Las Vegas

PLEASE Hobbiests Please give me your opinion Greatly Needed PLEASE!!!!!!!
Jenniof Vegas See my TER Reviews 10098 reads

I have recently had a gentleman review me.
I was a little curious why the ratings that he
gave me where remarkably lower than any of my
other reviews. Upon reading the juicy details I discovered that he raved about how wonderful all of the services he received were. I noticed the one thing that he found to be and I quote "ridiculous" was my rate of $$$$$, after he clearly stated that I stayed 40 minutes past the hour.I am not sure if
anybody else would see it like this but according to my
mathematical calculations one hour and forty minutes at the rate of $$$$$ would actually be equivilant to approximately
Hobbiests, I would welcome your knowlege and insight on
this matter. Do you think that a provider is obligated
to stay past the hour or that a hobbiest should take it
into consideration that the reason my rate is $$$$$
is because of the extra time and attention that he recieve.
any and all comments are welcomed and appriciated

                          Hugs and Kisses

Don't let it bother you Jenni. Most of the guys are not used to Vegas rates. He is just having buyers remorse. IF he didn't like the rate, why did he hire you? Last time I looked, you don't hide what your rate scale.

Chaulk him up as an idiot and enjoy your coming holiday. Do yourself a favor and use his money to buy something really nice for someone you love. Best revenge you can get!

Hi Jenni,

Well $500 does seem a little high for local at first glance, but from what I have heard about your services and what you just said about staying 40 minutes over, he should not have had a problem paying that, even more so since I'm sure he knew what he would be paying before hand.

I want to see one Vegas provider badly, but she has some rules that don;t mesh well with mine, So as much as I am dying to see her, I think it's best for me and her that we not met at this time, but if I did see her, I wouldn;t say anything bad about something I knew about before hand, yeah I might not be thrilled about it, but I wouldn;t make it seem like I didn't know it was going to happen. That's just a stupid thing to say after you have agreed to pay that, if he thought it was so ridiculous, maybe he should have went bargin shopping somewhere else.

No a provider is not obligated to stay beyond the hour, but I will be honest, I expect her to most times, but thats more because out of all the ladies I have met only one seemed to be watching a clock, of the others I have had some stay 15-30 minutes over, a hour, three hours and a couple spend the night or ask me to, but I of course never wouldnt want them to feel obligated to do so, or try to make them feel that way.

If your putting that into your rate, then your rate is not $500 for a hour, but more like $500 for a hour and a half or whatever. You should not factor the extra time into your rate, it is just that extra time.


Jenni , don't worry so much about the scores ...... it doesn't really matter .  sometimes also what is written in the details doesn't matter  . Not even worth worrying about .

No your fees are not high . For what you offer , you should be asking for more !!  ;-) If you stay over the hour for sure it is fair what you are charging .

An hour is an hour you don't HAVE to stay over time ....just as you don't stay under time ......hmm wonder what the guys would say if someone left 5 minutes early but yet they expect a girl to stay 20 minutes over ....... I don't think so !!

He hired you knowing your fees . Then he has no reason to complain . If he thought that was too high ......well he shouldn't have hired you in the first place .

So why did he say that in the review ?? Some of these guys go figure maybe they are "on" something . Like this one moran gives this one girl a rating of nine in looks .

Then in the review he writes - "She looked exactly like her pictures and she is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous"

Then the review goes on and he says - "I was very excited with the thought that I soon would be making love to this beautiful woman ... until she took her clothes off. She had quite a bit of excess weight on her that is not really visible in her pictures. She is not morbidly obese by any stretch ... just quite a bit bigger than her pictures suggest. Her pussy was not well kept either ... I do not know how else to describe it -- it was shaved and all ... just not a beautiful pussy that you want to bury yourself between and stay there for a few hours at a time."

Then he still says - "Would I return -- maybe -- not sure. She is incredibly attractive, oral skills ursurpassed, but her body was a turn-off. I wouldn't not recommend her, but I do not know if I'd go back.

