Las Vegas

If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing.
cheesewiz 1 Reviews 9631 reads

Then why bother writing reviews? The whole purpose with these boards is get an idea what kind of person we are seeing and what we might expect. People are intelligent enough to decide for themselves.

Looks like Megan got upset with another poor review and wanted it pulled.  Since Nov. Meg's reviews have tumbled from 8,9, and 10's in appearance to 5's, mostly 6's, a few 7's and an 8 (the 8 was given by a guy that also got a free hour(no charge)because Meg by accident cancelled his session, so the 8 might be a thank you vote)
In any event her performance ratings have also dropped from 9's and 10's to 6, 7, 8, and 9's  The last review I read said Meg's face was not appealing, she has a rail for a body, with 2 very large rock hard orbs sticking out from her chest which did nothing for her body (reads like my review)... YET ... he still said like we all have that she was a good lay, gave good service, and was very willing to please.
Meg is one smart lady, she has a tizzy fit with TER, has all of her reviews dropped (most importantly the poor ones) and moves on screaming foul play by TER.  In this case TER was more than justified by asking Megan to prove the last review was false since her last dozen reviews have all been marginal.  this is MHO and my .02 worth. Maybe we should all stop by the other board and repost our reviews there and make Megan feel welcome and now since I've written this post she has returned ........ She's Back !!!!!!!!! I wonder for how long this time?

-- Modified on 1/27/2004 9:14:58 AM

Megan Lover8954 reads

If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing.  Megan is a great girl and excellent providor.  The bulk of her reviews speak for themselves.

I thought that this was supposed to be an open forum to talk "honestly" about what these women look like etc.

I have also been with her, and her looks are definitly not her best quality.  It's the sex.

GreekGoddess7242 reads

Quality Vs Quantity
Many times the Quality of service will suffer from the Quantity for service, as we see in this case.  Sometime Less is more!  If a provider is going see 20-25 gentlemen a week, that is her choice.  But at the same time that should be private personal information and not posted for all to see (many time over). Discreet is the key here.  Lower Quantity Vs Higher Quality.  

Really, why? Who cares what men write about me? I know I sure as hell don't, but that wasn't always the case. I used to read my TER reviews and get excited or deflated based upon what was written. Then I realized I'd be down the entire day after reading a not so stellar review. The solution? It's quite simple. Don't read the reviews! Why do I care if John Doe thinks I'm hot or plain? Who cares if I'm not what they were expecting or they'd like to marry me? Does any of that really matter in the grand scheme of life? To me, absolutely not. I know I am a fun, honest, cute, smart, tender provider who provides great service. I am well aware my body isn't perfect, and I am by nobody's standards, a model. So what? I'm happy.

Being a provider is just a tiny part of who I am, and I refuse to allow any client the power to control my emotions or self worth.

Megan, keep your chin up. Please don't read TER for awhile. Perhaps quit reading your reviews all together. Nobody is perfect honeybuns, and quite honestly, sometimes reality sucks. The day I realized I'm pretty average looking hit me like a Mack truck going down 66 at 90 mph. How could I just be average looking? Don't these men know who I am? Unfortunately, I really am average. I'm attractive, but that's it:-) I like me, my family loves and adores me, and now and then a client will appreciate me too:-)

There ya go! I respect your outlook because you take responsibility for your own happiness and your work. You have the confidence in yourself and a good self image to realize who and what you are about. So many providers live and die by reviews and it becomes the sole focus of what they strive for. It's not easy to overlook that and get stuck on a TER review treadmill. Lots of ladies hound their guys for reviews to keep their name in front of prospective clients. They have anxieties about not being reviewed, how they will be reviewed and in the long run it hurts them more than helps them. My ATF has been a provider for a long time. She likes her reviews and says it helps her biz but she is confident in who she is and has a long standing repeat clientele that reinforces her self image. She doesn't have to "perform" for public review. She just gives the best damn date she's capable of. Her regulars know it and it keeps us happy returnees. Too bad many providers don't have this same understanding. It makes life so much easier.

