Las Vegas

Re:enjoy it while you can dude, and save your money
BigPoppaPumplv 10470 reads

Well put Bill and BrownHound.  There are lots of reason why people are in the hobby.  For me I would rather see a lady in my age range, which to or young friend is middle aged.  Girls or ladies in there early 20's are closer to my kids age then mine, and for me that's creepy!!

nycsktre1213213 reads

Well first i dont want to be a "troll" that just registered to say something negative so ill say something about my self..

im 21 male from southern california.. i saw this website thru an advertising on another site.. i ended up on the message boards reading the reviews.. seeing some of the girls websites.. and I HONESTLY DONT GET IT..

400 dollars!! for a middle aged WOMEN to give you a BJ with a condom on? for an hour? you gotta be kidding mee.. and 2500 dollars for one night!! who the hell are these girls royalty??

Folks have you guys been to bars or other social scenes? there are girls just as pretty if not prettier WHO WOULD GO HOME with you for free!!! you wanan spend 400 dollars? do it by takin the girl out and showing her a good time.. i mean serously i was going thru the reviews and some of these girls? I HAVE A PRETTIER face and im a guy!!!! maybe its easier for me to say because iv never ahd trouble getting a girl but that CANNOT be the reason why some of you spend 1000 dollars.. and it cant be because its effortless as compared to picking up a girl at a social scenese.. HELL from what i read you guys go commando or 007 on these reviews.. callin the girls emials calling the reviers.. setting time setting dates then getting no shows.. BUT look ill admit if im wrong and maybe "i just dont get this hobby"

Of course you don't get it ! You are only 21 years old ! You have A LOT to learn about life !!

Later when I have more time I will come back to make another post to  explain you things so you will grow up and understand ;-)

Oh and by the way these guys are not paying $400 for a covered BJ from a middle aged women ...... it isn't about a BJ it is much more then that .......but of course you still have milk on your lips , so what do you know .

Later dude !

I'd be much more interested in hearing your opinions about valet parking, since I hear you have at least as many fine rides as Fletcher Jones.

cause when you get over 50 you're gonna have to pay the 20 year olds to play, lol

nycsktre1210722 reads

Brown in some ways your right... i suppose. i mean when  someone is in there 40s or 50's and theyv worked hard there life.. theyv been to collage , raised children and now are out having fun and dont want to deal with the "issues" with dating and the things that  go along with trying to find someone to bring zest in there life.. paying a 23 year old 400-1000 bucks for " companionship" could make sense. i guess.

BUT.. my main issue comes in when i read some of the people who started in this "hobby" when on there 16th birthday or 18th birthday.. surely your logic of "when ur 50" cant apply to them? We also live in a time and place where the girls have almost become the aggressors. iv noticed a trend that girls now days are much more open about initiating sex. And I don't mean the ones that get paid for it. As I said I probably just don't get it. maybe there's a rush when people look thru a "menu" and get to choose the height, hair color, eye color and look of the girl they get to sleep with. The excitement of meeting them. the risk of not getting caught. And of course who the hell am I to go up against the worlds oldest profession?

I am not sure where you read that guys have been in the hobby from the age of 16 . Maybe those are guys from many many years back .

Now a days a 16 year old could not hire a lady .

The ones that say they have been doing it from the age of 16 are guys from the older days .....where girls didn't just have sex because you are good looking . They were saving it for marriage if a guy wanted sex he had no choice ,he had to pay for it or do it on his own ;-)

The ones that chose to probably do it for their 18th birthday  ( or any other age ) is because they are maybe virgins . Imagine picking up a "freebie" girl who has experience and you have none.

Oops that can be a little embarrassing . So they chose to "hire a pro" get some experience and before they know it they are into this hobby !!  
Then they get their "freebie" but you know  what ???That "freebie"  may look hotter then the escort , she may be younger then an escort .......but damm does that escort sure know how to please a man !!! and why is that "freebie always drunk ??
I am going back to the hobby !!

So see kiddo many reasons to be in the hobby even if you are a HOT, Good looking , pretty face , pretty boy .......but you know what ?? beauty comes from WITHIN !!!

