Las Vegas

hey he said "meat" market lol eom
PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 6516 reads
1 / 40

I'm coming in town next week during week and want to party and a really good meat market in town.  I've been out of the Vegas scene for a while and don't know the nightlife that well.

What I DONT want is the typical, expensive, clubbish places full of hip hop music and 22 year old chicks.  I want a great place full of girls looking to hookup, preferably the 25 plus crowd of vacationers.  More of a bar/pub environment as opposed to DJ's and $15 martinis.  I've heard the Hard Rock is still good?

I'm white and early 30's, clean cut.  Just looking to avoid the early 20's hi maintenance, game playing bimbos.  In other words, I want to get laid all nite.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.  You can private EM me at [email protected] if you like.

As usual, I plan in dipping into the provider scene in Vegas as well.

FSinIndy 7097 reads
2 / 40

Sounds like you need to check out the local safeway!  ..and please remember to promptly refrigerate all opened and unused meat!  :)

brownhound 5 Reviews 8604 reads
3 / 40
here and there 7143 reads
4 / 40

never heard of that it really a lounge or just a joke?

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 7966 reads
5 / 40

Nice....but not exactly a helpful response....

As hot as Vegas is though, it is a good idea to keep your meat refrigated whenever possible...

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 6872 reads
6 / 40

Thanks.   Where is it at?  Whats the crowd like and scene like on a Wed or Thu?  Don't want a smokey old bar with Skanky chicks, but not a $15 martini bar full of game playing 22 year olds either.  Basically, a place to pickup 25 - 40 year old reasonably attractive women out on the prowl.....

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 6376 reads
7 / 40

A Ferrari but I don't want to pay for it ..............Where can I get one ?? ;-)

Why do you think 25-40 reasonably attractive women are out on the prowl to have a one night stand ?? If that is the case then  they might as well   be making money .

Very rare you will find what you are looking for ......... I mean you'll find ladies in clubs and the bars but why would they want to go back to the room for a one night stand ?? Or as you say -   " To get laid all night"

Unless your really something special , I mean REAL special , well maybe .

But if you talk the way you write ......................, I don't think you will get very far .

very attractive ladies 25-40 go to places where martinis are $15 . ( oops guess that is too high class for you )
They are on the prowl looking for rich guys .  Someone who will take them shopping the next day .
Or very very HOT guys .

If you want to get laid all night ........... I suggest you hire an escort .

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 7654 reads
8 / 40

Where have you been baby ??

You are too funny !!! LOL LOL LOL

hugs and kisses , xoxo CindySpice

qaswqa 1 Reviews 6322 reads
9 / 40

Hey, you're being had. Backdoor is a gay club. I looked it up on Vegas.Com.

hr8675309 1 Reviews 6784 reads
10 / 40
brownhound 5 Reviews 7556 reads
11 / 40
hunter44 6749 reads
12 / 40

Cindy, you said it tell em Babe....EOM

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 6991 reads
13 / 40

No need to push too much of an attitude here.  I was posting this to get useful info; not to be be littled.

Not every good looking women is clanging after rich guys or working professionally.  What I'm saying is that most women hanging out in $15 martini bars are just playing games.  That is why it is cheaper/more effective for us guys to just hire an escort.

The difference between an escort and a high maintenance gal in the bar looking for a rich guy to take her shopping is this.  The escort is honest with herself and I respect that.  I respect an escort for her candor but not the barfly playing pretend.

What you say is about good looking women not just out to get laid is indeed true.  At least in this country.  Do you ever wonder why American men rant and rave about places like Thailand, The Phillipines and Latin America? Ask any well travelled man and he will tell you.

BTW, no need to belittle my writing style, as I'm positive I'm better educated than you are.  I'm not trying to win a Pulitzer prize here.  This a bulletin board, not a writing class.

No harm, no foul.  A word of advice; this is the place for helping out fellow hobbyists/providers, not putting them down.  I hope you don't act this way towards your clients....

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 8442 reads
14 / 40

That name is appropriate for a gay club.

Thanks for the useful information, as opposed to several of the other posts on here......

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 8016 reads
15 / 40

Nice try, smartass!!

Next time, post something useful....

