Las Vegas

its becoming less of "a thing"
Kitty_Rains See my TER Reviews 504 reads

they changed in Seattle to Indigenous peoples day

I always thought it was a stupid day - he was an idiot essentially lost at sea.. looking for India, trying not to fall off the end of the world, landed somewhere that people had lived for millenia
he didnt "discover" anythin

Today we commemorate the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Bahamas in 1492 - beginning a long tradition of obnoxious white people visiting Caribbean islands and acting like they own the place...

So how come Columbus Day is still a thing?  
(funny video on the topic and totally work safe)  

And since NV is one of the states who doesn't observe Columbus Day my butt is in class all day!!  BOO!

they changed in Seattle to Indigenous peoples day

I always thought it was a stupid day - he was an idiot essentially lost at sea.. looking for India, trying not to fall off the end of the world, landed somewhere that people had lived for millenia
he didnt "discover" anythin

That's so stupid.  I'm tired of this PC BS.  What he did, along with the Vikings, was risky and dangerous.  Let's not rewrite history. The "indegionous people" routinely warred and conquered one another.  The problem was the Europeans where way more organized.  I'm off mt soap box.

DamienScott333 reads

At least I got to scratch another angry ho from my list......

Posted By: smythe23
That's so stupid.  I'm tired of this PC BS.  What he did, along with the Vikings, was risky and dangerous.  Let's not rewrite history. The "indegionous people" routinely warred and conquered one another.  The problem was the Europeans where way more organized.  I'm off mt soap box.

Knulla-du-rövhål320 reads

I totally agree, that it is fucking PC bullshit. If you hate America and it's history then move to another country and see how you like it there. Stop trying to rewrite history.

I hate PC crap too, but no one is re-writing history but you cannot discover something that already has existed way before you.  I have no problem with the day off, heck I would take Nazis day off if it meant I could kick back and relax for a while...

someone who missed where he intended to go by about 10,000 miles-and did it three times.  

If the girls I went to college with had butts like Ms. Carly, I would not have complained about going to class on Columbus Day, or Thanksgiving, or New Years Day or Saturdays.  Carly is one of my favorite Las Vegas memories.

Like they don't get enough days off ;-) ;-)  

On the bright side that means more time for Vegas fun.

Happy C-Day
xoxo CindySpice

Given Columbus was commissioned by us Spanish people, I take it upon myself to head to Las Vegas and continue on the tradition of obnoxious white people visiting Las Vegas and act like I own the place! :-) sorry Carly!

At any rate, happy Columbus Day to all while my ass is at work, and looking forward to a fun weekend in 3 days!  


Posted By: Curvy CoEd Carly
Today we commemorate the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Bahamas in 1492 - beginning a long tradition of obnoxious white people visiting Caribbean islands and acting like they own the place...  
 So how come Columbus Day is still a thing?  
 (funny video on the topic and totally work safe)  
 And since NV is one of the states who doesn't observe Columbus Day my butt is in class all day!!  BOO!

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