IW - that is exactly how it should be.  This seems to be a very fickle business.  You can only do your best and the chips fall where they may.  It seems to me that Megan has all of the business she can handle.  So as long as you are giving great value - forget what the rest say.  You can't please all of the people all of the time.

I agree the scathing remarks are way out of line.  I've not had the opportunity meet Megan yet, but she's at the top of my list.  Someone has a chip on his shoulder.

The guy is speaking his mind. I don't scathing remarks. I personally know Spinner, He doesn't strike me as a guy with a chip on his shoulder. In fact, he is spoken highly among the Las Vegas hobby scene.

Not long ago Spinner gave Megan not such a glowing review. She didn't take it too well and proceeded to accused Spinner of all sorts of stuff. Once again she gets another not so good review and accuses this guy as a "bad client".... She went even further and cut ties with TER, that's her business and her tough luck. I know for a fact that at least in Las Vegas, TER reviews (good or bad) do increase the providers web traffic and emails. But then again, that's her business...

My point is not all reviews are going to be "glowing". There is such a thing as YMMV, bad chemistry, off days, etc etc etc... I think most guys such as yourself can make up their own minds and decide. Yet, I think Megan has a hard time dealing with not so good reviews. There is some good advice I saw on this thread, providers shouldn't get too wrapped up with reviews, Megan ought to read that post.

I do think spinner has a chip on his shoulder.    Everything he stated can be found in the lady's review.   Why is there a need for him to editorialize and advertise them by posting this message?   Also, from the manner you responded to a few of megan's message previously on this board, seems you have something against this lady too....

At the time I started posting this thread all of Megan's reviews had been pulled off per her request. She stated on another board that she was done with TER only to reappear the next day.

SuperBowlKen9947 reads

It is very apparent that Megan is not your cup of tea, so why post less than positive things about her.  What is your goal??  Has she done something personally to you??  If so, those matters should be taken offline and not battled on the boards here.  Your review states your opinion about Megan, so let that speak for itself.  Why keep revisiting it.

As it was said earlier, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing.  This is MHO and my .02 worth.


Sierraoflv8644 reads

What I would like to know is, why do guys post bad things on girls anyway?  I mean if she ripped him off (meaning came in the room and stole money or didn't give him the time he asked for ect) why don't guys just chalk it up as a loss or maybe she was having a bad day???  Guys really don't realize that what is said about a girl can truly ruin her reputation.  Now come it really worth it going to someone's job and talking shit to the boss for them to loose their job possibly?  All I am trying to say is that hey, the girls go through ssssooooo much and try to balance their life on top of that!  You know I take full responsibility when it comes to the requirements of my job but a little help would be nice ;-)  I don't know Megan but have heard good things and I think that she should let it go as hard as it is...let it go.


I think if a lady rips you off,or does not stay the full time  then it needs to be posted.  Having a bad day does in no way excuse that kind of behavior.

One should always let people know if any provider rips him off (as you stated),  
but one should never post a message try to ruin the lady's reputation just because he did not click with the provider (like Spinner39 did here)

The biggest problems with reviews is most are written to impress the reviewed provider and offer little or no substance to who it should be directed to -the prospective client.

I don't need to know a "blow by blow" detail of their meeting, But, I like to have an idea what to expect.

The other problem with "glowing" type reviews is that these guys put the provider on a pedestal and worship the ground they walk on. I'm not doubting that they feel that way, however, EVERY new client will expect that level of service, and expect certain services that you may not be comfortable with.

A true review should be written like a employee evaluation. I've written hundreds of them, most included things that were not so "glowing", but I wrote them so the person would understand their weaknesses and try to improve on them. But in this case I try to convey to the perspective client what to expect.

The purpose of a review is to give other clients an idea of what they can expect. If a lady has a bad day(this will happen from time to time), or something else went down that soured the experience, I think it needs to be said.

Clients are smart enough(well some of us anyway)to spot an exception, in what is otherwise a string of good reviews. MfSD>>

-- Modified on 1/28/2004 12:32:09 PM

The whole point of a review is to give the good with the bad.If all reviews are good that would be great but.If a girl has several good reviews and then a bad one we can see that. There is some good and bad with every job,I keep hearing about all the things the ladies go thru and how tough it is,I understand it isnt easy, but what is ?

