Las Vegas

kiwigirl See my TER Reviews 80 reads

Sometimes immediately, sometimes within an hour or so... usually within the same day.

For your down-under pleasure!
[email protected]
702 426 9083

Curious to hear what expectations one should have when  requesting an appointment via suggested  methods on the ladies website --- Made a few inquiries - no responses - 48 hours later
Move on?
 Like to plan  a week or so ahead to get the formalities out of the way , but at what point do you move on---

Just to acknowledge that I did in fact receive an appt request.
If you have sent a few inquires and no response perhaps they are out of town or not available.
Maybe try one more time if no response move on.
On the other side of the coin...why do guys send P411 appt request and get an immediate response and then never respond back.It is disappointing for the gents as well as the ladies at times.
Hope it all works for you.

This is a very good question.  What a great way to engage in conversation/debate on this topic!

I'm not going to BS about this.  Sometimes everyday life catches up with me and I am not on top of my Lynette emails.  I mention this on my website and use an auto response to let people know that if I don't respond in a timely matter, they should send another email as a "gentle reminder."

I understand if someone who contacts me becomes frustrated and gives up on me and moves on.  I get it and respect that.  But for those who have an extra bit of patience and are truly interested in making our time together work, they have been happy for being patient, especially after I make it up to them with rate or time incentives.

This is your way to enjoy companionship and have a great time.  Do what feels right for you, whether no response in six hours or 48 hours, that is your decision to feel respected, feel your time is honored, and move on if it doesn't feel good for you.

Enjoy and stay safe!

I try to respond within hours often times minutes. If I have an active ad that means I should expect inquiries so I take that into account of how quickly I respond. Everyone is different so this is just me personally.

On my website it states that I always reply to requests  within 24 hours, but usually I reply in few hours (even if to say that I am busy/ on a long engagement and give you an updated time frame).

Years in the corporate world got me very well trained to promptly respond and I actually get quite annoyed is someone takes days to reply to a message.  

It's totally up to you on how long you want to wait for a reply, but if someone doesn't get back to me in 48 hours, I certainly move on.  


I can be available with 48 hours notice, but I prefer the planning & teasing that comes prior to playtime.  I have had several gents book 1 month in advance it's fun to me.  I enjoy the foreplay with seductive emails.  One week is perfect planning. If a provider does not reply in 48hrs, move on.  Her time is taken.  

My response time varies from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on where the email lands (sometimes spam).  After 48 hrs, I would look elsewhere.  On a related note, are you sure you're not mentioning anything in your inquiries that's making ladies not want to respond?  Just a thought...

Sometimes immediately, sometimes within an hour or so... usually within the same day.

For your down-under pleasure!
[email protected]
702 426 9083

And happy to help... I always reply quickly.  Email me anytime @ [email protected]


I always try to answer my emails within 24 hours of receiving them, but it's not always possible. So, I always advise gentlemen to reach out via text message if they are hoping to schedule a session same day, or for the next day.  I believe that prompt responses are both polite and help ensure that the gentleman wont look elsewhere.

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