
Kcoyote 118 reads

A sad truth its that working K-Girl is mostly voided of any real emotions. I have never seen any of their relationship works and I have seen handful. The sad reality is that what they do, changes them whether we like it or not or whether we can accept it or not, these girls sell something that 99% of other women out there won't sell. So, it is very easy for them to pack their bag and go back to WLA or MW and start fucking 70 guys a week without blinking when things goes and hit rough patches in the relationship. To them, the idea of selling their body is as easy as going to grocery because to them it is just a "JOB".

Be careful when you try to settle with someone like that because it is like building a house in a middle of road that gets hit by tornado every 1-2 years.

I have been a regular monger for several years now and been seeing mostly kgirls for the past 3 years.  I was previously married but now in the process of getting a divorce.  Once divorce came into the picture I started getting interested in seeing some of the girls off hours as a way of seeking company outside the normal sex routine.  So I started taking couple of the girls out for simple dinners and drinks as it was pretty easy to convince them since I am Korean American who can speak decent Korean.  But then someone unexpected happened which is I started developing feelings for one of the girls and I believe the feeling has been mutual.  So we have been dating for about 2 months now and she spends all her free time with me now while she is still working.  But seeing her go to work is starting to bring up jealous feelings just thinking about random guys pounding her all day.  At this point I can either walk away from the relationship or I can offer to take her off work as I am decently well off.   I dont have plans to marry her as she is going to engage in a fake green card marriage to someone else but how the hell do you date a kgirl without the jealous feelings?   I have been giving this a long thought and unfortunately I cannot really discuss this with any of my real life friends since they do not know about my hobbies.  I guess I am posting this here since you guys are probably one of the only ones that can relate to something like this without judgement since I have read a few posts regarding real life relationships with kgirls.  

-- Modified on 8/25/2023 11:40:49 AM

i have been seeing kgirls on the side when they are not working...
its a tough one..
but you have to remember that its just work!
thats all.
just a job..  
its hard to handle but if you want to be involved with a kgirl thats what comes with the deal or you can support them
who is this kgirl..
how old is she..  
keep in touch

Happy Friday my monger brothers!!

I suggest you pimp daddy homegirl out and keep all the money earned for yourself; if she's not game, then kick her sorry ass to the curb my monger brother.  Think of her as a Gumiho who will live 1,000 years and you're damn lucky she hasn't taken your liver yet, Casanova.



-- Modified on 8/25/2023 3:30:27 PM

So, other than that she’s a sexy gal with whom you can fuck your brains out, what do you have in common? Lifestyles? Future goals? Similar beliefs? And one last question. Can you really trust what she’s telling you after only 2 months?

We really clicked just hanging out and I enjoy the off hours with her as much as I enjoy the sex.  Don't get me wrong the sex got even better as we got closer but it's all the other hours that we spent together that made me develop feelings.  And one of the conditions that we agreed to was to always be honest with each no matter what.  So I will trust her until she shows me otherwise.

-- Modified on 8/25/2023 10:20:02 PM

Kcoyote118 reads

I echo the same questions! Ask yourself why you are getting separated from your current wife and what is so attractive about the K-Girl that you are currently seeing? If she has traits that you don't like, understand that you are getting blinded by a pussy trap at the moment.

worried98 reads

So.....   You're still technically married in this 3 year divorce.  She's engaged to be married for a green card.  She's still working, but staying at your house on her days off.  You want to sweep her off her feet and become her sole sugar daddy.  And you're asking about dating without being jealous.  Sir, you're being played by her.  Enjoy being played and stop asking questions about jealousy.  BTW, ask this same question in six (6) months.  My guess it'll be moot.  

The core of your question is really not much different from that one might ask about any relationship where there might be some competing things that result in some envy/jealousy on the part of one person. If you cannot let go and separate that X the other does from the "we" part of the two of you it's a problem.

It's going to be a complicated issue but I think the core, for you, is can you let go and separate the "work" she does from your interest in having some intimate relationship with her. Doesn't sound like you can really offer her a true mistress arrangement where you will be exclusive to one another given her green card plans with someone else.  I think if you cannot let the jealousy go then you need to let her go.

Her green card marriage is just a monetary one so I don't have anything to worry about there.  
At this point I think I am going to give her a date to quit the business and until then I can just try to control my jealousy and not think about things too much.

