Las Vegas

Re:"When I started..."
CindySpice See my TER Reviews 4789 reads

Yes when I started I had a brief experience in one of the legal brothels . That wasn't the reason I had a better level of confident in my skills and marketing ability . I had confident because I wasn't an innocent 19 or 20 year old .
I have traveled and seen the world . I was already a confident  smart business women .. .......not a child .

Although I was known in the brothel world , I wasn't known in the internet independent world . It took time and patients to build my rep on the net . When I started I had  only one appointment a week. slowly I established myself as time went on .......not because I pushed it .

So don't think I had it easy . I worked very hard to be where I am today .

Maybe it is just me but that I feel there is  a certain etiquette that comes along with being a  true professional .
Like I won't email clients off the boards and review sites to offer them my services unless they emailed me first .
I don't call up clients asking them to see me , unless they asked me too .Most important I don't have a data base with clients names and phone numbers ................. if anything should ever go down ............Can we say  Heidi Fleiss ;-)

BTW I just booked 3 new clients who found me on advertising sites . They didn't even know there is such a thing as a review site ............ They were impressed by my site , they were impressed by the  phone conversation ..............guess it can pay off to be mature *wink wink* .

not saying reviews are not needed , mostly it is better for the clients so they can get an idea ....although lets not forget it isn't a bible and not everything you read is true , but it can be a start . I just think it shouldn't be pushed . But that is my opinion . No right or wrong here ................. just how I feel about things being a true professional .

about pretty maids..?? something isn`t setting right.. Where in the hell do these  reviews keep coming from>>.. Like.. its a >> AGENCY NEVER BEFORE  >>??  >> In VEGAS..????? Yea right  !!!!!! I`ve talked to Bruce ( and he seems alittle over the top.. on GETTING OUT THERE..) It takes time and hard work.>>.not using TER to get there in record time..( Lets all look up "review"   in the dictionary.. ! ) >>  and to tell you the truth.>>. WHO ELSE WOULD BE PROUD TO PUT THEIR NAME IN A REVIEW, if the guy had any brains at all>>??? REALLY..??? but   things seem to get alittle   weirder by the minute.. ?? first of all... why and where does he get these girls.. and why does he keep promoting HIMSELF.. rather the GIRLS>>?????>. almost like a COP.. UNDERCOVER..?? I`m not sure.. but the whole  thang , STINKS..?????>> oh that was a couple lines down..?????????????

I have used Pretty Maids on a few occations and the ladies have always come through as advertised . I was told by one of the girls Bruce advertises in some of the weekely papers . However I noticed that many of the reviewes are one time ers by the hobbyest and was also told that Bruce has put in reviewes for his ladies . I was also asked to put in a review by Bruce and each proviner I saw . A good marketing tool .

Personally I think asking someone to write a review is kinda tacky and pathetic . It's almost like asking for an extra tip .

Most guys know about the review sites . If they want to write a review they will, no need to ask . I think it is unprofessional to put someone on the spot by asking them to write a review ..........even worst to threaten them to do so .

I  can always tell if a review really came from the heart or if a review was written out of obligation ( or it was fake )

I see where you're coming from but I can understand the circumstances where it would be okay for a girl or her "agent" to ask me if I would write a review. Obviously it has to be done tactfully and without pressure or promises for future considerations etc, etc... But there are a lot of girls who need reviews if they're just starting out. I would think an agency (especially) in Vegas would need all the reviews it can get for it's girls.  Now if the girl in question is you or LJ or one of the regularly reviewed royalty of Vegas then yeh, it would be unnecessary to ask a veteran to review you. However if its a newbie you actually might want to suggest it. There are some girls across the country who want to look at a hobbyist's previous reviews and/or contact providers he has seen before they will meet him.  Also, Cindy if a year went by and for some reason all you met were shy guys who didn't like to write reviews and your long time regulars who don't bother writing reviews and all of a sudden you had no reviews for 12 months I could understand if you mentioned to a gentleman politely that you hadn't had a review in awhile.  Some guys will be skeptical if they're doing their research and there's this huge gap of unreviewed time. we might think you retired or something and not call.

Since you think webster's definition is the one definition you followed....