Your spice lesson for the day CindySpice

-- Modified on 11/24/2003 11:53:51 AM

I agree totally with BH,it's a sad fact that EVERYONE is getting older,whether they like it or not.If you're a good-looking 21 year old man,you're gonna have no trouble getting laid by ,say,18-25 year old girls.You become middle-aged or older,that isn't going to happen.A woman 30-35 may be middle-aged to a real young guy,but it's just right for me.Also,with a provider,there is the matter of convienence,and a lack of real emotional involvement.This is important if (A)you don't want to take days or weeks to get to know someone first,or, (B)you've been thru the emotional pain of breakups,a divorce,and would rather not get "involved". I think I would echo BH and say "Enjoy it while you can",since you're a real young guy,you may not need this service.     No offense,but your spelling and grammar need a lot of work.    ;-)

-- Modified on 11/23/2003 8:11:44 PM

BigPoppaPumplv10471 reads

Well put Bill and BrownHound.  There are lots of reason why people are in the hobby.  For me I would rather see a lady in my age range, which to or young friend is middle aged.  Girls or ladies in there early 20's are closer to my kids age then mine, and for me that's creepy!!

ryjay7900 reads

You being 21 goes without saying...and on one hand, it has nothing to do with money, and on the has everything to do with money!   Too bad Kobie Bryant wasn't old enough to understand this part!  Live a little, amass a little, and in 10-15 years you'll understand.
           ...just my opinion

Hate to break it to you, but I'm a 31 year old man who has been in the hobby for allmost two years, I consider myself goodlooking (been told very good looking) I haven't seen any local girls that post on here that can back me up on this, but you can take my word for it I'm not bad looking and not hurting for female attention. I never have problems getting laid and when I do date it's usually with very young girls around 20-28 year old range and don't have to pay for it. Hell, I'm around the music scene a lot and if you've ever been around it, you know there is no lack of hot young horny girls ready for action.

I do meet a lot of porn stars, but also a few locals that catch my eye. Your right, in many ways it;s more work doing this, I never seem to have a problem picking some girl up in the social setting, but with this you read the reviews, talk to other guys and even the lady before hand and have a good idea of what kind of service your getting and what to expect overall. Plus some of the providers are just plain incredible, Yes you may run into a few women here and there that are as sexy, pretty and just plain sexual as them, but look at the menu you have to choose from. Face it some of the middle aged providers are 10 times better looking than anything 25 years old walking into a night club or bar, LJ Montana for example, I think shes in her early to mid 40's, come on man look at her, how many 20 year olds have a body like that? same with Cindy Spice, I think shes in early 30's, have you seen her body?

Just to finish this before I go off on a extended rant, You can;t judge a book by it's cover, It doesn;t mean just because a guy is paying for it that it's the only way he's getting it.

Thats just my $.02


nycsktre1212990 reads

EXACTLY MY POINT!! in a way your making the point for me when i said " i dont get it"... as you put it your a 31 year old guy which by the way is pretty young.. and you as you say are in the music scene.. theres alot of hot girls as YOU also say who would have sex.. you also say your a good looking guy which i also dont doubt.. that begs the question.. WHY 400 dollars for a bj? i read  somebody giving a girl 2500 dollars and she never ended up staying the night? are you kidding me? thats a down payment for a car!! she better be able to do cart wheels on the ceiling or perdict the next lottery numbers.. because for 2500 dollars you can keep your menu.. (i dont mean you personally)when u said just because a man pays for it doesnt mean he cant get it for free.. well thats not always true..

My theory is REJECTION.. Not being rejected is worth 400 dollars to some poeple.. to get a girl to sleep with u in real life you would probebly have go thru several if not ALOT of rejections before u score.. while only  with a few hundred dollars you could score on the first try..

anyway cindy is sapposed to explaine it to me well see how that goes.. Im not trying to give anybody a hardtime.. if anybody is offended by what im saying... please let me know and ill stop..

Sorry it took me a bit but I was on an extended appointment where I got $2500 from a hot young 25 year old guy .

So why does he need to pay ??

Well first off he can AFFORD to pay such a price .
Yes he is single , so he could go to a bar and try to pick up some "freebie"  But he  is shy , even though he is very good looking .
and even if he did talk to a girl no one is to promise he will "score" for sure I am a FOR SURE thing .

Plus even if he did "score" and pick someone up to go back home with him , she doesn't know half of the stuff I know to do in the bedroom .
She will not take the time to pamper him from head to toe .

