Las Vegas

OK, you're stupid and irresponsible
Blofinger 12 Reviews 1886 reads
1 / 13

Call me stupid and irresponsible, but I still like the excitement of gazing at the girl in the casino, or having her smile flirtatiously, and trying to get her up to my room before the hotel security escort her out and warn me that they just saved me from being ripped off!

I've always had good experiences, some girls I'd never see again, some have been fantastic.  What do you guys think?

parthree 60 Reviews 820 reads
2 / 13

You asked.  Why take the chance when Las Vegas is a cornucopia of quality escorts?  You could possibly arrange for one of them to "pick you up" in the Casino if that is your fantasy.  I don't know if that can be done or not.  Personally, I have no  desire to get trick-rolled or arrested or worse

p_today See my TER Reviews 590 reads
3 / 13

I can't speak for everyne, but before internet I too was a casino girl. and in other cities I still do that occasionally. There is something cool about it, i agree. the problem lies when you risk going to jail which has become all too likely these days. here's a thought, why don't you try a roll play situation? that way you're safe and not taking a risk but yo still get your way....just a thought....

oh and contrary to popular belief, not all casino girls are thieves. nor are they all payng pimps. just because she is in a casion doesn't make her a thief or a snake. I am willing to bet more than half the women on ter were casino girls at some point....
Posted By: Blofinger
Call me stupid and irresponsible, but I still like the excitement of gazing at the girl in the casino, or having her smile flirtatiously, and trying to get her up to my room before the hotel security escort her out and warn me that they just saved me from being ripped off!  
 I've always had good experiences, some girls I'd never see again, some have been fantastic.  What do you guys think?

underdog98 11 Reviews 563 reads
4 / 13

It sounds like you feed off the danger aspect which I don't personally understand but can't fault you for it. Different people get thrills different ways I suppose.

LasVegan 648 reads
5 / 13

reception you received from other posters to your input.  But, hopefully you know your approach is the riskiest and puts you in the highest risk category for being the subject of LE.

You may also notice that some providers are very protective of their business and will figuratively try to bite your head off if you even imply anything that would even remotely encroach on her territory.  Maybe that is a good thing as who would want to make an appointment with that sort anyway?

Happy hobbying, but I would reevaluate my approach if I were you.  TER is clearly the safest/best option in Las Vegas.

Kitty_Rains See my TER Reviews 671 reads
6 / 13

If you get busted soliciting (either party) you can simply elect to take an HIV awareness class, pay the $500 fine and have nothing on your record. (First time offenders only)
It's really no big deal in Las Vegas

But... There are plenty guys who have been robbed or beaten after picking up casino girls. Girls who steal your wallet while you're in the shower, or girls who have pimps who follow you to the room.... I know plenty of people first hand with these experiences.. one gent ended up having to go to the hospital.
If your wallet and ID get stolen good luck trying to get on your flight home... Or do any transactions .... you're basically stranded until someone (spouse or such) can help you out.

You can do whatever you like... I'm.not here to judge ... There will always be guys who love the thrill of floor girls ..I understand that
I just think some people don't see the potential risks ... And people in vegas worry yayyyyy too much about LE considering the slap-on-the-wrist system. I simply want to educate you that there's worse that could happen.

Stay safe. Have fun

ElisabethLaroux See my TER Reviews 599 reads
8 / 13

Posted By: Blofinger
Call me stupid and irresponsible, but I still like the excitement of gazing at the girl in the casino, or having her smile flirtatiously, and trying to get her up to my room before the hotel security escort her out and warn me that they just saved me from being ripped off!  
 I've always had good experiences, some girls I'd never see again, some have been fantastic.  What do you guys think?
I did this as role-play when I went to Vegas last time. So fun :)

Blofinger 12 Reviews 548 reads
9 / 13

Hey, I appreciate all of your responses and thoughts.  I kinda like the roll play idea.  I think the reason is I like it is the spur of the moment issue.  And for me, I'm fairly street savvy and aware of the pimps, wallet thieves, et. so I'm stupid but not dumb.  I think the issue for me is a regular escort takes about 10 minutes of thought and using the phone/computer.  The casino girls come in handy when nothing comes back with me after strolling the casino or the club.  But yes, I think this Labor Day weekend in Vegas I just might spend the 10 minutes and plan on a girl and focus on fucking and sucking and not the other issues!  Thanks guy.

WCedie See my TER Reviews 603 reads
10 / 13
ed2000 31 Reviews 587 reads
11 / 13

Many years ago I was drawn into the seductive clutches of a very attractive casino girl but in hindsight what she was really after was to feed her gambling addiction. The evening ended early when she left after I refused to feed her play any further. She wasn't interested in anything more.

-- Modified on 8/20/2016 12:54:32 PM

jonpunter2006 41 Reviews 332 reads
13 / 13

I too love the thrill of catching their eye, the girl in the short tight dress approaching, rubbing against me (sometimes even hand on crotch) and the cautious conversation leading to a trip upstairs.  A while ago, I asked here about which casinos were best to find casino girls and got all of the same warnings.  I'm sure most are well intentioned and the risks are real.  But I have done this many times and never encountered any of the stated issues.  The worst that has happened is agree on 2 roses only to discover once partaking that that is a bj only price and the upsell begins.  It can allow a little more flexibility on price, especially later in the evening when the girls may be more willing to negotiate.

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