Kcoyote119 reads

A sad truth its that working K-Girl is mostly voided of any real emotions. I have never seen any of their relationship works and I have seen handful. The sad reality is that what they do, changes them whether we like it or not or whether we can accept it or not, these girls sell something that 99% of other women out there won't sell. So, it is very easy for them to pack their bag and go back to WLA or MW and start fucking 70 guys a week without blinking when things goes and hit rough patches in the relationship. To them, the idea of selling their body is as easy as going to grocery because to them it is just a "JOB".

Be careful when you try to settle with someone like that because it is like building a house in a middle of road that gets hit by tornado every 1-2 years.

The way I see it, there is just one real way about it. You sit her down, be truthful and talk to her. Your feelings, your concerns (fake green card marriage is my big one) and see if she reciprocates in kind. I hope at this point you probably have heard her tell you things in private that you shouldn’t share (at least I freaken hope so). Then see if the both of you can come to an agreement. If you both really do have feelings for each other and want to take it to the next level, then you two will figure something out. If either one of you have hesitations about something and aren’t speaking about it, then this relationship won’t work. Relationship is a two-way street, you both need to give and take for things to work properly otherwise it won’t.

You mentioned you are coming out of a marriage but you don’t seem to be against marrying again if the situation is right. Kgirls who do this generally have a real reason to do so (family), some just see it as work. Most though really do see this as strictly work and nothing else. You have to tell yourself, it is like dating someone who is doing porn. At least, unlike porn their face isn’t plastered all over the internet. Seeing as you said you two privately have sex as well, my educated guess is she wants you to understand she does have feelings for you and want to not remember about work other guys. Ladies who do this, you have to remember, see all kinds of people. Not everyone of us are clean cut, well dressed, showers and makes sure the providers are also enjoying themselves.

Try to see things from her point of view. Talk things out, tell her what bothers you and just go from there. If she has concerns of her own, hopefully she will tell you then… just see. Personally I would definitely do something about the fake marriage part. Good luck.

What do you see the issue is with the green card marriage.  It relieves me of any pressure of having to marry her in the future in order for her to stay here permanently and it's just a monetary transaction.  And you are right we both need to be more upfront but it's still pretty fresh relationship so I was hoping things will open up more and more in the future.

Well, it is a personal opinion but I have always believed marriage should be done for a more traditional manner. As you just got out of one, I think you know what I mean by that. And if I remember this correctly, depending on what type of visa she is on, the process of her getting said green card can take years.

However, I still believe just sitting her down and talking is the first route you should take. Most likely, you are both in that phase in the relationship where it is just very exciting and non-stress type. Once you both start thinking more about any future however, that is where "the talk" needs to happen. I want to be on the positive side of things and say whoever this provider is, is not playing you and really does like you on a deeper level. Because none of us here know your interaction between her and yourself so, you will have to be the judge of that.

It is hard dating a provider for a specific reason. The more experienced ones can blur the lines very well, while the inexperienced ones you can tell when they are "too business like". Like I said though, sit down with her, have a heart to heart and talk things out. If she is willing to compromise (and follows through with it) then she is most likely the real deal as she does care about how you feel. If she, at that point, is giving you excuses on why she is unable to compromise (for whatever reason) then as others have mentioned, she is most likely just playing you.

CaptainRenault103 reads

This will not end well.  Just fuck her and move on.  If she is really into you, she will search you out, and then, WALK do not RUN, to the nearest exit.

if you want her to quit the biz due to jealousy, 99% chance things won't work out unless you can consistently fund her $300k+ a year lifestyle. i think the only way these relationships truly workout is if the guy is ok with his girlfriend being fucked by 6-8 guys a day. in other words you have to be a cuckold.  until then, i recommend not getting your emotions involved otherwise 99% of the time it is not gonna work out well for you...

Jumboman97 reads

A working K-Girl has different standard and very much no heart. Give your wallet if you want and enjoy her but don't give your heart.  There is more than 99% chance of failure with any working k-girl. Just enjoy her ad then find a nice woman outside if this hobby.  

For these girls getting fucked 6-8 times a day, it is just a JOB. And if you ever get into argument about their job one day and in heat of argument you do tell them "Honey ~ that is/was not a job and what you were doing was being a hoe", there is a good chance that she will break things at home or chase you with knife and that is a real-life experience.  

It is like you have to deal with lots of drama, instability and wounds from their past that will hunt them down forever and forever.

That is what she wants that way you tell her to stop working and support her and eventually marry her.  Pay off what she owes traffickers and give her citizenship,  not a  bad thing if that is what you want and you do love her. Most of them come over here looking for a man with house and citizenship.

Kcoyote109 reads

Definitely a decent advice!  

