
Re: Well Good
qzfryjpa 5 Reviews 836 reads
1 / 15

A provider I have in my Favorites - The title of the profile was her first name like it's always been.

Now - Someone went in and changed the title to "(Name) - Fake Pics"  

Yes the pictures are not her. Like 99% of the K-girls at a K-Agency, the pictures don't match.  

Is that a reason to change one person's profile title to something where clients may not click on???

I wrote to TER support and they answered the Title will "remain as it is".  WTF??? TER doesn't even have pictures on profiles, why would they be concerned if someone's pix are not representative of the profile???

I got over the fact that pictures rarely match the girls at most K-Agencies, either shopped or filtered or just completely different.  Sex work is illegal in Korea. Korean citizen's still have to follow Korean law no matter where they are. And maybe a girl doesn't want family to know.  

What's next??? Pictures are 10 years old or how about -- Pictures were 50 lbs ago.  

My suspicion is a reviewer got upset or is from a competing agency and either has Admin rights or knows someone that does.  

I didn't put the actual profile, not really the point. But TER search for "Fake Pics" and it's the only one out of the thousands of other profiles.

How can this be allowed? and just generally WTF?

36363jensen 4 Reviews 40 reads
2 / 15

So I agree, doing this on now profile is pretty fucked up on TERs part. I just read the general details of the last 6 or 7 reviews and none were complaining about looks or the difference between the pics and the girl. The profile has a data element specifically for pics so why not just leave the name as it should be (the name the girl has worked under) and let that part of the profile inform people.  

I think the only time TER should be putting some type of additional information in the profile title/name is for proven Rip Offs occurred. Other than that where there is a high risk of not only loss of money but also physical harm just leave the name and use the actual profile to provide the information provided by reviewers.

I suspect most in the USA don't know that Korean citizens can do jail time, or just have to deal with a criminal record, for what they do outside Korea even it it's legal in that other location but not in Korea.

But TER is going to do what they want to do regardless of it making any sense to us.

-- Modified on 4/20/2024 3:03:45 PM

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 61 reads
3 / 15

TER flags "Rip Off", and even though this isn't a rip off situation, it is deceiving in nature by posting fake pictures. Blur the face, do back ends but when you show the face and it's not her. Its not cool.
And maybe, the review is from a competing agency. She's a Vegas girl from a Vegas agency so there's probably some Guido turf war going on.
And the "I got over the fact that pictures rarely match the girls at most K-Agencies, either shopped or filtered or just completely different." plays for you, but what about others?

Zeel 67 Reviews 51 reads
4 / 15

And I hope what’s next is more are called out, not less. Blur faces if you don’t want to be discovered. Fake pics are very misleading. As are touched up pics. As are outdated pics. You don’t expect to get something different with anything else you buy online, and if you do you likely will want to return it. But with a provider walking out once you are there is not that easy, and many providers will see you as the problem if you turn around and walk out, even though they are the ones misrepresenting themselves.

qzfryjpa 5 Reviews 52 reads
5 / 15

TER already has a field in all profiles called "Photo Accurate"   I believe the options are yes, no, photoshopped, might be more.  

That's not enough? You need all caps in the provider's title stating FAKE . How about 10 years ago. How about 50 lbs ago?

You can't trust photos on a regular dating site from Glamour shots, professional shoots, filters, shopped.  

What if the Korean Government starts prosecuting every Korean citizen on an Escort site?  That's okay with you as long as you can Window Shop with confidence.

qzfryjpa 5 Reviews 55 reads
6 / 15

I guess it's true Men are Visual. Because apparently almost no one actually reads.  

Half way down the screen, under Appearance - there's a field called "Photo Accurate". Read.  

This is the only profile out of the 1000s of profiles with any other sort of information that's not their Name.  I haven't gone through all 2872 pages of profiles, but I bet I'm right.  

TER doesn't even host pictures, just links to other ads. How are they going to verify every single provider that has ads on different websites. Rely on morons like you and me? Maybe a provider called me Fat or small dick, I'm going not only review, but change their title to be Fat Holland Tunnel ???  

There's already a question and data field about photos or put it in the review, seriously don't understand why you need it in big bold print besides no one feels the need to read the small print on a profile they're going to stick a body part into.

Zeel 67 Reviews 44 reads
7 / 15

I agree whatever is done should be consistent. And sure, argument for the photo accurate box being enough is fair. They do put scam in some names after a client reports it. And, to some, fake photos is scamming. Putting it in the title just makes it easier to catch. I don’t see the point of arguing that they cannot catch everyone. Catch as many as you can is what I would argue. Not sure why you’re defending frauds.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 57 reads
8 / 15

"and many providers will see you as the problem if you turn around and walk out, even though they are the ones misrepresenting themselves."

And why is that a problem? Do you think they can BL you from all other providers? Or is it more that many don't want to be that honest in person or just willing to go with it just to get laid?

Zeel 67 Reviews 45 reads
9 / 15

Not sure what part you’re questioning exactly. I’m simply pointing out how a provider will see it if you walk away. Is that an actual issue for the client? Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on the client. Why would they not walk away? Could be various reasons. But I don’t think getting laid anyway or black listed are the most likely ones in the heat of the moment. Some people simply don’t like conflict and avoid it as much as they can. Does this make it the right decision? Another maybe, maybe not. If you walk away, good on you. If you don’t because you rather not have conflict with a provider, I get that too.

qzfryjpa 5 Reviews 43 reads
10 / 15

No word from support but it's fixed. Only the name in the title again like it was and like everyone else's.

In the Photos Accurate field it says: "Photos of another person"  

At an agency, almost never real pictures. Now pictures can be generated by AI, so can't trust anyway. Think it's bait & switch? whatever.  

If it was an independent, yea it's bait & switch. But again - whatever. Between make-up, photoshop, different age, different weight, might as well be a different woman.

No matter what - you're still TOFTT when you show up.  

I've never had an issue at a k-agency where the girl is ugly or fat. Independents - all the freakin' time. Most much fatter and older than the pictures online.

Even if true, TER should be consistent and I don't know what it takes to be an Admin, but thanks to someone to at least being consistent.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 44 reads
11 / 15

within the profile is "not the same girl."  Choosing one of these will address every situation one might encounter, so I am surprised TER would start doing this by singling out certain girls.  It doesn't seem fair when the profile options already address this possibility.  

netnoy 38 Reviews 38 reads
13 / 15

You are upset someone was called out for fake pics on their ads?  We should be doing this more often.....

qzfryjpa 5 Reviews 46 reads
14 / 15

Read more than the headlines.

It was about there's already a field for picture accuracy and TER should be consistent.

netnoy 38 Reviews 36 reads
15 / 15

I'm not sure why you went ham on this.  You should be supporting reports of fake pics.  Instead of us just expecting it from certain sites.

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