
Re: Questions (why imagine and why barista)
team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 56 reads

"Yes I know to some extent that's a booker's job"

To some extent? It is literally part of the bookers job.

Why do you have to make a nonrelevant analogy when you could take any scheduler. Call your doctors office receptionist, preferably one who handles multiple doctors.

I will bet anything in the world that they won't be rude or threaten to block you. Because... wait for it here....drumroll.....its their fucking job. And if they told me doctor is going to be here... And then I see this doctor going to some conference... Im obviously going to be concerned. And they will understand my concern.  

So what really separates a doctor receptionist who won't be rude, from a booker who is rude? Both are customer-facing jobs. Oh I get it one is for illegal biz, which apparently grants them license to act like they are gods gift to green earth.  

... No you aren't. Literally you're a phone operator. You work phones. Literally...your literal purpose is to answer availability questions and scheduling questions... along with customer verification.  

And if you get caught in a lie... Fucking own it.

These POs be feeling themselves too much because power got to their fucking head. So much power and so little ACCOUNTABILITY


Moreover... Las Vegas has always been and will be for foreseeable future a visitor/tourist city. Sex workers in Vegas are used to tourists coming and booking them. Most tourists  are on a schedule and they like to make plans beforehand. There is absolutely nothing cr!M!nal in what hpy asked.

-- Modified on 4/26/2024 3:08:19 PM

Here's what went down...and if the booker is lurking here...F-YOU
I just got back from Vegas, but this happen recently as I was planning my trip.  
About a week or less before my arrival I inquired about Jay and Ginger. Asking if they'll be around when I'm there. Dude, got back to me with a "Yes" on Jay and a "No" on Ginger....cool. I told him I would confirm day of for Jay.
About a coupe of days, going through other boards I see someone remark that Jay at VAC has taken her talents to SD and won't be back for awhile. I'm thinking, "fucking booker bullshitted me". I text him asking if Jay was going to be in Vegas on said day I asked for or will she be holed up in SD as I heard
Homeboy seemed to have lost it when I asked, he came back with the "You ask too many questions", "Why you ask?"..."Ask again I'll block you"...
I Said, fuck it.....and moved on.
Is this the norm for this guy? if it is...how and why do you guys put up with this?

r8669551 reads

They probably get a hundred tests per day if not more, and they're only focused on today and tomorrow. The girls probably go wherever and whenever they please so booker may have no idea who will be available on xyz date in the future.

When I travel, I always reach out a week or so in advance to make sure I'm still cleared for landing, but I don't start browsing options until I'm on the ground and ready to roll.

There's a good chance the booker is an asshole just off how many bookers are assholes imo.

Now, to your point. For kgirls most (not all) shops have dynamic girl movement. Some girls are impulsive too and unpredictable. Here today, gone tomorrow as they say. Sometimes bookers know sometimes they don't.  

Yes some shops will let u prebook a lot of days in advance and have a static lineup that doesn't change too often. But for most part, at least here in the bay, standard prebook is one day out. So personally I wouldn't plan on a specific girl a week out. I'd research a couple of days before, and be prepared in the case my first or second option is available. Ie, prepared to book someone else in the org or go to another org altogether and see one of the girls there.

I don't know if you actually mentioned reading/hearing the info, but I'd usually advise against this. It's one thing to post what you hear here, another to tell it to the booker. Personally I never want bookers to know I read online forums and so forth.  

The bookers response is unwarranted to me. Of course, if you're out of town and start asking questions and never booked it raises suspicions. On the other hand, booker needs to get that you're visiting and interested in that girl. But also a booker who knows you're visiting knows you likely won't be a repeat customer so he/she probably doesn't value your business much. Which of course, doesn't really justify the response.

I know this doesn't answer your question. But yes, most likely vac booker reads this one way or the other. Vac has an agency page on here and they even had an account (not sure if it's still here, probably) here.

Your "Some girls are impulsive too and unpredictable. Here today, gone tomorrow as they say." is correct. But in this case because I had inquired and Ginger and those that know of her would know that she does move around. So the booker was very honest with me about Ginger. She was not going to be there when I was there.That part was cool.
But in the case of Jay, those that know of her know she's an older woman, is a staple of VAC . She doesn't come and go as freely as say Lyn. She's been holed up in Vegas for awhile and doesn't move around compared to others. And now as I look back, when I inquired about Jay, she was already in SD. And the asshole lied to me.
The booker probably thought I was some yahoo from Kansas who wouldn't know the difference between Jay, Miso, or Eatme. That I'd probably accept anyone....Or on the day of,he'd probably say Jay was booked but Ladeeda was available.
That's what I bugged about...as you can see. If he would have said, that Jay wasn't available then I'd be cool ok.
Anyways, I'm sure this has happened...ALOT to guys who just don't know

-- Modified on 4/6/2024 2:45:17 PM

Agreed, the switch to another girl when the one you inquired about who's advertised as working but really isn't. I think they capitalize on a john being horny and assume they'd fuck anything during that moment.

TopKGirls in the Bay Area does this with Flower, who isn't regularly in San Jose anymore. When she's stated to work on a specific day, the listing is back to vacation a day after. A popular provider named Bell years ago told me the po does this to spur business, and it looks like she's still doing it, as well as other orgs.

Sorry you had the experience you did - not highly uncommon in the world of K-orgs  but kind of surprising in such a competitive market. I have found that the size of booker assholes is inversely related to the amount of competition in a given market. The less the competition the bigger the asshole....
I have had positive experiences with VAC but communications are a bit curt. I write it off to cultural differences; most K bookers seem to be a bit ambivalent. I work in LV almost every month and have been impressed by CLL of late. One great thing about living in a Capitalist nation is the ability to vote with your dollar - as Granddaddy told me when I was about 6 - if you don't find them cooperative - fuck'em.

...and coincidentally I'll be there this weekend. I reached out to Kevin at CLL yesterday to let him know that I'd be in town and he couldn't be more accommodating. It really depends on the booker, but their personalities tend to be fairly stable. An asshole tends to stay an asshole, and a good guy tends to stay a good guy (or girl) unless provoked. Of course we all have bad days which can screw up even a generally good dispositioned person's mood. Sorry this happened to you. I'd try a different booker and agency next time.

asappocky50 reads

Booked with VAC 2 days ago and it was smooth sailing. Saw the legendary Lyn for the first time and she told me to visit her down in socal with my reference here. She complained about Vegas clientele being so suggestive on bb which annoyed her.

If I did have issues in Vegas, it was with LittleTokyo getting lost in the complex and they subsequently cancelled my appointment. The orgs here run a tight ship apparently.

Lyn is probably the only girl in the stable of VAC who doesn’t offer BB. Guys just figure if you’re with VAC , then BB is on the table.
Thats just the way it is..
But anyways…. That booker is still a POS

Lyn has been known to ban customers in LA just for asking about BBFS, so it sounds like she let those Vegas dudes off easy - LOL!

