Las Vegas

Re: In one sense...
TD77 985 reads

What you just said should be sent to Websters or Wikipedia for an update to the definition of 'pimp.'  Thank you for that bit of information, which explains a lot to anyone who has dealt with this group.  I also second what another poster said, please, please Stay Safe.

I never thought about the trafficking aspect but it may be real in regards to the group everyone is talking about..  My only concern was that I travel across the country from NYC and should be able to rely on a provider for 600-700 per hour.  Hell, I pay my account 350 to do all my taxes and it takes him more than one hour.  (Now I know getting some tang is worth more than my account but you see the point).  I just don't want to be cancelled on at the last minute.  I had one cancel on me a few years ago that I booked 6 months in advance and followed up with every two weeks.  I told this woman where I was staying and the night of the encounter she says I don't go there because I know people that work there.  I was staying at an upscale place right next to the place with the musical fountains and had a terrace.  When I kept saying I booked with you six months ago and followed up every two weeks she was dumbfounded. She then  after first telling me she could not come to see me because of the hotel I was staying at said she was on her period so she could not see me.   This is total MADNESS.  I asked her how long her period last and if it last for more than a week because that is how long I was staying in vegas, that she may bleed to death.. This past one cancelled the day I was coming out and said she would be out of town but when my buddy emailed her for an appt she said sure.   I had my buddy call her on this in a private email and she said I post ever y Tuesday whether I am in town or not.  NOW WHAT KIND OF SENSE DOES THAT MAKE?  Let me post that I am available even though I am out of town.  Any way she never denied the accusation that she is part of this group with a pimp but just said I answer my own emails.  I saw her years ago and she was a fine young lady now this crap.  I come to vegas at least once per year for some fun and hobbying.  I don't need this crap.  To all the responsible ladies, I know it is not your fault but when you get this crap it makes me not want to travel across the country for this BS.  I hope things work out and some more indys come to vegas and not this junk.  I am really thinking of Brazil for next year.  Anyone with me????????????

...are often men! Watch out lol ;-)

But I hear what you are saying... im hearing similar stories from clients that they book ahead and the same nonsensical runabout from girls who want their friends to join, then change provider yo a 3rd or 4th girl all together because (insert lame excuse here ) and for the grand finale NCNS.

Just remember if it seems to good to be true it probably is ..and there are plenty of lovely indy girls here in LV ..and at lower rates too.

It would be good if TER had a section for reports of NCNS / bait n switch or other shenanigans ...but if they are removing topics related to this group it's a sign things will continue as is. I think any provider who is professional wouldn't mind this section being added... Because professional providers DO call if something comes up ..and if shes not playing silly games then there's nothing to be afraid of.
It would only benefit reliable providers ..i say bring it on

...go down and enjoy some spectacular Brazilian hobbying. We could bring along Kitty to help us avoid the beautiful TS girls and Lorena to help us translate our different tongues! ;)

I am seriously considering going down for the games.

GaGambler677 reads

and while he is there, he should go "up the hill"

For those of you that don't know Rio, Gringos that go up the hill in Rio, rarely if ever make the trip back down the hill, usually it's the last that is ever heard from them.

Come on tough guy, lets see just how brave you are.

HA, I am not a gringo asshole.  If you don't like my posts leave it alone but don't start your crap with me like your other posts.  Just go somewhere and die.

GaGambler824 reads

I'll buy a ouija board in case you try to reach me.

and if you want to make accusations on a public board, you need to expect some push back when your post is full of shit. If you don't like it, don't post lies.

Why would I do that, to prove to some asshole some nonsense.  My post is 100% accurate.  You are a little child.  I don't have time for little children like you so this is my last post, if you have anything else to say then PM me.

Under my old name, Tera Moore, I was part of this "group". I got out as soon as I figured them out. Not that any of the girls are in physical danger, but the "group" has no interest in the safety of the girls, i.e. gave ok's to people I said I was not ok seeing again, etc. Also the main reason to avoid this group is because they financially screw these girls over! And just to put it out there. If a provider quickly offers another providers name when they can't meet with you instead of trying to reschedule first. More than likely you are not taking to that girl at all.

I hope that it is your last post regarding the "group".  In another sense, I hope you will continue to post your negative experiences with the "group."

It is my sincere belief that women are being enslaved and abused by the "leader" of this "group."

I would encourage hobbyists to avoid any provider associated with this "group" and would be willing to assist LE to shut this pimp down.

justaguy234561154 reads

Take a look at "jerob26700" reviews, he has the most of them lined up.
(att!!! I do not want to hurt anybody's business.  
Probably NOT ALL of them still with "the group", some maybe went independent)
I might be wrong.

