
Re: In case you don't realize it your 15 mins are up. You can now
gcwalk 596 reads

15 minutes?  Hell you've dedicated a couple of hours on your rants

Harpman602849 reads

I do not use the handle Harpman60 on any site other than TER . I have used the Handle Harpman on another site but was finally banned for contestant protestation over their practice of encouraging fake , plagiarized and even reviews stolen from TER . When I was reinstated a couple earlier this week , I rejected it and stated my ban in them is on going.  

I was alerted by a friend that on October 30 an account with the handle harpman60 was created on that site. I had nothing to do with this.  

Whoever is responsible can only have evil intentions in mind. Be warned it is a fraudulent imposter attempting to steal and exploit the Harpman60 for personal gain or profit.

 Don't get fooled and let whoever is responsible exploit or take advantage of you. Remember the only public forum where I use Harpman or Harpman60 is TER .  

Take care .

Skppr717 reads

You are sooooo important!  Personal gain or profit?  LMFAO

Posted By: Harpman60
I do not use the handle Harpman60 on any site other than TER . I have used the Handle Harpman on another site but was finally banned for contestant protestation over their practice of encouraging fake , plagiarized and even reviews stolen from TER . When I was reinstated a couple earlier this week , I rejected it and stated my ban in them is on going.  
 I was alerted by a friend that on October 30 an account with the handle harpman60 was created on that site. I had nothing to do with this.  
 Whoever is responsible can only have evil intentions in mind. Be warned it is a fraudulent imposter attempting to steal and exploit the Harpman60 for personal gain or profit.  
  Don't get fooled and let whoever is responsible exploit or take advantage of you. Remember the only public forum where I use Harpman or Harpman60 is TER .  
 Take care .

The likeliness that someone randomly picked that particular handle after it became available is very low.

The likeliness that someone purposely chose to snatch up that particular handle after it became available is a lot higher.

Could it be someone trying to do good deeds or someone with an agenda? Either way, I appreciate the warning.

Posted By: Skppr
You are sooooo important!  Personal gain or profit?  LMFAO  
Posted By: Harpman60
I do not use the handle Harpman60 on any site other than TER . I have used the Handle Harpman on another site but was finally banned for contestant protestation over their practice of encouraging fake , plagiarized and even reviews stolen from TER . When I was reinstated a couple earlier this week , I rejected it and stated my ban in them is on going.    
  I was alerted by a friend that on October 30 an account with the handle harpman60 was created on that site. I had nothing to do with this.    
  Whoever is responsible can only have evil intentions in mind. Be warned it is a fraudulent imposter attempting to steal and exploit the Harpman60 for personal gain or profit.  
   Don't get fooled and let whoever is responsible exploit or take advantage of you. Remember the only public forum where I use Harpman or Harpman60 is TER .    
  Take care .

It will be interesting to see how an imposter would try to pass themselves off in writing style.
THAT would be the real trick

gcwalk659 reads

Not likely anybody else can match that level insanity.

Harpman60659 reads

eside being a mole and a snitch that reposts back on adult fraud what you monitor here what other reason do you have for being on TER  
Here is your record :  
1. You have not started one single thread .  
2. All but 2 or 3  of you handful of posts were directed at me .  
3. Your responses to me were all  negative, trouble making,  
rude, and/or slanderous your intention was to start a fight and turn into into a troll  jungle similar to the septic tank you refer to as the other site,  
4. My ignoring and your post and refusal to engage  or dignify you with a response thwarted to mission . But you still stalk me,  
5. You monitored the posts & TER members then went back to adult fraud and posted about them and along with you fellow rejects , outcasts , stalkers, perverts  
Bashed the TER members and the discussion here .  
I just hope you are well compensated for being a mole and a snitch because the reputation of a mole and snitch is irreparable  
Gcwalk  Posts on LA Forum  
Gcwalk Posts on K-girl Forum  

Posted By: gcwalk
Not likely anybody else can match that level insanity.

gcwalk660 reads

Yes I'm well compensated, I get free access to everything except VIP, just like here.

Hey, what happened to your grand announcement that somebody else is using your skirt in fraud land?  For monetary gain?  I think that monetary gain angle is generally BS, but you do a lot of shilling and did so over there.  So I guess you know first hand that your skirt is worth more than one your red shirts.

Harpman60643 reads

pay or because you are blacklisted or can't afford to hobby to write reviews , you have access to nothing but reading the board. The imposter is no other that the multi  alias bobostalker ohmytuvok. You deserve each other, He has been exposed here , there and everywhere and mostly where you neither have access to or be a mole. Those who can't run with men sit on the porch.  

While I reserve the right to play butt bongo with ass your 15 minutes are up you have not earned to privilege of engaging me further so you can bark , lick boots or grovel for attention to no avail.  

