Las Vegas

Actually, you should thank one of our founding fathers!!teeth_smile
TheCoochieMonster 525 reads


It seems that the problem that Ashley is having with the previous posted thread is something that I am coming to a realization with:  Someone who travels to Vegas "on occasion" and is a member of this board, obviously is doing his research and is inundated with great possibilities.  The problem that I am facing, is that for me, it is a semi-annual fantasy fest.... like a starving person in a grocery store.  SO much to choose from and so many menus to create.  BUT, for the provider (and I can only imagine) the fantasy world that I live in is much different form the business world that she inhabits.  

I plan, I plot, I fantasize about how cool this date will be.  I read reviews and sometimes even cross reference who reviewed whom.... and then I contact a lady or two pr four and begin the process of figuring out if they are gonna be cool with what I desire.  Since I always plan overnight dates, it is important for me to get a feel for how our personalities might mesh.  I only have one night and I want to make the best of it.

SOOOOOO  I would imagine that part of the frustration that we saw on the board today is based on that.... Fantasy world expectations vs. the everyday business of the business....  Does this make sense?

How do the ladies feel about potential clients having plan A, plan B and maybe a plan C.... (two of those three are gonna lose out) and how do you guys feel about the last minute backout without having those screenings done by several ladies prior to your arrival in the city???

I bet I am seen as a pesty boy to some as I plan my trips.  Any advice?

I would really suggest you not book multiples for the same night then cancel one of them.  If you want to guarantee seeing somebody should your original plan not come to fruitition I would suggest you get hooked up with one of the dependable agencies like Haley Heston or 100 proof.  They have the ability to provide on short notice, their pictures and rates are posted and you won't get taken.  Use agencies as your back up if all else fails, this way you will end up happily screwed instead of unhappily screwing the lady you left out in the cold.  

Check out my reviews and white list.  If you see somebody on there you are interested in and want additional information PM me.

Posted By: bufpiz
It seems that the problem that Ashley is having with the previous posted thread is something that I am coming to a realization with:  Someone who travels to Vegas "on occasion" and is a member of this board, obviously is doing his research and is inundated with great possibilities.  The problem that I am facing, is that for me, it is a semi-annual fantasy fest.... like a starving person in a grocery store.  SO much to choose from and so many menus to create.  BUT, for the provider (and I can only imagine) the fantasy world that I live in is much different form the business world that she inhabits.  

I plan, I plot, I fantasize about how cool this date will be.  I read reviews and sometimes even cross reference who reviewed whom.... and then I contact a lady or two pr four and begin the process of figuring out if they are gonna be cool with what I desire.  Since I always plan overnight dates, it is important for me to get a feel for how our personalities might mesh.  I only have one night and I want to make the best of it.

SOOOOOO  I would imagine that part of the frustration that we saw on the board today is based on that.... Fantasy world expectations vs. the everyday business of the business....  Does this make sense?

How do the ladies feel about potential clients having plan A, plan B and maybe a plan C.... (two of those three are gonna lose out) and how do you guys feel about the last minute backout without having those screenings done by several ladies prior to your arrival in the city???

I bet I am seen as a pesty boy to some as I plan my trips.  Any advice?

-- Modified on 5/11/2012 12:40:13 PM

But on the other hand if your setting up blocks of time like that I'm sure that unless the provider is sick which she will somewhat know in advance , you won't have a problem.

If you cancel on someone setting up long periods of time like that and then you cancel to go with another date you should tell the provider from the start that she is only a back up and you may cancel and give her the choice if she wants to be oncall for that time.

You run the chances of never being able to see that provider in the future.  I would think ,most providers ask for a deposit after so many hours booked for that reason.

Posted By: bufpiz
It seems that the problem that Ashley is having with the previous posted thread is something that I am coming to a realization with:  Someone who travels to Vegas "on occasion" and is a member of this board, obviously is doing his research and is inundated with great possibilities.  The problem that I am facing, is that for me, it is a semi-annual fantasy fest.... like a starving person in a grocery store.  SO much to choose from and so many menus to create.  BUT, for the provider (and I can only imagine) the fantasy world that I live in is much different form the business world that she inhabits.  