DUIT 93 Reviews 6320 reads
16 / 40

and Cindy Spice, you are being remarkably condescending. Not everyone that reads this board is so completely obsessed with escorts that they cannot consider going out and looking for a little free tang. And if that search is somewhere other than a bar with $15 martini's, so be it. Too, it goes both ways---I bet there are a bunch of 25-40 yr old gals that are just fine with drinking and partying with something other than $15 martini's in a place with a relaxed atmosphere....and when they do its a good bet that they don't need to insult a guy by telling him its "too high class for you". You, Cindy, owe this guy an apology, and you owe yourself a little reality check.

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 8871 reads
17 / 40

Men rave about those places because women give it up there for a $5 meal ............Do you know why ? Not because ladies there are not classy . It is because they are poor . VERY poor . They are happy if they can find someone to buy them something to eat .

So don't tell me about other countries . I don't have to ask other men about those countries  .......... I lived in those countries . I saw how they live . You can't even compare this to the American society .

What can I say it is a real turn on  to hear a man say ........." I want to get laid all night" or phrases like "skanky chicks" "bimbos"  No your not here to win a Pulitzer prize ...............but there are ways to ask a question and be classy about it .

I was actually insulted reading your post . Looks like others were too .............. Just look at the type of responses you got .

I treat people the way they treat me . Clients who show me respect , I show the respect back .  Clients who have an attitude or show no class  I have no problem putting them in their place . At times I find giving them a taste of their own medicine actually makes them see what they said or how they behaved  ....... .. It is called being sarcastic to prove a point !

And point proven !! ;-)  xoxo CindySpice

nightthunder 8308 reads
18 / 40

You said ". . . this is the place for helping out fellow hobbyists/providers". Yet you didn't post or ask a question as a hobbyist - you asked it more as a swinger and there are message boards and websites for that.

Do you also ask for help on engineering problems on a football  message board?

Education and intelligence are two seperate things.  Education does not translate into intelligence.  I know a number of highly educated idiots. I also know a number of very intelligent people who never finished highschool.  Cindy Spice's reply seemed very intelligent to me and others, irrespective of her eductaion level.

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 6696 reads
19 / 40

I wasn't being condescending  .......... I was being sarcastic . big difference .  I apologize if you don't understand that . I apologize  if anyone's feelings were hurt .

I was giving Proivdee a "reality check"  .

Sure gals 25-40  would love to go  drink at a nice place , with a  relaxed atmosphere and drinks don't have to be $15 ........... I am one of those type of gals ,............but  if a guy comes around with a one tracked mind , "oh I'm gonna go there because I want to find someone to get laid all night long "............ I find that insulting and because many guys do act like that no wonder the girls get attitudes and play games .

This is exactly one of the reasons I hardly go out anymore to clubs or bars .I am not into playing games . I want just to relax and enjoy some nice  music , maybe have a dance , have a nice intelligent conversation with a guy .......but every guy that walks up to me all he has on his mind is how can I get her back to my room to f**k !! . It just takes away all the fun of going out in the first place . Probably that is why no such place really exists .

Maybe if men would go to just have fun ,  instead of being  on the prowl with a one tracked mind . Maybe you can find what your looking for , not because your looking , but because it just happens ........but when you go with "I am on a mission attitude" it is so obvious to ladies and it is just a turn off.

My comment "too high class for you" wasn't meant literally , it was meant in a sarcastic way .to prove a point ! Sorry if anyone took it literally .

If I owe Proivdee an apology ..........well then he owes me one too . I took much offense to words he used . and how he thinks about attractive gals in clubs or bars .

So we will call it even ;-)

You don't have to be obsessed with escorts . No nothing wrong for wanting a "freebie" ................but I do believe there are sites  for that if that is what he is looking for.

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 5095 reads
20 / 40

Thanks DUIT, there's no need for attitude like that on this board.  Cindy does need a reality check; she seems to think that any reasonably attractive American woman will only pick up a guy that is a) filthy rich or b) total model quality.  Maybe she's been in Vegas too long and hasn't seen enough of the outside world.  Vegas is an island unto itself.

