..........that isn't something bad and that isn't something  that guys don't say about you over and over in your reviews . It is a fact , no secret here .  It isn't a stab or campaign against you .  

No, no one is perfect , we can only try our best . Certain criticism is to "BUILD"  not to tear down , I am sorry  you don't see it that way .

Yes I agree if a provider gets her  period she should cancel . If there are other problems a provider should cancel. Just the way clients cancel , we can also cancel for different reasons . We are human too .
If the provider called the client and let him know what is going on , and that she needs to cancel I see no point why he has to say in his review - "I was going to see a highly reviewed provider but she canceled on me" ..............
She had a problem , she canceled , she let him know . The review isn't about the lady who cancelled , it is about the lady you saw , so just review her .

Again I am saying Nikki this had nothing what so ever to do with you or even me . It was just in general .

I wasn't exploiting anyone . I say or post things about  how in my opinion things should be . How I would do things . Nothing is toward any person in particular .

Reminds me about a post a few years back when I was saying something about ladies who are retiring , and one of the girls blew up on me because she thought it was about her wasn't at all about her , I didn't even know she was retiring .........but I guess she read things how she wanted to read them , thinking she was the only one .
Nikki your not the only one who cancels , your not the only one who is known to be late .

In Israel they have a saying , "Those who are guilty , feel the guilt"

There is no campaign against you . I still think you are great  I always recommend you to clients.So there is no issue on my behalf . If you feel you have an issue with me and you heard twisted "pillow talk" maybe instead of believing what was said you should come to the source in private  to find out .

I am  sorry to hear that you were robbed ;-( I hope they find whoever did it . I hope not much was missing .
Stay safe , xoxo CindySpice

I will admit that when it was clear that mine and Cindys rules didn't mesh, Nikki was one of the first providers Cindy recommended to me to see instead and had nothing but good things to say about her, So I don't see where this is coming from. Just thought I'd let Nikki know, I have talked to Cindy a number of times on here and through private e-mails and she never said a single bad thing about her.


Hello Nikki,

Well, for one, an important part of this business is showing up on time and trying to make your appointments.  Obviously, when that time of the month comes for you, it is understandable that you would want to cancell.  I wouldn't want to see a lady during that time.

But quite frankly, until you mentioned it, I didn't have any idea that you had an "attendance" problem.  I've talked to a lot of guys who have seen you and it was never mentioned. They just rave about you.  So much so, that I was honestly thinking of seeing you sometime while you are out in LA or when I am in LV. I don't see a lot of new ladies, but you sounded very interesting to me.

Your repuation speaks for itself Nikki.  I honestly don't believe that a few words from Cindy is going to hurt you one way or another.  Again, until you mentioned it, I don't think anyone for the most part even cared.  There is a lot of stuff shared in pillow talk that most wouldn't want out in the open.  Remember, Cindy did not mention you by name in her thread.

I agree, this thing should be handled between you and Cindy privately.

Nikki, You are so above Cindy and her and insults and innuendoes, it's not even worth wasting any time with that!
Your consistently stratospheric reviews and great comments by those lucky enough to have spent quality time with you speak for themselves.
Please don't waste your energy by responding to senseless, jealous comments, and Be Well.  Have a great trip to L.A!

First, how the hell do you even know that Cindy is referring to Nikki on her thread.  Because Nikki says so?  That makes no sense.

Don't start trashing a provider when you have no idea what is going on and who said what to who.  

I've known Cindy for years.  Her reputation speaks for itself.  She gives a guy a great time for a fair price.

And quite frankly, so does Nikki's.  And it shows in the reviews.

You had no right to say what you said.


and not waste my time and energy to a senseless comment ......

But I will say this is a perfect example of  how one person talks about one thing and another person comes in and totally twists what was said around then  they add words and emotions  they want to use . blowing everything out of proportion . making something else out of what was really even said .

Still trying to figure out where did I insult and what jealous comment did I make ???

nightthunder6086 reads

Your post was way the hell out of line! I'm sure there are those that perfer Cindy and others who perfer Nikki.  

You base your post on "facts not in evidence".  I saw nothing in Cindy's post that mentioned Nikki.  Did you?  Had Nikki not replied I would never have known that Nikki had a "puncuality problem" (her words not mine) or that she had cancelled because of the time of month.