Just make sure that she is true to her words. Make sure that she is marrying you for you first for live of you, then the citizenship and then the house and the money in that order and not marrying you for the house and citizenship and finally you as a vehicle to those two thing.

Hope you get my drift!

"have no plans to marry her as she....", paraphrasing what the OP actually states, to the type of advice being suggested here?

-- Modified on 8/28/2023 2:56:41 PM

I dont think he understands that k-girls are pretty much a free agent and what they do are on their own choosing.  

may have Kgirls confused with something else, or wherever he got this impression may have a different setup for Kgirls?    Maybe where he is, things are done differently, so I'm seeking information about WHY he thinks they are trafficked.  The Kgirl scene is always evolving, and it's good to have an exchange of information here to uncover the new wrinkles that appear in the biz from time to time.  He may have gone to a place that is not like we normally see with the 2-girl apartment setups, and I would like to hear about it.  You've been on TER for ten years, so I'm guessing you have lived through all of the changes in the Kgirl scene just like many of the rest of us.  Let him explain why he thinks they are trafficked.  

At this point I think I am going to give her a date to quit the business and until then I can just try to control my jealousy and not think about things too much
You’re moving way too fast. An ultimatum is the worst thing you could do.  It would most certainly backfire and likely end up as a hurtful situation for both of you.

In this case, it depends on your age.  GENERALLY SPEAKING, If you are over 40-ish, the English equivalent would be that you are a potential retirement plan.  If you're under 40-ish, you are a "mark" for a financial hustle, so there is a crossover point in the middle where you may not know what her plans for you are.    

However, there ARE exceptions and a relationship with a Kgirl with real feelings can happen. I have been in several over the years.  The first rule to having a working Kgirlfriend is to not get jealous of CUSTOMERS.  They are not in the same class as you.  If you can't get past this primary rule, then follow the Captain's advice and run to the nearest exit.  The second rule is to discover rather quickly if this is real or not.  If you are paying at the incall, but not having sex on the outside "dates", then you have not made the transition to a RL relationship yet regardless of how much time you spend with her, and you may be permanently committed to the "friend zone" in her mind.  Just like with a civvie woman, the shared intimacy of physical love is what makes it real.  If her "feelings' for you are as you think they might be, then at some point, she will tell you, "You are my boyfriend now, so you don't have to pay anymore."  Until this happens, she still regards you as a customer regardless of what YOUR feelings are for her. When I have been a real life boyfriend, they will even tell me to come and see them at work and I don't have to pay there either.  However, I keep this to a minimum because it means THEY are paying the house fee, but I will usually offer to pay the house fee so they don't have to go out of pocket to see me at their workplace.  Their willingness to pay the house fee without any income from the time is a major sign that their feeling for you are real.  

The third rule is to have a level playing field.  This will help you deal with rule one.  When I'm dating a Kgirl, we have an understanding that she can continue to work and I can see other providers as long as I'm paying.  In other words, we agree that transactional sex with others is NOT cheating on our commitment to each other.  If means if I see another Kgirl and did NOT pay for the service, I'm a cheater and have breached her trust.  This third rule is why most of these relationships don't last that long.  I have had a couple go well over a year, but most don't make it more than two or three months.  The reason?   Jealousy!!!  Not mine, hers.  She will find out I saw a girl she knows who is pretty and she will want to change our agreement so that she will continue to work, but I will only have sex with her.  That's not going to happen, so it's my cue to move on.

We are way past dating and having sex otc.  She has been with me pretty much all her off hours and other than paying for dinner there are no payments exchanged.  We are probably going to get a place together and see how things work out.

That you were considering "walking away" as one of your choices, it was not apparent to me that you were this far along.  Most guys fuck up the transition from customer to boyfriend.  That's the most difficult aspect, but since you are past that, most of what I said no longer applies.  

However, I will give you one word of advice for the level you are at.  Having her live with you is okay, but if she is going to do a green card marriage with someone else, which is criminally fraudulent in the eyes of the government, do you really want to insert yourself into this situation? You could find yourself as a participant in hers and the groom's fraudulent scheme.  I have known many Kgirls that have done the green-card marriage, and there are often impromptu visits (intense during the first year and tapering off during the second and third year) from the immigration people to make sure the marriage is real and not just a sham.  If a sham marriage is uncovered, the girl will usually be deported immediately.  She really needs to live with the husband, or at least be there with him enough times during the week to fool the authorities when they visit or do a drive-by.  The government is often looking for violators to make an example of, and you don't want to be one of them.  So here is my question, why don't you marry her and be her green-card husband.? You would only have to commit to three years until she gets the green-card.  If, after the three years, you have decided she is a keeper, then so much the better.  Because you care for each other, fooling the immigration people is a piece of cake if you are living together full time.