Guess what Cindy, there are attractive women out there, even in this country, that will actually have sex with someone other than for money, whether that money comes directly from a "providee" or indirectly thru their Sugar Daddy of the Month.  In other words, they actually enjoy sex for sex's sake.  Most of them, in my experience aren't blondes though...  Do you ever wonder why American men love Asian women so much?  Yeah, they're small and tite, but it's mostly their manners and their attitude that makes them so desirable.  Plus, they're great with a Wok!!!

BTW Cindy, I've got 3 college degrees, so no need to nit pick my writing.  Do you have anything beyond a GED or HS Diploma??

Thanks for the support DUIT

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 5289 reads
21 / 40

Back to Cindy's attitude.  Ever notice that there are very few blonde bimbos in my 54 posted reviews?  Most of them are of Asian gals with some Latinas and when I head south of the Mason Dixon Line, sweet, dark little Southern girls with the manners of a Southern Belle....

That's right, no bleach, no silicon or saline, no facelifts....

Ahh, why drive a domestic car when you can drive an import that is of better quality and costs less???  Let's call this "sexual outsourcing", since I'm a hi tech guy.....

BTW, Cindy, do you know what the Mason Dixon line actually is, since you are the sophisticated/classy one of this forum?  No, it's not just a phrase.

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 9854 reads
22 / 40

I have seen more then you can imagine of the outside world . and that includes other  continents  other then the US .
Have you ever been out side the US ?? .....and I don't mean just across a border .

American women enjoy sex just for the sake of sex .........that's a first . LOL LOL LOL
If that was true  escorts would be out of business . Wife's  would be having sex with their  husbands .

I visit many different type of sites  . Not just "escorting sites"  and in all these sites  men complain about women here in the US that all they care about is money . All they are interested in is for the guys to pay their bills , buy stuff for them , , pay for dinner , take on vacations . They complain how so many women are golddiggers .........
Of course the women complain  that all the men only  care and think  about is sex.

So escorts or not  it is usually about money ........and if it isn't then it is about a relationship .
After all in the American society if a man has a one night stand . He conquered , he is the man ...........
But if a lady has a one night stand ..........she is a slut .

As Christina Aguilera sings -     " If you look back in history  ,It's a common double standard of society ,
The guy gets all the glory the more he can score ,While the girl can do the same and yet you call her a wh**e ,

So why would a women want a one night stand just for the sake of sex  ???

Why shouldn't American men love Asians , they are exotic and very pretty . and in their culture the man is in control . So a man who wants to control will prefer someone he can control . He speaks , she sits and smiles
The blond is a b***h because she isn't afraid to speak her mind and she can't be controlled .

You can have 3 collage  degrees  ( so you say , who really knows ) that doesn't mean anything .
Just like if  someone is very wealthy doesn't mean he is  classy .

BTW Bill Gates never finished collage but yet he is a very smart business man .( and rich )

Class , and intelligent aren't  measured by how many collage degrees you have . or how much money you have .

No I never went to collage  , unfortunately my life in other countries didn't provide me with that opportunity ........we had more important things to worry about survival . I wasn't blessed with the "American Dream"  to be raised in The land of opportunities ..............

But I got something better then 3 collage degrees ............ Life experience , being worldly and being street smart .
Living and learning about other cultures then my own .
I also speak  5 languages how many do you speak ???  ;-)

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 7340 reads
23 / 40

Yes we notice there are very few "blond bimbos" in your reviews ..........we also notice other things about your reviews ;-) You forgot to also mention the TS's ..............hmmm they have bleach , silicon , face lifts and much more so are they "bimbos" too ??

How insulting to these lovely ladies .

Now your classy 3 collage degrees are really showing . Why are you referring to blonds as bimbos ??

Yes we notice what you like . Each to his own .but no need to insult other women or try to insult my intelligence .

Don't worry this "blond bimbo" wouldn't even want to have a client like you . The way you talk shows you have no respect for women .

Talk about attitude ..................

brownhound 5 Reviews 7238 reads
24 / 40

Try not to let jokes and puns put you in a bad mood, get you irritable, add to your level of stress.  Remember, when you get to Vegas you want to be able to get it up.

And have a nice day :)

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 7112 reads
25 / 40

BTW, you spelled Education wrong....

