
vigerous 20 Reviews 1351 reads

I'm an all Asians, all the time, monger. To attract more bees, I asked this question on the General board:

your post on the GD board, you can report your own post and ask for it to be removed.  It might take way more than the two hours it has been up, but the mods are pretty good about getting to it.  Do you know how to report a post, or should I explain?  

He’s redirecting the question the the group that’s most relevant and most likely to give him the best guidance. And I for one would like to know as well. Navigating the Kgirl thing doesn’t seem as straightforward as looking at TER and Tryst ads.

Agree that this board is likely to get the most K-world specific responses but I'm not entirely sure he is limited to just the agencies so the GD board might shed some light on more general search tactics.

Since I'm generally quite happy with the agencies I use (mostly AG) I just check their site out when I'm interested in seeing someone one. I might also look at the other agency sites. Non of the K-agencies, and I think holds true for the two MP spin offs as well, advertise anywhere else in this area. Some of the indies have ads on P411, Eros and sometimes post on the Ad Boards here.

He's telling people HERE to put their responses over on the GD board, not here.  That makes one or the other redundant.  He chose this one to be redundant and he wants you posting over on GD.  Did you not understand he wants this thread to be seen by the wider audience on the GD board?  I was just trying to avoid having GD posters who don't come here miss the content of posts here by ensuring that all posts are over there.  He already has a responding post over there that doesn't know there is a duplicate post here.  His link to the other OP is clear that he is NOT just talking about Kgirls, and another member responded accordingly.  

You've been here two months, but that's enough time to understand that you should read posts carefully so that you FULLY understand what people are saying.  There are different educational levels and writing styles here, and sometimes we have to deduce what someone is REALLY trying to say,  . . . . but not in this case.  He said plainly that he wants the responses on the GD board. You should have given him that respect as an OP.  But as I knew would happen, there are already people responding on both boards, and on the other board, they don't know there is a separate conversation here.  To answer your lead question . . . .THAT is why I suggested removing this redirection post.  It just makes it more confusing.  Usually, where there are duplicate posts, TER will remove the duplicate, giving priority to the first one chronologically, which was the one on GD.  

Now i could be wrong, but I’m guessing the reason he posted to this board is because he was looking for responses on this board. I kinda feel like you’re over thinking it, and quite possibly a little biased against our poor vigorous.  

And the reason I don’t read your posts all the way through is because they’re so effing long my god.  

Yes I’ve been here two months but I can already tell you and I are going to be great friends.  


He did ask folks to respond to the GD board. Well I guess you may be right then.  Maybe I really do need to read the whole post more carefully. Oh well…live and learn.  

So…never mind.

grasshopper, you learned something and that will keep you from looking stupid the next time.  Kudos.  

It's pretentious. It's also Greek.
Do you take it up the ass?

-- Modified on 7/28/2023 9:14:36 AM

he's suggesting.  This is going to get complicated very quickly.  Lol

I used to eschew kudos very thoroughly. There was caramel or nougat or something that would otherwise get stuck in my esteeth. They tried to market Kudos as a healthy cereal food but they were really just sweet candy snacks.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: So, eschew kudos?

fits well with my personality, but I and understand how YOU might feel pretentious using it, so maybe when I say it, you shouldn't read it if it makes you feel pretentious.  I looked it up and it has nothing to do with "pretentious", so that part is on you.   Lol

I have a tattoo over my butt-crack that says, "Exit Only", so no, nothing goes up my ass except my doc's finger once a year.  

It was a feeble attempt, proving only that in a battle of wits you are unarmed.
Thanks for playing.

over here on the Kgirl board?  Did you get your ass kicked on GD?  Lol

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