
Monger Legends by Kgirls
badger48 111 Reviews 2299 reads

On the way home from a session, I started to trip, musing and pondering about Kgirl legends, that drifted to Monger legends. There has been minimal talk on the boards over the years about some Mongers that for some reasons or maybe a specific incident that put them in this category. Probably more talk within private groups.  
And maybe, just talk^^!

That thought moved to Monger Legends among Kgirls. I'm sure they talk about work to each other like any other group of workers.
I've had conversations at the session and the Kgirl I was with started talking about her friendship with other Kgirls, if I knew them, and how they party and hang out.
So maybe they talk about their work and the clients/customers they see. And maybe compare notes^^!  
There are duos and trios that have different combinations, so plenty of opportunities to compare the clients.

One time, quite a while ago, it was mentioned that the Kgirls probably had nick names for some of the Mongers and they weren't flattering or positive.
As an example, a guy might think he would be known as Big Cock, but the Kgirls called him Limpy because he was always soft^^!
Or maybe, "The Big Dick", with a totally different meaning^^!

Maybe a name a Female Booker might use to let the Kgirl know who will be at the door.

Mine might be, "Older Gent who tries harder", or is that a Haiku.
But most likely among Bookers and Kgirls it might be "He tries but does not finish"^^!

 So, tell us what you've heard or know, speculation is welcome!

S432l234S62 reads

I heard a few in DMV over these years......

Dirty Old Man with toys - one here always brings out his toys for the session
Dirty Old Man with oil - one here always likes to apply excess massage oil before and during session and made a mess  
Sneaky Hand - a  monger here  got caught several times trying speedy removing cover while switching to K9 in order to BB
Screamer - a monger with extremely loud moans  
Walker - a really nice older gent uses a walker but still active
Well, not all bad nicknames, some good ones I heard

Dirty Old Man with little blue bag - one here used to bring t brand little blue bags to his repeat girls. heard he had retired  
Nice Old Man who really cooks well - one gent here brings his dishes to favorite girls
DMV Number One Client - met girl everyday, different girl. heard he retired

Just something I heard

"Walker - a really nice older gent uses a walker but still active "

I will vote that one deserves legend status!

Master Roshi pre-transformation. He doesn't necessarily need the walker, it just helps him conserve energy. DBZ logic.

I was just talking about this with my favorite k-girl in MW. She's friends with several other k-girls. She said they rarely talk about the good customers, but they often complain about the bad customers. And I got the sense there are A LOT of customers who fall into the "bad" category - LOL!

That is sad but also seem to resonate with what I've heard from touring girls that come here to the east. A lot of the west coast mongers are PITAs. No pun intended.

I bet! Unfortunately, LA Mongers have a bad rep!
But it does seem the Kgirls do recognize the cool Mongers and that just makes us look better.

-- Modified on 2/17/2024 12:56:31 AM

A veteran Kgirl provider told me that most of the gals don’t get into explicit discussions of their clients unless they are really bad actors or are demanding. I asked her what she meant by demanding. She said that one of the things some clients wanted to have was to have sex in weird and dehumanizing positions such as one would see in extreme raunchy porn films. I’m sure the more pro gals will do it, but they don’t like it.

It seems most of the stories are either to poke fun at the clients or put them down in some way. Like someone posted, it seems the talk is about clients who stand out in a bad way.

I bet those who worship escorts eat those stories up like chopped liver without even a grain of salt. Won't catch me mean mouthing another fellow monger unless I know for a fact he did something despicable.  

Girls definitely talk and gossip tho.


“Whats’s in your pocket, Rocket?
Or are just happy to see me?”

From what was listed they seem to be talking about behaviors and characteristics. If they focus on what is bad or unwanted from a customer how is that any different from your view that bad review are better or more important to write than the good reviews?

Sounds to me that they are doing exactly what you advocate other mongers do on your "team". Comes across as a bit biased or asymmetric in treatment/view.

I did this thread to see what stories were out there, or about the people that play in the P4P Kworld.
I was looking for funny, interesting and all info about how the Kgirls see or might see it from their POV through Mongers that have talked with them.
Poking fun - well everyone should be able to laugh at themselves.
Put downs - if a client is fucked up, I say let it be known! After all, we are all pretty much anonymous!
And it's not about Mongers bad mouthing the Mongers, like I said above, it's the Kgirl POV through the Mongers they talked to!

There's nothing asymmetric here.

When I or other mongers go to a REVIEW site I expect evaluations of girls and their services.

When I or other mongers go to a session, we do not sign up to listen to complaints or stories about other customers.

Do you not see the difference here? Are you being facetious?

I couldn't care less what the girls talk about between themselves but the fact that some mongers - like Klient here for example - know these stories, points to the fact that rhese stories were fed to mongers by kgirls.

Hobbyists talk about providers, providers talk about hobbyists. That’s asymmetric.

When I or other mongers go to a session, we do not sign up to listen to complaints or stories about other customers
Who are you to say why a hobbyist goes to a session, or judge how they find enjoyment?

     The fact of the matter is that hobbyists go into these sessions hoping for a range of experiences.  For example, a guy on the autism spectrum with poorly developed social skills may only be looking for a supreme service queen experience that he can then go home and write a review about. He’s actually unable to develop a relationship that would lead to a discussion of other mongers’ pros and cons. It’s just wham, bam, thank you m’aam.
     Another guy might enjoy developing a relationship that includes more focus on personality and OTC dating. In those instances, it only makes sense that the monger develops an understanding of the KGirl POV and that includes their POV re other mongers. Of course there are many mongers who fall in a range somewhere between these two examples.  Just because your range might fall closer to the “wham bam” example than the “let’s date” example, it doesn’t mean others don’t.