You yourself are not willing to use the Webster's definition then why tell others to use it....
Don't ask other to do something you yourself are not willing to do....
and you need to think more carefully before you post these one liner...

-- Modified on 10/15/2004 1:30:32 PM

what I do not call a "girl friend" I also do not call a whore.  Get it?  Need more help reading it?  Over your head?

What he calls an "Agent" can be an agent if the ladies set their own rates and the "agent" charges his agency fee on top of that to the client so the fee becomes all inclusive.  It's a win-win for everyone.  The girl gets business that she otherwise wouldn't because of the "agent's" long standing business plus the rate that she requires.

Same goes for most of the "security" and "drivers" and friends who travel with these ladies - no matter how vehemently they deny it, the girls who give part of their earnings to another person in this fashion are being pimped, often by women.  Some of these ladies choose this format even though they could be succesful on their own. But that's a whole nuther thread cowboy!

My original post wasn't intended to get into a semantics debate or to slam Pretty Maids. I was doing it  subtly by putting quotations around agent. As in  - we all know he's not an agent but my point of posting to this thread was to discuss the merits and negatives of asking for reviews.

There are several euphemisms for prostitute and they have been debated here a lot (remember the last time someone used the word hooker around (I think) HeatherBarron?? And what should we really be called?  But let's not be too naive. My guess is many of the ladies, whether indie now or not, whether they started on the street, in a brothel or at Miami Companions had some prodding at the beginning and my bet is the first person to help them in this business might have got something for it.  Or the guys who always bring up their favorite ladies when a newbie asks for reccommendations I bet those guys get their nuts licked a little bit better than the rest of us.  There's probably a lot of people we don't call "pimp" that have gotten something for free or discounted, or got a little cut of something they did not deserve.  Hell I watched a LV girl give a nice kickback to a gentleman who speed-dialed her for me - is he a pimp?

-- Modified on 10/15/2004 4:26:57 PM

If you want to read about it  – I explain my feelings a bit more in a thread above – facilitating an encounter is not the problem --- recruiting non-pro’s for profit is offensive to me.  On another note – I see we share a fondness for DC talent.  Robin I saw just recently and I hope to “discover” Elle.  I greatly appreciate your taste in the ladies.  Party On!

"My guess is many of the ladies, whether indie now or not, whether they started on the street, in a brothel or at Miami Companions had some prodding at the beginning and my bet is the first person to help them in this business might have got something for it."

Maybe many , but personally I NEVER had ( never will )  a manager , agent , pimp or boyfriend  help me out to start . I did it all on my own .
I didn't need anyone to show me the ropes I figured it out on my own . Exactly how and why ?? well you'll have to wait to read all about that in my book ;-)

"Or the guys who always bring up their favorite ladies when a newbie asks for reccommendations I bet those guys get their nuts licked a little bit better than the rest of us."

Can't speak for others but all my clients get the same treatment . Every client is important to me . If I am  recommended it is because the guy had a great time and  he is trying to help others ............not because I licked his balls better.

"There's probably a lot of people we don't call "pimp" that have gotten something for free"

If something is given for free,  it's no longer  prostitution or P&P  ;-)

"or discounted, or got a little cut of something they did not deserve.  Hell I watched a LV girl give a nice kickback to a gentleman who speed-dialed her for me - is he a pimp?"

Well depends who you ask ;-) But by law Pimping is someone (  man or women ) who derives income from the earnings of a prostitute .
Pandering is - The act or offense of recruiting a prostitute, finding a place of business for a prostitute, or soliciting customers for a prostitute.

No wonder Pimping and Pandering is a Felony , while prostitution is just a  misdemeanor.

OK someome here said already don't get Cindy started on P&P LOL LOL

Many guys have complained to me how they were asked to write reviews , but didn't feel like doing it but felt they had to because they were asked ............... I just feel it isn't right .

When I started I never asked anyone to write a review . The ones that wanted wrote . If I was asked- do you want me to write a review ?? I said sure that would be great .............but I was never the one who brought the subject up .