But darling you are a 21 year old KID , you don't understand the meaning of being pampered .....for you sex is probably suck , and fuck .
The  freebie that you took home that you met in the bar will not fulfill your every fantasy .

She will not put on her sexy lingerer , high heel shoes , stockings and garter belt  for you and seduce you slowly , while stripping off piece by piece ..............but you think,  what the hell do I need that for ???.........well like I said you are just a kid , you have not yet grown to understand the pleasures of sex .
Your just happy to "get laid" !!

Hiring a professional isn't just about "getting laid".

MEN have many reasons why they do this . and no it doesn't mean they are only fat, ugly and old .
and old doesn't mean gross ( think Michael Douglas , Harrison Ford )
Infact most of my clients look very good . They range from  the ages of 21- 65 .
Some are very famous people don't you think they could get any one they wanted ?? But this is less complicated . when it is over , it is OVER  !!  I don't call them the next day ....... they call me ;-)

Some just want "no strings attached " and don't tell me you haven't picked up girls that later was  a problem to get rid of .
and you had to hope to god you didn't bump  into again  at the bar/club

Some may be just Average Joe's , but they are the nicest sweatiest  gentlemen  I have ever met !!
I will take a man like that anyday over any model type who is cocky and arrogant because he thinks he is all that flash darling looks only go so far .

Now of course there are the married guys , who need discretion .....they can't just go to a bar to try to pick someone up they are MARRIED !!
Do you understand what that means ??
Famous people need discretion , they are famous !
and yes probably some don't want to deal with rejection so they hire someone , nothing wrong with that .
but it isn't exactly about dealing with rejection . A guy goes out to a bar to pick up someone for free for the night . He is VERY good looking .........still that does not guarantee the guy he will bring home someone that night .
When you hire a lady you know for sure what you are getting  ( of course that applies only if you did your research and for sure hired a reliable top escort )

Many times I spend an evening with a guy who is in town with 2 or 3 other friends . While we are having fun doing a FOR SURE thing his friends are out on the prowl ,looking for their freebie chicks hey they are great looking they don't need to pay  ........all 3 return later that night drunk and horny   HA and they laughed at their friend who hired an escort ......well now who has the last laugh  LOL LOL LOL

So you read about a guy who paid $2500 and didn't even get anything.......yes that can happen , that is called getting scammed . Just like in any business or any other type of transactions,  people get scammed everyday . It is part of life because there are people out there who are not honest people . But we learn from stuff like that , and get street smart for the next time .

It could even happen to you . You bring some freebie back to your place and it is just a one night stand . You know nothing about her , you don't know where she is from plan to never see this person again , you just wanted to get your rocks off for the night and you found a chick who was willing to go back to your place because you are such a HOT guy with a PRETTY face don't you just have so much to offer ;-)

Anyways back at your place well you don't really have much , nothing really expensive to steal , but hey whatever she can get she'll take ........... oh she  found $50 , yeah that doesn't sound like much but for you that was food money for the week .

Point is how do you know that someone you bring back to your place won't steal from you ??? You don't know , you just in nature trust that it won't happen . And if it did happen , will that stop you from bringing home girls ?? NO , but next time you will be more careful .
Just as the client who paid that $2500 trusted that girl , unfortunately he got ripped off . Ok next time he will be more careful . Maybe do more research , maybe only pay at the end .

Many who can get it for free pay simply for the reason of no complications , no strings attached !!
I don't call you .......... if you don't call me .

You still may be to young to understand stuff like this , maybe because it didn't happen to you............ YET .......but I assure you it will someday .
and a few years from now or 10 years from now you will look back and remember what I told you and you will say ......WOW Cindy was right ! How did she know all this . Well it is called going through life .Having life experiences .  Something I have already done . You haven't so it is hard for you to understand . Well it isn't your fault you are just a KID , you haven't had the chance for many life experiences . Maybe this is your first  ;-)

I am not offended about what you are saying ................... it is HOW you say it !
But maybe because you are still a kid , you just don't know how to express yourself .

Hope you have learned something today .

BTW  excuse my grammar and spelling for I have only been speaking English for 8 years ..........what is your reason  ?

FSinIndy10446 reads

.."English"??  I find French, Greek, Russian, etc. defined in the acronym list..but I can't seem to figure out what this "English" routine is all about!  My only guess is that it may have something to do with riding bareback.

