
Scam alert
boptician 105 Reviews 2786 reads
1 / 33

Unfortunately there is a young lady going around using Boa's pictures from Vegas, Little Toyko, that was in Philly this past week. She stole her roommates money and took off, she was at Erotic Philly Models (aka EPM) was named Mary Cosplay. Apparently she pulled the same thing at Little Tokyo and in California, the owner of EPM verified this.  I don't know if it is allowed for me to post her picture here, maybe the mods will let me know.

boptician 105 Reviews 145 reads
3 / 33

Yes those are the stolen pictures she was using. I have her real pictures but don't know how to post them here. Not from a website but text to the boss

36363jensen 4 Reviews 134 reads
4 / 33

Nothing you mentioned seems to have actually affected a client and the picture was apparently stolen. Clearly the agencies and roommates know a lot more about who the person was and were the injured parties.  

So what did you hope to accomplish with the post? Seems like the most obvious result might be that now Boa, or whoever is the legitimate "owner" of Boa's pictures might be viewed as the thief and so avoided by customers. But that will not really do anything to redress the harms already done. Might be a case of "nice that you cared" but the reality is more like hoping on the road to hell with good intentions -- meaning you may be causing more harm the doing any good.

kyungjean 6 Reviews 130 reads
5 / 33

Thanks for the note, Iz.

But perhaps more important to the board, since you used the words "sc&m" and "st0le", what was the latency of your post?

Important inferences regarding moderation software must be made!!

-- Modified on 2/12/2022 6:04:50 PM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 135 reads
6 / 33

it rough, or is she one of the "living dead" Kgirls.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 139 reads
7 / 33

You cannot post pics to TER unless they are on some other website. TER only allows a link and will not store the image on their hosts.

The link has some free image upload & share sites but I have no idea what you need to do in order to use their site -- might not be anonymous uploads so maybe could be tracked back to you.

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 132 reads
8 / 33

Use imgur.
If you don't how, you can pm them to someone who knows how to use an upload service.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 139 reads
9 / 33

You think they'll sic someone on her? Wonder if they treat the girls worse than the Johns when something like this happens since they have more of their personal info. Hope not, though.

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 121 reads
10 / 33

From what I heard, they don't care about inter-girl stuff too much and usually let them handle their shit by themselves. Unless it affects the health of the org (such as roommates fighting, calling cops on each other and so forth) obviously.  


One girl in particular who loved to rant told me a similar story of her roommate robbing her. Obviously  taken with a grain of salt because of her pov, but in her story the org didn't do shit.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 128 reads
11 / 33

I'm unfamiliar with how girls receive their cut, so are you saying that they keep their cut separate from the house? Seems like the only instance in which a girl's money wouldn't also be the house's.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 123 reads
12 / 33

Your question should be, "You are unfamiliar with the how the house receives its cut."   With Kgirls, you give your money to the girl, not the house, so the house has to trust the girl to get them their money.  I explained it here once, but got called out for TMI.  I didn't think it was a BFS, but apparently, so few guys know, so it is.  

This raises the question of how you could have seen upwards of 20 Kgirls you have reviewed and not know how the money is handled?  

-- Modified on 2/13/2022 9:05:28 PM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 122 reads
13 / 33

more personal info about the girls than they do the customers they have screened?   Where did you hear that?

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 136 reads
14 / 33

Once again, you showcase your reading comprehension. My logic is in agreement with what you're saying, but Rocket's isn't, which is why I asked my question. Seriously?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 111 reads
15 / 33

"I'm unfamiliar with how girls receive their cut, . . . . ."

He didn't.  How am I misunderstanding what you said?  Are you now claiming this was a lie, and you ARE familiar with how the girl gets her cut? (After I explained it - LOL)

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 104 reads
16 / 33

You didn't "explain" anything. I was obviously referring to what happens AFTER you hand over the donation. If the girls don't receive their cut until the end of their tour, then money that is stolen from a roommate is the house's money. If the girls separate their cut from the donation as they receive them, then money stolen from a roommate is solely hers. It shouldn't be this hard to understand.

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 121 reads
17 / 33

I'm not really saying anything besides what I mentioned. I have no idea how the girls keep their money. I said that from what I heard

1) orgs as long as it doesn't affect their money or wellbeing don't get in between the inter-girl drama

2) I've been told by a girl who liked to rant, that her roommate stole her money. She didn't go into details how or from what stash it was stolen. But it wasn't a days or weeks worth of money - it was more than that. Considering that for many orgs the boss stops by and picks up thhe house cut nearly every day, I think you can make some conclusions here.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 131 reads
18 / 33

But you said what you said.  After I explained it, it's a little late to say "this is what I meant."  I did explain what happens AFTER you hand over the donation.  Maybe you should read it again.   You've got a knack for CYA, but it's pretty easy to see through.  I bet you go through life making excuses for a LOT of things.  Man up and just say, "Thanks for the explanation, now I understand" and we can all move on.  

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 123 reads
19 / 33

All you had to clarify was that, at least in your example, the girl kept her cut separate from the house.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 139 reads
20 / 33

First of all, you would do well to remember that you don't speak for anyone else on this site. There is no "we". Secondly, I made it clear that you explained nothing. Even someone who doesn't see K-girls knows how the donation is handled. If I didn't see SWers in the first place, and therefore not know how donations were handled, why the fuck would I be on here?  

