Las Vegas

Best Strip Clubs
puffy150 1 Reviews 1544 reads

So I will be in town this coming Monday. I've been to Vegas multiple times but never to a strip club. Since I live in Atlanta i'm spoiled when it comes to strip clubs as it is one of the only cities left where its fully nude and alcohol. Sorta why i've never gone to one is Vegas.

So whats peoples opionon on the best club. I know it depends on what you're looking for so, I'm not looking to try and take one back to the room. Just more interested in peoples thoughts on which has the best general experience and best looking ladies.

Also as a side what are some ladies meet for drinks rate for meeting up at a club, DM if you don't want to put that number out there.

Usually don't meet up there we go together..  
I been to  Treasures to watch a game with clients that was a lot of fun...girls were great and drinks too!
I went with clients to Spearmint Rino and Sapphire both had good looking women and great atmosphere.  
You probably can't go wrong with big names strip clubs in Vegas just bring alot of money. See they aren't cheap. It's probably lot more costly than anywhere you have ever been before. I have been to strip clubs all over this country and Vegas is pricy! But you can have good time if that's what your looking for...the clients who brought me with them knew the had a sure thing leaving with them and it wasn't gonna cost them said at 2-5:k for night (what girls in club say to go back to your room) just saying... Enjoy!

Hugs Hazel Hayes

Yakking up with the ladies. Alot of girls, of course depending and what time and day. It's a large place.

I also enjoy  Peppermint hippo. Its new
I am quite fond of strip clubs with my friends. Was just there with a new friend about 2 weeks ago!!

My website has all my donations if interested in having fun with me.
There are many sexy women here in Vegas to choose from!

Kind Regards,
Lovely lorena

I’ve driven past Peppermint Hippo a couple times now, and wondered what it was like. I look forward to checking it out. Thought the name was clever, lol.

I routinely play as a couple and have good business relationships with some Vegas ladies. Everyone of them has told us to not bother with the strip clubs. It’s definitely a bucket list for us but every lady has said “ listen it’s bad it’s expensive “

I will never understand why guys go to strip clubs. A waste of money. The stripper mentality is to extract as much money from guys while doing as little as possible. The guys don’t realize the dancers wouldn’t give them the time of day in real life and won’t give them attention in the club unless they get paid to do so.

I've been scouring the internet looking for the answer to this question.  Usually there's some consensus when you search for answers like this but it's all over the place.

The best recommendations usually come from people in the industry, working in the club.  However, this obviously leads to biased answers.

I am going to try Crazy Horse to watch the Sunday NFL games in a few weeks since it's steps from the stadium.

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