:) :) :)

...your post that is, You know I love ya darlin', but that was a long post, lost me about half way into it, had to read it over again to take it all in. Some very good points, He said my post proved his point, I don;t know how, but we'll let him keep thinking that. I think I made mine well, I don;t need to pay to play, I choose to do so.

Your spelling and grammer are fine, look at me I've been in the country my entire life and I can't spell at all :)

The thing you said about not being able to get rid of someone who was pretty much a one night stand is very true also, having that trouble right now, with a very attractive 22 college student I might ad. So why hobby, Like you said, you come to my place and yeah theres some foreplay (hell maybe alot), but in the end I get my cookie, you get yours and then we say goodbye and each go do our thing, no strings, just a good time.

I'm sure not offended by what hes saying either and no else should be either, You can tell hes confused and come on hes on here so you know hes at least curious and he'll be in the hobby in no time, in fact he'll be calling or e-mailing you first, LOL.


BigPoppaPumplv8182 reads

Lots of good points in your post Cindy. I'll add as well that I have never had a straigh lady do the things to  me that any of the escorts I've seen have done.  Seeing Cindy is not just a bj, it oh so much more, and I can't wait to see her again and have her work her magic on me as she describe above, stating with the strip tease and ending with her and Jackie at the same time.  In fact it's just over two weeks away till Cindy will pamper me and treat me like a king

mph196511189 reads

Just on that post alone I think I will definately hook up with Cindy. I'm a 38 yr. old, very good looking guy who is married, and does not want the complications that an affair, or divorce might bring. When you get older, and have kids, and have to live with a person 24/7, you need an uncomplicated diversion.My .02. CINDY, if I E-mail you will you give me a return responce? LOL!! Have been having trouble with providers getting back to me over E-Mail. I'm going to check out your website.

Yes I answer my emails ......

Unless I am on a 24 hour appointment or longer ( then it may take me a few days )

Unless my computer is down .......but that is usually fixed in 48 hours .

Unless I never got your email , but you thought I did because you sent it ......well sometimes emails do get lost in space ;-) If you don't hear back from me in 48 hours , please resend .

I try my best to stay ON TOP of my emails LOL LOL

p.s.  "keep in touch" emails I can not always answer or I would have to be up 24/7 ( refer to my email policy on my site )

If you don't "get" the hobby, fine, then you don't get it. But your inference that somehow guys that are involved in this hobby are somehow losers, or less than manly men, doesn't take in to account the myriad of reasons why guys do this, and the thousands of different type of men who hobby.

Charlie Sheen, a sharp looking movie star, ran up tens of thousands in fees to escorts. In Charlie's particular case, he said, I don't pay them to stay, I pay them to leave ( : Do you get that?

I love the Charlie Sheen quote and it speaks for a lot of guys in this hobby. I understand the mindset of the guy who doesn't "get it..." there are tons of men in this "hobby" who, if they chose to hang in bars and clubs and "party" could get laid... but not everyone has the time or inclination to do that gig. I'm an older guy and admit to the fact that I love young women and would probably have a hard time getting them to bed in the club world. But more then that, I don't want the drama, the phone calls, the BS that accompanies the "real world" dating or bar/club scene. Kobe thought that shit was free but turns out to be probably the most expensive piece of pussy in history. You never know... unless you pay them to leave :)

P.S. Re: the numbers quoted in the original post ($400-2500) for a BJ... most well-reputed ladies in the biz provide excellent full service for $300-400 and hour.

I like the fact you brought up Charlie Sheen,in fact I was gonna mention him earlier.How old was he at the time,maybe 28 or 30? I read an interview,where they asked him why he hired providers,and he said it was more or less for the privacy and the convienience.He was young,handsome,succesful,etc.,would have no trouble getting sex in "real life",but he preferred just making a phone call,having a great time,then saying,"see you next time".

You came up with a VERY interesting theory,as far as I'm concerned,the rejection theory.Let's face it,if a guy is travelling thru town (ANY town)for just a few days,and wants some female companionship,he may not feel like hanging around a bar approaching women who have boyfriends,may simply not be interested,maybe they want to talk for a couple hours,then get up and leave!If you HAVE the money,why not pay it,and avoid all that uncertainty? It's worth it for me.By the way,I've noticed some people disparaging you because of your young age,I don't ,because I can understand where you're at.I think it's simply a case of you're curious about this,and if you're not in need of this service,then don't worry about it.But at least it's there.