As for the VAC booker, I think this applies to almost all bookers -- they don't like being asked a bunch of questions, especially if you are not a very frequent customer. Sure, he could have been more polite. But his response was not surprising at all. I think there are a lot of bookers (maybe half of them) who would have responded to you the same way. Translated into a more polite message, he was basically saying, "Hey man, I'm busy. Leave me alone until the day you're ready to book an appointment."

I’ve got to agree with Merlin. Happy’s behavior was that of the classic time waster, and it’s not surprising that he got some push back for it.

See you're the spinless guys these guys love...take whoever is available, fuck them...sound like you? Sorry, I don't take "day of" ladies. I wasn't going to settle....But my guess, you do, right?

The scenario your describing is just one you made up in your head rather that something that actuallt happened in this case. So you don't really know if some bait and switch was to occur when you got there or not.

Yes, the booker should have just said, she is not here so check back when you get in town or something like that. But doesn't sound like you have had that experience with that booker before or hve been pointing to other cases so why try to make it more than it actually was?  Not like there is not a justification for complaining/calling out the actual experience without embelishing to make it seem worse or something.

My gawd...
Like you said, "Yes, the booker should have just said, she is not here so check back when you get in town or something like that"...you're right, he should have but he didn't, He was straight up with Ginger not with Jay. Led me to believe Jay would be there. Imagine me confirming day of and she's not there....Sorry but I don't work that way.
And why would I embellish this, its simple and like I said, there some who tolerate this nonsense. I just don't. And what do you know about Vegas? I get you're a agency guy but I think Vegas is handle differently they Tyson.

But I disagree with him too. And I will challenge him to outline all possibilities if he doesn't like hypotheticals, assuming the statement that the girl was gone at that point is truthful.  

As far as I can see, absolute "best case" scenario would be the booker eventually telling you that the girl has left and letting you decide what you want to do.

Which is still bad to Hpy. He wanted a specific girl, not just a girl. Enumeration of all possibilities will quickly show that all roads lead to him not getting information in time, which is pretty anti-consumer.

Luckily Hpy was reading  the fuckboards, and he was able to trace this girls movement. Now if that were a monger who doesn't read these boards, he'd be manipulated by the booker

All I was saying is that all the rest of the spin didn't matter. [edid] And, to be clear myself, and give rocket a bit of a response, I said "The scenario your describing is just one you made up in your head rather that something that actuallt happened in this case." Sure it could have happend that way and you can say it is a very probably hypothisis but you never actually tested that hypothisis so it never actually happened.  But as I say below, what did that actualy add to your post?

You're right, I don't go to Vegas -- no interest (outside F1 perhaps). What would have changed in this thread if you had just said the booker must have been lying to you about Jay given she seems to be working elsewhere when he said she would be available? Likely you would not have gotten any of the pushback from anyone (and it seems some of them do know Vegas and I think that agency). But you would have made your point very clearly.

We've had agencies that pull shit and they tend to get ignored after a bit -- with the exception of those that use the BB draw but I don't plan on making excuses for those guys. If they just care for BB and want to put up with the misleading about who is there or what they look like that is fine with me. At least as long as they then don't start crying about it while continuing to hand they money over for the BB.

But mostly you've generally been more of the water off the back of a duck type guy on the boards so this was a bit out of norm for you. Did not seem like a happy-go-lucky type attitude.

-- Modified on 4/9/2024 12:20:19 AM

about her a week before, maybe at the time of your contact his schedule had her back in Vegas wherever she was.
Happened to me a couple of times. Asked about a specific Kgirl and the Booker said she will be there for the day I asked about.
Then I saw/heard she was on vacation/out of town.
Asked the booker the day before and it was confirmed the session was good.

And let me remind some, Jay is an older woman, she isn't young lady who is prone to jump from city to city. Those that know of her know this. But I did my homework on her, search all discussion boards and that's when I knew she was in SD.
Now, looking at it now it seems I was correct, she's in SD and based on her last two reviews, she's still there. So she wasn't in Vegas the time I was there.
And if you check out the line up card for VAC today, she's nowhere to be listed.
And a parting shot to the booker,as I'm done with this......DUDE you're still an asshole.

I guess you really dont know JAY/Tracy/Emmy/Summer   yeah all those names....

She jumps around from CA to LV and even once and awhile to the east coast (VA).

She even changed bookers....ie: was with VAC and even one time with LT.

It seems to me you are blowing this way out of proportion.

Yes the bookers can be "firm" when asking too many questions.   But when ever I have worked with VAC and LTV they always tell me not to ask about who is working until I arrive.  One time they told me that line up changes.  Even girls advertised are sometimes GONE or take the day off.   I have had this happen... looked on line and then asked for the girl.  Booker told me she took day off will be available next day.   It was a girl I had seen already so I would know if it was a "bait and switch".... guess what next day I saw her and wasn't bait and switch.   I told her I wanted to see her the day before.  She said it was her "day off".

You said

"But when ever I have worked with VAC and LTV they always tell me not to ask about who is working until I arrive"

If the booker told Hpy exactly what you said, this thread would never be made Im pretty sure.  

Instead, the booker said something very different to him.

"Dude, got back to me with a "Yes" on Jay and a "No" on Ginger....cool. I told him I would confirm day of for Jay.
About a coupe of days, going through other boards I see someone remark that Jay at VAC has taken her talents to SD and won't be back for awhile. I'm thinking, "fucking booker bullshitted me". I text him asking if Jay was going to be in Vegas on said day I asked for or will she be holed up in SD as I heard"

I guess you missed the part where the OP said he would text the DAY OF TO CONFIRM.   Then texted a day or two later questioning if JAY will be there by mentioning another forum.   He WASNT IN VEGAS YET.    So he broke what he told the booker he would do.

Again the booker may have been telling the truth or lying on the initial convo.   Like mentioned... JAY does bounce around or had to go back to SD and might not have let the booker know or was planning on being back then.   OR did she change bookers... which has happened with her as well.     Anyways... the OP went back on contacting day of and reached back out a few days before the meeting.

what you are describing, but Rocket is never going to believe there are bookers who tell the truth.  Lol

So did Hpy lie or something?
Why is this about me?

I thought we all agreed that the booker lied here.
VAC booker, whom this thread is about.

Or is it some fucking accomplishment that VAC booker sometimes tells the truth? I never said and hpy never said that bookers lie all the time.  

VAC booker might even be 100%  honest to regulars,vips and/or his/her buddies.
I really don't care. I bet hpy doesn't either.  

Being honest SOMETIMES is hardly anything to be proud of.  
Imagine someone saying I'm honest with my wife...sometimes!  
I'm honest with you, your honor.... This one time.  
I'm honest with my shareholders.... Today


My read of Jensen’s post re the embellishment was your ranting about being bait and switched. You thought you might be bait and switched, but In actuality you weren’t.
You’re right to be peeved about the misinfo, but there’s no need to exaggerate what happened to you to. If you want to be taken seriously here, stop acting like a drama queen.

