
Kind of happy
S432l234S 1512 reads
1 / 20

What tarnishes a city's reputation?  
I recently heard from a local agency that one of the popular girls refuses to return to the DMV area. Surprisingly, this echoes complaints I've heard from other visiting girls over the years. While these girls all insist it's not the city itself, nor the area, nor the booking agency, but rather the customers who linger excessively at DMV establishments, spending most of their time fxxking besides before and after cleanup.  
Initially, I wondered if this complaint might be linked to the predominantly younger clientele. However, I was informed that it spans across age groups and ethnicities. The local agency speculated that it could be due to a prevalence of individuals using performance-enhancing blue pills. While I've heard girls in other areas complain about rude and demanding customers, or excessive BB requests, the issue of prolonged fxxking  seems unique to the DMV.  
What are your thoughts on this?

Rickjames_ 44 Reviews 60 reads
2 / 20

Lack of hygiene and rude behavior will do it as well.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 50 reads
3 / 20

Did you get a good sense of if the main gripe was about the demand for nonstop sex, that and it impacting time lines (e.g., getting guys out the door on time because they won't stop in time for the exit shower), or even when they have the time they drave things out, don't start getting dressed if the girl is still showering or "long good byes", or hellows, at the door?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 55 reads
4 / 20

who started out seeing indie providers to understand the importance of the time constraints that exist in the Kgirl business model.  The prices are lower based on a volume approach to the business.  While it may not matter to an indie that a customer decides to shampoo and blow-dry their hair during the exit shower, it makes a huge impact on any busy Kgirl's schedule.  

The one-hour time of the session starts at the time you booked, and ends one hour later.  It doesn't matter if it doesn't start exactly on time because you took a wrong turn in the complex, it has to end on time.  Guys that confuse this concept with how indies operate or think because they tipped they can hang around an extra ten or fifteen minutes are in for a rude awakening when they eventually get blocked.  At the end of the day, a Kgirl who has missed two or three of her breaks between customers due to inconsiderate time management by a few guys along the way are going to be understandably grumpy later in the day.  

badger48 111 Reviews 45 reads
5 / 20

on one hand but bummed on the other about your post!
This is usually a thread about Los Angeles Mongers and how some Kgirls don't like and stay clear of L.A.
So, I guess I'm happy, in a weird way, that L.A. is not singled out, again.
Bummed that it's happening in another city. Wonder if it's traveling L.A. Mongers^^!

All the fucked up behavior you mentioned has been done and being done in L.A. and I've lost a few favorites that might not be back any time soon, if at all!  
One problem might be even if these guys get blocked, they just get a new burner phone and get cleared under a new name and pull the same shit!
A lot of chatter on other sites about this.

I've talked about this before, there are the Pounders, Destroyers and Tongue Lashers, to name a few, and they tell us the Kgirls LOVE IT!!

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 48 reads
6 / 20

…see “indie” providers?  Why are you blaming them?  How do you know it’s not K-mongers in the DMV who are abusing the K-girls’ time?

sunnyday1 144 Reviews 42 reads
7 / 20

HAHA. You believed that??? Like the DMV is the only place where people are using viagra? Come on, man, seriously?

sunnyday1 144 Reviews 42 reads
8 / 20

Lots of girls have told me Philly guys fuck the dog shit out of them, and yet EPM has no trouble getting fucking BADDIES and keeping a roster of BADDIES at all times. This is despite the hourly prices being slightly lower than DMV. Wonder why?

Guys we have to face it, NOVA is a boring ass suburb and the girls only make this a stop because we're such pussy-starved dogs that we line up to book appointments. Why are we such pussy starved dogs? It's because this area sucks and NOVA is a boring ass suburb.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 45 reads
9 / 20

Simply because there is no consistency.

By comparing notes with east coast mongers, I've concluded some of the same girls sometimes say the same shit about the other cities when they are here, and same shit about west coast when they are there.

Not saying all of them do it, but again. A lot of cases are either looking for sympathy or perpetuate grass is greener mentality.  

The only place where there is a sensible effect is the demographics. Some kgirls really don't like certain demographics and will talk shit about them. But that could be controlled by an agency or a girl as to not let a certain demographic book.


As far as fucking too much, I don't get the sentiment. Why wouldn't a customer want to maximize the value out of a  session he paid money for?

