Las Vegas

Re:Here we go again...
sashole 12 Reviews 2880 reads

i agree with duit and touchmethere.  PM is the real deal.  very professional.  u cant go wrong with bruce and his ladies.  this is the only real agency in las vegas

I've used them 3 or 4 times and I think Bruce is an absolute stand up guy. I'm wondering if there are other agencies in Vegas that approach the calibre of Pretty Maids?
I find that the agency thing can be good because there is a selection and its also good if the prearranged meet with an indy falls through (which it does all too often) you can use the agency to back-up.

Would not use another agency in Vegas. None, other than Pretty Maids, I should be part owner as many times as Bruce has hooked me up. And, everything that is offered is delivered without a doubt. That's why I use him as opposed to any Agency in town. I'd really be surprised that there is good reviews on any other agency. Of course there are many, many lovely indies in the Valley for you pleasure as well.

firsTraveler2689 reads

Given what goes on, how do these companies stay out of the poky?

touchmethere3424 reads

Pretty Maids is first rate all the way. They are all I use in Vegas. Bruce has a collection of incrediable young talent. I think Alex, Anna, Cami and Gina have been with him for almost year. Why else would they stay if he wasn't cool to work for and they weren't taken very good care of? The others come and go (Victoria, April, Persia to name a few) but it seems whoever is there is great. He has a knack for attracting great young,new talent such as Austin. That's what I like about the guy. And he's very honest too.

looking around2632 reads

Does anyone have any info about what happened at the Palms the other day?  New reports state it was related to this industry.

All I heard about was someone getting into a fight and the getting shot to death.


Shit, I was hoping that was just another link to your site, so I could drool over the pics some more, and then it's Oh well.

While Pretty Maids has seemed to established a fairly positive image with some, they are at best the exception rather than the rule in Sin City. The general advisory, NO AGENCY IN LAS VEGAS IS TRUSTWORTHY, should be your mantra.

If a date with an indie (not "indy" - unless you're actually in Indianapolis) falls through, or you desire a "backup" option with a wide selection of ladies available on short (or no) notice, both the Chicken Ranch and Sheri's Ranch are a mere hour's drive away out in Pahrump (and as a bonus, they're totally legal). Yes, brothel prices are a little higher than the indies in town, and yes, you have to negotiate, but courtesan rates are usually no more than what agency ladies often have to charge - and you get guaranteed results with almost zero change of being ripped-off.

Speed Racer

P.S., I'm actually LIVE in "Indy", which is why I chastize people who use that term incorrectly. Please don't take it personally, but using it in place of "indie" screws up searches when people from (or visiting) here try to locate messages about our local escorts.

You are incorrect about that....PM is trustworthy. And will remain so unless proven otherwise. There are just too many good reviews to dispute it. My mantra will be "PM is trustworthy...period" If there is another good agency in Vegas, evidently noone knows of it. Too bad because there seems to be a huge market for it.

touchmethere2161 reads

When you're stood up by and Indie, the last thing you want to do is drive an hour to a brothel. PM delivers service on a dime for hobbyists who have been stood up unexpectedly my an Indie, that's part of their will documented reputation. If you're left holding you dick in your hand, call Bruce. That is the only call to make, pure and simple. This is not even a point that's up for argument anymore.

i agree with duit and touchmethere.  PM is the real deal.  very professional.  u cant go wrong with bruce and his ladies.  this is the only real agency in las vegas

Please reread my comments. I am NOT trying to put Pretty Maids down, I'm simply saying they are apparently the ONLY agency in Vegas even WORTHY of consideration. As for driving out to the brothels in Pahrump, they are an excellent OPTION when your're suddenly sans companionship through no fault of your own. Granted, that may not be the BEST option for everyone, but it certainly beats getting ripped off by a (non-PM) local agency (or even worse, settling for a streetwalker or vice decoy), especially for the many inexperienced & horny guys visiting town who've had their plans to see a local indie go awry at the eleventh hour.

Speed Racer

nightthunder2552 reads

You said "Yes, brothel prices are a little higher than the indies in town".  I'm very familiar with the brothels and your definition of "a little" is very different then mine.  You are lucky to  get much more then a very mechanical and clinical 30 minutes in the brothels for about $$$$$ (yes 5 dollar signs) and they'll start out asking 15 dollar signs.

An Indy by any other name is still an Indy 'cause on a Vegas discussion board we aren't talking about race cars or a city in Indianna - LOL! your opinion about brothel prices; however, I have had many great patries there for non-astronomical prices. You just have to negotiate - a skill which many guys either lack or find distasteful. These guys are usually beter off sticking with independents or agency ladies. And remember, I was just suggesting a "last-minute alternative" for those that had plans to see a Las Vegas (or Reno) escort fall through. In such cases, many might not mind paying higher prices as opposed not getting laid at all. Of course, YSMV (your situation may vary).

And yes, I know we're not talking about auto racing or my current city of residence. But every time a poster types in "indy" insted of "indie" when referring to independent escorts, they are causing a false hit for those searching the message boards for information regarding Indianapolis-based ladies (since Indy is a popular and legitimate abbreviation for our city and its surrounding suburbs). I certainly know this particular board is a LAS VEGAS forum, but bad habits here can and do spill over to other places. And some Indy indies hay occassionally visit and conduct business in Sin City, so you never know.

Therefore, because of this search keyword problem, I don't think it's too much to ask that people understand the difference in this particular case and try their best to use the correct abbreviations, even though the context of their post almost always reveals their original intent. I'm not asking for perfect spelling and/or grammer here, just an awareness of a significant problem created by this one particular instance of improper shorthand. Ideally, the difference between "Indy" and "indy" would be enough, but we all know that case-sensitivity is (more often than not, and among many other things) ignored by too many "Netizens" these days.

Finally, I realize you are gently ribbing me here, and I take your Indy/indie comment in that spirit. No hard feelings!

Speed Racer

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