Las Vegas

Re: Consumers write reviews
VivaVelvet See my TER Reviews 441 reads

Posted By: borabora
See Amazon. Consumers post reviews of products they purchased. See Angie's list and hundreds of other review sites where consumers post reviews of various service provides like plumbers. Even doctors are not exempted from reviews. Manufacturers and service providers are not forbidding consumers from posting reviews in today's world. Call girls who request some Johns not to post review and allow others they trust are likely doctoring their ratings; aren' they?
I amend my statement to include that if she is purposely doctoring her ratings by picking and choosing her reviewers, that is not cool. However if she specifically requests that a client not review her, and there are no other reviews to be found, and he still insists on reviewing her, then he is the one who is not cool.

So I have come across a lady that I want to see, who says she doesn't want any reviews posted.

she seems legit from her pics, website and ads on other sites. great TCB

First time I have heard this, but I am sure that some of you guys who have been at this longer than me have gotten it already and I don't know if any of you ladies here have that rule.

I am not sue what to make of it, but my thoughts are that reviews in this business are what makes your business successful

I am a reviewer, not on this site but others.  

I like to write them and read them, so naturally I want to write a review, but torn between respecting the lady's wish and having the right to write about a service I have paid for.


either it could be mind blowing or a horrible experience.  
you decide

respect her wishes; but understand that this site is called "The Erotic Review" for a reason. Hobbyist want information to help them make a decision and the majority of the ladies want honest reviews that show the best of what they offer; so the reviews are part of the entire process.

I am with you I wonder why she didn't want any reviews? And how did he find her? If she didn't have any reviews!!!

Why don't you just consider seeing another lady who welcomes being reviewed? Surely this lady in particular must have her reasons for her no-review policy and I would think anyone who wants to see her should respect that. That is how she chooses to do business. Though I personally allow reviews, I would be angered if someone did so when I asked them not to, and then proclaimed it was their "right" because they paid me. By my estimation, you are paying her for the service that she provides, not the opportunity to talk about it later on the internet.

I agree with what you said, except for this part:

Posted By: PandoraDagostino
By my estimation, you are paying her for the service that she provides, not the opportunity to talk about it later on the internet.
We pay for a service she provides like any other service out there.

Now we are all entitled to our opinions about the service we received and we are within our right to share our opinion in a community\forum where that opinion is sought and appreciated (i.e. TER and other review sites)

so I don't think any provider really can deny us our right to share our opinions, once it is done in the appropriate manner.

Same way a dentist or a home repair technician can't really say you paid them to fix your teeth or home A/C and not the opportunity to tell others about your level of satisfaction

Just my thoughts

See Amazon. Consumers post reviews of products they purchased. See Angie's list and hundreds of other review sites where consumers post reviews of various service provides like plumbers. Even doctors are not exempted from reviews. Manufacturers and service providers are not forbidding consumers from posting reviews in today's world. Call girls who request some Johns not to post review and allow others they trust are likely doctoring their ratings; aren' they?

Posted By: borabora
See Amazon. Consumers post reviews of products they purchased. See Angie's list and hundreds of other review sites where consumers post reviews of various service provides like plumbers. Even doctors are not exempted from reviews. Manufacturers and service providers are not forbidding consumers from posting reviews in today's world. Call girls who request some Johns not to post review and allow others they trust are likely doctoring their ratings; aren' they?
I amend my statement to include that if she is purposely doctoring her ratings by picking and choosing her reviewers, that is not cool. However if she specifically requests that a client not review her, and there are no other reviews to be found, and he still insists on reviewing her, then he is the one who is not cool.

...instead of springing it on him at the appointment and after he's paid the entry fee. Otherwise, had he known that beforehand, he very likely would have chosen someone else who does accept reviews.

Fair enough as long as the call girl in question has no other posted reviews.  

Posted By: PandoraDagostino
Posted By: borabora
See Amazon. Consumers post reviews of products they purchased. See Angie's list and hundreds of other review sites where consumers post reviews of various service provides like plumbers. Even doctors are not exempted from reviews. Manufacturers and service providers are not forbidding consumers from posting reviews in today's world. Call girls who request some Johns not to post review and allow others they trust are likely doctoring their ratings; aren' they?
 I amend my statement to include that if she is purposely doctoring her ratings by picking and choosing her reviewers, that is not cool. However if she specifically requests that a client not review her, and there are no other reviews to be found, and he still insists on reviewing her, then he is the one who is not cool.

