Las Vegas

How lame is it to ask a girl if she wants to see Penn & Teller's show at the Rio?
DrunkTextOn 1156 reads

Does anyone know:  After an hour session, what then is the going range of rates to have a girl arm candy with you to the Penn & Teller show?

You'll get a multitude of answers from the board responses. As far as asking to go to  the P&T show being lame? Their job to go to show.  Don't worry about it, Just ask.  

Posted By: DrunkTextOn
Does anyone know:  After an hour session, what then is the going range of rates to have a girl arm candy with you to the Penn & Teller show?
-- Modified on 3/22/2015 3:10:33 AM

Then it's not lame.
I would suggest writing in your into email;
"I was interested in meeting in my room for an hour of fun then heading to P&T, which is a 90 minute show. What are your thoughts on this?"
You will get all types of answers. Just find one that works for you and have fun!
It's a funny show, I have seen it three times.  

I can only speak on my opinion, but I would love it!  I love getting dolled up to go out and enjoy a show. I would definitely need to be asked ahead of time, as mentioned above. I still kindly ask for a donation based on time, which is listed on my site.  

Everyone is a little different but you're in Vegas make the most of it and don't be intimidated. She can only say no, but I think it will be a win for you!

Good Luck and have a blast!

Classy reply all I have to say !,

I was seeing a gent for a multi-hour date that included checking out the Penn & Teller show.I had a nice time.
Nothing lame about asking a lady if she would like to go.
I have no idea regarding rates that depends on the lady you choose but most gents who want a lady to go with them to a show usually book a multi-hour date.
Just ask her if she would like to go with you or if she has went to the show before.
You never know she might enjoy it

You can ask the provider your interested in if she has a social rate. I do!

If you want to worry about what your date thinks, go to eHarmony, their are plenty of first dates you can make and stress out over the plans.

Don't be fooled by the pics on the websites that show these girls stepping off of G5' For the most part it's dinner, shows or overnights in hotels. Most stuff they do is pretty tame.

Actually it is not Lame.  
P and T have been in Vegas for a LONG time - the reason is: They have a great entertaining show !!!!!

I still want to take  a lady to a show, while in Vegas. Carrot Top is the show I'd like to see with a nice lady - the guy is just funny.

I have never done a show with a lady, I automatically assume my funds will not stretch that far (especially now).

NOTE: I have done 3 to 4 dinner dates with the same, gorgeous lady, everytime a lasting wonderful memory.

if you can make an arrangement with a lady - P and T is a good show selection.

-- Modified on 3/23/2015 6:21:53 AM

She picked Penn and Teller, I was like great that was actually a show I wanted to see. :O) Not lame at all

Posted By: DrunkTextOn
Does anyone know:  After an hour session, what then is the going range of rates to have a girl arm candy with you to the Penn & Teller show?

My extended dates are just especially for those who enjoy getting to know the woman they are with.  
I think the majority of the ladies in this business appreciate when they are treated to a dinner or a show .

You do what makes you happy and comfortable during your time , were here to make sure you happy doing whatever it is that you like to do .

Have fun during your stay.

April Luv

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