In an earlier reply, you mentioned not being a “same day” guy. Given loss of availability due to menstrual cycles, hangovers, change of plans, relocation, we all are “same day” guys at the end of the day.

Merlin’s a shill?! LOL

And Collect your cut and STFU..
Try calming down and counting to ten. It’s not that big of a deal.

Try a few steps below...lol
But anyways,I swear you K-Boys are so territorial about your sand box...get over it.  
An in parting, here's a excerpt from a post from another site..and there's more like this. So start getting real.
Hate to say this, but some of you guy are just sad....

"LTLV has been bad for a while. Mainly because the booker is an asshole and the whole bait and switch thing they pull all the time. Even the VAC booker has had some asshole moments which turned me off them.

I now try to stick to independents in Vegas and just use K-agencies in other states"

I still think you’re overblowing what happened. You weren’t bait and switched, but continue to circle back to that. My original point still stands. You’re being a drama queen about this.

-- Modified on 4/10/2024 12:37:37 PM

He was lied to. And then was responded to rudely when it wasn't uncalled for. But you don't want to focus on that. I wonder why.

I’m focused enough to acknowledge that Happy was lied to. Also focused enough to see that Happy alleges that the Booker initiated the rudeness. But that’s not the point of this subthread.

Yes, Happy is upset. He’s shown just cause for it. But is it really necessary for him to embellish the story and rant on and on as if he’s been seriously aggrieved?

Perhaps others are not focused on that because that is something that no one actually is disputing.

The majority of this discussion has nothing really to do with the booker and a lot to do with how people respond to the situations they come across while engaging in this activity.  Embellishing the facts with hypotheticals doesn't actually ad anything other than support an increased emotional response/reaction to the topic. That is seldom productive.

This discussion is/was about a very specific booker. Not how "people respond to situations". The topic put pressure on a specific booker.  

The original post has no "embellishment" to it whatsoever. None.  

And the discussion was going fine UNTIL merlin and especially cks decided to jump in and blame Happy instead of admitting the booker has lied. Neither of them admitted the booker was lying. Nowhere in the thread have they done it. Cks hasnt said a word about how what the booker has done, was wrong. Merlin hasn't either. And don't give me the same ol' tired "but they were implying it" no they haven't.  

"Happy’s behavior was that of the classic time waster, and it’s not surprising that he got some push back for it"  

- this was cks response.  

So cks provoked Happy by blaming him, then got the "embellishment" as a response and then you and him jumped on that response. How fucking splendid. I see what you're doing.  

And then merlin jumped on and essentially said that people who are behaving like Happy and complaining on the boards don't deserve to be taken in by bookers. Basically we cannot complain about anticonsumer behavior in his mind. And call a booker an asshole publicly. Wunderbar!  Fits right in with his refusal to document bad sessions publicly.  

Whats even funnier - and forgive the hypothetical here - is that I know if the roles were reversed, everyone would STILL be blaming the customer.  

Because what's allowed for the booker (being rude etc)  in seemingly is not allowed for a customer. Why? Because apparently they gatekeep pussy. Doubt if they were peddling turnips people would tolerate this.  

Being rude and belligerent on the forums apparently means a bad customer, but a booker rude and belligerent to a customer, is normal and fine.  

Uh huh. Sure. No double standards at all here.

I don’t dispute the fact that you and I see things differently.   But you need to get your facts straight if you’re going to waste a post complaining about me.

First off, I have specifically acknowledged that the booker lied and Happy’s displeasure with that was justified. I didn’t imply it, I specifically said it . You apparently missed that or intentionally ignored it.

Secondly, about the embellishment. You say I introduced that.  Wrong again. Jensen was first to point out the embellishment issue.  

The embellishment is question? Happy’s words:

Imagine me confirming day of and she's not there....Sorry but I don't work that way.
Happy asks where the embellishment is when it’s right there. There can’t be a confirmation call because THERE NEVER WAS a booking call.  All Happy did was make MULTIPLE calls to the booker asking about FUTURE AVAILABILITY.

Finally, I’ll again acknowledge that you and I see this situation differently. I’ll acknowledge (again) that the Booker’s declaration that Happy’s favored provider was available was a false one.  What I won’t do is let you say that I blamed Happy for the entire situation. And I won’t accept that I even implied he was entirely to blame.  

What I did was point out that Happy bore some responsibility for their relationship going south. I understand you disagree with my perspective on that. I’m fine to agree to disagree. What I’m not fine with is you ignoring facts and manufacturing claims that don’t hold water.

No, you have not acknowledged that the booker lied up until your post today. You haven't explicitly stated that what the booker have done was wrong, nor have you acknowledged that he was lying. Up until today, replying to my posts.  

You have criticized happy a magnitude more than you explicitly criticized the booker. And unless you yourself directly contacted the vac booker - extremely unlikely, close to zero probability - and criticized him, the amount of criticism you issued to the booker was negligible compared to the criticism you issued to happy.  

I also know (another hypothetical heh) that if it were me making the post, the whole "girl not being there" thing would be called hearsay and other nonsense. But at least here you're forced to admit that it was true. So I'm happy (lol) about that.

Again, none of his original post were a hypothetical. He issued the hypothetical later at which point he was jumped by you and Jensen. Never mind I asked Jensen what would the absolute best case scenario be for happy if he wanted to see Jay and Jay only. Got no response back. The fact is, unless the booker somehow got Jay to come back, NONE of the all possible hypotheticals would benefit him. And most of the hypothetical would benefit the booker.  

Bookers already think they're hot shit and there are people who enable them even more. Why are you giving so much shit to a customer who only wanted to see a specific girl at a specific time and was trying to get a schedule. And not the booker who actually lied to string a customer along?

Rocket said:

Neither of them admitted the booker was lying. Nowhere in the thread have they done it. Cks hasnt said a word about how what the booker has done, was wrong.
He didn’t quantify it, he didn’t say “until today”. He said “nowhere in the thread”  He said, “cks hasn’t sent a word”

Let’s check that.
Two days ago, in a direct reply to Happy:

You’re right to be peeved about the misinfo
Today, BEFORE you said “nowhere in the thread”, ironically in a reply to you.
I’m focused enough to acknowledge that Happy was lied to. Also focused enough to see that Happy alleges that the Booker initiated the rudeness.
Now as to your credibility,
the whole "girl not being there" thing would be called hearsay and other nonsense. But at least here you're forced to admit that it was true.
I wasn’t forced to admit anything. I simply took Happy’s word for it. He’s never given me reason to believe he would just cut an imaginary scenario out of whole cloth, and he’s never us any indication that he would have a motive to lie here. He had a bad experience with a KGirl Booker, and he came to the KGirl Forum to complain about it.

