Las Vegas

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nonamehere22 3 Reviews 1287 reads
1 / 13

Hi everyone. This is just for fun but I'd like people's thoughts on this topic. For some context, I'm taking a short trip to Vegas soon and after going through a bunch of reviews, there are at least 6 providers that I would consider. They all have good reviews, all have similar build and look, and are fairly close in donation price. My question isn't 'who should I pick' but, when you have multiple providers that you can't decide on, what do you do to help make a final choice? Flip a coin, roll dice, something more complicated?  I'm interested to read what others do or have done in the same situation. Thanks :)

The-Sage-of-Hobbying 1165 reads
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multiple times in multiple cities coast-to-coast.  

I will send out an intro email to all the providers. The ones who are most interactive in their responses make the second cut. Any who just give me the equivalent, shudder, of a "Hi Babe, luv to see ya" short response gets 'voted off the island' right away.  

This is a customer-service industry. The ones who make the most effort early on will most likely also be the ones to give that little extra interaction when we get together.  

If I am only able to see one provider on a trip to a new city, I will also look to see how active she is on the local board, and the quality of her postings as well.

I always try to narrow it down to [how many providers I will actually see] + 1, then initiate screening/verification with them. The providers most diligent about getting back to me get my open time slots. And I keep one in reserve should the other provider(s) flake or no-show.  

That doesn't mean I schedule with the alternate. Just keep one or two in the loop if I have to. I don't double book.  

I make sure a provider doesn't have a history of too many lateness's, 'family emergencies', and 'car problems'. As a believer in Karma, even if she legitimately had all three occur, one wonders if Karma is coming back to her in some way...

In this amazing city, I know what you are going through. There are many fine choices. My suggestion is to also consider seeing a provider who is not in your typical demographic, if you want to see more than one.  I did and have a few unexpected ATF's now

hardknocks6 37 Reviews 718 reads
3 / 13 check for key things that are important to me -- honest DFK, she's orgasmic, likes BBBJ, CIM, mentions of "chemistry", etc.   That will give me a better idea of the top two or three.  Then I use Sage's method above.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 659 reads
4 / 13

As a prior responds stated, it really comes down to the level of interaction.   Like you, I have very specific likes and there are a number of really great ladies who fit the requirements.  I'll read the general description section of the review to gauge the initial thoughts/reactions of the reviewer.  I'll most definitely review her website to get a sense of who she is.  Some have really great narratives, not a fan of one line Q&A type description.  

From there, I'll determine who I would like to see the most and rank them.  After that, it's a matter of interaction when I contact them.  If I get an auto response or a one line response, then I'll move on to the next.

chewbee See my TER Reviews 878 reads
5 / 13


So yes I am a provider that also hobbies, just look at all the beautiful women all over the world it's hard not to hobby. When I find myself in your situation I do my best to try to get a feel for the girl's personality through the phone or email. Because even though it's just fun I don't want to be dealing with a rude, negative lady.

Posted By: nonamehere22
Hi everyone. This is just for fun but I'd like people's thoughts on this topic. For some context, I'm taking a short trip to Vegas soon and after going through a bunch of reviews, there are at least 6 providers that I would consider. They all have good reviews, all have similar build and look, and are fairly close in donation price. My question isn't 'who should I pick' but, when you have multiple providers that you can't decide on, what do you do to help make a final choice? Flip a coin, roll dice, something more complicated?  I'm interested to read what others do or have done in the same situation. Thanks :)

nonamehere22 3 Reviews 524 reads
7 / 13

This will help me a lot, thanks for the great feedback! :)

soreknees 14 Reviews 424 reads
8 / 13

What she said!  Personality makes the experience.

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 630 reads
9 / 13

this is the best response that i have ever read to a question and i wish i knew "who" wrote this...

kiwigirl See my TER Reviews 649 reads
10 / 13

Don'd judge a girl by the prolificness of her email responses. Some of us have other lives and don't spend hours on the computer sending lengthy email responses to clients. But promptness of response is what I feel is important.  

But to be honest if a client requires a LOT of email attention that can also get frustrating! In person I am the nicest, friendliest, attentive person ever but I don't like having to spend hours on the computer sending lengthy emails. My life is too full and fun!!!!!!

Sometimes a one-line response is all that is possible if you are on the run to go and do something else. At least you get a response and know whether that person is available and "responsive"!!!

My suggestion to you is trust your intuition... go with that gut feeling...

sdhobbyist 23 Reviews 430 reads
11 / 13

Write to them all simultaneously. Half won't respond or will be booked when you want to see them. Some will respond with a tone or attitude that you don't care for. And one or two will be available and seem awesome. Much easier now.

The-Sage-of-Hobbying 520 reads
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My suggestion, should you be in a situation of "on the run to go do something else" is to reply in such a way that you will respond in greater detail when you get back in X hours or within the next day, if you are really interested.  

A lot of gentleman who see Ladies in Las Vegas come from other cities. Often they make plans weeks and months in advance. Unlike a local who can 'sample' and accommodate last minute changes, and allow a provide/hobbyist relationship develop over multiple meetings, visiting men may have one or two opportunities in a year.  

That may cause a local Lady to prioritize those men lower, which is completely understandable.  

My point was that for legitimate long-range planners who like a bit of connection ahead of meeting with a provider, getting more than a couple sentences back upon initial contact (or within 24 hours) goes a long way in factoring in which Lady(s) he will see, especially when some ladies here do put in the time in their responses to not be cookie-cutter.

I'm sure you get a lot of 'tire kickers', and that can be frustrating. I've worked in service industries myself where you wind up spending time with someone explaining the product, ultimately to watch them choose something else, or decide not to buy.  

I know many providers have shared that a good number of guys aren't the usual "wham bammers", and they enjoy meeting with them. The flip side is that many guys like meeting similarly-minded women who will take a bit of interest.  

All things being equal, many will wind up selecting the provider who is more engaged in her pre-communication.

The beauty of this place is there are men and women who can meet all parts of the spectrum. The trick is in finding the one best for each of us. So we develop our own filters in the endeavor.  :-)

The-Sage-of-Hobbying 372 reads
13 / 13

In my experience, when I sent out my initial contacts to a half dozen providers, I had an 'order preference;' in my head, should they all respond affirmatively. Often, I had the best time with my original #3 or #4, because her pre-meeting personality and contact allowed us, upon meeting, to start further along the 'connection' scale.  

Some of those 10/10, #1's I have yet to meet, since I've had so much fun with the women who connected well from the start.

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