THEN he ends it with - "She is one of the most beautiful ladies I've ever had the pleasure of being with however."

Now is this normal ?? DUDE make up your mind is she a 9 or not ??
I am sure any guy with a bit of a brain will figure out , ok this reviewer has issues .....and they won't even pay attention to his review .

You just can't please them all . Just keep being you , and for the ones that don't like it .......well their loss someone else's gain  ;-)
Keep smiling girl , xoxo CindySpice

fortitude9742 reads

First of all, anyone who didn't dismiss that one review, in your case, as an anomaly and actually read it would clearly see that his only complaint was the price. And your math is correct!

Second, if they look at that reviewer's history, they'll see that he has many providers that were given lower grades, meaning the reviewer HIMSELF may simply be a curmudgeon or a low grader.

If you just keep going on as your incredible self, nothing in the review will in any way hurt you.  

Enjoy the holiday, and take MichaelsCA's advice about buying yourself a nice Xmas gift with the $$$$$.  Or get some sleek accessory for the Duc!

Happy holidays.


-- Modified on 12/6/2003 10:41:08 AM

sexymegan10705 reads

Dont let it get to you..I dont know what your rate is..but..I am sure you decided on an amount you felt was comparable with the services you provide..I stopped reading the" juicy details" a long time ago for myself..I cant bear to hear some of the things they say..even  though they are meant as compliments..I only look at the #'s...I am about to go up a little in my prices and I am sure there will be alot of flack about it..but I have for you staying an extra 40 minutes..I always stay an extra 15-20..and  the client you saw should feel he got great services and extra cant ever please just do what you feel is the right thing to do...and obviously you did....

man_in@mac10315 reads

I would ignore this "one in a million".
What is it they say, "you can please some of the people all of the time but but you cannot please all of the people all of the time"
As someone who has followed your "career" thus far I would suggest you are coming closer to the second half of that than almost anyone else.
I would just ignore the reviewer who is an obvious scrooge when it comes to donations.

As someone who has tried to hook up with you on the phone for the last month or so I know how difficult it is and how busy you must be but I do not hold the fact that I am unable to talk to you against you in any way it is just one of those things, I wish you well.

Looking forward to being in Vegas tomorrow


man_in@mac9119 reads

see no only can I not reach you by phone but your mailbox is full so I cannot email you either,, ho hum...


Hi Jenni,

While I understand that you want all the reviews to be great, to me that is not a realistic expectation, regardless of your performance.
As Sonny Corleone said to Michael after his jaw was broken by the corrupt police capitan, you are taking this much to personally.
Overall, his review was actually pretty good. He just didn't give you great ratings. Most of what he wrote was fantastic.
He just wasn't thrilled with the price and didn't take into consideration the extra time you spent with him.
I don't think it's a big deal. Just remember that even if the guy is happy and do well for him, that doesn't mean that he will follow through with the review that you deserve.
Most are great and that is what counts.
Since you appear to be very busy, you are doing something right and that is what counts.

In my case, I requested an appointment and was told that the particular day and time I wanted was not available. I replied, and requested an alternate day and time, waited a week, received no reply back, and scheduled with someone else.

Some ladies are very popular(rightly so in Jenni's case), but starting the process to schedule, and then not following up, was very disappointing to me. I understand "shit" happens, but during that week while I waited for a reply, other reviews went up on Jenni, and she was posting on this board........not a flame, just the way it went down, and I would still love to see her......MfSD>>>>

-- Modified on 12/6/2003 5:25:19 PM

There have been several ladies with whom I have had trouble communicating.  You want to see them, but your self respect as a man prevents you from just trying and trying and trying yet again.

Now I just figure that if the communication is easy then the appointment will happen and that's cool.  But if there is any difficulty in it at all then I'll pass and try again some other time.  Then maybe next time, after some time has gone by, maybe if I try with the girl then it will be easy.