You, on the other hand, are another story. You sprinkle your posts here with lies liberally, and I’ve shown you’ve even lied in the post I’m directly responding to here. And you’ve also got a motive to lie, which has been exposed in many threads and posts here in this forum.

Lol. "You’re right to be peeved about the misinfo" isn't explicitly acknowledging that booker fucked up. And what he did was wrong.

An expilciit way to do so would be to say "booker lied". That implicates the booker. This is something org defenders have a kryptonite to and have shown it for years. Directly criticize a certain booker a certain org or certain girls. But to shit on a monger, they are quick to do so.... Quick to blame a monger for a mishap.  

"Today, BEFORE you said “nowhere in the thread”, ironically in a reply to you.
I’m focused enough to acknowledge that Happy was lied to. Also focused enough to see that Happy alleges that"

Yes I saw that. Hence why I quantified before today. We were talking about the hypotheticals and like I've said, none of you actually went and stated that booker has outright lies. Until today when you went and finally acknowledged it after happy told you and merlin a few things. Still, you should get some props for that.

What motive do I fucking have to lie? I'm committed to publicly broadcasting wrongdoings by orgs and bookers. Why would I ever need to make something up? Nonsense. There are enough unhappy mongers who have a story to tell for me to ever even consider lying about something. Besides, lying about shit would go against the very nature of me vying for integrity and honesty.

No, lying is what bookers do. All for a dollar.

-- Modified on 4/11/2024 7:12:41 PM

if the Ksandbox is so fucked up, why do you want to play in it?
Too many opportunities in the P4P world to worry about one of them.
As for other states, you don't think California has fucked up Bookers.
A lot of chatter about Sawtelle on another site for the last few days!

Normally I don't venture into the world of fake photoshop pictures, bait and switches and just the ugliest of the K-Girl booker scene. But there were two young ladies who I was interested in meeting on my Vegas trip, just two and that's it.
And they weren't there so I move on....and I didn't inquire about no one else
Shit there's one forum, where an agency isn't allowed to post, and the users aren't allowed to mention this agency. It had way to many "defenders" and "chills"...gee sound familiar??
So, if anything.... this post has confirmed is my thought, and it was what I always assumed is that most. not all the guys that chime in here are, sorry to say ...spinless.gutless. They accept what they're given,...don't bitch or complain.And defend it.
Guys here seem afraid of the bookers and don't want to rock the boat. Its even reflected in their reviews.
But hey...It's your scene...have at it

You used chills once and I figured it was a typo. But then a second time?

"defenders" and "chills"...gee
The word you are looking for is “shill”.
an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
"I used to be a shill in a Reno gambling club"

If you didn't direct them at me disregard most of my comments.

But if they were, I want to thank you for your insults!
You think I'm a "chill?" defender, spineless & gutless?
You have no idea how I interact with Bookers, Kgirls and the rest of the world!
But it looks like you need to get worked up, pound that keyboard and throw insults at someone you have no clue about!

"Normally I don't venture into the world of fake photoshop pictures, bait and switches and just the ugliest of the K-Girl booker scene".
We all know that NEVER happens in the indie world!
Add in deposits, ghosting, unreturned deposits, BSC Karens and, well you should get the idea!

Are you schooling me with your post or just getting it out in the thread for other people you need to put down?

By the way, I don't own the scene, but I do know how to enjoy it!

curious again!
You said you wanted to MEET them, like you had never seen them before?
If that's right, how do you know what they look like and what their age, service and attitude would be?

Yeah, just from your hostile attitude here, I can see exactly why the booker got annoyed and didn't want to work with you. Thanks for proving my point with your own words.

The bookers have more than one role in this business. They make appointments. They screen. But they also try to protect the girls from hot-headed, belligerent customers. It sounds like the VAC booker saw right through you from the very beginning. Good for him!

So, you can tell from "hostile attitude" of someone complaining on a forum about the booker, that the booker was somehow right? Even though the booker fed him misinformation.  


Do you also think anyone who complains or argues or calls booker names on a forum shouldnt see any girls?  

Have you seen Cari at any point, Merlin? What do you think of her booker?

-- Modified on 4/8/2024 8:00:41 PM

Indeed, I have visited Cari many times over the years, and her booker is not always the most polite person in the world. But so what? I can maintain my cool, no matter how foolish the other person might be.

You should know. I take the same approach with you, my man.

"not the most polite person in the world"?

Why are using this euphemism for asshole? I bet anything iin the world that privately you use the same "asshole" word to describe him.

What exactly changes when you post publicly?
Probably the same thing that makes you not want to review bad sessions.

If someone is an asshole, why can't we criticize them on the board ? We can and we should.  

Why do you keep saying critics of bookers are "a certain type"?  

Hpy is right about the protecting the playground. Y:all can't ever bring yourself to criticize anti-consumer behavior. And over what? Some pussy? Sad. This is a forum for reviews, including critical reviews and evaluations of entities that sell shot. They are to be held to the same standards as anyone else.  

Imagine me calling to inquire about a doctors availability and when I see her leaving for a conference I call the coordinator/scheduler and they tell me I'm about to get blocked.  

Imagine that? I can't either. These bookers are too full of themselves and drunk off power and it never hurts to lower their egos a few notches.

you can really hurt their egos and lower them a few notches?
If they read any of this stuff, I bet they just laugh it off and go back to counting their money!

These bookers have proved to be reading forums, not necessarily this one, but they do read big public forums. And this one is read too.

I don't know about hurt, but their egos certainly get stroked when someone says complaining about booker on the internet  means you're belligerent and don't deserve to see their girls.

All the complaining in the world, and continuously harping on every case even if it seems to be a one off, coupled with still handing over your money, is pointless.  

Not making a big deal and trying to publicly roast them, simply sharing the information and leting other decide what to do, and not handing your money over will start changing behavior. Even doing the whole roast them publicly and not giving over your money works to but seems rather excessive and more about the complainer than the problem but that's a different aspect.

In the dynamics in the first case seems to be training the bookers/agencies that the guys in the market will never be happy and always complain but will always pay. So the profit maximizing approach is to give shitty service (both in scheduling and performance) and just ignore what the customers say.

-- Modified on 4/12/2024 1:18:15 PM

Has happy given the booker money?

No, he told the booker "fuck you" on the forum here.

What or who exactly are you worried about with public "roasting"? My time? It will be fine. I'll always find time to fight for what I believe in. People have no problem spending their time in arguments on p&r. I spend my time looking and broadcasting complaints so that ppl are aware it's not all flowers and butterflies and virgin women in their 20s who don't fart.  

Lighting of public pr fires on social media and on websites people read has proven an effective tactic for change or at least acknowledgment. You know what hasnt? Sitting and doing nothing.  

As happy has essily deciphered well in only one thread, rocking the boat is met with boos and yells to stop disturbing the peace.  

