Las Vegas

My Review of Jayde has finally posted..............
qwertyuiop12000 9430 reads
1 / 31

NOT the Jade of Jade & Kit.

Only listing is on Citivibe. No web site, No TER reviews, which leads me to think she is too good to be true.

Anyone know her?

-- Modified on 4/9/2004 12:23:30 PM

PaulHart 6449 reads
2 / 31

Hey... I think she's real.
The name is Jayde... not Jade. Maybe that's why you haven't been able to find reviews on her.
She's also on the Eros-LasVegas website.
And she's been VERIFIED by them.
Go to the VERIFIED section, and find Jayde.
They have some of the same photos that CityVibe has, and some different ones also.
The Eros Guide is very strict about verification. So I think she's the real deal.

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 7286 reads
3 / 31

I don't know the girl maybe she is real maybe not .

BUT VERIFIED PHOTOS means nothing . IT doesn't mean a girl is the real deal just because a photo is verified !!

Maybe she is the girl in the photo what ?? Does she give a good service ?? , will she cash and dash you ? Is she an agency ?? Eros DOES NOT verify that stuff . They are JUST and advertising site . Anyone can place an add .

It's like when a restaurant advertises - We were voted number #1......funny how can 10 restaurants be  voted number one ;-)

Why is this so hard to understand ?? Not because someone says something or prints something it means it is true.You have to find out more.

Even if you do find good reviews about her ( or any other lady ) read between the lines on the review .
Pay attention who is the reviewer ??, how many reviews has he written?? . Who else did he review ?? There are many small signs in a review to figure out if the review is real or false .

Good luck , xoxo CindySpice

nightthunder 5848 reads
4 / 31

Sorry but the verification on Eros Guide mean absolutely nothing, nada, zip, and zilch.  All it means is that the girl in the photo brought it in to Eros.  So what?

Find a good looking woman, take some pictures of her, have her bring them into Eros with a copy of the ad. Then she calls the agency that had her do that and says "all set".  

When someone calls for the woman in the ad the agency picks the next woman in line, tells her that her name is the name they used in the ad, and they send her to your room.  Some verification that amounts to.

Yes there are a number of reputable idependents who advertise on Eros and have been verified - not everyone there is a scam by any means. . . . but don't rely on that verification stamp else you stand the chance of being burnt.  Do you homework here and other internet sites.

PaulHart 7956 reads
5 / 31

If anyone should know... it's Cindy Spice... a local legend.
I was under the impression that the Eros Guide took responsibility for the accuracy of their VERIFIED ads. Why have a VERIFIED stamp at all if it means nothing?
Thanks for the education.
Anyway. I noticed that the ad for Jade on CityVibe and the ad for Jayde on Eros are the same girl in the photos, but she gives different phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
The photos look legit, but maybe the guy who started this thread should just write or call her, and check up on this himself. If the girl who shows up is not the girl in the ad... just walk away... and write a review exposing the scam. I've done it before. It's a hobbyist's right to just walk away if he smells scam.

Number 6 124 Reviews 6452 reads
6 / 31

While I agree with you in theory, two words come to mind: why here? Anything else on your mind in particular?

garrydave 5 Reviews 6942 reads
7 / 31

To make this very simple she is real but a word of advice preceed with caution.  Good Luck

Fermi2004 6 Reviews 5876 reads
8 / 31

Have you met her before? If you did.  Can you give more detail of your meeting with her and why the caution?   If you did not meet her before.  Then, what do you meant she is for real ?  Do you mean to say that her picture is real?  But, that does not provide any positive indication on her services.   In the same verified section, there is another lady named "Taylor", she is an agency girls and you know what will happen if you book an agency girl.....
If you are telling him to take one for the team, then I guess I do understand what you meant...(LOL)

-- Modified on 4/10/2004 10:17:15 PM

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 5282 reads
9 / 31

Why here what ? Are you asking me  ( CindySpice ) if I have anything else on my mind ??

What are you talking about ??

TinyTim214 1 Reviews 6375 reads
10 / 31

Very well said Miss Spice....but kinda ironic, the reading in between the lines stuff. Alot of sites have "verified" photos...not just Eros. But they may have more credibility than provider's personal sites, some who haven't updated their pictures in years, then there are also provider's web sites claiming to be voted #1 also....oooops!! And what about all the mumbo jumbo about reviews?? I always thought that the "false" reviews were caught by the ever diligent moderators??

