Las Vegas

Ban can be for a period of time
borabora 15 Reviews 512 reads

I know of a table games player who was banned for one year from all MGM properties after he kept making threats of physical harm to other players while playing at MB. Thus, it's my understanding that 86 is not forever. My host told me he was not happy to have this guy back, but it was the decision of the upper management to let him return after a year because he was a big loser year after year and they hate to lose the big losers.

Hello all.  My ATF has recently retired, but I've convince her for one last trip of fun.  She told me she was recently banned from a strip hotel for being suspected as an escort.  The problem is I really want to hit up a nightclub at this particular hotel one night.  What kind of chance does she have of being detected?  What potential problems could she run into if caught?  Is it worth if for me to call and see if I can get her cleared?  She said the ban was only 6 months and it might be nearing expiration.  Anyone have any experience with this?  Thanks for your help

You calling ......No !

If she was busted in a hotel they have her photo and have 86'd her from the property or properties .
If she returns  after she has Been 86'd she will go to jail.  I know many ladies over the years that have had issues with the hotels .

Pick another location to club at just to be on the safe side

With all the clubs on or near the strip, I'm sure you can find another club that isn't in a property owned by the same company where you're staying. And to the OP, if you made that call, what exactly would you say to hotel management?

bluesbass742 reads

What April said about the facial recognition. I can attest to its effectiveness. I've been banned from playing blackjack at most Vegas properties (yes, for card-counting), and even when I'd go into a place I'd never been to before, the pit boss would sometimes address me by name. (Even though I hadn't shown my ID nor used a player's card.)

Posted By: april_luv
You calling ......No !  
 If she was busted in a hotel they have her photo and have 86'd her from the property or properties .  
 If she returns  after she has Been 86'd she will go to jail.  I know many ladies over the years that have had issues with the hotels .  
 Pick another location to club at just to be on the safe side.  

Were you taken to a back room for a mugshot? Or, the facial recognition technology works with pictures taken with cameras on the ceiling?

Posted By: bluesbass
What April said about the facial recognition. I can attest to its effectiveness. I've been banned from playing blackjack at most Vegas properties (yes, for card-counting), and even when I'd go into a place I'd never been to before, the pit boss would sometimes address me by name. (Even though I hadn't shown my ID nor used a player's card.)  
Posted By: april_luv
You calling ......No !  
  If she was busted in a hotel they have her photo and have 86'd her from the property or properties .  
  If she returns  after she has Been 86'd she will go to jail.  I know many ladies over the years that have had issues with the hotels .  
  Pick another location to club at just to be on the safe side.    

bluesbass483 reads

No, I was never taken to a backroom. In fact I would call 911 and get the LVPD involved before I let them do that. The facial recognition works just fine without posing for a mugshot.

I was only completely banned from one casino, SLS. (The others I'm allowed to enter, just not allowed to play BJ.) Even in that incident they didn't take me to a backroom. In fact they didn't even ask for my ID because they already knew exactly who I was. They just told me I'm officially not allowed on the property, and if I'm caught I'd be arrested for trespassing. Then they escorted me out with an entourage of 6 security guards, lol.  

Posted By: borabora
Were you taken to a back room for a mugshot? Or, the facial recognition technology works with pictures taken with cameras on the ceiling?  
Posted By: bluesbass
What April said about the facial recognition. I can attest to its effectiveness. I've been banned from playing blackjack at most Vegas properties (yes, for card-counting), and even when I'd go into a place I'd never been to before, the pit boss would sometimes address me by name. (Even though I hadn't shown my ID nor used a player's card.)  
Posted By: april_luv
You calling ......No !    
   If she was busted in a hotel they have her photo and have 86'd her from the property or properties .    
   If she returns  after she has Been 86'd she will go to jail.  I know many ladies over the years that have had issues with the hotels .    
   Pick another location to club at just to be on the safe side.    

This is scary. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Chances are very high. Just go to diferent club, do not risk it.

zerofcksgiven589 reads

There are too many clubs in lv besides the club you want to go to.
If she has recently been 86'd from a property she will be arrested if they recognize and approach her and she hands them her id.
If she says she has no id they will kick her out of the property.
I wouldn't take that chance.When she was 86'd they take a photo and save it.
Also if she is 86'd from a certain property EVERY property that hotel owns she is also 86'd from there as well.
Do not call.You will make things even worse.
Hotels are private property and reserve the right to refuse admittance to anyone they feel like banning.
One more thing 86'd out of a property is not a time limit thing you are permanently 86'd out of there if they suspect you are an escort.The only way to have that ban lifted is to speak to the head of security and prove you are not an escort.
I do not know if anyone who will go to that kind of lengths to have the 86'd ban lifted but I do know women who still go to properties despite being 86 but they take a chance if caught.

But it's a chance.But when we met, we never had a problem. Meet her at the valet, never let her walk around the hotel looking for you. Always be with her, at the bar, restaurant or if your gambling, although that could set off an alarm. Now because I'm a mature man who looks like I belong, security never approach us. But if you're going to a club then you'll have no problem. Clubs have there own "Special" goon squad there,they're more concern about drunks and assholes. Now if you meet her, and you guys are acting the fools, then all bets are off.... When we met, I never gave her being banned a second thought....Its how you play if off.

YoMaMaDo403 reads

Find Johnny Manziel's old disguise and have her use it. Nobody knew it was him...Oh wait, never mind.

So you can hit up a club....what happens if she went, and got approached...what are you going to say...will you bail her out of jail..or reason with security as she is being escorted off property....

-- Modified on 6/20/2016 4:45:44 PM

I think she asked him to post this on the ter board to find out how big trouble she is in.
Who else think the same? Is anybody REALY would risk to go with banned provider to that club or casino?


Posted By: lisa0302
So you can hit up a club....what happens if she went, and got approached...what are you going to say...will you bail her out of jail..or reason with security as she is being escorted off property....

-- Modified on 6/20/2016 4:45:44 PM

Like I said in my response, there are plenty of jerks.  I'll go with the OP posting on his own, not the provider in question putting him up to it.  

Posted By: timetoplay54
I think she asked him to post this on the ter board to find out how big trouble she is in.  
 Who else think the same? Is anybody REALY would risk to go with banned provider to that club or casino?  
Posted By: lisa0302
So you can hit up a club....what happens if she went, and got approached...what are you going to say...will you bail her out of jail..or reason with security as she is being escorted off property....  
 -- Modified on 6/20/2016 4:45:44 PM
-- Modified on 6/21/2016 1:27:59 AM

Just another reason I don't show my face or tattoos: plausible deniability.

Thanks everyone for the feedback.  She and I have had an open discussion about it and of course I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize either one of us.  Mainly, I didn't realize the penalties were that harsh, so thanks for the info on that.  Didn't realize it would be considered trespassing and result in arrest.  I thought the worst would be we'd be escorted (no pun intended) out and it would be an embarrassment for both of us.

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