Hi Jenni,

Let me guess,...this guy looked like Tom Cruise, fucked you like Rocco Siffredi, and was a charming, kind gentleman start to finish right?...probably sent you a "thank you" e-mail too, huh?!!  NOT!!!!  Classic women hater all the way baby.

With your stellar track record, his review is insignificant.  

Keep being the hottest, playful, and professional girl you are.  

By the way, I'll be in Vegas for a week beginning Monday.  Let's hook up for the 4th time, and I'll once again show you the appreciation all men should show you.

You're amazing,


SeekingGFE10761 reads

I think that numerical ratings tend to be overinflated especially when posted by first timers/newbies.  Ratings by experienced hobbiests carry more weight in my opinion but everything is relative.  If someone is consistently a low rater, then what you consider a low score may actually be high in the mind of the tough grader.  This is kind of like grade inflation.  Is an A at a community college equivalent to an A at Harvard?  The client may be a tough grader but the details support the quality of the session.

The proof is in the details and is more likely to be valid when the narrative is similar in multiple other reviews.  Also, there is a lot of "bs" which needs to be weeded out to find the truth.  YMMV is another huge factor.

This is a free market and you can set your rate wherever you want.  Obviously enough people appreciate you enough to make the donation so you must be doing something right!  What I don't like are the providers that charge top dollar, deliver service that is less than expected from their inflated ratings, arrive 10 minutes late and leave early.

In your case, your reputation is well established not only in reviews but also on this board as one of the top providers in LV.  As long as the review details and board discussion continue to describe a great service, you have no reason to be concerned.

Review the Reviewer as well as the Reviewee.

Rule 3a is to read the review carefully. Many reviews are fake or outright neopandering. Unfortunately, when playing that game, the writers are way ahead of Staff's readers. If one sees many 10s from a number of first time reviewers, one of two things are likely operative:

1) The review is a plant.

2) The review may or may not be a plant, but the focus is to generate conversation about to the provider so as to artificially create an inefficient market for her in the future. I can think of several examples of those in Los Angeles who play this game.

If the reviewer has one or two reviews (and upon further investigation, turns out to have relatively infrequent logins or is new altogether), I'd be suspect of the whole deal.

The reviewee's "body of work" is more important, but I've not been afraid to take one for the team when need be. I feel my experience with the hobby and the ladies helps me discern the real from the faux better than most.

Now, as for Ms. Jenni, I wouldn't sweat it. You can't win them all, as while I enjoy the emotional and physical complexity a woman has to offer, by the same token that same complexity means you're not going to make eveeyone happy. I'm not crazy about the $500 tariff either, but I wouldn't tell you how to run your business or disparage you if that's what the traffic is bearing. Vegas IS a tourist-driven market after all.

While I agree with all here who feel that an hour is an hour, or two hours are two hours (whatever is agreed to and paid for), the smarter providers know that those few extra minutes can add greatly to the man's fantasy and makes him feel that he WAS somehow "special". Certainly helpful for repeat business. The gal that cuts and runs right at the appointed hour is sending a totally different message IMHO and a message, that in some instances, she just may want to send depending on the guy.

The question wasn't if we WANT too . It is about do we HAVE too ;-)
I say no you don't have too .....but if you want too,  that is a different story .

Just as I don't expect an extra tip above my fee , I don't think a client should expect extra time .( On another board I read about clients who just expect it )

Of course if a client chooses to tip extra that is always nice it is always nice when a lady may stay over her time . Making someone feel extra special works both ways ;-)

On this note , I am not a clock watcher , but I also don't stay 4 hours if a 2 hours is booked . A girl shouldn't feel she has to stay 2 hours when one hour is booked , I just don't think that is fair .

You guys want to feel special that is fine , but don't try to take our kindness for weakness .