-- Modified on 11/25/2003 12:55:43 AM

Hi Big Poppa,I'm really into this thread;it's extremely intresting,and debatable,as well.What I'd like to get is your opinion,and others reading this as well.You describe yourself as a young,attractive man.(I was too,maybe 15,20 years ago,LOL) I'm not doubting you.I've not been with hundreds,more like dozens of women,and I've found that the overwhelming majority are not interested in JUST having sex.They would rather spend time(maybe lots of time) getting to know a guy's personality and character,and perhaps having feelings for him before having sex.The ones I met that were willing to have sex right away seemed to have low self-esteem and were willing to have sex with anyone in order to be accepted.     with a provider,it's accepted,this is what I'm being paid for,this is what I'm willing to do.No self-respect issue,no 'using" everyone is happy with the issue. I'm interested in any opinions,feel free to email me,I'd appreciate your comments.

FSinIndy7786 reads

...why do people buy bottled water when you can get can get it out of your faucet for "free".  Fact is, most bottled water is from the same supply as your tap water, but there may be various enhancements that make it more appealing.  Then there is the proverbial "convenience" factor.  Of course, for some "hobbiests" may simply be an "aDICKtion"! :)

You've made a perfectly valid post here and there's no reason anyone should "flame you" for it.  Truth is, back when I was your age, no way would I have considered the services of a "provider".  Indeed it's not an inexpensive "hobby" at all, but, as stated in many responses already, it's a matter of choice.  

Perhaps, another analogy would be "why buy a caddilac, when a chevy will get you safely down the road"?  Well, for many people, those extra features are nice to have...IF you can afford them!!

Enjoy life... we're only here for a brief moment in time!

sexymegan10302 reads

I wanted to add something...I dont know if this makes sense to you..but its about more than that...I am sure there are some girls out there that the things I am going to say wont apply to..but..they are few and far between...when you are 21  yes you can find a girl to have a one night stand with..but if you start to do it with the same girl over and over again..she is bound to get feelings..and chances are she may even turn crazy..claim she is pregnant or want more from you then you want to give..if you are somewhat succesful and have a lot to lose.. you cant take chances... you cant afford for a girl to pull some stunt..or even call your cell when your wife is there..providers are professional..they know how to be discreet (the good ones know) they know if they call and you say" wrong # " that its not the wrong number..someone is there so you cant talk...they will give you exactly what you want..whether it be a blowjob ( mine are not covered) or greek... and you dont have to wine and dine them to get it..if you work a stressful day and you want to just lie there and have someone BBBJ till you feel better they will and you dont have to make small talk ..and when its over if you want they will get up and dont have to hangout if you dont allows you to be 100% selfish if thats the service you want..if you want more..GFE.. there are those like me that will also do that..I myself have seen a few professional athlete"s..and after seeing one..they send all their friends to you..why..because your give them what they want and strings..all those "groupies" are just waiting to find their ticket on the shoulders of told me.." they dont have to worry about a lawsuit..patternity or otherwise" and chances are I wont even remember his phone number thenext day  never mind bother him... others cant be seen with anyone.. so you can just sneek up to his room..or even get the room for him so noone see's him there..others ask if you can be seen with them because they like to be seen with different hot girls it boost's their ego..when you are older  and married and your wife is all stretched out from kids or even if she looks great and you want  to fufill your bigger than her sex drive and you both are tired after work and she " does'nt feel like it" you can find a girl who is exactly your type and have a little break from the stress of life for an hour and feel so great after ..then you wont need to have an affair which always..always ..has some kind of complication.whether it be someone finding out..or the girl wanting you to leave your wife..who you love and dont want to ever be without...if you are a head of a bank or a construction worker chances are it would not look good to get caught in a messy affair... some hobbyiest like to see many different girls just for change..others like to find one or two they really like and build a rapport so  they can feel more on a one night stand if you want greek..chances are she wont not on the first time..or if you like something kinda kinky..even like for a girl to keep thigh high's on or more cant ask a girl you just met " hey you think you could do this?" you will feel to weird..unless your drunk and then if you both are.. she may the next day say did not want to do..blah blah" and get you in trouble not with a provider.. I dont care how great you look..there is always a girl who you will want that wont want happens..not with this can even sleep with porno many joe blows can say they made one...mabye thats not your thing but for some it is..some of the people here answered you like you dont know anything..which is there right..but I am not too much older than you..but I know when I was 21 even 22 I thought i knew alot...I thought other people had no clue.. you cant see it now..but I gaurantee when you are 30 you will look back and say " wow I had no clue"..I say it to myself..and I see it in my younger is 23 and she knows everything :) the things I said are just some of the reasons people see providers..they are not everyone's opinion..just mine:)

