Las Vegas

I'm hearing from you, and afew others....that the appearance rating is based not on LOOKS, ???
QualitySeeker 5404 reads

But, rather on performance?????     Isn't that a different rated area?      Maybe because TER switches from physical descriptions  (like very hot and model material) to using  "once in a lifetime" for a 10 on appearance....some reviewers are carrying performance and experience thoughts over into the appearance ratings.

No big deal, just something to consider.

Any providers have any thoughts on this, as well?

I'm not raelly a hobbiest, but, I do enjoy women!  I appreciate TER, and the time many of you put into writing reviews!  Sometime back, exploring this site helped me find a womderful provider, that I've greatly enjoyed knowing!  Thanks, also, to all you gals, in all shapes and sizes, who have chosen this, most challenging profession......You are what it's all about!

    I continue to read reviews, look at websites, and ocassionally this board.     Obviously, if a provider is continually given 5,6,7s....that's probably a fair assesment of service and appearance.  My confusion comes with the 9s and 10s.  I can't comment on a provider's service that I haven't been with, of course.......although, chances are the service is very good if many have given a 9 or 10.  But, I do have eyes!!  And, I feel something is out of balance in the appearance ratings!

    I don't think a provider would knowingly post pictures that are less appealing that reality..,..more likely, the opposite!  Each man has his own tastes, no doubt,....and beauty is in the eyes of the beholder......and, all that.......Here's the point!  Some providers are knockouts, and, in respect to themselves and their clients, work hard staying in shape and taking care of their bodies!  That, in mind mind, is where the 9s,....and, occasionally 10s belong!

    Then, I look at pictures of others...that are not even close in appearance and physical condition, and, yet, they are also given 9s and 10s????        Are their clients just buttering them up??  Is it not to hurt feelings??.....What's the deal?

    Hey, nothing against the "girl next door look".  We all want that sometimes!.......But, let's be honest!!
    I would guess that many men, with good money, have been less than pleased when meeting some of those 9 and 10 rated girls!

    How did this get so out of kilter??       Do we need a higher rating system for a select, deserving few?

AreUserious6135 reads

Beauty comes in ALL shapes and sizes, Mr. Lets be honest, beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. If a man found the girl next door more appealing than the model from a penthouse centerfold, that is his opinion. You may look at a woman with no tits or fake tits, flat behind, and thin as a rake as appealing and that is your right. It doesnt mean that I have to agree. If any man out there feels differently, that is his right too. But dont knock someone's choices because they feel differently. I like the fact that there are many flavors with different body types out there. The world would be a boring place if there were one type just walking around. Each reviewer has a right to judge each woman, as he sees fit, when he agrees to meet with her. If he feels that he hits a winner with the girl next door, let him rate her, as he sees her. It doesnt mean his rating is any less than the model centerfold. I say leave the ratings as is! If its not broke, why the hell fix it

-- Modified on 10/3/2004 2:50:28 PM

I suggest you try reading my question and thoughts a little more slowly.

waterboy1115381 reads

I think "qualityseekers" name speaks for its self

I fully agree with QualitySeeker! I stopped writing reviews after my first one because TER is due for a major overhaul of the rating system. First the looks. If I like a corvette and dont like a ferrari I will most likely rate a corvette a 9 or 10 and a ferrari only a 7 or 8. Both are beatiful sportscars that look even better in real than on photo, both deserve a 10 but personal taste makes an objective rating impossible. Same for performance. If I drive the ferrari only in 2nd gear I will give it a 6 for performance. It is however capable of a lot more and really deserves a 10. Again hard to rate. It is not what you get but about what is offered.

What also bothers me is the large amount of fake reviews. Everyone can easily spot all the fake ones from PrettyMaids for example. Look at the reviews from rootntootn, hummbabe, blinktwice, touchmethere, trashmancumeth, etc. All obvious fakes posted by the owner of Prettymaids.