My original issue was with the condescending attitude, that's all.  My subject was no more off topic than a lot of other posts on here.

Anyways, we are all here to have fun and give/receive useful information; not to get into pissing contests with each other or to brag about who is the classiest and most intelligent.

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 5087 reads
26 / 40

Cindy, I both offer my apology and accept yours.  My wording in the original post was probably not the best and obviously came across as crude.  I'm sorry about that.  My purpose of the original post was really to find a place where you could actually sit down and have a conversation and party with an attractive member of the opposite sex.  If you both really hit if off and can't take your hands off each other, then great, leave and go f*&k all nite.  But if not, that's fine too.

This is my experience generally in the type of hi maintenance clubs I have a disdain for.  First, it's just a loud dance club and not conducive to social interaction as opposed to, say, a pub or a sport bar.  Basically, all the guys go their to hunt for fresh meat and the girls go their with their friends to dance and/or get free drinks all nite long from the aforementioned men.  Not my type of place.  

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 7013 reads
27 / 40

This post apology.....I speak 3 languages and am well travelled, but that's irrelevant.  My earlier post may have been misworded.  You are absolutely correct in that American women are extremely materialistic and controlling, more so than anywhere else.

I personally love foreign women, especially Asians.  For many of the reasons you've stated, but not because I want my woman to be a doormat.  I want a woman who still remembers how to how act like a lady when it is called for, not a hard edged feminist.  I think 30 years of women's lib and femnism has taught the modern American woman to resent men, to disdain acting ladylike or behaving in any way that is perceived as weak or submissive.  At the same time we have been "feminizing" the American man, trying to make him more sensitive, etc... So we are trying to, a certain extent, homogenize the two genders.  I think that has created a power stuggle between modern American men and women and is a primary factor in the high divorce rate and broken families that plague this country.  Often, you no longer have a husband and wife, but rather co-husbands competing with each other while the kids grow up in a daycare center or are latchkey kids because both parents are career driven workaholics.  Great for the bank account, but not much else.

Being feminine and being ladylike does not make you weak, it makes you different.  My mother and grandmothers were traditional women in every sense of the word, but weak they were not.  They were much stronger than any of the Patricia Ireland's of the world.  While their husbands were off flying planes over Germany or driving tanks thru North Africa, they were back home in the factories with greasy hands building those planes and tanks during the day, raising their kids at nite and supporting their husbands who were dying by the hundreds of thousands.  Now that is strength no modern femnist can hope to match.

Sorry to ramble on....

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 7393 reads
28 / 40
PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 5128 reads
29 / 40

Cindy, sorry for the generalization.  I've just met too many blondes that thought they were God's gift to the world.  That's not a judgement of all blondes and I'm sorry for the offense.  Here's a business cliche, when you deal with a vendor that has the most demand, they tend to be arrogant, inflexible and insensitive to their client's needs.  Think Microsoft, Cisco or IBM (in the old days), as opposed to the #2's trying to topple them.  Tall, thin Blondes are usually at the top of the pecking order, hence the all too often attitude from many of them.

I also suppose my preference for dark hair and olive skin tends to make me subconsciously behave differently towards different types of women.  I've generally found, in my experiences, that non-blondes are more approachable, less edgy and less demanding.  But then again, that's what I get for living in LA.....which is much like Vegas.  Lot's of transient residents looking to make their bucks no matter who they step on or how they treat someone in the process.  The percentage of "real people" is very low in these 2 towns.  

In relating the Escort scene, I travel to Atlanta often.  The $200-250 escorts in Atlanta have the looks, the attitude and the reviews comparable to a $350-400 gal in LA or Vegas.  Prices are inflated in a place like Vegas because it's full of horny guys on vacation who just walked away from a poker table with a bunch of "free money" to spend.  If I were an escort, Vegas would indeed be my place of business as well.....

Anyways, enough of this discussion.  In summary, I'm sorry to have offended you in any way.  Now, let's just go back to having fun!!!!!!

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 6713 reads
30 / 40

See , if you would have worded your post as you did here , it would have never come to all this. You would have gotten serious answers .

See how different it comes across what you said here compared to your original post ?