I plan, I plot, I fantasize about how cool this date will be.  I read reviews and sometimes even cross reference who reviewed whom.... and then I contact a lady or two pr four and begin the process of figuring out if they are gonna be cool with what I desire.  Since I always plan overnight dates, it is important for me to get a feel for how our personalities might mesh.  I only have one night and I want to make the best of it.

SOOOOOO  I would imagine that part of the frustration that we saw on the board today is based on that.... Fantasy world expectations vs. the everyday business of the business....  Does this make sense?

How do the ladies feel about potential clients having plan A, plan B and maybe a plan C.... (two of those three are gonna lose out) and how do you guys feel about the last minute backout without having those screenings done by several ladies prior to your arrival in the city???

I bet I am seen as a pesty boy to some as I plan my trips.  Any advice?

If you are contacting multiple providers all for the same day and time you need to let those providers know a couple of them are potentially going to be back-ups.Let the provider decide if she wants to screen you for a "what if"appointment.You do not want to be known as the guy who sends appt requests and then cancels because his first or second choice is available now.If a provider has screened you taking her time to do so she is most likely going to expect you are going to set an appointment.If a provider cancels last minute or not really enough time for a second option going with an agency is an option for you or trying to find an independent provider that might be available at that time.I know sometimes it can be hard to find someone last minute or same day.It is also difficult for a provider to try to find a gent to fill an appointment after a last minute cancellation because a gent double booked providers.
If you want to see those providers you had to cancel on in the future you might be perceived as a timewaster if she knows you are double booking.
Good luck to you on your trip.

Posted By: april_luv
But on the other hand if your setting up blocks of time like that I'm sure that unless the provider is sick which she will somewhat know in advance , you won't have a problem.

If you cancel on someone setting up long periods of time like that and then you cancel to go with another date you should tell the provider from the start that she is only a back up and you may cancel and give her the choice if she wants to be oncall for that time.

You run the chances of never being able to see that provider in the future.  I would think ,most providers ask for a deposit after so many hours booked for that reason.
Posted By: bufpiz
It seems that the problem that Ashley is having with the previous posted thread is something that I am coming to a realization with:  Someone who travels to Vegas "on occasion" and is a member of this board, obviously is doing his research and is inundated with great possibilities.  The problem that I am facing, is that for me, it is a semi-annual fantasy fest.... like a starving person in a grocery store.  SO much to choose from and so many menus to create.  BUT, for the provider (and I can only imagine) the fantasy world that I live in is much different form the business world that she inhabits.  

I plan, I plot, I fantasize about how cool this date will be.  I read reviews and sometimes even cross reference who reviewed whom.... and then I contact a lady or two pr four and begin the process of figuring out if they are gonna be cool with what I desire.  Since I always plan overnight dates, it is important for me to get a feel for how our personalities might mesh.  I only have one night and I want to make the best of it.

SOOOOOO  I would imagine that part of the frustration that we saw on the board today is based on that.... Fantasy world expectations vs. the everyday business of the business....  Does this make sense?

How do the ladies feel about potential clients having plan A, plan B and maybe a plan C.... (two of those three are gonna lose out) and how do you guys feel about the last minute backout without having those screenings done by several ladies prior to your arrival in the city???

I bet I am seen as a pesty boy to some as I plan my trips.  Any advice?

I filled out two web forms and put up an ISO on this board at 4:30 am before I went to bed.  By 10:30 the next morning I had one post on the board, three PMs, an email, a text message, and a phone call.

I was impressed.

I'm also impressed some of the ladies here say the would be willing to consider being a "back up".  I think that shows a real level of understanding to the needs of the semi-annual starving hobbyist (we should start a club, there's a few of us), especially given the distain "double booking" has in the community.

Just goes to show how a little bit of honesty and integrity generates good will.

Thank you all (so far).  So what I gather, and my plan would/should be....

Pick 2-4 ladies that interest me and contact them with "general" details of what I am planning and what I am looking for.  Let them know that I am in the choosing process.  Then, about a week out, make a choice and let the ladies whom I have not chosen know that I have chosen to go another route.  THEN  contact an agency and get pre-screened and use that as my "plan B"...

Does this make sense to the ladies?  What do you guys think.

