
Re: I have no doubts that . . . .
XxxpussydestroyerxxX 131 reads

My right hand is stronger than my left hand.

Most bookers are placing their girls on Escort Cafe.  
M & J have already done it as well as some others.

there was ONE place where we could see photos for EVERY girl, but trying to get all the bookers to go to the same place may be a monumental task.  You have my support.  Good luck.  If you need any help, just ask XxxpussydestroyerxxX. He thinks he's in the know.   (Sorry Muff, couldn't resist.)  Lol

I don’t need filthy members from a hooker forum to help me?
I’m smart, I have the power, I’m good at soloing, I’m adventurous. I also have real life friends that can help me and we shared info with each other that are fully trusted.

you're good at "soloing."  Do you use your right hand or left?

My right hand is stronger than my left hand.

Ava or Cami?

Modified to correct typo

-- Modified on 3/30/2018 11:02:17 AM

My double cup. If that’s possible. Left hand fingering cami, right hand inserting Ava. I would like the third one to be Megan to take my penis deep.

you NEVER get to see Megan, since he knows who you are.  

You got that right but he didn't really get to see Ava either.
That's what you get when you are an asshole.
I can't speak for Cami because that's one of Julie's girls.
It's a figment of a sick imagination.

Right you are. That you can be assured of.  The bookers have  
figured it out.

Bad problems with EscortCafe.   #1 is complete lack of indication when an ad was placed or updated.  Several of my retired favorite legends show up in the first two  pages for my preferred locale.  I can't trust info I find there.  

They could fix it.  We'll see if they do.  

Bookers/POs could fix it by putting honest dates in the titles and text.  We'll see if they do.

If you "sort by new", not all the girls  are on there.
So I'm not sure if mongers are posting the ads on behalf of the girls, or the bookers are.
Only 2 of M's girls are on there right now.
I archived CV los angeles on march 6.  
zipped it up. You can download at http://www3.zippyshare.com/v/08H6tfwG/file.html
(zippyshare has a few popups beware).
unzip and open index.html to view the ad page. All 222 girls.

which is a shame because we hobbyists can see their daily availability.  Oh well, aren't the rest of the country using an escort café type website?  I only hobby in the LA area.

Check out my latest review of Sera. She and a few other gals now are on a new LA website. She told me that it is monitored by a single booker who will let you know who is available when you call. A step in the right direction thankfully.

Any and all information like this is like gold after the loss of CV to the Kgirl scene.  I'm seeing a lot of our girls on Escort Café.  Since there is no "available now" feature, it would help if the girls would all list their work hours.  Some are, but others need to follow suit.  

sedrick119 reads

Looks like escort cafe is now down too.  Says under maintenance.  Oh well.  Another site bites the dust seems like it.

One site is doing classifieds and seems fearless with this new law... not sure how fearless they are.

-- Modified on 4/4/2018 6:06:10 PM

We should chill for a few days on Escort Café.  They are already offshore, so they have less to fear than the remaining US ad site.  There have been others besides me who have contacted them and requested that they incorporate an "available" system into their site like CV used, so we know who's working and who's not.  Hopefully, they are down because they are working on this and not because they are bailing on this business.  I know they got several other requests for this besides mine.  If they an get it up quickly, they will gain virtually ALL of CV's customer base, both providers and hobbyists alike.  

I hope you are right. For the life of me I can't see how an offshore site located in a country or territory that doesn't have reciprocal agreements with the US has anything to fear. But of course I'm not a lawyer. Any members out there that could enlighten us on the legality of the situation? In the meantime, everyone take care and also take care of those gals that make our lives worth that extra bit of living. Ciao!

An attorney friend of mine who is an UTR closet hobbyist.  He said most treaties between the US and foreign governments provide for cooperation on investigation, extradition and subpoena's on any crime that is a crime in BOTH countries.  In other words, if they go to Netherlands or someplace else where prostitution is legal, they are not obliged to cooperate with the US on prosecuting cases that are NOT a crime in that country.  That's why there is limited cooperation on certain financial crimes in places like Switzerland, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, etc.  The US sometimes pressures these countries to adopt US laws, but mostly have had little success.  Escort Café is supposedly already domiciled in the Netherlands, so they should not be panicking and pulling the plug just yet.  

I think the only way the US stops these offshore websites is to start restricting internet access or content to US citizens like they do in some dictatorships and communist countries.  That's a dangerous path to go down, but I can certainly see some of our dickhead politicians using this topic as a justification to try limiting our access.    OTOH, many laws like this are passed to make the Congress members look good to their constituents and lose their luster once the press coverage dies down.  We can only wait and watch how it plays out over time.  

Escort Cafe is connected with  TER and that is probably why it is down.

making congress look good? This is nothing compared to the other more important issues they can't solve.

SoulBishop142 reads

A lot of people do.  Backpage was caught doing a number of illegal things and they even made a documentary about it.  The indictment contains 93 counts.  TER has taken the steps to limit US exposure.  I think if you have an issue with what they're doing, you can take it up with them.

Backpage didn't get seized because they were "just an ad board."  Congress didn't cause a federal indictment.  The investigation had been going on for years.

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