
Read Threads Here, And Reviews
tinner60 18 Reviews 1208 reads
1 / 4

Wondering if anyone could give me some advice about the Asian agencies that I hear so much about. Who to avoid, donations, what to expect as far as services,etc. I’m interested in trying them out. I’m an experienced hobbyist.

MalachaiPhl 8 Reviews 68 reads
2 / 4

I’ll tell you how I got started and maybe that will help.  

I had seen only independents until I stumbled across the K girl board. And I’m so glad I did. These girls are beautiful, the service is amazing and the cost is significantly less than what you’d pay a comparable independent.  

First thing I did was ask the board to recommend some agencies in my area (Philly). I got three recommendations and contacted two of them. Went through their screening process and I was off and running.  

When I travel to a new city I’ll check the board to see if anyone has mentioned any agencies in the city I’m going to. In the case of Vegas there was a really good discussion recently. Contacted one of the agencies mentioned during my last trip and had an amazing experience. Again at a fraction of the price you’d pay an independent. Or  I might ask the board if I can’t find any discussions. Got a great recommendation for Toronto.  

Hope this helps. Good luck!

cks175 44 Reviews 106 reads
3 / 4

That will give you a good idea of pricing and expectations.

badger48 111 Reviews 50 reads
4 / 4

Just use all and any search sites and then ask if you have to!

The info is out there, all you have to do is look.
Been doing it from the start!

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