CCWS 2 Reviews 7221 reads
11 / 31

Let's see if I understand you right... First of all I'm reading in between and this is what I get...You are peeved about others getting great reviews and they are listed as number one...Yes you are right, there can be a lot of number ones in town.. Restaurants and escorts alike, as everyone has different tastes. In fact the analogy you give ( restaurants) is a perferct example of how we rank our providers. I think you have said it in the past,  EVERYONE has different likes and dislikes. I am wondering why you have brought this to our attention so much lately.... is work slow..???  Just wondering  "wink wink"

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 5317 reads
12 / 31

What do you mean kinda ironic the reading between the lines stuff ??

No not just Eros has the "verified photos" , this goes for any site who has a "verified photo" ....... it really means nothing .
it is just a marketing way for those sites to gain your trust.

It doesn't have more credibility then a providers personal site.
A "verified photo" could have been brought in over a year ago and also are not updated on a regular basis .
Sites who have the stamp of "verified photo" don't request photo updates every 3 months .

If a lady doesn't look like her photos on her site , sooner or later people will find out .

Yes there are ladies who claim on their sites and adds  to be voted #1 .........why oooops ?? , maybe they were , maybe they were not . You can find out if it is true or not.

Just as in all sectors you have "true" advertising and "false" advertising . As the consumer you try to figure out who really has the true advertising and go with that .

And obviously the false reviews are not always caught by the  moderators . See a thread related to that issue of a provider admitting how a guy wrote up false reviews to build credibility for his girls .

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 7339 reads
13 / 31

Funny how people like to read into what I say because of what is on THEIR minds .

I am peeved about others getting great reviews ?? HUH ?? Why would you say that ?? They are listed number one ?? Where ?? I didn't see any listings and who cares ........

As I have ALWAYS claimed I don't think a provider can be ranked with a number because we all have different tastes .

The analogy of the restaurant came to my mind because of the "MARKETING"  ways . not because of RANKINGS  .
"verified photo" doesn't really mean anything as "voted  by so and so # 1 restaurant"  , doesn't always mean anything because basically the restaurant paid money for it . ( or maybe you didn't know restaurants do that )

Why have I  brought up what so much lately ?? I bring up issues that are relevant to questions or problems asked .
A guy asked about verified photos , I answer that he can not count on that , that he should do research but also not count 100% on a reviews written because some are false what is YOUR problem ??? Have you written any false reviews and you are concerned about being  exposed  ?? If not , what do you care what I say about reviews ?

Sorry to disappoint you, but  work is not slow at all . If it was , would I be turning away appointments ??  Why do you wonder so much about my work ?

Since day one I have been active and opinionated on these boards . So you don't need to "wonder" so much .  

garrydave 5 Reviews 6439 reads
14 / 31

well I recently took one for the team.  Her pictures don't do her justice because she is absolutely amazing. The word of caution comes from the fact that her prices on her Eros ad may mislead some when it comes to getting F/S.  If your budgeting your money your better off with one of the other well known indies on the board.  Good Luck!

Number 6 124 Reviews 6021 reads
15 / 31

You made a point, which as well taken, but it was sort of a non sequitor in relation to the thread. So, I was sort of curious if you knew something in particular about the lady inquired about or were speaking generally.

I think you're a very intelligent woman, which I appreciate, but at the same time it's a little vexing to me that you find ambiguity in virtually everything I write. It's not like I write in code or Sanskrit, you know.

Number 6 124 Reviews 4569 reads
16 / 31

And I wish more women were like you. Too many are afraid of offending someone or losing business. I don't agree with everything you write, but I have more respect for you because you at least have to courage to do so.

BigPoppaPumplv 30 Reviews 5542 reads
17 / 31

Hmmmm, two of the three stooges have chimed in. Where is the thrid one?????

zouhoumen 12 Reviews 5877 reads
18 / 31

Why have you not posted a review on Jayde so that your fellow hobbyists might benefit from your experience?

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 6277 reads
19 / 31

;-) No you don't look The Riddler .