I'm not saying we should go out of our way to demean someone or be brutal in our assessments of looks or performance. But if we always posted bland or generic reviews then no one would know, for instance, just how gorgeous you are in person. Most of us have witnessed the fun Photoshop can have with pictures. I think its very important to honestly relay how someone looks and acts so that the next guy doesn't feel taken or tricked.

You know how bad one of my experiences was in Vegas. I regret to this day that I did not write a review because I was too chicken to go up against someone who had all 10 10 scores. And since that time I've had several guys PM me saying the same thing happened to them. I could have saved other people grief.  Additionally I believed the reviews on a girl who is no longer on this board and she has blurred photos on her site. She even went so far as to send me OLD photos that were not blurred but still did not show her accurately. When we met I was shocked.  

I am very much an advocate for guys telling the truth. Both for the sake of the girls who should be singled out because they are smoking hot (like you) and for the sake of the guys (like me) who may run into someone who is coyote ugly;  or racist, drunk, trailer trash.

-- Modified on 1/29/2004 11:44:11 AM

Then why bother writing reviews? The whole purpose with these boards is get an idea what kind of person we are seeing and what we might expect. People are intelligent enough to decide for themselves.

Megan Lover8644 reads

I didn't say he could not review.  His review says what it says.  But there is no reason to attack someone on the boards with such obvious glee.  I stand by my original post.

Think of the humdrum mundane existance of TER if everything was rosy.
I don't agree with nastiness or insulting but a good discussion sometimes opens minds to new horizons?

nightthunder8694 reads

Since I can't find any reviews I can't verify that her performance has fallen off. . . it hadn't that I can recall.

I do question a couple of your ascertions however.  You say she had a tizzy fit. . . where do you get your information?  Did she call you and say she had a tizzy fit?  I doubt it.  Or perhaps did you just get one side of the story from someone else?  Usually there are three sides - his, hers, and the truth.

Secondly you imply the review that she got an 8 was a "thank you vote" after she made up for a cancelled appointment. She gave him a free hour for that cancellation.  Unlike you I would I would commend her for that rather then comdem her and question that review . . . but then again you were probably in the room during that appointment as well right?

Please speak about what you know rather then throwing a bunch of conjecture around.

On the tizzy fit part Megan called spinner a "bastard" after he posted his review on her.   She said some very nasty things to him in e-mails she sent him after the fact.  As for the rest I can't address it as I don't know.

From reading your past messages, I  always thought you were a reasonable person.    Don't you think there should be  a difference between one to one private communication and post a message in public message board???  She did not call him a "bastard" on the public message board, did she.

Yes she did ... but that's not the case I'm wanting to pursue .. It's the ability of any provider to be able to delete, change, or alter a person's review of her through other means.

It is obvious that your purpose of posting this message is to hurt the lady and not to discuss the issue of whether a lady should have the power of pulling a bad review, and that is what I have problem with. Don't want to see this board become a battle field for personal problem...

You're beginning to sound more like a white knight/lap dog. The only people that can ruin a provider's rep is herself and those put them up on pedestals.

The way I see it is that shit happens. It's how a provider and client handles a problem situation. She didn't help her case by stirring up crap on the National Boards about her review, nor does it help labeling guys "bad clients" (as she did on the other board) because she got yet another bad review.

As I said before, most guys can make up their own minds, she doesn't need to get so hostile just because a couple of guys think she is not so "stellar".

I was wondering when are you going to start your old way of name calling, but I will let it pass...
I only want to point out, just as you stated that it is unacceptable for a provider to attack a clients on message board,  it's eaually unacceptable for a client try to hurt a lady's business by attacking the provider on a message board.
If as you said the trouble started on national board, let it stay there.   Why does he feel the need to spread it to the local board???

-- Modified on 1/28/2004 6:30:42 PM

Hmmmmm,  I not sure why you would not see me as a reasonable person after that post.  As spinner pointed out she did call him a bastard on the public board.

