Las Vegas

Re:Question about Steevie
douglas1 7847 reads

don't know if they are implants, but they feel and look great.

zoomboy7141 reads

I'm coming to town pretty soon.  This woman seems to have everything I love in an SP.  I saw a post some time back that she has implants even though the profile says otherwise.  Generally they are a turn-off for me unless they are fairly natural to the touch.  Anyone here care to offer their personal experience?  Thanks, zoomboy

douglas17848 reads

don't know if they are implants, but they feel and look great.

They are really natural, and you could not go wrong with her. Everything said about her is true.

Unless you knew they were enhanced you would never know,they are great and look and feel completely natural and those nips are great also-----Enjoy she is a prize

They are fake, but are about as natural looking and feeling as I've encountered.  That aside, as the Godfather once said, she is a really wonderful of Vegas' best.


This is one of the finest providers and ladies I have met in my experience...she was my first and will remain as my dream......If you read the boards...Steevie...I still love you....dont' get back to Vegas enough...but I will see you will not go wrong...

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