
Re: My #3
36363jensen 4 Reviews 92 reads

You can try looking under the radar at the next speed trap you see. YMMV  lol

Guys, 2020 was a hell of a year, in good ways and bad. So lets ring in the new year with a 2020 recap.

1. What was your best session of the year, and who was it with? (City, Agency, Girl)

2. Who did you see the most this year?

3. What was your craziest/most memorable/strangest session of the year?

4. Any predictions for 2021 for the state of the scene overall, and your local market?

HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL MY FELLOW KGIRL LOVERS and of course, to the fiery spirited lovely goddesslike women we know as Kgirls !!

1. Claire (KGA, bay, shes been gone since March)
2. Claire
3. Err...WOAT kgirl experience - Purple/Pristine/Hera/Jana/Jane/millions of other names
4. Not a good outlook, supply still hurting, demand due to S-I-P dropping, price rising. Especially in bay area, which was held up by volume, it's not a good look for mongers. Even service girls like Gina and Laia are leaving.

Happy NY my monger brothers. Hope it's better than the last one, same with your next kgirl ;)

1. Isabelle, first time day-tripping to another city for the sole purpose of seeing a provider, first time getting 3 pops in an hour, had an amazing time inside the room and outside it - Philly is an amazing city!

2. Blue at CP - 4 times !!!! (She is my CF) //  Side note - that sly grin a kgirl gives you when she closes the door behind you and sees that you're back...again....and you know its going to be another mind blowing session... OMG

3.  Amanda - saw her when I wasn't at my best mental health wise, Covid was taking its toll, and she told me something I will never forget that changed my outlook forever! Amanda is my ATF and its not just because she introduced me to Mamamoo!

4. I don't know if I have any predictions, but I am excited to try new kgirls!! Let's hope that Covid clearing up means more lovely kgirls visiting us here in America!  

KGirl goals for 2021 -  

1. Visit NYC / NJ and sample their Kagency offerings, - 1H  2021

2. Continue learning Korean with the help of Youtube videos (free) and my online Korean tutor (20-30 bucks an hour... 1/10 the price of a Kgirl session is a bargain in my book ;) - Until I'm fluent!!  

3. Visit LA and spend a few days sampling sun-kissed West Coast Kgirls!! Woohoo!!!!! - Summer 2021

Amanda was by far my most frequent visit in 2020. The sex is almost secondary to me. She’s just a joy to be with, and I’ll be a frequent customer for as long as she remains in the business.

Couldn't have said it better myself bro. She is one in a billion.


Amanda is wife material! I wish she would come out to Vegas more often.

Rocket, check my reviews, I wrote one on her.  

I believe she does have multiple ID's from all the cities she visits but you'll get the idea after you read a couple on that ID.

Errr, I don't have VIP right now. Will do when I get it back. Was hoping you can give me a hint as praise is very high and I'm intrigued.

Don’t think you can receive PMs without VIP.

I can't use pms either, lol. I'll just wait till I get vip back if you don't want to provide the # here.

You're the guy who has been telling us for months and months that you are looking out for your fellow mongers and keeping them from getting fucked by those bastard orgs who write shill reviews of their girls, and now we find out you don't have VIP and cannot read the "juicy details" for who knows how long?  WTF?????

What is your question exactly?

I had vip, it ran out a few days back. Now I cannot send/read pms or read reviews.

Now that I answered this question, maybe you can answer the question in the neighboring thread about paying dues?

-- Modified on 1/4/2021 10:26:56 AM

....that you can buy a year’s VIP membership for $210?

But if your VIP just ran out and you intend to renew TODAY, why did you even need to beg Sunny for info on his girl.  Just pay the renewal fee online and look at the review for yourself.  Your begging seemed to suggest that you have no intention of renewing your VIP membership anytime soon.  Otherwise, the need for him to supply you with what is in his review becomes moot when you renew.  There's an old saying that when you find yourself in a hole, you should stop digging. LOL

If you're that desperate, I'll be happy to gift you some VIP days so you can read Sunny's review since it seems urgent, but not urgent enough to renew your VIP as soon as it runs out.  A whole month of VIP is never more than 10% of what you pay for one session with a Kgirl.  How can you even consider picking a Kgirl to see without access to the entire review?  For the future, you can always renew your VIP and add days anytime, so that it never runs completely out, catching you by surprise.  

typos corrected

-- Modified on 1/4/2021 8:31:27 AM

Thanks for answering.  