Why is a public "roasting" worse than pretending everything is peachy and rosy and there aren't shitty ass people drunk with power who often get off at their power?  

I didn't give sdаg a dime, yet a fire I helped lit up (not gonna take the credit here because someone else discovered the fated page with their "rules") with proof resonated loud,long and clear. I even got a pseudo org named after me.

And I heard (haven't really investigated it fully so don't know how true the statement was) that the incident helped sdag to back off mongers bad reviess. I was delighted to hear that. Lighting of pr fires under asses of any sellers on the internet, is age-tested strategy that has proven to work. Many a company couldn't extinguish them fully. Your strategy of  not publicly complaining does way more harm than good, because it feeds into the sellers ego, and they themselves start thinking they're so good and awesome.  


You claim that public roasting doesn't work because it makes sellers think that no matter what they do people will complain. Well shit, and if no one complains you create an illusory echochamber where everything seems great, but any dissenting opinion is met with an uproar and beating up of the said opinion. How is that any better? Not only you cultivate  sheep mentality, you also sweep any issues under the rug, perpetuating this illusory bubble.

In what circumstances is it better to have less information and awareness than more awareness? In no circumstances.  

-- Modified on 4/12/2024 2:36:34 PM

-- Modified on 4/12/2024 2:37:03 PM

what he spun in his head about where it was all going which really added nothing to the reported situation he had. I think that was very clear in several posts I've made.

It should also be very clear that I don't really care about all the complaining but think it is mostly pointless and unproductive -- and more about the person complaining that actually about solving any problem or even helping others avoid experienceing it for themselves.

What is amazing is that you keep taking me to task for pointing out that complaining does little while taking one's business elsewhere actually solves the problem -- definitely for the specific person who say "I'll go elsewhere" and to the extent that enough others do that as well for the market in general as booker behavior will change. If only because the bad bookers go out of business and the good ones stay or move in. Yet at NO POINT have you even been will to call out any of the people who keep supporting the business that you find so offensive. You think everyone should be sympathtic and hold them entirely innocent for the outcomes. I don't think the dynamics work that way and from how you descrive the BA scene and I see the DMV scene I think my description of the dynamics, incentives and outcomes seem pretty much on target.  

You tell me rocket, in the 4 years you've been here pushing your be vocal and loudly, forcefully and a publicly and repetitively complaining about everything just how much has improved? Your area, in general or whatever.

I know in DMV things have actually gotten much better in the past couple of years but it's not because anyone has been following your approach.

I’m with you Jensen. If I have issues with an agency or booker I simply take my business elsewhere. No need to argue or bash anyone. Just move on to another agency.

Not even tell others about these issues so they are aware about them?  

Not even on a review site dedicated to exactly these kind of moments?

Why do it silently? Why give an entity that gave you issues any free passes? I'll never get it.

I review hookers, not bookers. When I have a problem with a booker, I switch agencies.

Ok, simple question then:

Would mongers benefit more or less from you talking about your problematic experience with a booker/agency, so they do not repeat any mistakes or misunderstandings? And so that they are aware of the issue, ie what can possibly happen?

Obviously you are at no obligation to provide this, but RH, I think consumers like to have datapoints. The more datapoitns the better, don't you agree? I've never met a consumer in any industry who said "if there are any negative experiences, I'd like to ignore those".

What if the experience is so bad to the point where you might think mongers can be taken advantage of? Is there a line drawn like this somewhere?  

I'm genuinely curious.

Now whenever someone out of town asks about VAC and experiences with out of towners, I'd argue this thread is a MANDATORY read and should be linked along with the answer.  

Hpys story is not questioned, most agree (if not explicitly, at least from their own words) that the booker was in the wrong.

This initial post is hence a perfect candidate for a worst case scenario datapoint. Why would you want anyone who is asking about VAC, to not read this datapoint about the booker lying?

This initial post is hence a perfect candidate for a worst case scenario datapoint. Why would you want anyone who is asking about VAC, to not read this datapoint
This thread might also be useful for KGirl Noobs.
Don’t make multiple non-booking calls asking about availability or asking other questions. At the latest, your second call should be to book.

Very telling imo.  

You know cks, I can come into a car dealership and spend as much time there asking questions, and never buy a car there. I can come in the next day and do the same thing.  

Do you know why? Because customers have actual rights in car dealerships. And if a salesman lies to me and I catch him/her/them in the act? I'm gonna see a supervisor. And that salesman might just get fired. Maybe not for lying but for his lie being caught by a customer who can broadcast this lie to the world and hurt the company's reputation.  

Funny how customers suddenly lose all rights in escort biz ain't it. Suddenly it's the sellers doing us some favor, not the other way around.  

"Don’t make multiple non-booking calls asking about availability or asking other questions. At the latest, your second call should be to book."

Where is this from? This isn't from this thread.

You haven't supported him or agreed with him explicitly. You haven't said the booker has lied explicitly.  

Why is that? Oh I get it you're afraid to appear confrontational or support a monger publicly. You say you don't have a problem and it seems you want to say you agree with him..  
If you agree with him why not say it loud? Who are you afraid of? Where's your support? And yet when you don't agree with a monger you will Clearly let them know. Publicly. Double standard clown shit.  

Like calling a whole group of mongers dumb comes naturally to you.  

But I've yet to ever se you say the same about a group of bookers orgs, providers. Any sellers. Why is that?  

If you're so criticism avert publicly, how come it's only towards sellers... but to a monger who you claim you agree with, you are ready to criticize him and not the booker. Very weird and one-sided. Do you think you can affect hpy and not the booker? Your double standards are sickening.  

Do you also agree with Merlin about Hpy? If not why didn't you stand up for hpy when merlin spoke utter nonsense? I have. It seems that any move that publicly brings any criticism to a booker, org or a girl, you never make. In over four years I have watched the same story. Quick to criticize mongers publicly and yet no public criticism of sellers. Great double standards there.  


Your first post in this thread was to chide hpy for a "hypothetical".

I gave you an example of sdаg which you conveniently ignored. Where were you? Oh wait I remember you sided with sdаg and their anti-consumer and anti-ter policy that stated if you give girls less than 8 we will bаn you.  

Yes I remember, you outright refused to say that was anti-consumer and anti-truthful information rules. Along with other usual suspects. You stood by watching clearly fake accusations hurled against me by the usual suspects who claimed I had an axe to grind with an org because I wasn't approved by them or some other bullshit.  

I will now quote another user on another forum.  

"RocketManP was honest, his actions didn't hurt anyone, and in fact helped people because SDАG immediately stopped harassing mongers by text and on forum. That is the honest way, if there is one user persistent enough.

Again I have no clue how truthful this info about them immediately stopping is (I am skeptical) but he's a sdag regular apparently. Why shouldn't this be an example you so much want?  