What isn't well-known is how said donation is distributed after the fact. It's apparent that you ignored the context of the post I originally replied to. Did you even understand the argument Rocket was making? If you can't see that, I can't argue with you. It's literally spelled out for you.

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 128 reads
21 / 33

But I can't say that with certainty...have no idea how her cut was kept.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 114 reads
22 / 33

if you didn't see sex workers?"  It's called being a troll.  But I don't have to tell you that.  

Like many others here, Rocket if on ignore with me.  I only reply to him SOMETIMES when he responds directly to me.  All I can go by is YOUR OWN WORDS.  You said what you said, that you were "UNFAMILIAR with how Kgirls get their cut."  If you had said you are unfamiliar with how the house gets their cut, I would have responded differently. but you were very specific about what part you were unfamiliar wtih.  After my explanation, you have done nothing but try to convince us that you MEANT something OTHER THAN WHAT YOU SAID.  Nice try, but I'm not buying it and I would be surprised if anyone else does in light of WHAT YOU SAID and your choice of language.   You're from a generation of yutes that never owns anything, no matter how egregious it is.  It's always lie your way out at all costs.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 116 reads
23 / 33

You repeating it over and over again doesn't change the fact that everyone knows that Rocket is not on Ignore for you.  

You finally explained something. Next time, before you rush to argue in bad faith, how about you actually try to understand the context of the discussion? You're saying that I backtracked when I literally had to explain myself 2 times because you didn't understand the argument. You don't have to stick your snout in every discussion. Don't reply to a comment if you're not even going to read the post it's responding to.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 133 reads
24 / 33

Maybe it was a Freudian slip, and that's why you are now trying to distance yourself from your own words.  

"The (young man) doth protest too much, methinks."   (with apologies to W. Shakespeare)

There is a way to have someone on ignore, and still read individual selected posts.  You fancy yourself a young tech wiz, so figure it out, hotshot.  As I said, I typically only check SOME of the ones directed at me.  What he says to you or anyone else is of no consequence.

-- Modified on 2/15/2022 10:28:25 AM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 118 reads
25 / 33

makes a claim and then when you ask them to confirm the source, you get crickets.  This should tell everyone just about all they need to know about whether or not floorhump is a fraud when it comes to Kgirls.  He still hasn't named a single Kgirl he has seen since his last generic review quite some time ago.  Generally, younger guys who are REALLY seeing Kgirls can't wait to share their successes with other mongers.  It's both curious and suspicious that he can't name even one girl he has seen recently.  

-- Modified on 2/15/2022 10:26:47 PM

JustLayingLow 117 reads
26 / 33

collects their share, usually about 20% of revenue & leaves ... typically the following morning, the girl deposits & ships her cash out to her overseas account before her business day starts.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 98 reads
27 / 33

has so much free time they resort to replying to their own comments. You should stop to consider why I haven't engaged with your demands (it's because you're irrelevant). I have posted plenty of reviews since my last "generic" one. Good luck finding my aliases!  

P.S. Stop acting like a brat and decide what you want. If my reviews are shit why do you care about them so badly?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 118 reads
28 / 33

and I totally believe you actually saw her.  The big question for me is "Why did you want see her."  When you saw her, she only had one review, and it was a 4-3 (for those that don't remember, a 4 is "okay if you're drunk.")  and yet you still CHOSE her out of all of the possible choices in your area.  The photos show a 50-year-old overweight, over the hill woman with saggy tits and lumpy legs.  Please tell us how you were drawn to her in the first place.  What was so attractive about the photos that you just had to have some of that?  I'm probably going to get crickets and you will disappear for three or four weeks, but that's just as good.  Lol

After picking this grandma for sex, you have a lot of brass calling anyone else a loser.  Do you see how ridiculous you look?   LOL

team_rocket_qwerty 34 Reviews 100 reads
29 / 33

So now you went from attacking him for not writing reviews to attacking his choice of hookers to see?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

useyrhead 4 Reviews 125 reads
30 / 33

That is actually focused on your favorite topic here, that would be awesome and greatly appreciated by all, I’m sure.

The last several posts have largely been entirely off topic and make it difficult for everyone - including you - to find information they may be looking for based on the thread topic.

Still, you are free to do as you think best.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 101 reads
31 / 33

Didn't know about this site when I saw her. This hobby is subjective. Are you really saying that people should only see girls that you approve of? At least I reviewed her to warn others, which you would have complained about had you found out I had seen her and didn't review her. What is wrong with you?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 112 reads
32 / 33

I asked you why you saw her in the first place.  Even if you didn't see her one review on TER, you had to have seen her photos and her web ad, which says she is 49 years old.  I'm asking you what made you want to see her in the first place.  Why did you pick her for a session out of all the providers in your area?  I'm always curious as to why a young guy would pay to have sex with a saggy-titted, lumpy-legged woman that is nothing to look at and probably as old as his mother.  What was your thinking process on this one?  I'm older than she is and I wouldn't even fuck her for free, so what made you take the plunge?  

cks175 43 Reviews 112 reads
33 / 33
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