The review system is in most cases is a great benefit. The legitimate ones are a terrific guide for a perspective client. I'm sure many people have been saved the disappointment of picking the wrong girl for their taste or even being ripped off. What I remember though in the recent past are some questionable reviews that the ladies had to go out of their way to refute. None of the ladies need to be put through that if they are battling stories that were written just for spite. In Megan's case we may be seeing some of this, or maybe not. I do not know. I can see where the ladies can be wary and some even fear the ratings system if it is not used honestly.

That's pretty rough.
I was thinking of trying to see Megan at some point, but this is something that makes me wonder if I should or not.
But, IMHO, This type of post is kinda rough.
If you see someone who ends up being a real bad time --- post a review that states that.
But maybe they could be done in way that didn't sound so hurtful.
I mean I just was thinking what if a provider posted a message that was like "So and So" has left the building and it was about one of us and she then went on to rate us negatively for our looks and preformance ?
Granted, they are the ones who are providing the service, not the other way around --- so it's more fair for us to say those things about them than for them to say those things about us.
I guess I just wish we could be a little nicer about it, that's all.
I mean if you think she's a 5 on a scale of one to 10, put that in the review.

But when people say stuff like this:

"The last review I read said Meg's face was not appealing, she has a rail for a body, with 2 very large rock hard orbs sticking out from her chest which did nothing for her body (reads like my review)... YET ... he still said like we all have that she was a good lay, gave good service, and was very willing to please. "

Couldn't you just say something like this:

"The last review that I read about Megan said she wasn't as attractive as her pictures or reviews had led them to believe. This was my expeirance as well and I didn't think her breast enhancements were very well done. Still, she is very willing to please and gives good service. However YMMV."

That's my .02

nightthunder8707 reads

Spinner's post seemed to serve no purpose other then inflame - beginning with the subject line.

Personally I am overweight but I really do not want to be called a fat slob on a public message board. I wear glasses but would resent being called a blind bat or some other derogative term because of it.  Because of an accident I'm missing a finger as well so a vindictive person I'm sure could make up some slight for that as well, perhaps the equivelent of somthing like "rock hard orbs".

The written medium is not the best for passing along the type of things we often really mean to say but I see Spinner's post above as nothing more then name calling and a cheap shot aimed at a woman whom for the most part has had a great reputation.  

He can explain away his intentions all he wants but the fact remains he resorted to some low class tactics in his post above. I had come to expect more from him given his generally good posting history.  Guess I was wrong.

WildPleasures4U7105 reads

Might help if guys knew what she looked like in the first place, Some gals don't show their entire face,  but Not even one Head shot?  Show some of your face/head!

-- Modified on 1/28/2004 2:02:50 AM

Some girls hide their face for discretion purposes, but I have found that most hide their face because they wouldn't get any business if we knew what they looked like beforehand.  They figure that once they are in the room with you, your horny thought take over and will pay to party even if your disappointed with their looks.

-- Modified on 1/28/2004 10:36:54 AM

mick039952 reads

Megan shouldn't be so sensitive guys.......
"she is what she is".......those that like her, enjoy her....
those that don't can leave the feedback they choose......
fair or unfair, it's not the first time a gal gets upset with a review............if she can't stand the heat, she should get  out of the kitchen and go back to Massachusetts.....
there are guys there that didn't dig her either....

Sierraoflv10053 reads

if a guy was not happy with my looks that he keeps it to!!!  I would have my feelings hurt......but you know that is exactly why I do have photos of my face because if they don't like me then they don't have to see me!  Oh my god is that what is wrong with me??????? Is that why I don't have business???  Just kidding!!!!!  No,no, seriously I feel bad that guys are saying that about her.  She has got to be good looking?  Her body is pretty bomb??  Though even if she isn't the prettiest doesn't performance surpass that???  Just curious........Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!


looks to me arent near as important as attitude personality etc.Sierra based on your pics you are BEAUTIFUL and after some email and phone contact you got it all the total package.

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