Please,let's stop disparaging this man because of his age.I read all these posts because it's a very intresting topic,very debatable,but it's starting to look like an "older" person shaking his or her finger at someone saying "When I was YOUR age,young man...."He came here with a genuine curiousity about hobbying,and it seems like some people are telling him he doesn't know anything because he's ONLY 21!So he's not 30,40,or 50,he has every right to his opinion.

plythg428613 reads

Save your money, splurge and see Cindy, let her show you what it is all about.  These girls are not your everyday dating girls , they know their business, they are good at it  and the really good ones stick around for more than a year or two, so pick wisely my young and curious friend.

Dreamer4212034 reads

First of all, let me say that you make some valid points and apparently from some of the  responses you have gotten from certain providers, have touched a "nerve" with some. But don't let that bother you. You are correct when you say that "$400" is a lot of money to receive a CBJ from a middle aged woman. I totally agree. That is why I would NEVER pay $400 to receive a CBJ from a middle aged woman or a young woman for that matter.Many here use the services of a provider for different reasons. Myself, I am probably more "clinical" and "service-oriented" than most. By that I mean I am looking for a specific service, in my case a BBBJTC or a facial finish. That is what I like. That is what I am "into." And that is what I am willing to pay for. I could care less about DFK, DATY, etc etc etc. Some guys chose providers who offer Greek. Some with 19-20 year old providers who remind them of the neighbor's daughter or whatever other fantasy they may have. To each his own. Now , you may ask "Couldn't you get that same type of service from a 'non-working' girl? Yes and no. If I just wanted to "get laid" , sure that is no problem. But I will take what I like (stated above) over covered intercourse any day. Plus I am 45 and most women I date (have dated); it takes a few dates before initmacy occurs and then there are "expectations." Are we a couple now? Dating? Etc Etc Etc. And then in most cases there are kids (hers) to consider as well as an ex-husband (not always the most friendly guy around). In addition some of these non-working gals have no clue as to how to give a BJ and as far as to completion or a facial finish? My would think I asked them to perform root canal on themselves. So YEs I do date and CAN have regular sex when I want but if I am looking for that something "special" I will seek out a provider who will accomodate me.
As far as paying $400, $500, or whatever; most hobbyists  here have probably accumulated enough assets where this is not an issue. Myself, I was fortunate to sell out of the market before it tanked. When I was your age, $400 was a small fortune. Today; it's not such a big deal.

Your perspective makes sense . You want a special service that you can't get at home  and your willing to pay for it .

That is why guys hire me ...... they get things they could never get at home .
Now maybe what I offer isn't personally what YOU look for , but many out there who do look for what I offer .........if it wasn't like that I would be long ago "out of business"

The reason I responded the way I did wasn't because any nerve was hit . He doesn't get it , it isn't about paying $400 for a CBJ.  but that is what he seems to get from reading some posts and reviews .

My answer may be a bit sarcastic because I find when you put things in a sarcastic way people seem to get it more .;-)
Also it makes the post much more fun to read , makes you chuckle and it isn't just a boring answer .

He also didn't get what B-pop was trying to say . Maybe he will get what  I trying to say .

He asked a question , he got plenty of reasons why .Everyone here brought up very valid points and reasons .( I especially love the car analogy )  If he still doesn't "get it" well maybe a few years from now he will ;-)

Off now to add some spice to someone's life ;-)

nycsktre129779 reads

Okay everybody made great points so ill try to respond to each.. instead of posting 10 different posts.. Also at the buttom ill make a comment..