I merely wanted to take a look at her outside of ter.  
It's OK, no worries. It can wait.  

My vip elapsed a few days back and - thanks for the offer, but I prefer to work for mine. I will write reviews to get vip points. In light of info I've gathered over the last week or so, I also don't feel good supporting ter monetarily.

Just FYI for anyone who doesn't know - you cannot post with your alias while you don't have vip.

Sunny I'll pm you when I'm able to. Thanks.

walk-backs I have ever seen on TER.  Congrats.  You do realize that even monthly, its like $25, right?  So rather than spend the $25 for VIP, you want to wait until you have $250 to actually see a Kgirl, and THEN write a review to get the VIP?   Am I the only one that thinks that makes no sense?  Are you trying to out-cheap our resident troll, Big Papsmear, or what?  LOL

I don't know why you feel like I have to explain myself to you, but sure - I just need time to write a review. I don't need to wait for anything.

Again, I'm not putting any money into TER anymore. You can call me cheap, whatever. It's on principle. I spent many months here with a paid membership.

"write a review."  There are too many guys doing that here already.  You should write a review on a girl you have seen. Lol

I think that is very much implied. I would be a hypocrite if I reviewed a girl I haven't ever seen,wouldnt I?

Narcissists do not need more than just the basic facts. The rest they make up themselves in order to create the maximum controversy and conflict that keeps them at the center of attention.

If you look back at the majority of his “questions” from back when we were all forced to see his posts (I have him on Ignore now - and it’s really nice), you’ll see that his examples were always carefully contorted just to support his particular conspiracy theories. They rarely, if ever, applied to common, real world situations.  And, part and parcel with the narcissist’s approach, never anything but the simplest, non-resolving answers and never, never any work done to provide or propose a truly workable solution.

-- Modified on 1/4/2021 10:39:51 AM

Unbelievable! VIP costs $60 per 3 months. Maybe he needs to ask his parents to increase his allowance?

1. A non stop BBBJ that went on for about 10 minutes AFTER I had blown a load into her mouth. Provider: Allie in LA.
2. Yoco (in LA). And now she’s currently MIA.
3. Dryer in the hallway next to the bedroom overheated and started to smoke. Fire alarm went off. The gal and I opened  
     windows, waved towels, etc. to clear out the room. She’s calling the apartment managers telling them everything is OK -  
     no need to call the fire department. Was able to get back to the session and get off. I guess you could refer to that as
     a “smoking hot” session.
4. Probably slow season until more vaccinations come on line.

Posted By: sunnyday1

Guys, 2020 was a hell of a year, in good ways and bad. So lets ring in the new year with a 2020 recap.  
 1. What was your best session of the year, and who was it with? (City, Agency, Girl)  
 2. Who did you see the most this year?  
 3. What was your craziest/most memorable/strangest session of the year?  
 4. Any predictions for 2021 for the state of the scene overall, and your local market?  
 HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL MY FELLOW KGIRL LOVERS and of course, to the fiery spirited lovely goddesslike women we know as Kgirls !!
1. With Lora, true GFE, best of its kind, unfortunately she has retired.

2. Stella and Lora  

3. it was with Ravi, she is extremely sensitive, every time i pull my dick out of her pussy, she just screamed like i hurt her.

4. pretty much same shit as it has been the past decades

just happened recently in December.  It was a great way to cap the year off.  The link to my review is below, but the rate may give some of the guys here the vapors.  LOL

The Kgirl I saw the most is the one I'm dating IRL, but no names on that one.  Don't want to hurt her business.  

My most memorable was the one in the Link.  I don't usually have strange sessions, but the one in Vegas where I kept asking for a cover and the girl didn't want to use one was about as weird as it gets for me.  

I have no predictions for 2021 yet.  Ask me again at the end of January.  

"Rate may give some guys here the vapors"

*reads*...sees $320... HAHAHAHAHAHA

Guys, are we really getting our proverbial panties in a twist over 20, 40, 60 bucks?

As someone else has said on this board, if you're worried about the money in this hobby, you either need a new hobby, or a new job.


The lone Chicago K purveyor raised rates from 250 to 300 and you wouldn’t believe how many tapped out. I’d been rounding up for years.

Jesus Christ. Cheap people are such a turnoff. I bet you anything those same guys are now paying 200 for half hours with sketchy subpar providers with shit service and thinking they’re getting a deal or saving money. If you’ve been around in the hobby for any length of time there’s no arguing that kgirl value is unbeatable, and if you ask me, the experience is unmatched at any price point. I have a thing for Korean women though but the point stands. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water....