Ive already explained many times to you why I don't advocate not giving money to this biz.

Because kgirls give best value bar none service wise. It's OK to like the soup and not the soup nаzi serving it. Who am I to say that you don't get more soup that you like? I am saying get the fucking nаzi off or complain about him. Operating a phone is something a mоnkey or an Ai could do. Many POs don't even live in the country. And needless to say, the po who got аrrested in Boston just further perpetuates the notion of an average po being an asshole drunk with power. A student driving lambos and getting 100k a year doing a mоnkeys work.  

Because kgirls move and a great girl available with a shitty po, girl wins. Just like Merlin said about Cari. Asshole po legendary girl. That doesn't mean people should let the po slide publicly tho. That doesn't mean you shouldn't complain about the po. If a girl fucks like a goddess and checks off all boxes but her po is insufferable, why should I say don't give her biz? I will say that the girl is awesome and the po is an ass who is terrible.  

Like I've said, complaining loudly on a visible internet forum is a strategy that works. It's proven to work to at least get people's attention and light fires under the pr departments. Shiiit Sdag sent a brigаde of dumba$s shills after me. They didn't end too well.

Even if I were to follow your advice of not giving money at all, how exactly would this work without public announcement and complaining? Protests and boycott are organized publicly, not privately.  

What you want is... Nothing. No criticisms. Preserve status quo and don't rock the boat.  You ever play Disco Elysium? They make fun of everyone there but especially centrists who always take the neutral position on everything and want to preserve the status quo. Reminds me of what you preach.  


-- Modified on 4/13/2024 3:47:08 PM

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-- Modified on 4/13/2024 3:50:25 PM

I don't need to say water is wet or bad behavior is bad behavior. When I am making a comment about something that was more tangental to the large discussion not saying anythin makes perfect sense and only the myopic crusaider would interpret no comment as support.

Likewise, anyone reading my comments without the special filter glasses woud think I don't fully agree with his deciding to not do business with an agency he has zero faith in and that Jay was and would be there for him to see when that wasn't going to happen. Hpy certainly doesn't need me to publically validate him. Do you think that my or anyone elses failure to say "good job hpy!" is going to make him question what he did and maybe change his approach? I sure don't.

Similarly, just a simple "X happened" fact based statement coupled with people then choosing not to give their money to whoever was doing X is going to do a LOT more to discipline the agencies than all the bad press that gets put out to a subset of mongers who will see it. Yet I have never once seen you make that point or show any support for it. Should I follow your lead here and think everyone should keep writing posts and reviews that talk about the bad actions of agencies but still keep giving your business to them? If you're answer is "No, of course that is not what I mean." then perhaps you should take a close look at your self and why you keep trying to tar and feather others on that exact basis.

Yes, you don't NEED to say it. But I've never seen you say it when it comes to mongers complaining about bad behavior.  

But in instances where it's directed at mongers, I've seen you say it many times.

What kind of conclusion should I make? The same exact conclusion I came to four years ago.

I didn't say hpy needs to be validated or supported. But Itd be nice to see you support a fellow monger who's complaining, one you agree with, for once. For ONCE. Instead of you trying for 47363th time to slyly play the role of a useless peacekeeper while being on the sellers side 99% of the time.  

And this time too, no agreement explicitly but a disagreement explicitly when hpy dived not the hypotheticals (and btw still no answer to me as to if hpy wanted to see Jay what would be the best hypothetical in his scenario. Deep down you must know the best hypothetical outcome is still not the one he wanted, you aren't stupid. So why not reply? I get it, you don't want to validate my valid point. I get it. )  

"Do you think that my or anyone elses failure to say "good job hpy!" is going to make him question what he did and maybe change his approach? I sure don't."

 No, but why should I - or anyone else - trust you when you say you agree with hpy yet you never explicity stated so?  

Especially since you have no problem explicitly agreeing when roles are reversed? Something doesn't add up, and that's why I'm calling you out for double standards. Same for people who are on a review site who can't bring themselves to write a negative review, but have no fucking problem in the world penning a glowing one. These are double standards that end up hurting mongers.  

"Yet I have never once seen you make that point or show any support for it."  
What point? Bro I just explained to you in detail that a shitty booker can host an amazing girl.  
I never said don't give money to all the bad actors because it's dumb. Kgirls are still best value for tour money.  

"should I follow your lead here and think everyone should keep writing posts and reviews that talk about the bad actions of agencies but still keep giving your business to them"  

Everyone decides for themselves if they want to continue giving their biz to the offending party. Some people simply don't care and just want a piece of Asian ass. Why should I blame them?  

Here's an example: LG and many other smart TV manufacturers have shat on people's privacy and ethics. They monitor shows you watch, things you say on the mic and then sell this info to third party buyers. This is done by default, and the option to opt out is off by defauly and hidden within menus.  

I can and do say (look up Louis Rossman, I'm a fan of his content even though he is a repairman so he has a horse in the race) that this is akin to a r8pe tactics. They had no explicit consent to do this. I can say the company is a POs and if you can you should buy a TV from a different company, preferably one that doesn't have mandatory connection to the internet.

I can say all that. Yet there will be people who don't care about their info being sold or ethics or anything like this. All they want is watch TV at a press of a button. As consumers they have a right to do this.  

You say I should blame them. But why?  

You want another example. Patriot act. I think it's a piece of shit piece of legislature that infringes on people's rights, and was done under guise of fighting teггorism. Are you gonna say don't blame the people who wrote the act, blame the people who voted for the people who wrote the act?  

No, I'm going to blame people who come up with unethical behavior way more than I will blame people who despite this unethical behavior will still give them money or support.  

They might have different reasons why to keep giving them money. I don't pretend to know them, because everyone has different viewpoints and bs thresholds.  

Unlike you, I care about random fellow mongers who aren't outright shills. They get to decide what to do with information I or anyone else presents. And my indignation is my indignation only. I made more enemies than friends, but that was to be expected. I'll live.  


Also. I see you still have no comment on sdag and my example. Even though you've asked multiple times for it, and I gave it to you, you chose to ignore the example. I'm gonna ask you again, do you agree that this is an example you wanted? Or it doesn't fit your narrative so you're going to ignore it conveniently?

Fucking christ rocket.

I never sided with the agency in SD. It was a long time back but
1) I did point out that your original posting about it was a selective quote and that the rest of the passage said they wanted customer to tell them so they can fix it. I don't think they should, and as far as I know noone ever documented anyone actually being banned for it, only tracked down and told they were violating the policy, unless it's malicious and an unjustified review.

2) I personally do think business that seek, and then correct, criticism from their customers is showing a good business practice.  

3) I never claimed that the agency was doing the above as I have never been there but pointed out you didn't either. You were taking the word from some other guys that you claim to be reliable. As for as the discussion went it was mixed, I think 2 poster saying positive things, including one that said they complained and the something done to fix and make up for the sub 8 experience, and 2 posters saying negative things, including one saying the complained and got crickets. For me that means no conclusive evidence. I know your biases mean you toss out what doesn't support your theory and accept without question those that do.