-------- cindy quote - BTW  excuse my grammar and spelling for I have only been speaking English for 8 years ..........what is your reason? -------

LOL ACTAULLY cindy  that is pretty much my reason i was born in europe moved to the states.. hehe.. also i would never critize you on ur grammer.. its looks fine to me.. but then again im the last person to ask.. haha

------ quote "MEN have many reasons why they do this . and no it doesn't mean they are only fat, ugly and old"-----

Im sorry if i came off as saying that only THOSE type of men get escorts. infact the point i was trying to make was was the opposite that  even if ur older and not great looking that in this day and age u could still get a "freebie" instead of a 300 bj.. But now of course im understanding more and moer why someone would get an escor as apposed to a freebie...

Also your point about the guy who came with 3 freinds makes alot of sense.. mostly because that HAPPEND to me.. me and bunch of buddies went to vegas.. the one with the escort got laid and the rest of us got nothing ALSO  I LOST about 330 dollars not to a hot escort but to a middle aged man from afghanistan named akbar at the roulloute table.. (side note he was super nice guy lol) but no i wont be seeing him agian..

Moving on to sexymegan quote -----whether it be a blowjob ( mine are not covered) or greek--

i guess your right.. for example.. lets say i meet a girl at the bar and im really looking for sex.. and shes cute but im just NOT ONLY  interested in just sex but also a facial or greek THAT NIGHT.. 90 percent of the time on the first try she wont be willing party to those things.. ( iv never tried greek so i wouldnt know  but i do know about the facial) I guess if you really are looking for something specific and kinky an escort would be the way to go..

Dreamer42 your post and cindy diffenetly helped me understand ALOT more.. Now although im still a bit skeptical since iv never done it i understand ALOT more then i did when i first posted.. dreamer hands of you to you and cindy..

MFSD i never made the comment that thats the only reason why men get escorts.. im sorry if you took my original post that way. INFACT i also kinda of regrette the middle aged women comment..i said it in bad taste.. . ps i also agree with the charlee sheen quote..

plythg42 quote ---Save your money, splurge and see Cindy, let her show you what it is all about--
    Well im coming to vegas in december.. HAHA.. LOL after my first post id be scared to death to hire an escort in vegas.. there screening process probebly now includes.. " have you now or ever posted on a message board under the name NYCSKTRE, if you have then not only u dont get sex but ill have to kill you" LOL just kidding..

Anyway first i just wanted to say thanks to everybody who responded.. i know alot more then i did when i first posted about this hobby.. For example.. Iv always wanted to have sex with a girl in a nurse uniform =).. its kindy corny but it really turns me on.. most likely ill never find somebody in real life at the bar who would go home and do that with me.  for that experience i might have to pay for it.. and who better then a girl who knows what shes doing.. soo.. any girls here own any nurse uniforms? haha just kidding.. anyway thanks agian to everyone and wish everybody luck.. BUT one quesiton iv been meaning to ask.. Cindy or whoever else that responds.. what about if you see a client and you sleep with him and afterwards you realize you really have feelings for the guy.. has that ever happend?

See  you also have a reason for not so perfect grammar or spelling  ;-).......Sorry if it came across as I was criticizing , I didn't mean it like that ....... I just wanted to be sure that maybe you were not a teenager in high school .

Your post here proves you are not ! ;-)

See you could have taken your money and gotten screwed with your pants off instead of  getting screwed with your pants on !! LOL LOL . But very cute story .

I am glad to see you have learned something . That is what these boards are all about , to ask , share and learn .

Not to worry no one wants to kill you and if you do ever hire a lady , just be a gentleman and you will have the time of your life ........... of course be sure to hire only one of the top Vegas ladies .

A nurse outfit can always be arranged  *wink wink*

About your other question ....... are you writing a paper for Collage ?? I had a collage guy email me asking me such questions saying he needed it for a collage project .
Yeah I guess now us "internet ladies"  can be a collage term project ........what has this world come too !! LOL LOL

But to answer your question . Yes that can happen , we are human too we have feelings .  But you don't have sex with someone and bamm your in love ...........maybe lust  ;-)
love takes a bit until you get to know each other . If the guy is single it may go somewhere . If he is married then probably not . I know quite a few escorts who fell in love with a client and the client had the same feelings and they are now together .

It's just like in any job you can meet someone and fall in love with them ......just here we get a bit of a head start because we already know how the sex will be ;-)  

xoxo CindySpice

Consider that some (married) guys just want a BJ (covered or otherwise) because they get a crappy one from their SO, or believe just getting a BJ isn't cheating (do we have Bill to thank for that?).  Most of these independents are charging for their time, not their services, so while you may have a buffet of choices in front of you, you may only choose the appetizers for your own personal preference.  It may seem like an extravagance compared to what you paid but it might be extremely satifying.