Attitude makes a difference how people will treat you . ;-)

So now with your classy post , here is my classy answer  .......... I really can't think of a place where you can go to meet people . Most places are night clubs with loud music . Bars like the Hard- Rock are  a meat market . Even most Hotel bars play loud music . There are a few local Bar/restaurants that are very nice but women don't really go out to hang there . I had dinner with some friends at a local place . It has great atmosphere and a very nice lounge  ( indoors and outdoors) ..........but it was all couples or groups of friends . No single people hanging out .
Sorry I can't help more . I really don't think there is such a place, that is probably why most people search the net  ( like dating sites , swingers sites  ;) to meet people .

If I do get any info about a place you are looking for ............. I'll let you know .
Enjoy your Vegas Visit , Peace , xoxo CindySpice

TinyTim214 1 Reviews 7850 reads
31 / 40 this being a "discussion board," not a pissing contest??? Cindy & Providee should just IM each other instead of taking up all this space on the boards. These boards need to get back to their original purpose....discussion and research....yeah, we're all entitled to an opinion, but this is not the forum for most of the back & forth b*#ching going on here!!!

PROVIDEE 103 Reviews 5626 reads
32 / 40

Thank you very, very much......

nightthunder 6461 reads
33 / 40

Codensending attitude?  You started that right off the bat with your original post and choice of words.  Can you say "clubish", "hi-maintenance",and "bimbos".  Sorry to say you original post came off as arrogant, snobish, as well as condensending.  

And who started the part about education / intelligence?  How many times did you post about your education being better then others? Or how much education you had?  So you comment above about ". . . not to get into pissing contests with each other or to brag about who is the classiest and most intelligent" is a matter of do as I say and not as I do.

Yes I spelled education incorrectly - did you have some trouble understanding the meaning of my post?  Apparently NOT!  So you are the spelling police with an arrogant attitude.

Did I mispell anything this time?  Ask me if I really care.

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 6788 reads
34 / 40

What is life with out a bit of humor or  drama  ;-)........yeah so it got a bit out of hand , now we kissed and made up ;-)

and I think through these posts we did learn a few things

TER doesn't have a problem with the space ........... I don't see why that bothers you . If you don't want to read , you don't have too . You can pick and chose what messages you want to read .

Now I am not b**ching to you .......just expressing my opinion.

Peace baby , xoxo CindySpice

TinyTim214 1 Reviews 9340 reads
35 / 40
vmtgbroker 37 Reviews 5917 reads
36 / 40

Cindy I missed you on my last trip to LV – let’s forget all this BS here and I will take you out for some drinks!!! I promise you this – I will definitely try to take advantage of you!!! ;-)  

Life to short all – let’s all get drunk and have some fun!!!!

-- Modified on 5/6/2004 1:42:57 AM

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 7187 reads
37 / 40

But I am having fun !!  and I don't need to get drunk for that   LOL LOL

Hope to catch you next trip ...........
Always having fun , xoxo CindySpice

NaturalNine 12 Reviews 6715 reads
38 / 40

Check out Gordon Biersch brewery on Paradise Road.  There is quite a bit of action going on there, especially Friday nights.

Number 6 124 Reviews 7002 reads
39 / 40

Cindy, love, be careful here. It's not a question of being poor, it's all relative, you know. I speak Thai and Spanish as well. While there's a little truth about the buying a bargirl a meal, it's a little more complicated than that, and you know that as well.

While I do appreciate a strong, intelligent woman, sometimes you overdo it. Not everyone here communicates as well as you do, and sometimes you need to recognize that.

cdrhi 7 Reviews 5152 reads
40 / 40

This whole lengthy discussion is the reason why some forums have gone private and specifically do not allow "escorts" or females as members.  We can accept the fact that most women will never understand the male psyche and why we do things the way we do.
They have destroyed two public forums in my state due to the ensuring flame wars between hobbyists and escorts.  Private forums limit the amount of info available, but have avoided the flame wars and public scrutiny.  I understand Providees message and purpose. It could have been stated in maybe a more PC way but "the boyz" don't give a rip about that stuff. The info is what is relevant and yes there are some women who may want to get a little wild while in town.

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