Las Vegas

I'll take anytime on the 16th please! ......regular_smile
sara of texas 2376 reads

I need a nice going away present since I won't see you again until next spring!!!!!!!


-- Modified on 11/1/2006 10:43:46 AM

I'll be in Las Vegas from Nov. 16th. to the 22nd. And I'm looking for ladies ... am ladies, mid afternooners, early eve. angels and sleep over hotties ... DFK, BBJ, DATY is a must

also would like input on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday night meet and greet bowling party and/or go karts.
post, pm me here, or drop an email to [email protected] .....

As my friend Top would say let the w@%&*# begin

and yes that second Moon you see in the sky at night is my ego

I'll even introduce you to baby Huey, Vib, and Mighty Mouse ......


-- Modified on 11/1/2006 10:40:09 AM

I need a nice going away present since I won't see you again until next spring!!!!!!!


-- Modified on 11/1/2006 10:43:46 AM

I can almost always get out for that one.

I'll be in town the 16-19th myself. Heading to town for the Las Vegas Comedy Festival. Have tickets for Dane Cook on Friday night and Comic Relief on Saturday!

Let me know the details of the next meet and greet so i can put it on my calendar.


That's a great pic, LaRue! I'll take yours over Kathy's of 47th St. any day, lol! No offense, Kathy!


Wow, Spinner, how does one become so popular with the ladies that you can take appointments instead of making them? You're my hero, lol!

This is a great thread though! Ive laughed all the way through it!


Lora was considering coming but changed her mind. She remembered that the last time she bowled she scored a 20.

... in another amazing coinkydink, I am scheduled to  be in Vegas the weekend of the 17th.

Go Karts or bowling is fine. I suck equally badly at both.

I'll skip the appointment.

-- Modified on 11/2/2006 8:37:15 PM

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