Was with a slim little UTR c-girl who was heading off back home right after our last session.

I scheduled 2 hours. After quite a few Os from her, starting with clit, then g-spot and clit, then g-spot only (a few of those), then g-spot and anal (a bucking, moaning, drawn out O that must have lasted about a minute or so - after which she lay there gasping for a good bit) our 2 hours came to a close.  

She said “I have another few hours, stay with me”. I told her I didn’t bring any more cash. She said “pay me next time” (since she was leaving this was never going to happen). So it turned into over 4 hours of completely no holds barred sex that went back and forth between sweet and sensual and wild bucking fun.  

It wasn’t crazy. Well maybe a little. But it was truly memorable. That was a great farewell fuck.

how do you find UTR girls?

You can try looking under the radar at the next speed trap you see. YMMV  lol

You can go looking for UTR girls. But the reality is that they find you.

I have met girls at AMPs (but those have been dead for a while around here) that went UTR and invited me to see them at as well as at C and K AAMPs.  

What happens, at least for me, is that a girl you have enjoyed time with (and, of course, has some way to contact you) reaches out during a session or just a text and lets you know she’s “retiring”. But she would like to continue to see you, if you’re interested. She might - but probably won’t - also let you know that she is only seeing other select gentlemen. How this actually unfolds varies from situation to situation though.

The arrangements with UTR girls vary. And tend to be quite flexible. It’s rather like having a mistress, in my experience, who is only very rarely exclusive with you. You can also say it is equivalent to having a Sugar Baby. If the SB is a pro.

A downside, in my experience with UTR girls, is if you don’t see them often enough, they may cut you off for someone who is more consistent. It didn’t happen to me. But it happened to a couple of guys I used to know.

If you get a text from a girl you like that says something like “taking some time off - come see me soon” it usually pays to follow up. It’s sometimes hard to tell the difference from the “I miss you” texts, which are an entirely different thing. But, generally, you can tell the difference. I missed one once and kicked myself over it after she was gone and had changed her number. I’ve also followed up and found it was just a variation on an “I miss you” text.  

You just have to play it by ear.

And, as always, YMMV.

that UTR girls find YOU rather than you finding them.  I had one four or five years ago that came to SoCal as a 90-day wonder.  Service was great, so I saw her weekly while she was here.  About midway through her stay she said she was going to take a weekend off and and asked if I would take her someplace interesting on an overnight.  I laughed and said how much is this going to costs me?  She said I don't have to pay because I will be her boyfriend for the weekend (but she was quick to add that the next week at the incall, it would be a paid session - Lol).  So having made me an offer I couldn't refuse, I decided to treat her to some activities, but still leave time for indoor fun at the hotel.  Took her to San Diego for the weekend.  Saturday, I rented boat and taught her how to sail.  (She was really proud of herself).  Then Sunday morning we went parasailing in the morning, checked out of the room and got a massage on the way back to LA at a nice oceanfront resort.  We had some excellent meals at some of the top restaurants which seemed to impress her as well.  

The UTR part came six months later when I get a text from her saying she is coming back to SoCal for another 90 days, and asked if she could stay with me the first three days to get used to the time change, and then the last five days, and go somewhere like we did to San Diego.  This time I chose three days on Catalina Island.  I paid for the hotel and activities like I would for a civvie date, but again, she never asked me for any money.  

Since then, once a year (except for 2020 because of Covid) she has invited me to visit her in Seoul for a week and stay at her place.  I plan to resume my annual trips to visit her in 2021, and she still won't take any money from me for her time.   Just as you say, it all started out with her asking me to be her companion on the outside for a weekend.  I had never asked her out because its usually a waste of time with 90-day wonders, so I have no idea why she chose me other than we have great chemistry given the 24-year age difference.  The highlight of my last visit in 2019 was when she took me to a salon and picked out a hot-looking girl to go home with us for an overnight threesome.  I DID have to pay the girl she picked out, but not my host.  Lol   Its been a great FWB relationship but started out as me being just a regular customer of a working Kgirl.  

I know this is off the main topic. But the OP asked about UTR girls and this info helps fill out the picture for him, I think.  


Scheduling flexibility - whatever day and/or time you and she feels will work. Up to and including the occasional trip together. Don’t forget about YMMV though.  