Posted By: gcwalk
Yes I'm well compensated, I get free access to everything except VIP, just like here.  
 Hey, what happened to your grand announcement that somebody else is using your skirt in fraud land?  For monetary gain?  I think that monetary gain angle is generally BS, but you do a lot of shilling and did so over there.  So I guess you know first hand that your skirt is worth more than one your red shirts.

gcwalk630 reads

An experienced guy doesn't need VIP to find a good K-girl.  And there'll all decent enough for one visit anyway.  And I had you on your knees and now you're face down on the deck - sucking my toes because I can't afford any boots.

Harpman60605 reads

The septic tank who been loitering on TER since last October. Unless you are breaking TER rules by having to usernames if you have a history it must be one that you are too ashamed to be associated with because you either stiffed a provider out of her measly $$.5 donation, robbed or assaulted her.  

Like any immature, mentally challenged , emotionally disables, puerile outcast you resort to profanity or hoodlum utterances. But what can you expect from a paper clown who can't even differentiate between "your" and "you're" ('you wouldn't be gracing this one with you're almighty presence?' Quote broke clock ) . No I won't be gracing you with my presence . But judging by the way Muff and ATM are making choke there are plenty who will pick up the slack and where ever you look , whoever you ask , whatever you search all you see is Harpman .  

I have indulged you beyond your 15 minutes. You can now go back and grovel in the septic tank.  

Posted By: gcwalk
An experienced guy doesn't need VIP to find a good K-girl.  And there'll all decent enough for one visit anyway.  And I had you on your knees and now you're face down on the deck - sucking my toes because I can't afford any boots.

gcwalk569 reads

Christ, to think I had to spell check presence to get that on right, but missed the other.  Wouldn't one swim in a septic tank, rather than grovel?

Skppr531 reads

Pot?  Meet kettle. You're pretty whacked out, but this is the height of lunacy.  You couldn't put together a properly constructed paragraph without misspellings, improper verb tenses and bizarre sentence structure with the aid of a tutor, a dictionary and spell check.  I've been laughing at your effed up constructs for years now -- enough to make a grade school student cringe.  Always a laugh.   But you criticizing others? Funny stuff, bozo the clown.

Harpman60773 reads

than our perennial blacklisted ohmytuvok /myboo/bobostalker. According to his archenemy vanilla lice, whose handle he has not only stole but posted with on the septic tank bobotuvok 'Would not surprise me if tuvok and Arnold arnaut are the same person. Tuvok the troll who roughed up ****** before she left. then wrote a false review about her and BBFS that was taken down by AF. call ****** old booker and ask her about him.tuvok also posted a quicktip about BBFS with **** that was taken down. that tells you what kind of troll youre dealing with everyone"  

He has been exposed and he can now add ID thief to his credentials. Even though he has been exposed there is more to pay.  

Posted By: stegram123
It will be interesting to see how an imposter would try to pass themselves off in writing style.  
 THAT would be the real trick.  

Wow, first he got caught for stalking and now stalking another hobbyist.  



Posted By: Harpman60
than our perennial blacklisted ohmytuvok /myboo/bobostalker. According to his archenemy vanilla lice, whose handle he has not only stole but posted with on the septic tank bobotuvok 'Would not surprise me if tuvok and Arnold arnaut are the same person. Tuvok the troll who roughed up ****** before she left. then wrote a false review about her and BBFS that was taken down by AF. call ****** old booker and ask her about him.tuvok also posted a quicktip about BBFS with **** that was taken down. that tells you what kind of troll youre dealing with everyone"  
 He has been exposed and he can now add ID thief to his credentials. Even though he has been exposed there is more to pay.  
Posted By: stegram123
It will be interesting to see how an imposter would try to pass themselves off in writing style.  
  THAT would be the real trick.  

gcwalk665 reads

Is that you self censoring or are the mods doing it for you since you were freely dropping girls names in previous posts?  I'm sure the girls really appreciate your dropping their names left and right as you so often do.  I don't pay much attention to reviews and tips, so I missed the one's you're referring to, but there was a certain little star that was doing at least some, and maybe a lot of a certain type of service during her first tour and then not at all (or presumably not at all) during a second tour.  And you would know that to be true, if you're in the know as much as you suggest.