"Cindy if a year went by and for some reason all you met were shy guys who didn't like to write reviews and your long time regulars who don't bother writing reviews and all of a sudden you had no reviews for 12 months I could understand if you mentioned to a gentleman politely that you hadn't had a review in awhile.  Some guys will be skeptical if they're doing their research and there's this huge gap of unreviewed time. we might think you retired or something and not call. "

Well then they shouldn't be skeptical .
They should think - Well she has been around , enough great reviews have been written , she probably has many repeat clients they are not going to write reviews over and over , there is her  contact info the web site is still up ....................ahh why would they think I retired ????

No not many new reviews about me because
A ) I don't put people on the spot by asking them to write .
b) Many clients are repeat
c)  I have a fair share a new clients but they just are not into writing reviews ..........and I know they did enjoy our time for they have sent me lovely thank you emails and they  hired me again ;-)

So lesson learned here just because a provider doesn't have recent reviews doesn't mean she retired and doesn't mean something else . Now if you were trying to reach a provider and after so many emails and phone calls you haven't heard from her then you may assume she retired or something else .

I think that is the key phrase in your response and possibly explains your theory on this topic.  Of course you wouldn't ask for reviews!

When you started was a couple years ago (don't get mad it's not an age joke you know how much I want to meet you).  If I recall correctly from a previous discussion didn't you have brief experience at one of the legal establishments outside of Vegas proper before you went independent??? If so my guess is you had a better level of confidence in your skills and marketing abilitiy than the new girls today.  Aren't about 10 of the top indie girls former brothel employees?  We've also talked about how the internet has impacted this business tremendously. The extension of that discussion is that its a different business model (from a start-up perspective) for a new girl today than it was for you and LJ and the other famous ladies in Vegas who have ridden the wave and come out on top. Further, with the wretched reputation of agencies in Vegas it's got to be insanely difficult for Pretty Maids to compete. So how would he do it? If I was him I'd encourage my new girls to subtly inquire about reviews. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it but I'd sure encourage it.

Or if I (don't die laughing)suddenly became a beautiful girl and came to work in Vegas as an indie I would certainly ask my first few satisfied customers to write a review.  (Actually I'd probably seek out some of the more prolific gentlemen from this board and fuck their brains out for free if they reviewed me so I could get started.)  It's what many other new businesses do to get established.

There is a thread on this same page from a girl in Seattle who might visit. There are some telling responses in that thread. The local guys are pointing out that a huge portion of her business will come from travellers, not locals.  It's a good thing she's got great reviews because when informed travellers are researching Vegas and they see her ad, they'll call because she's well reviewed. If Bruce has a new girl and even if she's just as pretty as the Seattle provider and just as talented there's a good chance she won't get as many calls because not everyone is eager to "take one for the team."  In many places back east the big agencies get a new girl and THEY call their "known" clients who are willing to review  the girls.

So yes, it would be tacky for the top girls to cajole for reviews and yes it might be a mood breaker when a girl asks a client for a review but we should step back for a moment and consider how the new businesses get established and what we would do if we had to do it from scratch today.

-- Modified on 10/15/2004 4:09:37 PM

Yes when I started I had a brief experience in one of the legal brothels . That wasn't the reason I had a better level of confident in my skills and marketing ability . I had confident because I wasn't an innocent 19 or 20 year old .
I have traveled and seen the world . I was already a confident  smart business women .. .......not a child .

Although I was known in the brothel world , I wasn't known in the internet independent world . It took time and patients to build my rep on the net . When I started I had  only one appointment a week. slowly I established myself as time went on .......not because I pushed it .

So don't think I had it easy . I worked very hard to be where I am today .

Maybe it is just me but that I feel there is  a certain etiquette that comes along with being a  true professional .
Like I won't email clients off the boards and review sites to offer them my services unless they emailed me first .
I don't call up clients asking them to see me , unless they asked me too .Most important I don't have a data base with clients names and phone numbers ................. if anything should ever go down ............Can we say  Heidi Fleiss ;-)

BTW I just booked 3 new clients who found me on advertising sites . They didn't even know there is such a thing as a review site ............ They were impressed by my site , they were impressed by the  phone conversation ..............guess it can pay off to be mature *wink wink* .

not saying reviews are not needed , mostly it is better for the clients so they can get an idea ....although lets not forget it isn't a bible and not everything you read is true , but it can be a start . I just think it shouldn't be pushed . But that is my opinion . No right or wrong here ................. just how I feel about things being a true professional .

