Las Vegas

Regardless you are sure to have fun. 🤩
Dr901 10 Reviews 687 reads
1 / 8

I’ll be in Vegas next month and have tickets for a concert I’ve been wanting to see.  The person that was supposed to go with me can’t now, so I thought I’d just go anyway and book an extended date with a companion to take along.  Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I’m looking for recommendations on a lady in Vegas that is fun to hang out with.. like someone with some personality that’s not going to be staring at their phone all night. Obviously, I’d ultimately like the evening to culminate in the bedroom so that’s important too.  My preference is for someone relatively petite and in the 30-50 age range.  Thank you!

Hazelvip See my TER Reviews 28 reads
2 / 8

I am 49 and short  
I outgoing and fun
What's the concert?

Sending you a pm

Hugs Hazel Hayes 💖

AlwaysLaRue See my TER Reviews 35 reads
3 / 8

Def won't be looking at my phone. Let's go have an adventure together.  We can plan it together . I sound like what you could be looking for


QueenBia See my TER Reviews 33 reads
4 / 8

I have no problem driving to LV, or flying for anyone who deserves notable treatment. I love fun dates with good company! What concert?

-- Modified on 1/22/2024 6:40:11 AM

Lovely Lorena See my TER Reviews 29 reads
5 / 8

Please read my reviews. I definitely love concert dates. I just went to U2 with a longtime friend of mine!! He always takes me to a concert when in town  

I think I woukd definitely be categorized as petite. 5' 4"  114 lbs

If ypu want a great time. I'm definitely your woman!!

Dr901 10 Reviews 26 reads
6 / 8

Thanks for all the replies and DMs.. virtually all were ladies on my radar… well this will be a tough decision.  Anyways, the concert is U2..

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 27 reads
7 / 8

Music has always been my drug of choice. lol you have picked a phenomenal concert to attend. Know a couple of these ladies personally lets me know you will be in good hands no matter who you choose. Smile for me!

KatieFlowers See my TER Reviews 28 reads
8 / 8

Hi Dr901!! I am a huge U2 fan and I would absolutely love love love to join you for the concert and a fun memorable evening together!  

Check out my reviews and my social media!  

Instagram @KatieFlowersMod

Please send me an email  
[email protected]  

Ps. Let’s have some fun!! I also send you a message :)

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