And it certainly doesn’t mean that a thread about KGirl POV, in a KGirl Forum, is not appropriate. The truth of the matter is that the topic is both appropriate and entertaining, sans your predictable contribution to the discourse.

His question was the assymetry between what I preach (reviews especially negative ones are paramount to fellow consumers because it enables them to make better and more informed decisions) and gossip that kgirls talk about other mongers.

There's direct benefit to mongers in pushing out a negative review about a product/service he's thinking about buying . We pay money for this shit. What is the direct benefit to a monger if a kgirl talks shit about a random customer?  

Zero. It's done for shit and giggles, for letting the girl vent or to make low self esteem mongers feel better about themselves ("ha at least I'm not that guy")  

Comparing this two things are absolutely and utterly illogical.  

As far as the rest of your post, yawn. I never have seen "talking shit about clients" as a service I sign up for in any ads.  
I sign up for dfk bbbj, bbfs, dt.  


Thats why I said you won't catch me mean mouthing another mongers off kgirl stories. I heard some of those stories too. And I didn't appreciate hearing them.

You claimed they were looking down on or making fun of the clients. But none of the storied/topics of stories provided indicate any such thing.

Moreover, not one of the few times some (annonymous other client) came up in a sessions when we were talking was the information offered in a deragatory or making fun of someone manner. It was simply some aspect that was relevaant to the discussion were were having about either life or this line of work/pleasure. It certainly wasn't something that was being "fed" to me for some reason.

If you have direct experience with that, fine, call it out. But if this is just more of your filtering everyone through your shit colored glasses STFU.

Ah yes "dirty old man with oil" is certainly not making fun of the client. I'm sure they will say this moniker right to the clients face, surely they will. Lol!  

Literally in this thread someone said that

"they rarely talk about the good customers, but they often complain about the bad customers"

I don't know why you're moving the goalposts here. You asked me 1)how are mongers made fun of 2) why I don't like these stories making fun of other clients and how you won't catch me distributing them

I believe I answered both of these questions.

And - I did not mean any negative connotation when I mentioned being "fed" info/stories - just me saying that information was passed. So it wasnt me saying like it was against my will or whatever.  

Yes, I have heard these stories myself and have heard enough of others stories. And tbh - I personally wouldn't even want to hear about the good mongers either. Like, I don't really wanna hear about how previous monger had a bigger dick or had better stamina. And while I can't speak for everyone, I'd imagine most mongers wouldn't want to hear that either. Lol

You are probably one, unless you're a provider.

for the post Jensen.
Or a hobbyist!

where did this name evolve

It's been used on TER for years -- probably longer than I've been here (first account back in 2013).

You could do some searches in the forums on the term and probably find some good history discussion if you are really interested. But, as I recall, it likely derived from the old term "whoremonger":
    A man who habitually consorts with or pays for the services of prostitutes.  
    A prostitute's customer.  

There are some other meaning that make the term's use here a bit confusing, such as whoreonger referring to pimps. But on these boards it is pretty safe to assume it's a reference to customers/clients -- or as others like to mane things a hobbyist.  But some everyone really likes hobbyist as a descriptor.

Posted By: 36363jensen
Re: Monger
It's been used on TER for years -- probably longer than I've been here (first account back in 2013).  
 You could do some searches in the forums on the term and probably find some good history discussion if you are really interested. But, as I recall, it likely derived from the old term "whoremonger":  
     A man who habitually consorts with or pays for the services of prostitutes.  
     A prostitute's customer.  
 There are some other meaning that make the term's use here a bit confusing, such as whoreonger referring to pimps. But on these boards it is pretty safe to assume it's a reference to customers/clients -- or as others like to mane things a hobbyist.  But some everyone really likes hobbyist as a descriptor.
It goes way back to RB days  Monger and PL

Turning to the American Heritage Dictionary, we can learn that the word "monger" has an even broader interpretation. A monger is a dealer in a specific commodity or a promoter of something undesirable. Examples include: "warmonger," "scandalmonger" and — here we go — "whoremonger."

I certainly prefer hobbyist.

In the end as long as everyone understands the term, who cares? Lol

Reason I kinda dislike hobbyist - but I don't mind if someone says it or whatever, just prefer monger, is that people have many hobbies.

Been doing this for almost ten years.  Six years with k-girl agencies.

1. Yes, most agencies keep feedback about clients (to a degree).
2. Yes, the girls talk about clients good and bad.  But, mostly bad ones.  
3. Yes, all agencies have a "VIP" list where these clients will get the time they want or the girl they want.  
4. Yes, girls have a blacklist of clients they won't see based on anything (race, bad experience, etc).
5, Yes, some girls will become more friendly with a client based on how they feel.
6. Yes, if you are a very good client (tip big, treatment, handsome, etc) the girls talk about it.

In six years of seeing k-girls, five have given me their personal contact info.  Two have given me their IG.  The reason for the contact info is to tell me when they are coming into town so I can book early.  As of now, I only keep in touch with two of them regularly (meaning 2-3 messages a month about how they are doing, etc).  

Do with this info as you wish.

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