I merely use TER now as a yellow pages for escort. If it is not marked as a ripoff and the photos look ok (to me; taste is personal!) I go ahead and usually have a good time. If you are nice for the ladies you will get more (=shift the car into 3rd gear and it drives a whole lot better already).

Maybe TER should not list the individual ratings anymore and only display an average. Maybe no more looks ratings but just a photo and a note if it is not an actual photo. Just some ideas to bring TER back to usefull as it is becoming less usefull rapidly! Anyone any ideas or suggestions??

touchmethere6340 reads

I resent the fact that you are calling me out for writing fake reviews! I have used Pretty Maids since July and have seen 6 girls on 8 occassions. I have not see Sadie. My reviews are real and accurate. I find it interesting that your lone review is on Veronica who just happened to work for Pretty Maids and you make this claim. I smell a skunk in the woodpile! Are you Veronica? I feel my ratings of the Maids are consistant with everyone elses. There have been many attacks on Pretty Maids on this board and from what I can see most, if not all of them have been unfounded. I am sure there are other locals like myself who use Bruce's service exclusively. What's so hard to believe about that? If I find something I like, I stay with it. Amen.

I take exception with one point only.  If I see only an average, is it inflated by those "phony reviewers" that you point out?  If I see them all, I can discount those, or read why somebody says 4, when everybody else says 8.  Info is power, and the more I know the better decision I'm capable of making.

Other than that, right on.

My reviews are not fake. You'd have to be following Pretty Maids very closely to make such a claim. If you follow then so closely why have you not used their service like a million other satisfied customers and only reviewed Veronica who used to work for them??

Your point is well taken that is why TER should "ONLY" be used as a source to gather information on a lady which you may like to spend time with.  One man's 10 is another man's 4 it's as simple as that and no scale of any kind will ever change it. Performance, personality, attitude, and the ability to make "you" feel like your one in a million when your with the provider of your dreams is all that truely matters.

nightthunder5034 reads

You seem to equate the numerical rating based on looks alone.  Perhaps the worst session I ever had with was with what I considered one of the most attractive females.  In looks she might have been a 10 but in performance was somewhere around a 3.

Thankyou but I'll take a lady who might not look to be penthouse material but who performs like a wet dream over one who has the look but performs like a dead fish.

marry a homely  women... they TRY HARDER!!!.... LOL..

Your last boyfriend was good for $10K per night!!!

The hyperbole of late on the internet....  is getting way out of line... !!.. we need to get back to HONESTY.. I know for a fact.. that a women.. that hAS to be older than I... trys to say she is 39 yrs old...?? I know alot of girls.. that are over 40 yrs of age.. and yet.. all thier profiles say they are 31-35..???? If that isn`t bad enough..>> how about the ones that say they are SKINNY..????? and I swear.. they must weigh in at 180 LBS..????? I`m really tired of this crap.. not.. only does it set the tone for a screwed up date... but.. any time you waste another persons time.. thats very rude to say the least ..???  NOW>> you guys are probably wondering>> why does it matter to me..???? well.>>this is the story>> I just had a couple of clients in town last week.. and I asked a well reviewed lady to join us... not only was she 45 mins late.. ( without a call).. she must weigh in at 200 lbs or so...????? That really pissed me off... but.  I think it comes down to this.. No One can handle the TRUTH...???? Thank god it was`nt a dinner date>> >> LOL. !!!

I think L.J. has some valid points too.  Not going to mention names but  I've seen profiles of girls who describe themselves as SLENDER but you  come to find out that 5'6" and 170+ person is what you find at the door, not to mention that some of them never age..
One thing I can say for L.J. , her pictures are alwasy quite current and she is not afraid of her age and she looks just great..

But, rather on performance?????     Isn't that a different rated area?      Maybe because TER switches from physical descriptions  (like very hot and model material) to using  "once in a lifetime" for a 10 on appearance....some reviewers are carrying performance and experience thoughts over into the appearance ratings.