Your credability here has just lost a good number of points and you have projected yourself as a small minded and mean spirited person.

I suggest that both you and Nikki owe Cindy an apology.  Now lets see if you are a big enough person to do so.  I doubt it.

I don't care.  What difference does it make?

Cindy, I agree completely.  Making girls feel special and good about themselves is a must for any man with a tender a review, or otherwise.


It's sometimes an unfortunate part of the biz. At least the provider in question was honest enough to actually call and cancel and also recommend someone else. As a hobbyist, there have been times I'm sitting in my room twiddling my thumbs waiting for an overdue provider that never shows up. I would rather my date call and be truthful and cancel. Both sides of the equation here cancel for one reason or another, or worse a no-show. I am always more understanding when a provider has the courtesy to call me and inform me of the situation, s**t happens. Whether it's a monthly visitor, illness, travel problems, etc. I would rather be with a date who's 100% than with someone who's only at 50%.

No one was in question here .

Why was my post twisted around. ?? My post  wasn't about a provider canceling or no showing . It was asking why does the reviewer feel the need to add that statement while reviewing another provider.
geez.If your gonna read into my post something that it isn't even about , or something that I DID not say .......then never mind , sorry I asked .

-- Modified on 3/21/2004 9:50:00 AM

Well personally, I see no reason to tell "choice" #2 that somebody cancelled.  Basically, I am calling a lady because I want to see her.  I think it is kind of ridiculus to put in a review that you saw another lady because so and so cancelled.  It's beside the point.

If you want to call a lady out for cancelling, then do it in another thread.  That's what the board is there for.  To mention in a review that you saw a lady because so and so cancelled cheapens the experience and the lady that you are seeing.


I always try to put in my reviews things that the lady won't get pissed off about and most the time it's things she knows about, ie My review of Ava Devine is very graphic per her request "She said go for it", but review of Daphne Rosen is not at all and I would never say "Oh, She was my second choice", Fisrt thing, every woman I see, I want to see sooner or later and it's hard sometimes to decide who to see first and is just a coin toss many times.

I have also had two very poor encounters (in my opinion and I do understand I have very high standards in many ways) that I didn't even feel right posting reviews about, me and the two women just didn't click and I felt it unfair to write a bad review when it was onvious that nither of us are into the session at all. I have also met a number of women who ask me not to post reviews, which I will respect, even if I don;t understand...I mean if your great, you should want the whole world to know, but whatever.

In many of my reviews you'll see, She was on of my ATF's like I wrote with Kayla Kleevage or Keisha, or I was looking for her like with Kelly Star at AVN's, who is one of the women I set my sights on finding at AVN's in Vegas and was lucky enough to hook up with, I never really have a back up plan, just the next great woman to spend some time with waiting in the wings.


-- Modified on 3/21/2004 1:47:34 PM

Sheet happens. I'd be worrying more about myself than what else is going on. I'd prefer any conversations between myself and a provider stay there, not posted on the boards, hypothetical or not. People can read too much into posts, e-mails, other forms of the written word, as one can only assume the mind set of the writer.

We are all only human. The show is over folks, let's break it up and move along.

I notice  some  guys in their reviews say things like this -

I was originally schedule to see a Vegas legend but she had to cancel at the last minute, so I ended up seeing  "so and so" .
I had an appointment with a well known independent , but she no showed so I ended up calling  "so and so"

(Guys that know the Vegas escort scene, and are regular players, are going to have a plan B, C and D when they visit. I count myself in that group, and have my cell phone programmed accordingly for my trips.)

Now I was wondering,  what do you think this adds to the review ?
Since we don't know who cancelled  or flaked because you don't mention her name , I don't really see the point in even making that statement .

(Guys make that statement, even though it doesn't "add" to the review, because they want to vent, but don't want to piss off the lady by naming her, or get red listed by other providers as a guy who spreads poision about them. I saw a lady in Vegas on a recent trip, she was late, which she usually is, but I allow for that and build it in to my schedule. Just one of the vicissitudes of the LV escort scene that I have come to accept. Do I name her, no, what's the point, I know she usually runs late, but I like being with her, and allow for it. Marco is gonna have a good time in Vegas regardless of who no shows, sicks out on me, shows up late, or gets drunked up and can't complete the date....)