Isn`t it a GREAT country >> when we can argue about this TOPIC on public boards.. !!??? Lets look at the WHOLE picture.. !! doesn`t get much better than this!!..LOL..

As you said in your post that you think ask for a review is inappropriate and it is only your personal opion.   IMO, there is no right or wrong in asking for a review as long as there is no string attached....

In  most businesses there are needs for letters of reference, referrals, etc, which are essentially reviews.

Even when doing business with government agencies, often they will require that the party submitting a bid or proposal to submit letters of reference from several (usually a minimum of 3) satisfied clients in the particular field of endeavor.

There is nothing unethical or unprofessional in asking a client with whom you have a satisfactory relationship to submit a review.  It's good business.

First of all I wouldn't exactly consider pretty maids an agency .
Agencies don't have only 3-5 girls working for them . ;-)

But who really cares ??? If the reviews are fake sooner or later the truth will surface out .

Hi, I lurk here (I'm from Seattle, but I play in Las Vegas).

I also have a review of Anna at Pretty Maids. I stand by it. Bruce is an OK guy in my book. YMMV.

i visit las vegas about 8 or 9 times a year and have used pretty maids.  i have thanked bruce in  my reviews because i was very pleased with the service provided by his girls.  bruce is very selective and only hires the best girls because he cares about his rep and we as customers reap the benefits!

As long as this is not a rip off AGENCY and the ladies provide an excellent service, who cares if there are a few suspicious reviews....

-- Modified on 10/14/2004 12:45:04 PM

be so public about his pimping and pandering..??? I guess thats where it gets kind of wierd..?? Am I the only one feeling this.. LOL.. OK.. I`ll quit.. no biggie.. as.. long as no one is getting hurt.. and he is paying his taxes and holding up his side of the bargain.. yea.. WHO cares.. BUT.. I will not tolerate threatening phone calls.. the stupid goofy reviews is one thing.. but..   now his TRUE colors are showing.. harrasing phone calls.. not only by him.. but.. the GIRLS..??? since when does AN Agent GET THIS MUCH RESPECT..?????>> LOL>>!

There is always consequence, some mild some severe, when you made an unfounded accusation and innuendo...
and there is no one to blame but yourself....

-- Modified on 10/15/2004 2:03:42 PM

Lets all say.. this... PISS ON US ALL....OUCH.......LOL.

I don't write a lot of reviews and can't comment on anyone else's reviews, however, every review I have written is 100% accurate and follows TER guidelines.  

I've also heard rumors that some of the PM reviews are fake and even written by Bruce but I have no proof of that. Frankly, I do know of several fake reviews on other providers which I have reported to TER.  Some have been pulled and some have not for reasons that are not clear to me.  

I suspect most of the ladies have some fake or at least grossly embellished reviews.

It's absurd to suggest that Bruce is undercover LE, and I'm surprised to hear that from one of the most popular ladies in LV.  Many of the PM reviews are from trusted participants who frequent these boards.  If Bruce were active LE why haven't they had a problem?

-- Modified on 10/14/2004 7:13:17 AM

Well.. I DO hope its all on the up and up. But.. for those who have been around long enough to know about the investigation, on the OTHER board>> ( for about 2 yrs).. just never know.!!. I STILL think that its not ' NORMAL".. for a guy that has a small agency to promote himself so freely.. but.. then again.. who really cares.. !!!  LOL..   I  just thought I would throw it out there for comment.. good or bad..and in case you are wondering>>  he has a whole different cliental than I.. so.. Its not anything to do with to the GYM!!!!! >> let me tell you.. I`ve been in this biz about 20 yrs now.. and have pretty much seen it all.. so.. I guess from EXPERIENCE..    to put it bluntly..its " NOT NORMAL or VERY SMART "..!  Have a Great day!!

I can`t have an opinion..?? This is a discussion board.. and I`m alittle dumbfounded by the way a guy is promoting his bus.. thats all.. get over it.. and I`ll do the same.. !!LOL..

I never suggested you can't have an opinion.  You made a fairly serious accusation.  I responded with the facts as I know them, and suddenly you're acting like we're attacking you.  

I and the others are replyingto your origingal post.  If you're too sensitive to have someone disagree with you then don't make accustions about your competitors.