Always having fun , xoxo CindySpice

I don't remember raising the issue of WANT to or HAVE to in my post nor do I believe that Jenni raised these in hers. You are correct here, of course, as it is your choice to decide if you want to go over on a scheduled session or not. I merely stated that by electing to do so, you enhance the fantasy and increase the probability for repeat business IMHO. Kinda got the impression from your post that you might feel that this is somehow one-sided or something and that this is bad. The fantasy is part of what you are providing here and what he is paying for is it not? A GF experience. The experience IS HIS.  I did not suggest in my original post that anyone HAS to stay the extra time, I simply made a business observation. Do with it what you will......

nightthunder10439 reads

While you didn't necessarily raise the issue or WANT or HAVE you did say "the smarter providers know that those few extra minutes can add greatly to the man's fantasy" . . .  and then "The gal that cuts and runs right at the appointed hour is sending a totally different message."  

You seem to think that staying over time makes him feel special and go on to say its part of what they are providing and be paid for (i.e. - making him feel special).  Therfore they need to stay over to make him feel special?  

Can you stop for a moment and put all of this together? In essence it reads . . . if she doesen't stay over then apparently she isn't very bright, is sending the wrong message, and after all its his fantasy and thats what he is paying for.  What he is paying for is an hour of her time, not an hour and 5 minutes or an hour and 15 minutes.

No I'm not advocating any provider set or use a stopwatch or continually watch the clock.  But if a provider doesn't stay over time no one should get the wrong message, think the provider isn't "smarter", or be slighted in any way., in my opinion, he has no reason to complain. By booking you he agreed to that rate. And given that you stayed overtime, he really has nor reason to complain.

I don't put much stock in the numbers given in the reviews, however. There's a lot of "rating inflation" that goes on at TER, people giving 9s and 10s when the guidelines call for less. More important, I think, is the impression given in the text.

Don't let it bug you Jenni. :)


Just another reason to get rid of the number rating system. If a prospective customer only looks at your profile and dosen't check the review in depth. He might get the idea that the reviewer had a negative experience and not just sticker shock.

Secondly if the reviewer thinks that the pricing is out of line, maybe he should take a trip to the CR or Sheri's. Then he might realize the great bargain the lovely indies of Vegas really are.

Dante--DevilMayCry8861 reads

Besides, he was being unfair to you on the review score for the extra 40 minutes you gave him.

....  the idiot.  You're a true giver, and gave him much more than he deserved, or even contracted for.
As we can see, you have tremendous support on this board, both from those who know you, and those who don't.  When we first met, I mentioned the one thing that guys really want, above all else, is honesty--someone who will not try and scam them, and deliver what is implied.  I believe that's what helps set you and other top-notch providers (like Nikki, LJ, Jackie, Arianna, Angel and Roxy) apart from the rest.  Of course, your enthusiasm and passion go a long way, too.  Have a GREAT Holiday Season, and try and not let comments by a jerk like that bother you.

First off the numbers posted are all arbitrary; beauty (and performance for that matter) is in the eye of the beholder.  His description seemed to indicate he had a good time too.  As far as your rates go, I was fortunate enough to visit you when they were $ lower but the next time I am in Vegas I'll gladly pay the new rate + tip and still know I'm getting a bargain.

All businesses are supply and demand, and there IS just one of you after all.  You're so well-loved by your fans as it is that it sounds like it's now tougher to get ahold of you, so it makes perfect sense that you'd command a premium.


and for various reasons, not always relating to time or service options rendered.  

And guys all have different reasons for seeing ladies.  If 50 guys like you at 500 and one or two guys don't like you at that rate should you lower your rate so the lone 2 are happy?  I don't think so.  But if one or two guys liked you at 500 and 50 didn't?  You might start to think about rates.

But in the final anaylis, you don't have to explain or justify your rates to anyone but yourself.  As long as you are doing what you want to do and are happy with the amount of business you get at the rate you are charging, then I don't see any reason to second guess yourself.

Macka8769 reads

As far as price goes most providers in Canada only charge around $200-$250 Canadian per hour.  That works out to around $150-$175 US.

With respect to why he would give you such low marks, again it's because he's Canadian.  I lived near the border for several years and my personal opinion of many (not all) Canadians is that they are a little odd.

Don't worry about it.


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