When I use many ???? it is an expression of " I am not sure where this is coming from and I would like to know what exactly you mean "
one question mark is just asking a question .
Many question marks is like when you add a ;-) or ;-( after a sentence . It is to put feel into my sentence .......sorry you didn't feel me ;-)

Being intelligent has nothing to do with maybe not understanding what a person is trying to say in a post .As we all know sometimes things don't come across right when you make a post .  I wasn't sure what it is you were asking , I wanted to be sure what you meant before I answer .
I think before I speak ;-)

My answer was related to the post .Yes in general ,  not particularly  about that provider,( I did open my post with "I don't know the girl maybe she is real maybe not".

NOTICE  I didn't answer the thread when someone was asking about Jade , I answered it only after I saw a post about "verified photos"

Someone else brought up another issue  that caused me to bring up other issues that were important to discuss . It happens all the time .Topics and questions start one way and by the end of the thread you have something totally different what !!

No you don't write in code , but sorry your question made no sense to me why you are asking me this . I said I don't know the girl . So of course I was speaking in general .......was that not clear ? Did I write in code  ? *wink wink*

you don't have to agree on everything I write . We each have our opinions and we are just sharing them . No hard feelings .

But I see we do agree on what you said about providers posting .
I appreciate your respect and I respect you for saying so .
Now lets kiss and make up , xoxo CindySpice

garrydave 5 Reviews 7231 reads
20 / 31

As requested I will make the sacrific and do my review of Jayde.  Just remember I tried to warn you guys:)

spinner39 35 Reviews 7602 reads
21 / 31

this was some time ago when she was posted on Eros ... Swim at your onw risk on this one ... as I recall it did have the taste of an agency running through it .....

sethian 30 Reviews 8412 reads
22 / 31

What about providers who... (ahem) knock off a 100 for a positive review ?

Would that not be deceptive advertising ?

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 8148 reads
23 / 31

Yes any provider giving a discount or a freebie for a  postive review is deceptive advertising .

and your point is ?? I don't know any providers who knock off a 100 for a positive review .

garrydave 5 Reviews 6477 reads
24 / 31

I just submitted my review but I failed to address this issue in it.  She was with an agency when she first started but she told me that she did a Donald Trump and FIRED them so she's an indie now.   Good Luck

PaulHart 6325 reads
25 / 31

I took one for the team... sort of.
Sent this mysterious "Jayde" an e-mail with my phone number.
It's the e-mail address in her Eros ad.
She called later that same day. Very sweet voice.
Made arrangements for a "dinner date" and agreed to first meet at a Starbuck's in town.
Went there at the agreed time.
Saw this very very cute Asian babe with streaked blondish hair (like Jayde in the photos) sitting at one of the tables by herself. I just walked up to the counter to buy a Cappachino and brownie, and just watched her sit there. Guys... it was the Jayde in the photos. I'm almost sure.
I just left with my stuff and took off. I know this wasn't a nice thing to do to her, but I had to play detective and settle this big mystery once and for all. If she's reading these boards... I truly apologize.

sethian 30 Reviews 6116 reads
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garrydave 5 Reviews 8609 reads
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Well the mystery is over go check it out on the LV escort review board.

PaulHart 7525 reads
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Oh. Okay GarryDave... I didn't see your review. I set up my meeting with Jayde before you posted your review. Hey, you're more of a man than me. I just did a spying mission just to see if this Jayde really exists. I checked her out in the coffee shop and then just left. I really liked what I saw. I might have to set up a "real" meeting next time. She's expensive, but she's top notch... in looks department anyway. And GarryDave confirms that Jayde is an amazing physical specimen.
Did you tell her about the TER discussion concerning her?

garrydave 5 Reviews 7909 reads
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I did bring up the fact that alot of people on this board had thier doubt about her.  It seemed  that she somewhat expected that especially since she was with an so called agency at first. I honestly think that we got lucky because it seems like everytime someone thats that chance to see an unknown provider it usually turns out to be a bad experience.  Thank goodness Jayde was the real thing :)

zouhoumen 12 Reviews 6724 reads
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Quite expensive considering the limited menu of services provided ...eom

garrydave 5 Reviews 6036 reads
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Compared to other indies in this town she is quite high for somewhat of a limited service. I just think everyone has thier own level of satisfaction.  For me, it's being with an beautiful asian woman and with most of the asian providers being affiliated with agencies it was refreshing to find a indie at there.  Hopefully she will expand her services in the future but until then I more than willing to except her terms for now.

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