Las Vegas

Ohh Mary.... you have private mail...
Doverman 15 Reviews 2638 reads


Hello Vegas.....I will be visiting your wonderful world of indies in a few months.  As strange as it may seem, i prefer CBJ to BBBJ.  Are there any providers that ONLY offer CBJ?


that she will be more than happy to comply with your wishes....

If you're looking for a discount, you're probably outta luck.  Might have better luck with a bar girl at reduced prices but the constant upsell can make your dick go limp.


There are a couple of us out there, myself included.  My friend Angelina is another lady who only does CBJ's.  I believe Cindy Spice also only offers CBJ's.

...offer only CBJs, though a few may give BBBJs to regular customers. Like yourself Mary, these ladies know the extra risks involed and place a very high value their own health as well as that of their clients. This is NOT a knock on providers who do BBBJs, but just another factor for potential custmers to consider when selecting a lady. I know some guys claim that they do not enjoy a CBJ as much as a BBBJ, but since they all have to use a condom for intercourse, I don't quite see why it's such a big deal to them. I've experienced fellatio both ways and I see very little difference, but then "to each their own".

Several of the top indies in LV got their start (or at one time worked) in the legal brothels of Nevada, and thus are somewhat more likely to only do CBJs. Among them are Angelina Amour, Brie Michaels, Cindy Spice, Colette, Ellyse Taylor, Mary O'Malley, Sierra, and Tamara. A few ex-brothel indies who are now based in other cities, but who still visit Vegas occasionally include Amy Jordan (Seattle), Chay (Chicago), and Marie (Seattle).

This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but I strongly urge anyone interested to contact these fine providers. I also encoourage potential clients who only seek out ladies who do BBBJs to reconsider their porition on that matter, as they may be unnecessarily excluding many excellent providers, any one of whom could provide them with exquisite oral (as well as other) pleasures.

Have fun everybody, and play safe!

Best regards,
Speed Racer

Hey Racer, thanks for the advice, but...uh...nope, lol. See its the other way around for me, Ive had it both ways and there is a huge diffrence to me, but hey to each their own I guess.


For the pleasure of the lady, I would suggest that you bring some flavored condoms.

If I was you Id go for Cindy Spice, I have wanted to see her for awhile, but I only see ladies who do BBBJs so never have had the pleasure because she only does no doubt if I was you and wanted a CBJ Id see her.


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