I assure you that none of the girls in that group are in any physical danger. That being said, they are financially screwing these girls over. For the first 6 months, they have the girl work almost everyday 3 or 4 times a day if not more and keep 100% of the money. They give you a couple hundred every few days but they make a killing! And worst of all when the 6 months is done they start pushing the work to the other new girls which is why the girls in the group that have been there over 6 months, or should I say the "bookers", "suggest" one of their new friends instead of rescheduling. Unless you are convincing one of these girls to really go independent, avoid this group like the plague! And I'm not saying having a assistant is not being a independent provider but these guys are not assistants. Assistants don't think they get to tell you what you have to do!

Posted By: Uptonogood11
I hope that it is your last post regarding the "group".  In another sense, I hope you will continue to post your negative experiences with the "group."  
 It is my sincere belief that women are being enslaved and abused by the "leader" of this "group."  
 I would encourage hobbyists to avoid any provider associated with this "group" and would be willing to assist LE to shut this pimp down.

...with these guys? It appears that a few of them have remained affiliated for much more than 6 months. If they favor the benefits of working with an agency, why not work with an agency that treats their ladies fairly like 100Proof or BluSecrets?

The hobby isn't exactly out in the open to the public. It's not that these other girls choose to stay with the group and not saying that they are forced to stay with the group but that they don't know there is other options. None of these girls have any access to their accounts on here or any of their pages for that matter. So if you wanna leave the group you leave with nothing and while your in the group if you don't do what your told they will "sent your ass home".

justaguy23456973 reads

I wonder if they recrute them in a strip clubs, am I right?
By the way, I think p411 neeeded to be informed  
to keep community safe. They holding tops advertising spots there too.


Posted By: taylormae702
The hobby isn't exactly out in the open to the public. It's not that these other girls choose to stay with the group and not saying that they are forced to stay with the group but that they don't know there is other options. None of these girls have any access to their accounts on here or any of their pages for that matter. So if you wanna leave the group you leave with nothing and while your in the group if you don't do what your told they will "sent your ass home".
-- Modified on 4/12/2015 11:50:15 AM

wait.a.minute834 reads

It seems pretty obvious the women start in the strip club and are recruited from there.
You can tell by the pictures that are used when they first start advertising here.
The selfie pictures in the strip club locker room and then a week or two they have the super glam pictures.
And from what the lady is mentioning these people keep all of their money and then toss them a few hundred every few days.That is NOT an agency that is a PIMP.Huge difference.
all of the guys who think they were corresponding with these women you weren't.ha no surprise there
They were doing this before with the first group tying up all of the top p411 spots.Now back and attempting to do it again.When you have a long waiting list to advertise and you have providers who are not independent on it very frustrating to the ones who have to wait.
Your right gina should be told about this because in essence it is an asst/booker acct and not independent as they keep trying to convince people of

justaguy23456896 reads

They been doing that for several years. It is very sad, but they will continue anyway...
Anybody have an idea how to stop it?

P.S I hope they do not know where you live... Stay safe.

Oh I am safe, Love! I have taken precautions and since they are not that smart, I know his real name and made sure that if I run into trouble they will be caught up real quick. :) Pls do not ask for the name. I will not be giving it out. I use it only as a safety precaution. I trust karma has much worse in store for them I am sure.  

Posted By: justaguy23456
They been doing that for several years. It is very sad, but they will continue anyway...  
 Anybody have an idea how to stop it?  
 P.S I hope they do not know where you live... Stay safe.

crallo860 reads

maybe the incentive is not getting beaten up

Posted By: Drumsticks
...with these guys? It appears that a few of them have remained affiliated for much more than 6 months. If they favor the benefits of working with an agency, why not work with an agency that treats their ladies fairly like 100Proof or BluSecrets?

TD77986 reads

What you just said should be sent to Websters or Wikipedia for an update to the definition of 'pimp.'  Thank you for that bit of information, which explains a lot to anyone who has dealt with this group.  I also second what another poster said, please, please Stay Safe.

zipperal869 reads

Taylor & Arden thank you both!  I was so close to providing them with my work info, so glad I didn't!  In a biz that can be very competitive, Arden that is a very generous offer to help any girl that will ask for it!


I was contacted by "the group" after they saw these posts. He sent a picture of me from my old incall. So just so you all know don't go to any of the incalls from the girls in the group. If you do make sure you smile for the cameras. :)

TD77976 reads

Why does this not surprise me in the least bit?

Could not agree more.  Not to take your line but...

Wow. Just wow.  How does one even process that revelation?  

Sorry for any grief you may encounter now or in the future. You've been put through enough already.

and my attorneys would rip the group leader a new asshole after the one torn apart in jail.
Been through it and it's no skin off my teeth. In this country we have protection against blackmail and extortion and if the wife knows then all he has is his torn apart asshole and "The law reserves the harshest punishments for the heads of prostitution rings"
Come on bring it

crallo1044 reads

the new one should replace the old...that's a mystery but really enlightening

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