No big deal, just something to consider.

Any providers have any thoughts on this, as well?

My take is if the reviewer has only 1 or 2 reviewes he may have no point of referance . That is why I can never understand a first review being a 9 or 10 , where does one go from there ???

I feel that a providers' ratings for looks are always a little higher if she is strong on performance.  A girl that brings a smile to your face a just the thought of her will almost always get a higher looks rating than one with a low perfomance grade.  And of course BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER.

As a more mature provider my heart went to my throat when I read the beginning of the thread. What I understood from his post is if you weren't physically perfect you couldn't possibly deserve a ten in either performance or looks. You get it. Thank you.

Big Kisses,

From my view your reviews could be a perfect example of what you're talking about. I met one of the ladies you reviewed -  my view would have been different than yours because I think 9s should be used sparingly and 10s only when they're truly once in a lifetime.  I'm not trying to say anything bad about either of them I'm just saying we all are guilty.

9s seem easy to give because afterall you're not saying someone is perfect just model material. But let's think about model material for a second.  Would my date by any non-biased (as in she didn't just fuck their brains out) opinion of a magazine editor get featured in a MAINSTREAM magazine?  We do have some lovely ladies that we can meet but except for a few agencies back east and maybe an indie or two out west there aren't any real models doing this. Even many porn stars that escort wouldn't make the final cut as a legit model.

If you take the definition seriously there should be very few 9s in the reviews. The problem is the little vixens fuck the daylights out of us, we get home still mumbling gibberish like a mental patient, and sit down to write a review about a girl we have an intense short crush on. Grade inflation - remember that hot chick in world history that wore short skirts and chatted with the professor? Did you ever read her papers? Same deal only in reverse. We all give higher grades on looks because of great performance when our little heads take charge.

As for 10s in appearance, there's only a few "once in a lifetimes" (we used to think there should only be one but then God gave us jet travel so maybe there's a lifetime in every city).  I'm not even sure I can define this.  Maybe a "once in a lifetime girl" is one that every man in a crowded room would walk away from their wife to meet as his mom, priest/pastor, boss and children watch.  Grace Kelly, Natasha Henstridge, Sofia Loren, Halle Berry, Jennifer Connelly, Katherine Hepburn... in their primes.  So hot you'll get a divorce, go to hell, lose your job, and get disowned at the same time for.

-- Modified on 10/4/2004 12:33:43 PM

-- Modified on 10/4/2004 12:42:53 PM

and they are almost pulling you up off the bed because of it...
or when they are telling you how nice your cock feels sliding in and out of their ass....

I consider myself an 8 sometimes a 9 and that is how most of my clients rate me too.
I have a curvy body but I exercise everyday.
I guess it depends on what system you use.
If Pamela Anderson is your 10, then I would probably be a 8.
But if Rene Russo is your 10, then I would probably rate a 9.
She is so hot!

I have never taken a picture that looked as well as I do in person.
I am hoping to get some with this next shoot in NYC.
I will not allow any pictures that look better than me.
Just some that are sexier than my current ones.

I have to say >> you are a breath of FRESH AIR.. I feel the same way.. I put up pictures.. ( snap shots).. where I look alright.. BUT.. I like to think I look alot better in person too.. That way the guy is totally happy.. and sets the tone for a GREAT time.. !!.. Very smart marketing strategy.. LOL>. something has to be working for me.. because the last month or so.. has been the best yet.. with WHO I have met  >>>>.. I`ll be traveling around the world with a Fav friend.. !!.. Yep.. it doesn`t get much better than this!!.. Stay on the boards.. Its very nice to have you!!.and again.. Thanks to TER.. for letting us have this vehicle, where we have met some great buds!!!!.( alittle bit of kissing ass never hurts.. LOL. >> maybe my posts will get up sooner!!!!) L.J.

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