So why are you asking me to go back to a dead thead? The only reason to respond here is to correct your mispresentation of the past. But I get it. You cannot see things any other way.

Sdag is such an example. I gave it to you. (Now, did I get lucky in that someome from TER decided to remove all the sdag reviews and hence gave the kick to the nuts the agency needed for so long)

I didn't ask you to go back to the dead thread.

Youve been repeatedly saying how vocal complaining is unproductive and how it had no impact.  

I literally posted what someone who says he's a regular, thought how me being persistent in airing out their unfair practice, made them stop harassing the customers. He posted it on another board which I can't link to. I gave you enough of a quote to Google it if you'd like.  

It ain't much but it's honest work.

You've got someone patting you on the back for something that others using the agency also said they never experienced.  You got information that TER users in the SD area might have been using removed. You got the page with the policy removed or put behind a password access control.

If you see that as a big success story I'll give it to you.

For me, though, I would have to look at what, if any, change in my experience with the providers and services the agency is after the successful campaign -- no just if I write a review under 8 they don't call to complain to me or threaten me about it. It's either going to be better, the same or worse. If better I would call that a success. If the same, personally I would not call it a real success but give that to you, if worse then clearly the effort was counter productive. That is ultimately up to the existing agency customers to evaluate.  

So yes, I don't see that adersarial, seek out every little thing that looks bad to me and make a big deal out it doesn't seem to be effective but I seem to have a different criteria for determining success than you.

And if you read the post, it's not really about patting me on the back. It's about not getting bullied and how being persistent can pay off and make things better.

I won't even bother trying to explain that just because some haven't experienced it, doesn't mean that it's not a problem. If someone hasn't received sexual harassment doesn't mean it's not happening, does it?  

 I won't bother explaining that people who are friends with booker irl - same people who have always boasted about this policy ironically as a boogeyman to scare people off writing negative reviews- should not be trusted in the matter as they have vested interest.  


Yes, Im pretty sure we have different criteria for success. Although sadly I cannot even say you have *a* criteria. Because a criteria isn't floating in my world, ever. There is no wiggle room because then anyone could easily find loopholes to push their agenda and argue it fits every time.

All I know is I have a concrete criteria for customer rights, whereas you think the customer doesnt and his only recourse is either to accept what an org does or move on. And we'll never, ever agree on this... I don't think. As someone who thinks customer rights are thicker than any blood, let alone water, Id say our worldview is very different, clearly.  

Any customer buying anything online has a right to review the good or service, either anonymously or not, without being harassed or asked about it, and with no repercussions. As long as the review is honest. That is a basic building block of customer rights. It certainly is against TER and many other review sites rules to do otherwise.

The only place I may sorta agree with you is that not every little thing should be escalated. But I haven't really escalated every little thing either, only things I consider major for the most part. Trust me, you haven't seen me escalate every little thing. Because if I had, I would have thirty new posts on the first page.  

Bullying because of honest negative reviews
POs being rude and drunk with power
POs /orgs not admitting their fault or apologizing
Cancellation fee being the same as sesh fee
Unexpected cancellation fee
A lot of last moment cancellations
POs lying to own customers
Orgs lying to own customers
Fake pics that fool the customers
Shills hyping up girls just to get them more biz


Are all big issues to me that people always talk about.

I gave him the info he requested ,name, rank and serial number and I went beyond what he was asking for and provided something short of a deposit. All I ask for, are the two girls available and I was polite. And then when I ask as to Jay, then he lost his shit., I said "Ok" and ended the conversation.  I didn't rant or wave. Its not my style to jump on a booker. I get they get alot of inquiries and most peter out. The information I gave him proved that I was serious.
And it was going to be outcall to my hotel, so doing the premium rate was ok with me
I understand how protective you are of your little playground and maybe you tolerate this nonsense but I'm too old to put up with this BS

Somehow I doubt that, dude. We see your type here on the boards all the time. You annoy the bookers. Then you whine & complain about it here. Then you wonder why you can't visit the k-girls that you want to visit. Hmm, I wonder where the problem is?

Keep in mind, you are reaching out to them asking for access. Not the other way around. The onus is on you to maintain a good working relationship. Otherwise, yeah, don't book with that agency, and don't complain when you are shut out of the scene. In this case, the whole incident was in your control and entirely avoidable.

Or you must be a booker for them ..either way white knight all you want..
And Collect your cut and STFU..

You wonder what the problem is?

How about the booker having a case of stating false shit then getting annoyed out of the blue when he was asked about a girl who left.

Instead of saying something about that, you go and straight blame the customer. Thos is straight outta org playbook

I broke my KGirl maiden with VAC (then Hobby Shop) about 10 years ago. At the time Hobby Shop had the best KGirls in Vegas (Gloria, Amanda, and Quinn anyone???) and the booker was awesome to deal with. VAC was the only Vegas agency I used.
After COVID things changed. The quality and looks of its companions decreased, the photos were dramatically altered/photoshopped, and the booker was much less friendly. After two really poor sessions I started looking at other options, and I can no longer recommend VAC like I would have and frequently did pre-COVID.
I first tried Little Tokyo. I had heard horror stories about the booker, but for me he was great to work with (even on my first visit where I had a minor issue with the lady) and his ladies were almost universally awesome for me (if you don't love Phoebe maybe you should reevaluate your goals). And, LT is much more conveniently located than VAC. Never had any problems there, although LT does photoshop its ladies' photos (I'm not sure whether that's on the agency or the ladies, but it's a fact). I recommend LT.
After a couple of years I also tried ClubLoveLine. The booker Kevin is the best I've ever worked with, and Blossom who appears to be permanently stationed in Vegas is a top 5 KGirl experience for me and someone I saw for lunch regularly. And again they're very convenient to the Strip. Yes, in its early days CLL had a reputation for shilling, but that seems to have changed and I can't recommend an agency/booker higher.

I second the Kevin recommendation not only about  the best booker I have encountered but has vouched for me with bookers in 3 other cities. He and Booker Gray in L.A. stand well above the crowd in the K-org world.

This post is a great case study for how threads here derail and become largely unproductive.  May could learn something from making it a case study themself.

I'll just note that I think only one person actually responded exactly on target for hpy. Can you find it?

As for the rest of it, can anyone point to anything they or anyone else can take from the thread to improve their future experiences?

I spent 45 years managing grown children that would always get into non-relevant pissing contests. Believe it or not,  since retirement, I miss it. So this type of discourse makes me nostalgic and I take comfort that others lives are more pointless than mine. That's what I can take from this thread.  
Be well

This thread was about calling out a particular booker and his/her lying ways.  

While doing so, the op came under attack from certain members for calling out the particular booker.
Hpy got upset, understandably, attacked the attackers back, and left.  