As for having feelings... while I'm on the wrong side of the fence, I doubt it happens beyond enjoying a good time (girl's gotta like her work at least some of the time).  Considering the amount of money some of these providers make, I doubt someone that's not well off will be able to convince them to leave the business (unless they're partial to the idea of them continuing to work in this hobby).  Outside of that, you'd need some kind of attraction (fame most likely) to be able to fall hard for a guy.  Not to say that it can't happen, just an extremely remote possibility.  Think of it like the chances of finding a girl at the bar that wears the nurse's outfit the first time you have sex with her (without paying for her time or you prompting her) except a lot less likely.

Have fun,

Yes, Sometimes the ladies fall for a client and also the other way around. I will be 100% honest, I have relationships with at three providers away from the hobby (Yes, that means I see them for free)as Cindy Said it's more lust than love, now don;t get me wrong I care for them deeply and who knows it may take a turn down the road that my feelings grow stronger (which they already kind of have for one woman), but that is a risk you run by becoming friends with such incredible women, you then become very good friends, there is a crazy dynamic to it, since you start out as lovers (sort of) and then down the road become friends.

Hell, I haven't even met Cindy and I'm falling for her just from her posts and talking to her via e-mail, If for some reason we ever did get to meet, I would more than likely be following her around like a little lost puppy dog.

Ok, So you and Cindy are not from US, that why your grammer and spelling might not be all that great, I've lived here all my life so whats my excuse, LOL.


BigPoppaPumplv10691 reads

If you are looking for the nurse fantasy check out Sierra's site and the new pictures she put up.  Some very hot ones of her in a nurses outfit! :)

FSinIndy9983 reads

Brilliant strategy, DUDE!! Only wish I'd have thought of it!! Author a post on here questioning the merits of sex with a "provider", getting some adrenelin flowing..then announcing that you're going to be in Vegas and you'd like to be proven just how satisfying "sex with a provider in a nurse's outfit" might be?   ^5's Pal!!!

nycsktre129169 reads

LOL.. Fsinindy your giving me wayy to much credit.. the nurse outfit was kind of a joke.(although the porn movies with girls in nurse uniforms.. HUBBA HUBBA lol). the vegas thing i do everytime around this year.. and as far as a provider goes.. bro IV NEVER EVEN been to a strip club, let alone see a provider. To much of a guilty conciounce. HAHA.. my mamma raised me that way.. a guilty conciounce i mean lol.. which reminds me i gotta head to my parents for thanksgiving..


joey buttafucco7857 reads

...the man always pays for it, no matter which way you look at it - to get some of the good thing! Whether it's a long term relationship with kids, wife , and family or with a girlfriend. The guy always pays - both with his hard earned money, blood sweat and tears, and some times it takes a piece of his heart when things don't work out. And some times, the guy still pay for it for the rest of their lives -- even if they aren't getting any of the good thing -- when they go through a messy divorce or separation. No matter which way you go the guy pays for it in the long run. Only exceptions --- if he's a gigalo (spelling) then he gets paid (rich woman, young or old man situation aka Cher syndrome). Other exception is one nite stand -- but then you don't know what you're getting. Maybe a thief or STD or maybe a bad case of "coyote"  love (man she was so ugly in the next morning i had to bite off my arm to free myself so as not to wake up and high tail it out of there) So in nutshell, life = hobby.

This has been an amazing thread in the fact that it's so long, and some of the responses have been a little overanalytical. Let's just cut to the chase:

1) You're a 21yo male, too immature to understand the dynamics of human relationships. I don't mean that in a bad way, but it is what it is. You're waay too young to get it, yet.

2) You may feel totally different about this when you're older. For a young, single, fairly attractive guy it's easy, particularly in this day and age to get laid regularly if you have just a minimum of play to you. But, the operative words here, are young, single and attractive. Most of us are neither young nor single, or so good looking anymore for that matter.

3) The CHJ/BBBJ issue has been discussed too many times a search on national to put yourself to sleep. I personally think at these prices performance is a must and BBBJ is de rigeur, but others disagree and have other viewpoints.

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