Your original post seems so out of character based on the numerous wonderful accolades you have received on this board.

I will always say what I think and feel.. nothing wrong with that.. OH.. and I`m far from SENSITIVE.... far.. !!!LOL....and lets see.. the 2 times I had an "AGENT". ( I know.. I stumbled.. LOL).. they ended up oweing me money and put me in harms way.. more than I would like to say.. !!.. Get a clue.. everyone.. I will say it again.. he is not the pimp of the yr.. by FAR!!..OH>> and for your imformation.. he isn`t involved with LE. its what I first thought.. hes ignorant..!!

SENSITIVE is not one of them.. Did you read the original post..???

Actually I would say you responded with "opinion" rather than facts. Facts are  imfo that is verifiable  and since yours isn'tthey must be "opinion".  You even starte "facts as I know them" .. Sounds like John Kerry to me

voyeuristic5585 reads

Although I have never saw one of Bruce's girls while they worked for him.  I did use them afterwards.  Nothing against PM, just timing I guess.  They were great, and were as advertised.  

I have noticed one thing soon as one of them is new, they are immediately reviewed by the same people.  This of course is suspicious, and could be self promoting, OR he has a good following of friends who know and trust him.  I never asked.  If it is self promoting, it would violate the "terms of use" though.  Just my $.02.

DrProzac4932 reads

Why do you care about any of this unless of course one of your regulars has a review up of a Pretty Maid. And even that kind of nonsense is beneath you.

Bruce has absolutely shown that he is not exactly the most honorable of men, but what man is that plays in the hobby. But, for all intents and purposes, the women of Pretty Maids have aways given service true to their word.

Shall everyone quit pissing about everyone elses business and start worrying about their own. LJ you have always been one of Las Vegas' Best, so why worry about a guy with 4 girls working for him? Unless they are taking business away from you, well, you have nothing to complain about. You seem to be as popular as ever.

-- Modified on 10/14/2004 9:13:56 AM

touchmethere5712 reads

I am a regular of Pretty Maids and have been accused of writing fake reviews along with a few others. I use Bruce exclusivley because I can count on him and his young ladies are wonderful. To just throw something like this out there is just a big joke! Bruce is LE? You are a provider who is just getting on in years. Your jealousy is very obvious.

DrProzac4606 reads

I am not a provider, and I just threw in my .02 the way I see it.

Yea.. I`m sweating the small shit now.. shit.. here I`,m talking about Bruces ego.. and yet.. I can`t get a handle on my own.. !!  L.J.

Believe me Dr Prozac, she need not worry about biz  being taken away from her. That I know, as she always as busy as she wants to be. Fake reviews etc are ever popular and done more often that you would think, are are worthless to anyone who reads them. They need to be earned.

LJ, this subject is not new, and there are signs to support your claims...BUT, how do you explain reviews of ladies like Veronica?  She left the maids a while back, and the reviews are as strong (and frequent) as while in Bruce's lair.

I've not seen any of the current or past maids (nor you), but I tend to believe them with the same skeptical look as others.  They are someone else's view of their personal experience.  My experience with a reviewed provider will be what it is, because I'm me, not the other reviewer.  What I look for is someone that has consistently strong reviews.  That gives me an indication that the lady will provide a good experience, so long as I hold up my end of the bargain.

I thought politics was supposed to be controversial, not dealing with beautiful women.  I would second like to say that the words of LJ Montana are totally untrue.  I have been a repeat client of Bruce's now for about 2 years.  I have seen many of his girls being as my favorites Cami and Veronica.  I have written 100% true reviews about his girls, and do not think there is a problem with him promoting himself in any way.  That is what makes us hobbyist and the providers feel safe.  Doesn't LJ understand this.  I have never heard of her before because i haven't looked there is no reason when you are with a spectacular service like prettymaids.  Trust me if i see LJ MONTANA'S name on the boards now i will defintely ignore it.  I feel that she is very old in the business, she knows it and she can see her business starting to die out.  Don't get mad at Bruce and make false comments.  Just find something that is right for you now to make money LJ maybe your time is up.