What exactly was "productive" about the thread at that point?  

I come in and defend hpy who I feel was unfairly attacked by certain members
Just like I have defended many other fellow mongers

Then we have had a discussion on what's the best course of action, and of course someone tries their very best to say that vocal criticism is not productive. Which I disagree with and show my example.

I guess people don't get is that it's very easy to see when entities are doing damage control. Watching people do damage control does get me amped up. Because most people doing damage control don't care about the issue, they are just concerned with downplaying and putting out the fire so less people can see it.

So it's only natural I'd want to pour as much gasoline as possible on the fire to make sure it's seen, heard and smelled around the world. Damage control be damned. If entities are so concerned with hiding the issue, it's only natural that someone interested in issue getting to everyone in the field, would make sure these damage control people fail at their ob of sweeping unwanted situations under the rug

While I sympathize, a booker has to handle and verify a ton of messages. They just want to book.

Imagine being a Starbucks barista and every third customer isn't there to order coffee now, but asks "Will there still be coffee tomorrow" or "Can you make  me a coffee next week?" Yes I know to some extent that's a booker's job but try to stick to a day ahead, maybe two, tops. They just want to book.

"Yes I know to some extent that's a booker's job"

To some extent? It is literally part of the bookers job.

Why do you have to make a nonrelevant analogy when you could take any scheduler. Call your doctors office receptionist, preferably one who handles multiple doctors.

I will bet anything in the world that they won't be rude or threaten to block you. Because... wait for it here....drumroll.....its their fucking job. And if they told me doctor is going to be here... And then I see this doctor going to some conference... Im obviously going to be concerned. And they will understand my concern.  

So what really separates a doctor receptionist who won't be rude, from a booker who is rude? Both are customer-facing jobs. Oh I get it one is for illegal biz, which apparently grants them license to act like they are gods gift to green earth.  

... No you aren't. Literally you're a phone operator. You work phones. Literally...your literal purpose is to answer availability questions and scheduling questions... along with customer verification.  

And if you get caught in a lie... Fucking own it.

These POs be feeling themselves too much because power got to their fucking head. So much power and so little ACCOUNTABILITY


Moreover... Las Vegas has always been and will be for foreseeable future a visitor/tourist city. Sex workers in Vegas are used to tourists coming and booking them. Most tourists  are on a schedule and they like to make plans beforehand. There is absolutely nothing cr!M!nal in what hpy asked.

-- Modified on 4/26/2024 3:08:19 PM

For noobs reading this thread, the barista analogy is very informative and provides good advice.  Don’t make repeated inquiries without ever actually booking.

But I know why. Because it will be difficult for you to defend the booker. Who - by the way - you claim you agreed was lying in the customers face.  

One more time. There are schedulers for doctors who will not get mad if you do multipe inquiries or block you from seeing a doctor.  

Why should booking some pussy be any different? Quick, tell me without using the word "illegal".  

Compare a pussy scheduler to another scheduler. Phone receptionist, schedule coordinator. Not a fucking retail server.  

Shit, compare it to a car dealership. I can come in and make any inquires I want without buying a car. I can take dozens of test drives, make thousands of questions yet I'm not under nay obligation whatsoever to buy anything. No matter how badly a piece of shit sleazy car salesman gets mad. Because my rights as a customer are protected. And his ego means zero.  

So what's so different between car salesmen, schedulers, receptionists for doctors and lawyers etc, and a po for the pussy biz?

I'll tell you. The size of their fucking ego.  

But I get it. I really do. To you, making multiple inquiries is somehow worse than the scheduler lying to your face.  


To all the "noobs reading this thread", I'll just paraphrase Ben Franklin

"Those who would give up essential rights and dignity to purchase a little temporary pussy, deserve neither rights/dignity nor pussy"

was a Kmonger?
I read he did party, probably met them in his trips to Paris^^!


Please DM me the Kgirl's name I can test drive, I am down for that^^!

Badger, if we could test drive kgirls, I think no one would care as much about pics being so off.

99%, I bet there would be at least one guy who would complain!
Kind of like the person in front of the 7/11, and you give him some change, then he asks you for dollars!

It’s now clear that the problem with the  ego problem isn’t the Booker, it’s you.

under nay obligation whatsoever to buy anything. No matter how badly a piece of shit sleazy car salesman gets mad. Because my rights
Because “your rights” doesn’t mean your “right” to treat salespeople, receptionists, schedulers like shit. Your answer reveals to us that there’s never any gray area. On your spectrum there’s only black and white.

The Booker lied. Happy wasted the bookers time. The Booker got upset. Happy got upset.  All those statements can be true at the same time.

I never contacted the current VAC booker. How can it be my problem? Lol.

Asking relevant questions is not "treating people like shit", you goofy booker defender. It never was and never is.  

If someone is asking a car salesman million questions about a car, that doesn't mean he's getting treated like a piece of shit. A customer is NEVER under obligation to buy anything. Why is the fuck biz any different? Do tell.  

The salesman job is to answer questions about a car. Not just to sell a fucking car. That's your fucking job. That's not wasting time. That's literally doing your job as a car salesman. DO YOUR JOB. With a fucking smile. That's what customer facing biz is. And if you lie to a customer on purpose, be prepared for  push back and customer being upset. And you losing your job.  

And a bookers job is to answer questions. A scheduler in doctors office won't get mad I ask her again and again about doctors availability.  

Like I've said, it's pretty clear.
Booker lying to hpy is not a big deal to you.

Hpy asking tough questions that would implicate the booker lying, is "wasting time"

And still no answer as to why a scheduler can answer any of my questions of all their doctors availability but a bookers pompous ass can't answer a question about a girl he lied about.

Hpy asked a question no one bats an eyelid over in any scheduling customer-faces business.

And only in this biz is this shit considered "wasting time". You're not special. Dial down your fucking ego

Customer rights > your ego. Customer rights > your job

-- Modified on 4/29/2024 11:05:27 AM

Here's what hpy said:

"I was very polite and cordial to the asshole...
I gave him the info he requested ,name, rank and serial number and I went beyond what he was asking for and provided something short of a deposit. All I ask for, are the two girls available and I was polite. And then when I ask as to Jay, then he lost his shit., I said "Ok" and ended the conversation.  I didn't rant or wave. Its not my style to jump on a booker."

So, how did hpy treat the booker like a piece of shit? How is hpy a time waster? Hpy went through with verification. Hpys was ready to book. Booker didn't have a problem answering about other girls.
Only when it got to the girl the booker lied about did he get all up in arms. Guess what? If the booker doesn't lie, this doesn't happen.  

Anyone who has half a brain understands who's at fault here.  


If anything hpy treated a lying piece of shit very well. And he got yelled at for catching the booker in the act of lying. Lol. Like I've said, bookers are drunk with power. Humble their asses.

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