
Re: I am certain I know who you are talking about, hehe
team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 3122 reads
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So, I saw a kgirl the other day who moved from LA a couple of months back. Not gonna name her yet, but it will probably be fairly obvious who she is. And I'm gonna review her anyway.

I liked the girl and likely will see her again provided I can book her as she seems very popular. But this isn't about her per se.

She seemed to bring her room with her via uhaul. And tlher decor is crazy, especially compared to regular kgirl bedroom decor.

I'm talking about mirrors everywhere, including ceiling (not gonna lie the taped mirror on the ceiling made me think what would happen if an earthquake was to occur), leds all over the room, as well as bathroom and shower head. I'm talking about leds in the freaking toilet. Custom made tall ass princess bed that make the usual bedside bj difficult to perform. Stacks of designer brand shoes and huge sex-themed plush toys. And so forth. It felt surreal, almost like ending up in a zoomer version of camgirl room meets mad hatter world. Plastic, glamor and glitz and expensive brand name shoes/cloth. Very bougie, bright and colorful.  

And somehow this decor was a novelty that contributed quite positively to my experience (it didn't overshadow the girl just in case you're wondering) It was so different from your usual kgirl adobe that the experience felt less routine. Now I'm sure if I see the girl again and again this decor would lose it's novelty factor and I won't be as amused by it.

But this brings me to the topic. Did you ever feel like a session broke up some of the usual routine because of some external novelty factor? Interesting location, exotic apartment unit, pets watching you bone, maybe some commotion next door (maybe a kgirls roommate getting railed very loudly), crazy decor, etc? I feel even with girls who have no script but you see them many many times, an external novelty can make an experience more different and hence less routine.

As usual, brevity ain't my forte :) So please forgive the long read.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 60 reads
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I do think atmopher that is created at the apartment makes a difference. What was described might be more than I like and would have seen as more a distraction but not impossible to tune out. I don't think it is lasting unless the decore/theme changes.

I know some of the touring girls and some indies here have added some seasonal flare at times and the made things seem a bit fresher even though I had seen them many times. I prefer more subtle effects. I'm sure we've all seen the start lamps that project something of a star field on the walls and ceilings. Just recently saw a girl and the lamp (or another one) also projected the image of a full moon which I thought was a really nice change. To be sure, during the session I really didn't notice and could have cared less about such things, but starting and during the pilow talk parts it did add to the session atmosphere for me.

Mirrors taped to the ceiling; Sword of Damocles anyone?

worried 53 reads
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First time I ever saw a hand-held lighted/blicking shower head.  Didn't make the preview any better, but it was interesting.  For me, maybe a glancing look at any mirror, more focused on what's in front of me.  Clean sheets and towels is a must for me.  Doesn't matter who's in front of me, if those are dirty.  

36363jensen 4 Reviews 57 reads
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LOL I once gave one to a provider, largely as a gag gift.

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External Novelty Factor:  Personally I'll never forget Phoebe wearing her little bunny ears while I violently face-fucked her with her head pinned against the wall. Very nice touch. And frankly she was more worried about keeping the bunny ears in place than the violence going on in her throat, the risk of a concussion, or the fact that I had her nose pinched shut. She's one of a kind.

-- Modified on 3/20/2024 11:04:06 AM

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 59 reads
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I've never seen a kgirl give/have dirty towels. Sheets well I haven't inspected them but I know as someone who visits usually during the latter part of the day that I'm probably the tenth guy. As long as there are towels om the bed - and they always are - and I take a shower, the cleanliness of kgirls is never a question to me.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 57 reads
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The lamp thing is exactly one of those things , this girl had digital time show up on a projector that I think was hooked up to her phone or watch somehow. So I had the pleasure of looking at real (not sped up) clock ticking on the ceiling among other things. It was such a trip, haha. At some point I propped myself up on this plush breast/nipple pillow and then angled it under her when I was boning in mish for a better angle. Lol

I agree about it not lasting long. But the atmosphere sure adds to initial impression the first time. Especially if it's not too low key.

-- Modified on 3/20/2024 10:49:01 AM

sunnyday1 144 Reviews 58 reads
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Kerri had basically an open bar on the dresser and would offer a drink or 3 to get you started. Whiskies, wine, etc.

Man that girl loved to drink haha

And yeah it's always funny when you can hear through the wall the roommate getting railed hard, or if you know the other girl can hear when you're railing your girl!!!

worried 58 reads
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probably the one I saw!  HA!  BTW, it worked well.  I will say those apartments need bigger water heaters or those tankless ones.  You boys use a lot of hot water!  

worried 58 reads
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Agreed haven't seen dirty towels of late, but did question to myself if it was just dried and not washed.  Also, that towel on the bed is rather small and found myself occationally touching the DNA soup blanket.  YUCK!  

worried 60 reads
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she would talk to herself; she is crazy and hot.  

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 66 reads
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Bunny ears and ff'ing, with breath play too! Oh my!  

The more I hear of this girl the more I wanna see her

Saw the other day she back in LA

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She reappeared in Vegas for the Super Bowl. It was the first time I’ve seen her advertised in more than a year. She seems to work in spurts, pardon the pun. She’s definitely a keeper, but Blossom at CLL is just as nasty and she’s prettier, taller and younger.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 59 reads
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WTF!  I don't care what kind of decor a K-girl has, I would never see one who lived in a mud hut.
Oh...wait a minute...you meant "abode" not "adobe."  Methinks you've been spending too much time in the world of computer-speak, rocket, lol.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 64 reads
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but there are others who NEED to drink because they are naturally on the shy side.  They have learned that they have more fun and get better reviews when they are more aggressive and outgoing.  A drink or two helps.  

36363jensen 4 Reviews 52 reads
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Happy to have helped! LOL

zebrazebra 47 Reviews 56 reads
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I remember when I first saw her and I also thought, wow what a cool room! Her roommate back down in LA, my ATF, has a similar themed room too.

I also remember one time between pops, another provider brought in her dog and we were both playing with it while naked. Seemed kinda weird, but then again dogs are naked too LOL.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 66 reads
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Yeah it shouldn't be hard to figure out who I'm talking about.

And yes, I heard someone else in that org had a similar room, and if it is who I think it is, us norcal bros will take her too. Oh and I'll take Miko/Remi back too.

randy62 31 Reviews 63 reads
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No way Remi stays! As for the novelty room. Why did I have visions of my sessions with Yoco?

zebrazebra 47 Reviews 48 reads
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Haha Yoco is the one who brought her dog in!

And noooo my ATF is staying in LA. Unless they build a High Speed Rail. You can have Remi back tho 😂 jk!

ryumyu 21 Reviews 66 reads
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Anyone seen Rosie last year? She had a very cute decor. Same thing, she hauled it with her by car. Very pink.

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