Oh and I am sure it makes a girl feel real special that you let everyone know she was your second choice ;-) ;-)

(Again Cindy, one of the realities of the Vegas escort scene. Would the ladies rather get that donation from a guy who saw them as a secondary choice and gotten named in a review as such, or not have seen that client at all?)

So what do you guys think ?
xoxo CindySpice

(And that's what I think, xoxoxo to you CS)

-- Modified on 3/21/2004 8:45:31 PM

A lot of guys think strictly transactionally without thinking about the feelings of the other person. Yes, I think the lady is supposed to be understanding, since she did get paid, but just because you're paying for sex doesn't mean you forget everything you learned in charm school at home.

Really thoughtful post.

I think if you are paying hard earned money and the provider feels that she cannot live up to her standards or yours and lets you know with time or as I read it, a very good pinch hitter, that shows class and consideration by the provider.  I remember posting a so-so review on Cindy, and she flamed me for it, now she wants names etc...time to stop being the hall monitor and actually commend a provider who is thoughtful enough to provide a suitable back up at the last minute rather than being out a luck...

My two cents.

Here goes another one reading into what I said to make it mean something  different .............. I didn't say name names , I said it is not relevant information for the review written .

And I thought I don't understand English ;-)

I didn't flame you , I challenged you to prove to me who you are ... You never did . All you did was say something about my personal life on a public board . ( talk about class )  But of course it is something that even if you didn't see me you can find out because others know .So I am not even sure we ever met .

I lived up to my standards ( if I even saw you ) I am on time , I show up clean and sober and I deliver as promised . If I was with you and you felt I didn't live up to my standards ......well that's your opinion , each to his own. Not everyone clicks 100%
I do my best to please my clients . I do hope they leave happy and satisfied and I make it clear if they are not happy and they have a problem they can come to me and talk to me about it . HMMM no one ever did .

Still waiting on that email ( how many years ago  has that been ? ) from you to figure out who you are and what your problem is . Still nothing .

I would say something about your two cents ...........but I will be a bigger person ;-)

1. I don't know how I said something about your personal life on the board.
2. I stated that at the time I gave you a so-so review, and was "flamed" about it.
3. Judging by your response #2. above is correct.
4.The point of my post is to applaud those who cancel and can help make other arrangements that are more that satisfactory.
5. Does it matter if someone is the second, third, fourth choice etc... It should be enough that someone is on a list that a potential client wants to see and the client enjoyed his time with her.
6. Choices are choices and we make them with all the information available to us, either by referral or information that is provided here on the board, good and bad, opinions( she really did it for me) and facts(she showed up an hour late), as I did when I chose to see you.  Ultimately, the choice is translated into a meeting, and the only opinion that counts is what comes out of the time spent together, good or bad.  We then take that opinion and can post it, so that someone else can have more information make his/her choice. My time with you was less that satisfactory and I stated it in a corteous and informative manner.  It is your right to say that you gave it your all etc... but my opnion is my opinion and I stated it for others, they can conclude what they may from it and compare it to other reviews.  That is the purpose of the board, information and dialogue... and we continue that now.

I don't see a review of Cindy under "Sethian" – so if you reviewed her where is the review????????  Sounds like BS to me Sethian. Also Cindy never said anyone’s name, read her first post and if you don’t understand it don’t comment on it, some of you really look stupid!!! I have never had the pleasure of meeting Cindy (maybe some day) but what I have read of her reviews and her posts - she seems like a very classy lady!!! Get a grip on reality guys!!!

I had a date with Cindy Spice a few months ago, and we chatted on the phone a day or two prior to the scheduled meeting, and she mentioned some concerns about my expectations regarding our upcoming encounter (ie. I'm naughtier than her).  After her candor, we decided to cancel our date.

She exhibited concern over my complete satisfaction and was as classy and nice about the whole thing as can be.  Not one escort in 100 would have done that.  Since then, I've had a few e-mails back and forth with her, and seen many posts from her.

She seems to me to be one sweet, kind and classy girl.  In my opinion, she's taking way too many hits lately.