Harpman60645 reads

the hobby to write reviews to earn VIP, or most likely your predatory practices got you blacklisted  you are not in a position to read or ignore reviews. You are reduced to being a mole spying on TER members and reporting about it on the septic tank were you keep addition to the pollution with you posts about my announcement . If you think you are not an retarded intellectual midget why  don't you two threads on the blog DB and then report back. The initial warning was posted everywhere including on adult fraud  where the charlatans who administrate it deleted deleted it. They culprit have been outed including on adult fake . Stick to being a mole and a snitch and leave other things to people who are either in the know or can afford it.

gcwalk586 reads

Could you please translate to English

"why  don't you two threads on the blog DB and then report back"

Your confusing me (Your)

Harpman60619 reads

return to your septic tank where the good guys already got you sussed out. I am done with you and your masochistic thrills. I am not going pleasure a glutton for  punishment .your lack of mental equipment and boring pathetic existence does not even deem you worthy of recognition, dignifying or validating as an adversary. If you want to be reconsidered for recognition get VIP, come clean on the heinous blacklisting offense you committed that made you create a new handle. In the meantime , while I reserve my option to slap you down at my convenience, I shall deny your desire to make a name for yourself at my expense. You have to be satisfied with trying to be a better mole and snitch to at least not get your posts deleted from the septic tank site.  

Posted By: gcwalk
Could you please translate to English
 "why  don't you two threads on the blog DB and then report back"  
 Your confusing me (Your)

gcwalk597 reads

15 minutes?  Hell you've dedicated a couple of hours on your rants

Skppr604 reads

to keep you and your acidic vitriol off the regional boards.  You are such an angry aggressive douche

Is this your round about way of inviting all we Kgirl fans back to the LA board?  
'Cause if you'd like, I'm sure we'd all be happy to visit you over there as you seem inclined to visit over here... whomever you are.

Harpman60594 reads

an alias they are mostly blacklisted predators .This outcast wants to noticed or too stupid to da a search in the LA Board to see how many posts I had there in the last 30 days. The last time I checked I was ranked 4th while Rua was tops. This worthless outcasts does not even justify the time to dignify , recognize or validate with a dismissive response. Dogs would bark.  

Posted By: stegram123
Is this your round about way of inviting all we Kgirl fans back to the LA board?  
 'Cause if you'd like, I'm sure we'd all be happy to visit you over there as you seem inclined to visit over here... whomever you are.

gcwalk569 reads

angry aggressive douches who can bring a satisfactory level of acidic vitriol.  Serious personality disorder and delusions of grandeur an added plus if one hopes to achieve A-level douche status.  Total dedication to your leader is also a must - never is heard a discouraging work when it comes to a Hypeboy fan.  

Oh gee, I sure hope Exploding Head Case Man hope doesn't come slap me down again seeing as how he reserves the right

Skppr568 reads

but not a douche bag fan.

I have no control over who posts on regional boards, but heck, I've always thought you were a good guy and appreciate your posts, and would welcome your posts on the LA board.  

That other guy?  Different story.  He's just too whacked out and creepy

Posted By: Skppr
but not a douche bag fan.  
 I have no control over who posts on regional boards, but heck, I've always thought you were a good guy and appreciate your posts, and would welcome your posts on the LA board.    
 That other guy?  Different story.  He's just too whacked out and creepy.  
Harps has always shared great intel for many of us both on the boards and via PM. And whether you appreciate his presence or not, he adds value to this side of the hobby. Bringing a fight over here serves no purpose other than to dilute whatever benefit this board could bring to guys who just want to visit hot K girls and the girls who want to offer this service.  

- Share Intel (publically or via PM dependinig on the sensitivity)
- Treat the girls with respect
- Keep the girls and ourselves safe

THAT - should be the purpose of this board.  Harps does all of the above - and goes after the ones do the opposite. Regardless whether you do or don't like the method, the purpose is pretty straightforward. So I, for one, will continue to support Harpman and anyone else who shares the above objectives

Harps has been generous enough to share intel with me when I first got into the kgirl scene and still does to this day.

JustLayingLow575 reads

Posted By: stegram123
Posted By: Skppr
but not a douche bag fan.  
  I have no control over who posts on regional boards, but heck, I've always thought you were a good guy and appreciate your posts, and would welcome your posts on the LA board.    
  That other guy?  Different story.  He's just too whacked out and creepy.  
 Harps has always shared great intel for many of us both on the boards and via PM. And whether you appreciate his presence or not, he adds value to this side of the hobby. Bringing a fight over here serves no purpose other than to dilute whatever benefit this board could bring to guys who just want to visit hot K girls and the girls who want to offer this service.  
 - Share Intel (publically or via PM dependinig on the sensitivity)  
 - Treat the girls with respect  
 - Keep the girls and ourselves safe  
 THAT - should be the purpose of this board.  Harps does all of the above - and goes after the ones do the opposite. Regardless whether you do or don't like the method, the purpose is pretty straightforward. So I, for one, will continue to support Harpman and anyone else who shares the above objectives.  

Panthera12558 reads

Arrogant? I think you are confusing arrogance with being assertive. In addition, he has to constantly ward off trolls like a couple of members here who form new handles for the sole purpose to badger him on this board so your assertion that he is arrogant is understandable.  

I agree with stegram123. Harpman is very helpful with recommendations and doesn't ask anything in return. As far as I am concerned he is a huge asset on this site.

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