Las Vegas

Re:But you did put it in the GD board.
Chic13 2247 reads
1 / 8

I could probably put this in the general disc board too but since I had two episodes in Vegas, I'll start here. What is up with the breaking of appointments, no shows, and very late arrivals of providers?? Just b/c the ultimate experience can be pleasurable doesn't mean you get to treat your clients with disregard for the time, preperations, and financial arrangments for the dates. This has happened my last three times!! One no showed no called until 5 days later. "I was out of town" she said. I really don't give a crap 5 days later! Another couldn't find the hotel in the very town she is from even though I gave explicite instructions. Another had me waiting up late and then canceled with a "sorry, I can't make it." Then she wanted to know if I would try her another time! Sorry but there's three crossed off my list. I am a consultant and clients would fire me if they paid good money and I treated them like this. Hobbiest ought to pay head and follow some type of standards and maybe some providers will take their appointment times seriously instead of going where the better money is.

LAchineseguy 18 Reviews 1320 reads
2 / 8
Smarty1101 61 Reviews 1425 reads
3 / 8

I have a different reply here as opposed to the GD board. Although I agree with LAcg, that we would need names here to know who these people are. No show cannot get reviews, since they never showed up, so this is the place.

Having said that there will always be a credibilty gap, what with posting with an alias. It is hard to respond to aliases on issues such as this.

Again, think of the money you saved, and move on to the next hottie. Do good homework on the selections and maybe luck will change. Good luck. ;)

Andrea Abruzzi 2673 reads
4 / 8

Yes, please post the names.  I'm coming out in early Dec. and I have my list made of who to see.  I would like to make sure that the names on my list do not include any of the names from your unfortunate situation.

EddieJo 28 Reviews 2601 reads
5 / 8

Believe me, I do my homework on TER. I won't call someone with less than 5 review and they should contain nothing about undependability. Maybe that's not enough.

quzi 84 Reviews 1976 reads
6 / 8

yes, those 2 providers no showed you.  It happened.  And this being Vegas, you probably didn't lose any money to them because most providers do not accept deposits (when other options like brothels, agencies, bar girls exist).

The other interesting thought I had was that very few providers in Vegas are prompt.  Most tend to run late, and in some cases, very late.  In your line of work, being on time is probably part of the job requirement.  For whatever reason (maybe taking a little extra time to make sure their makeup/hair/outfit looks good), tardiness seems to be common.  The few that have the reliability (in both time and performance) are treasured.

As a consultant, I would give the following advice and calm down and wait before writing from the heat of the moment.  Failure to heed this explicit instruction will make you look more like a fool than a polished (and expensive) professional.


EddieJo 28 Reviews 1696 reads
7 / 8

Actually only the two in Vegas are heat of the moment. Others are spread out over the year. So my comments are well thought out. I guess just the Vegas experience was "the straw". But now that I know the Vegas climate, I won't put too much stock in it's providers. Thanks for the advice.

dannyboy99 7 Reviews 1701 reads
8 / 8

I've had this experience in Vegas myself on multiple occasions, and did complain about it on the GD board a few months ago.  I really think there should be some way to put up a review for "no shows."  In the meantime, though I do still get to Vegas, I'll do my hobbying elsewhere.  It's not worth the hassle.

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