If a customer likes fucking for a long time and not foreplay or showering/staling for fifteen minutes, I don't see what is so intrinsically wrong about it.

And blue pill by itself will usually only affect quality of erection before the first pop. After, it may decrease your refractory period and sensitivity so a guy will last longer, sure.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 46 reads
10 / 20

only seeing indies so I was used to the flexibility many allow in starting and ending the session.  If you started 10 minutes late, most would still give you an hour because they have longer breaks between customers.    It took an adjustment on my part to appreciate that what makes the Kgirl business model work for everyone is strict adherence to the time slot I was given, and not lingering once the time was up.  Many of those mongers who see indies wrongfully believe that it's one hour, give or take 10 minutes, but it's not, the hour is the hour that you booked and you are expected to keep track of the time yourself and be out by the time your ASSIGNED hour is up, whether or not you started on time.

JustLayingLow 52 reads
11 / 20

and many personal relationships along the way, in my experience, most Kgirls who visit the DMV seem to prefer the area over CA or other locations.  What axe are you trying to grind?  Obviously, all Kgirls should be compensated for All the minutes they spend with a customer.

worried 55 reads
12 / 20

When asked, most kgirls say each city is about the same, except for LA.  Most of the touring kgirls seem to return to the DMV on a regular basis.  This leads me to believe that they find it safe and lucrative.  It would be interesting to know , which popular kgirl refused to return to the DMV.  

divemaster13 34 Reviews 41 reads
13 / 20

Saying such a city is "bad for K-girls" is like saying "my state has the worst drivers." *Everyone* says their state has the worst drivers. There's really no way to confirm that.

I'm sure K-girls bitch about this city and that city for this reason and that reason. Guys are guys.

But I guess DMV K-girls should love me, as I'm more into the kissing and foreplay than just pounding away. After DATY and rimming and I blow in her mouth, I'm pretty much done at that point.

lopaw 29 Reviews 45 reads
14 / 20

Lol yeah at first I had trouble booking at all because k girls weren't used to a woman customer, but after reading about some of the crap they've got to put up with, a session with me must be like a walk in the park by comparison.  

There's always going to be good and bad in all aspects of this hobby. Unfortunately the good ones also get caught in the net and we also pay the price for the stupidity of the bad ones. Such is life.

-- Modified on 5/3/2024 7:41:18 PM

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 41 reads
15 / 20

For a lot of kgirls I'd assume taking a female customer for the first time is a lot more stressful than taking on a demanding male customer.

If the kgirl has no experience with female customers or she's not bi, she likely is concerned about getting you off, and making sure she doesn't screw up in any way. Since she has little experience. With guys, getting them off physically is straightforward and the kgirl have done it thousands of times.

It's like, if you haven't driven a stick shift much, you prolly will stall at some point. And obviously muscle memory serving a guy is very different than muscle memory serving a girl.

lopaw 29 Reviews 43 reads
16 / 20

True..... But it's only stressful once. Additional sessions are much easier, in fact to the point that my fave kgirl often pimps me out to her "friends".  

To date I'm the only female customer that I know of, so until more female mongers decide to try a kgirl I am the only one that will likely show up. I haven't decided if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet, lol.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 37 reads
17 / 20

In general first sessions are most stressful in general I think.  

The girl is trying to accommodate you and also make sure you like her. But also can be intimidated or unsure how will you respond.

Once you come back, you indicate that you liked her (or liked her enough to be a backup or something).

badger48 111 Reviews 43 reads
18 / 20

Pimps out = getting kick back and OTS*?
Friends = Kgirl providers?

Just really intrigued  lopaw, very unique situation!

* Off The Schedule

lopaw 29 Reviews 44 reads
19 / 20

Her "friends" are indeed fellow kgirls that show up on the booker page. I joke around with her and call her my "real booker" and she seems to really like that. I think she might wind up as an actual booker someday when she retires.  

She definitely tells the booker about any sessions that I book with her. I will get the usual reminders from the booker, along with the pre-session texts about location and building entrance codes. It all works out pretty good 👍

badger48 111 Reviews 44 reads
20 / 20

Thank you for your response!
I think I know who you are talking about, you mentioned a Kgirl quite a while back.
I have seen the one I think you mean, seen her when she was in town also a while back, and hoping she will visit for at least a short time!

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