Menu flexibility - She’s not worried about reviews anymore. Contrary to what some people might tell you, this is almost always awesome. She is far more likely to be willing to try something she may have never even tried before. Remember, she invited you to go UTR with her. There’s a sense of both camaraderie and trust which goes beyond what you had when you were just one of her customers. But remember: if you abuse that trust, her blacklist lasts forever. A great big YMMV here.  


Scheduling flexibility - Yeah, this cuts both ways. Responses come directly from her. So, you may have to wait a while before she responds. And she’s just one girl. With all that entails. IME though, most girls who go UTR are pretty professional about scheduling. So delays aren’t usually too bad. YMMV, as always.  

Uncertainty: She’s not an org. She does business when she feels like doing business. She may close up shop whenever the mood strikes. Whether she keeps your contact info after that is totally up to her. So, you just have to live in the moment with UTR girls.

Now, back to the main topic. One of the items was about predictions for the future of the biz.

I think that occurrence of independents and UTR girls will begin to increase as prices start to even out across the country and girls increasingly start thinking about how much of their money and independence (and k-girls can be very independent as we all know) goes to or yields to the org.

Black--Panther84 reads

Posted By: sunnyday1

Guys, 2020 was a hell of a year, in good ways and bad. So lets ring in the new year with a 2020 recap.  
 1. Best session of the year, and who was it with? Three way Tie - Sasha Noelle, Giselle Collins, and Juliette Von Dutch
 2. Who did you see the most this year? Tied between Sasha and Juliette
 3. What was your craziest/most memorable/strangest session of the year? Game of "Marco Polo" trying to find/meet a provider at her hotel. I go to this hotel on a regular basis, but enter in through a certain way by the restaurant. She told me enter at the restaurant entrance. Very long story short, there is a "main" entrance that I wasn't aware of. More odd was that I wasn't pissed at all. She was so pleasant, didn't get flustered, worked with me and finally came out to get me. All these years, I had no idea that I was really going in the 'back' way. The main entrance was more of a court yard that I ignored because of the location (made no sense). We both laughed, and she didn't ding me for time trying to find her. Made the session even better.
 4. Any predictions for 2021 for the state of the scene overall, and your local market? DMV Will continue to be difficult to find truly good looking K-Girl providers. Prices will continue to go up, or at least stay at insane levels. Agency rates are going to go up, they already are - EliteModels for example. New girl is asking $400; GPS syndrome continues because COVID.  

Thus, reviews will continue to decline for the good looking and/or good service girls because hobbyists will want to keep the info to themselves and not run into a situation where a herd of guys take up all her time and you can't book.

1. Pearl (223908), Chicago, Korean Palace. It's so rare for me to finish in a condom, but she got me there. It took forever, but it happened. In the post-session shower she told me I have a lot of stamina for a guy my age, which I got a chuckle out of. (Little did she know, sans condom it would have been a hell of a lot shorter.)

2. Amanda (287587), same as above. One third of all my appointments in 2020 were with her. I can't say enough good things about her.

3. Cherry (346622), same as above. Strangest only in retrospect. I saw her 2x, and I really regretted the 2nd. I'd made a note to myself about the session ("nah"), then didn't realize it some months later when I booked again. A TER 8, but the reviewers were being exceptionally generous. Some women like to make up in service what they lack in looks, but she had neither. Got sucked in by the reviews. Definite case of YMMV.

4. My prediction for myself in 2021 is I'll be seeing fewer women, but hopefully for longer times. I've come to realize the wham bam thing isn't really for me. The tough part about that is you have to go through a lot of chaff to find the wheat. Several years ago, I was seeing someone monthly and spending all evening with her. That's what I'm looking for.

Hookers are no different than civvie girls in that the better the chemistry  and social connection, the better the sex.  Several years ago, I started a policy for myself to see new girls for one hour and see them two hours if I'm repeating.  I have a few friends that only book two-hour sessions, but I have found that there is nothing worse than being in a two-hour session where the connection is just not working.  When you see  girl the first time for an hour, and there is enough going on warrant going again, then booking two hours on the repeat will usually get you her very best effort.  This is why I have always said the best session for me with most girls is the second visit, not the first.

I kinda do the same. But if a girl comes highly recommended with emphasis on “high energy” by people whose recommendations I trust, I will go for a 2 hour first appointment. The few times I’ve done this it has turned out well.  

But, usually, I also do 1 hour first appointments. It’s a good system, I think.

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