yea thank god.. I have a whole other life than just this.. I`m glad you think my time is up.. LOL.. Lets just say.. you are so ENLIGHTENING.. Biz is better than ever.. and I will never hold back my comments because of some insecurties on this board..  Everyone needs to look at the WHOLE picture here.. man.. and remember.. its a HOBBY... !!!..  LOL.. I`ll tell you what though.. when you start calling my number and THREATENNG.. me..  we have now taken this to a NEW PLATEAU

You seem to be agreeing with me, in bashing LJ.  Problem is, that's not what I did.  She is every bit as well reviewed as the PM's, and I believe those reviews to be at least as accurate as Bruce's ladies.  I'm simply pointing out that there is credibility to his service when someone like Veronica leaves and the good reviews of her continue.

and probably aren't aware, as, I'm sure Bruce isn't, just how many influential friends she has.

LJ is a Las Vegas Icon and I know for a fact that she is too busy to see half of the guys who contact her. I hear hobbyist say all the time that they have tried to set appointments with her but can never get in to see her. What good does it do to throw back ugly comments about someone you've never met, just because she brought up a topic you don't approve of? Lj's time up? Puhleez! This lady is at the top.

What is the discussion board for if not to bring up issue's, thoughts, and question things that look funny? You have to admit that the situation could easily be perceived as a little shady. The guys who have met Bruce spoke up and cleared the air, no harm done. Why is it necessary to slam one of Vegas' best? Cheap shots like yours are half the reason I don't post much on this board. I for one appreciate new topics being brought up and I like the fact that girls as well as guys are watching out for the well being of this board. In your words, dealing with beautiful women is not supposed to be contraversial, but anything dealing with the hobby is dangerous, and as such we should all be looking over our shoulders to keep safe. Yes, this is just my humble opinion.


Person to POST.. Thanks.. those are some kind words.. and YES.. I`ve been very, very, very, busy.. Life is ALL GOOD.. hope to meet you someday.. !!.

FSinIndy4071 reads

..brings such a tingly sensation to my soul.  Kudos, sweetie!  My thoughts exxxactly!


touchmethere4052 reads

Veronica, Jenni, Armani, Tasha are a few nemse that I've heard and there may be more.

FSinIndy3681 reads

I'm a bit oblivious as to how Bruce is self-promoting himself.  

I fully understand you're just throwing this out for discussion, I was "out to lunch" for a couple weeks relative to lurking here on the board; so did I miss something?


PRT3879 reads

Seems to be a lot of attitude going around,from an outsider

I can't believe what you're saying and maybe when you sober up maybe you won't belive it either. Bruce is a good man with a good business. I have called Pretty Maids but after reading this I will never call you. You should apologize to him.

Wantstoknow5161 reads

I have no knowledge of Bruce or Pretty Maids, however, when I visit LV in December I certainly hope to.  Almost two years past I contacted LJ Montana about setting up an appointment.  I exchanged e-mails with her approximately one month prior to my LV visit and everyone seemed great.

I decided to join her pay site to view more of her pictures in preperation to our meet.  I signed up and provided my CC for the membership, however, my singin and password never worked.  My CC was charged for the amount (don't remember the exact amout $20). I e-mailed her twice and left one message on her answering machine about the problem.  Never heard from her and made up my mind that if this is how she treats her potential clients, I did not want to see her during my visit.  I chose to spend my time with another beautiful lady and was glad.

To the point of the post.  Don't know either of the parties, but do know that LJ flaked on me.  It may be a pattern?

Seems that all that glitters isn't gold after all, is it?

Not only did my web guys never get anything right.. BUT.. the Banks are the bigger rip offs.. I sent back quite a bit of money.. sorry.. you didn`t get yours.. I KNOW I sent back a couple that I trusted and then found out later they had`nt even joined.?? LOL.> geez.. some people.. !!. SO.. there you go.. TOO bad I didn`t get that back to ya.. I like to stay on the up and up.. as for now.. I`ve had to up my minimun to 3 hrs.. as.. Its gotten Really busy!!.. sorry again!!.. But  I`m so glad that I don`t have those headaches and hassles any more with the pay sites..and would be more than happy to give you your 20 bucks back!!.. !!..

nightowl224703 reads

That's right lj , try to fix it, that dude called you out, and it got posted,ha unusually,oh yeh why dont you give him his 20 bucks back,great idea,ha

Geez.. they found more dirt on Kerry....!!!!

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