I love the anticipation and the "dance", but once again I want to be considerate of everyone's time and energy.   I think you have put me on a path that will not harm any inovlved parties.. THANK YOU SO MUCH

I think you almost got it ;-) ;-)

Since I am the type of lady who prefers a man who is straight forward and honest and
I do not respect anyone ( providers or hobbyists )  who double book and cancel on someone last minute because something better came along.
Well you wouldn't want a lady to double book you and cancel last minute , right ?
Don't do to others what you don't want done to you comes back to bite you in the ass ;-) ;-)

And don't think we don't find out about stuff like that , not even trying just by accident ....
The truth sooner or later comes out.
So I believe honesty is the best policy.

With that said - here is my advise .

Pick a few ladies that interest you and explain that you are in the process of making your choice.
waiting a week out to actually make your choice .......maybe a bit late......or maybe not.
But I always say to be on the safe side-
The sooner you can commit to who you want to see , the better chance you will have to see that lady.
I think any lady who has her act together would prefer advance planning.
Although many hobbyist think one week is advance planning ......sometimes it isn't as far in advance as they think.

So how far in advance is enough ? You really never know. Each lady is different.
Sometimes one can try booking me a month in advance and I am already booked , and there are times I still have openings for same week or next week.
You just have to try .  
It is never too early to book an appointment , only too late.

I'm just saying,  do not assume one week in advance means a lady isn't already booked.

Now as long as the hobbyist is honest with me , I am more then happy to have him pre-screened.
and be his plan B if his plan A falls through . BUT , he needs to understand there is no guarantee that I will still be available when he tries to contact me last minute.
It can be a hit , or miss ....... but never hurts to try. ;-) ;-)

You can have a few ladies as your plan B. So if one plan B isn't available , maybe another plan B is.
If a provider gets all offended about being plan B , well that's her problem. ( as long as you were honest and upfront about everything )
She needs to get real , understand the problem in Vegas of last minute cancelations and not take everything so personally.
Or you can chose to call a legit agency as your plan B or plan C .

If a lady feels that pre-screening you for a Plan B , is a waste of her time ....... then you need to move on and find a provider who understands doing business.

As a realtor I spend time with people , emailing , talking on the phone , showing homes , writing up contracts ........ not every person I am in contact with turns into "money in my pocket"
so am I wasting my time ?? NO , it is part of doing business.

Be honest , upfront and there is no reason for anyone to be harmed.

Hope this helps.
xoxo CindySpice

Posted By: bufpiz
Thank you all (so far).  So what I gather, and my plan would/should be....

Pick 2-4 ladies that interest me and contact them with "general" details of what I am planning and what I am looking for.  Let them know that I am in the choosing process.  Then, about a week out, make a choice and let the ladies whom I have not chosen know that I have chosen to go another route.  THEN  contact an agency and get pre-screened and use that as my "plan B"...

Does this make sense to the ladies?  What do you guys think.

I love the anticipation and the "dance", but once again I want to be considerate of everyone's time and energy.   I think you have put me on a path that will not harm any inovlved parties.. THANK YOU SO MUCH

can end up in disaster for both if the client behaves in a rude and demeaning manor.  

I would rather not make the money and risk board politics than subject myself to an insulting client who has zero respect at all.  Obviously, people missed the point in my frustration and it didn't ALL have to do with the hotel.  Granted, that was the icing on the cake.  I'm in the parking lot on the phone with a client and he calls me names etc., says I will make it up to him, then calls me worthless and hangs up?  Who in their right mind WOULDN'T cancel right then and there?  

Why should any provider have to eat shit and kiss ass and worry about people's opinions when ultimately we have to choose whether to spend an hour or whatever with someone who just made us feel like shit?  I'd rather eat the money.  I didn't benefit at all for doing what was right in my gut, but, a clients fantasy vs. my self worth?  Well, the fantasy loses out hands down especially when being treated like a purchased good and then some.  It's not right and it's skewed to say the least.  

I'm not perfect, I screw up all the time, but at the end of the day I have to live in my own skin and I'd rather not feel like I've sold out for the almighty dollar and a "hooker be good" reputation.  

Ashley Jade

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