Las Vegas

Looking for Provider for Sat. Night to see Zumanity
earldog04 11 Reviews 3091 reads

I have great seats for Zumanity at New York, New York at 7:30pm on Saturday.  I am looking for a provider for approximately 4 hours.  Show, Dinner and Dessert.  I am visiting this weekend from DC.  Hope to hear from you soon.

You should be aware that providers don't usually respond to your type of request posted on these formums. You need to contact them directly.

CYNIC3251 reads

Generally, I love Cirque du Soleil.  I've seen Mystere 8 times, and I think that show is one of the best I've ever seen.  Ka was extremely good also, as was O.  But Zumanity bored the shit out of me, to the point that I almost walked out.  If you want to see a truly sexy show, go see La Femme at the MGM.

-- Modified on 3/12/2005 8:40:03 PM

I saw Zumanity a year ago for Valentines.  It really set the mood for me and my friend.  I haven't seen La Femme, so I can't compare, but I would see it again!  Please see my website and contact me directly if you like what you see.


I re-read the message and have to assume you meant last night.

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