Let the truth be known.
I initially found this thread amusing and light reading but has now taken on a more serious tone. Now reputations are being threatened in a business where reputation is everything.
It was I whom CindySpice quoted in my recent review of Angella Masters and the third party in question was none other than Vegas legend L J Montana. Mnay on this board can probably attest to L J's sterling reputation. I have been in contact with LJ and she has given me permission to post details.

I had initially left out her name in the post for reasons already mentioned above. LJ was having Thermage,a nonsurgical skin enhancing procedure, the day I was to see her and she was lead to believe by her physician that she would be able to "return to work" immediately following the procedure... which she kept me informed me of. This was not the case in that she had facial pain and swelling immediately following and had to cancel at the last minute and referred me to Angella to pinch hit.

All turned out well with my visit with Angella as my review suggested. Although I was disappointed not seeing LJ, I was appreciative of her attempt to accomodated me up until the last minute. I believe she showed a lot of class and she and I are still communicating.

No harm done and no regrets. We should all get on with the business of pleasure and let this thread end.

I also didn't think my simple question was going to turn into this "drama"
It was just a question . I wasn't looking for names or reasons why a lady had to cancel .

Yes although I did see your review that said it , there were also many  others that say the same thing .
So just wanted you to know it wasn't only because of your review I decided to ask that question .

You didn't have to come and tell LJ's story . That is my point .
She had a good reason to cancel , we are human it can happen to the best of us . It isn't like she stood you up or flaked on you . You understood she had a very good reason to cancel . She was kind enough to refer you to another great lady . You had a great time . What do you think it helped the review or other guys who read it making that statement ?

It was just  that in my opinion it doesn't add to the review . ( or any other reviews )  I was wondering what others think about it . Nothing bad here , no right or wrong , just wanted to hear others opinions .
Like MFSD did ( thanks for your opinion , that is all I was looking for ...........after all this is a discussion board to "discuss things"  ,)

How it got to all this  ??? I don't know . But no worries , no harm done , no regrets either .

Thanks again for sharing your story , and thanks to LJ , for allowing you to tell it , although truly it wasn't necessary .
xoxo CindySpice

...I can also see the perspective of the client. Of all the beautiful, talented, smart, sexy, and skilled independent ladies in Las Vegas, I feel there's certainly no shame in being anyone's "second choice"...or even their 3rd or 4th (and here I thought the MALE ego was the sensitive one). Heck, I can't see all of my favorite providers each time I come to town (though I wish I could). Not to mention the fact that one of the benefits of this "hobby" is the potential for variety in the women we as clients choose to see. So occasionally, spur of the moment decisions have to be made and just because I or any other client chooses to contact and/or select one lady before another doesn't necessarily mean that he will necessarily do so in that exact same order the next time. Or that one such lady is "better" or "more attractive" than another simply because of the order in which she was contacted. Especially when such a decision has to be made quickly because of an unexpected change in plans.

However, that having been said, I totally agree that most guys could be way more sensitive in how they word their reviews, especially when describing such scenarios as the ones you mentioned. Clients all too often forget that providers have lives outside of their "job", and unfortunate circumstances often intervene to ruin the best laid (pardon the pun) plans. Having a "backup" provider in mind, if you will, is not only a good idea for clients, but often necessary. Some ladies are better than others in assisting their clients in locating another provider in those situations when they are unable, for whatever reason, to see them as scheduled. But though a lady may think she knows her customer well to recommend another provider she thinks he might like, she may not always suggest someone who that gentleman may be "in the mood for" on that particular occasion. I know that working ladies usually don't mind helping each other out, especially their close friends, and that can be a valuable thing for both providers and clients alike. But a recommended substitute may not always be what the guy expects or desires at that point in time. And there's no polite way to deal with it other than to put ego (on both sides) aside and be honest. However, broadcasting those decisions to the world may not always be the best thing either.

So in conclusion, it's my opinion that there's plenty of "blame" to go around here. If the review writers would try to be a little MORE understanding before posting about such last-minute hassles (and many other things as well) and the ladies a little LESS sensitive over being identified as a possible "second" or "backup" choice, we all might be able to move forward without so many hurt feelings.

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