Posted By: borabora
See Amazon. Consumers post reviews of products they purchased. See Angie's list and hundreds of other review sites where consumers post reviews of various service provides like plumbers. Even doctors are not exempted from reviews. Manufacturers and service providers are not forbidding consumers from posting reviews in today's world. Call girls who request some Johns not to post review and allow others they trust are likely doctoring their ratings; aren' they?
my thoughts exactly, except I think she request ALL clients to not write reviews, since none are to be found anywhere.

I don't review all the girls I have seen, but I want the opportunity to be able to do so if I feel like it. I almost feel it is my right to be able to do so, since that is part of the business

Speaking for myself, I would honour a girl's request not to post a review if she has no already posted reviews.

Thanks to her for sharing her thoughts

would like some more of ladies opinions

Thanks guys who shared

I'm only expressing my opinion based on what information I have.

I believe we all should be respectful of one another regardless.  If the lady has clearly stated on her website or prior to your meeting her that she has a no review policy then you should respect her request...... but.... and there are a lot of buts to it.

If her pictures are a fair representation and she provides a service as promised or advertised it should most definitely be respected.

If she is not fairly representing herself and not providing a service as promised then she hasn't respected her part of the meeting.  This could take forever to explain but examples of not providing services as promised could be bait and switching or her TER or other advertising site profiles say she offers services in which she then tells you when you meet are things she doesn't do.  I believe that since she doesn't have reviews (only assuming) that she should make sure her information is on point because there are no reviews to help create clarity (although reviews don't always guarantee that either).

It most definitely in my opinion wouldn't be fair for her to tell you this once you have met or if she does have other reviews that seem to just be helping her rating.

Doesn't sound like we know the reason as to why she doesn't want to be reviewed but she may have a very valid reason in requesting you not to.  I wouldn't waste my time trying to figure that part out or to argue it or justify why you have the right to still do it, just respect and either accept it or move on kindly.

If you are interested in her and want to take the dive then you should respect her wishes so long as she does the same.  If you don't like the idea of it and feel that you may want to write a review regardless then there's no drought in options out there and you should find someone more suitable.

I wanted to keep this respectful and if you choose to see her I wish you the best and hope it works out!  She could be amazing!

Stay Safe!

to those that shared, thank you for your opinions

From your responses I gather that if she specifically requests no reviews upfront before the appointment and there are no other reviews out there, then I should respect that.

I don't like, since it is my opinion that I do in fact have the right to review a service I have paid for, however given that this service is different to a regular civilian service like cutting my hair, cleaning my teeth at the dentist or dining in a fine restaurant, there are some grey areas about the hobby and I have included this as one of them.

I won't be seeing her, since I want the option to write a review if I feel like it and not be considered disrespectful for doing so.

I know you have chosen to not see her.
 But in the future if this comes up again with a provider. Consider some ladies
 could be under the radar.  
 Over the years I have know many ladies that maybe with family situation or they have another job and just do this on the side, want to stay as private as they can.
 Very little publicity as possible.
 But if you did choose to see her in the future and she is great then don't write a review.
 But if she is isn't good at all, and that's why she didn't want you to write a review. Then  I would write it anyway that way other gentleman will know the truth.
  Hope that helps

Posted By: January

Consider some ladies could be under the radar.  

   Hope that helps  

it does help, thanks for sharing, it isn't too late as this may be useful to someone else as well.

I like and respect UTR girls, some are hidden gems. i fully understand discretion in that scenario.

but this particular lady isn't UTR, she has an ad on a prominent website

and i share your thoughts exactly on this bit:

Posted By: January

But if she is isn't good at all, and that's why she didn't want you to write a review. Then  I would write it anyway that way other gentleman will know the truth.  

Posted By: shawn1912
So I have come across a lady that I want to see, who says she doesn't want any reviews posted.  
 she seems legit from her pics, website and ads on other sites. great TCB  
 First time I have heard this, but I am sure that some of you guys who have been at this longer than me have gotten it already and I don't know if any of you ladies here have that rule.  
 I am not sue what to make of it, but my thoughts are that reviews in this business are what makes your business successful  
 I am a reviewer, not on this site but others.  
 I like to write them and read them, so naturally I want to write a review, but torn between respecting the lady's wish and having the right to write about a service I have paid for.  

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