Las Vegas

agreed 100%teeth_smile
JennyBlu See Agency Profile 327 reads

That is so true.. It is completely about the total experience..  and every little thing matters..


MartiniMonster977 reads

I was just reading a review of a promising provider and stopped reading when I got to the part about her Incall being 'messy with clothes all over the place.'   I would have stayed with my first wife if that was acceptable!  For me at least, I'm looking for the total experience of the encounter and going into some bedroom like that would kill it.   There is more to the fantasy of an encounter than just the mechanics between the sheets!

Messy bathrooms!!!

Absolute killer for me (as a tattooist I always advise customers when choosing a tattoo shop ask to use their bathroom that way you can see how hygeinic they REALLY are)

Anyhow reminds me of a funny pic I saw last week

Ann Landers gave the advice that before dining in a new restaurant, always check the bathrooms.  If they weren't clean, don't trust the food to be sanitary.

If someone says to you, "your(re) Kitty Rains?, Do you answer "yes I am" and ("yes it does")?

-- Modified on 11/23/2015 6:38:04 PM

Depending on the situation I do quite often say "It ain't my name for nuthin'!"

You realize that is a double negative?  On the other hand, your lips around my manhood is a quadruple positive?

I know its an oxymoron... but it's the tone with which I saw it that makes it so comical.. kind of vaudevillian almost!

That is so true.. It is completely about the total experience..  and every little thing matters..


...and I rarely do incall because I know that a messy environment is a buzz kill and I've usually been disappointed the few times I have done incall. I like to make sure that my room is tidy and everything is clean and in order when I host a lady. The bathroom will be clean and orderly, fresh towels, bed made, music playing and likely even a candle and a flowery plant. I'm the type that straightens up the hotel room before housekeeping comes to clean it.

Reason why I never do incall in Vegas. I like to set the tone/mood. It's what I enjoy and I hope it's something my guess will enjoy as well. It's our escape from it all for that small fleeting moment. Call me a romantic, but that's just moi,

I always make sure my home is just as you described.  Ambience is high on my list for incall at my place. It just makes the date so much better!


Posted By: Drumsticks
...and I rarely do incall because I know that a messy environment is a buzz kill and I've usually been disappointed the few times I have done incall. I like to make sure that my room is tidy and everything is clean and in order when I host a lady. The bathroom will be clean and orderly, fresh towels, bed made, music playing and likely even a candle and a flowery plant. I'm the type that straightens up the hotel room before housekeeping comes to clean it.

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