Las Vegas

Yuki and Elegant Jade ...
zouhoumen 12 Reviews 6876 reads

Two independent asain providers in Vegas ... both are listed on Eros, and Elegant Jade is listed also on Vegas-Exotics ... no reviews as of yet. Anyone know anything about these beauties?

You are on your own, both of these ladies are unknows.  They could be the real deal, or rip offs.  So the question to ask yourself is do I want to take one or two for the team.  If not, might want to think about Asian Jackie, Tempting Tia and Rosy.  I know Jackie and have meet Tia in public (prettiest seat mate I've ever had at a Stones concert) and Rosy's rep is excellent.


As always your recommendations are right on!!! Have already taken your advice to heart ... but gut instinct or past experience tells me that it might be worth taking one for the team. Will let you know the results ... Thanks BigPoppa!

I am curious about both of these as well.  I await your review.

Big Poppa, how do we reach Tempting Tia?

Tia posted a few thread down so I would suspect you can inbox her.  Her web site is

(sorry for off topic)... BPP....  i seem to have misplaced your email addy...  if you still have mine send me one i need to ask you a Q.

I never called Yuki, but I did call Jade.  We had some nice, short conversations.  Her price is $500, which is way too high for someone who is not reviewed.  She's also enhanced, which wasn't what I was looking for.  FYI.

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