My divorce is not finalized as we are still dealing with the financial aspects and its probably 6 months from completion.  And honestly I would rather not have to marry her before I was ready just for the green card sake.  This frees me from any  pressure of having to marry her just for her to stay in the US.

she is a newlywed with another guy is a disaster waiting to happen.  I've seen it a few times and when it blows up and she is summarily deported, it's not pretty. Good luck to you if you are committed to go through with this regardless of the risk of legal consequences.

Kcoyote121 reads

That is a decent idea but I recommend that you don't get too attached to her because they can drop you like a speedy bullet without any hesitation and trust me that they will not shed any tears. All the tears and pain will be yours.

I knew a very established and successful gentleman in Nevada who got into same arrangement with a ex-working K-girl. They were a good couple and they were together for 2.5 years and we even went to couple date together in 2013. One day he came home to realize that she has left him and gone to a different country with another dude. Fast forward to now and at the moment she is back at USA and she is working the AMP in Las Vegas.

My friend never emotionally recovered from that setback.

Kcoyote113 reads

The whole paragraph above is written from someone who is very experienced and I concur and particularly the reference to: "In this case, it depends on your age. GENERALLY SPEAKING, If you are over 40-ish, the English equivalent would be that you are a potential retirement plan.  If you're under 40-ish, you are a "mark" for a financial hustle, so there is a crossover point in the middle where you may not know what her plans for you are."

That is very true in respect to K-Girl and almost 99% of Civilian females out there. What women would want to marry or be in relationship with piss poor guy?  I can't think of any. All women want financial security and stability in life and I don't fault someone for fucking 6-8 guys a day to find a BF or husband when I met them that way as I knew how I met them at first place. I am not judgmental!  

However, keep in mind two things that while a women is looking for security and stability, a man look for a peace at home. Physical relationship should be accompanied by real sense of emotion and understanding and a woman who can share the ups and down. If a woman can't give you peace and decent companionship in term of emotional support, you should walk away. My problem with most K-girls is their tempers ~ I think because of what they have done, their wounds run so deep in their life that most can't handle a normal life or a professional man. You are always compared to a customer who was willing to do more for them but they chose you instead! They don't like to be called a HOE but they do like to compare you to other John's and that is a big warning signs that you must walk away.

Be a good judge of their characters; make sure that you are not judging them for what they do but rather that if and when they transition to normal life, they can return and reciprocate their love not in physical contact but that they are caring and they can leave their past behind.

Everyone deserve a chance for a good life :)

Financial stability is paramount on most women's minds when it comes to choosing a man, whether they are Kgirls or civvie women.  There have been many articles about young women in their 20's going for guys who are 45-50. Financial stability is just one of the reasons.  Life experience is another.  Older guys know how to plan the perfect date, arrange a romantic vacation, and spend time with JUST the girl, and not in a group.  Group dates or activities get you relegated to the "friend zone." and once you are there, it's hard to get out.  Older Kgirls, 35-45 will troll for guys over 60 that are already retired and have enough resources that they can take care of them permanently, providing these men are physically fit, in good health, and love to travel.  In return, the guy gets loyalty and is often spoiled by the girl.  However, an older guy is not always a good fit for a 20-something Kgirl.  I have found that cultural differences brought on by the age difference is the biggest deal killer for me when it comes to Kgirls under 30.  

Even many guys have unsavory backgrounds, so judging a girl on who she WAS rather than who she is, or will be with you, is a mistake.   This is why Kgirls who leave and go back to Korea rarely give us contact information to still be friendly after they return to Korea and a normal life.  The fact that we have NOT been judgmental is what prompts them to stay in touch with some customers and not others.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
However, an older guy is not always a good fit for a 20-something Kgirl.  I have found that cultural differences brought on by the age difference is the biggest deal killer for me when it comes to Kgirls under 30.  
Lol. I recently met a 19 year-old Kgirl who told me talking with me reminded her of talking with her college professors. That was an ouchie.

1234S432197 reads

Sex Education Professor ...

there is a tipping point where the age difference is just too great, and you really have nothing to talk about except money and sex and it's more like a trophy-wife/arm-candy situation.  It gets boring very quickly and you realize this is not the way you want to spend your life going forward.  I have had good success in real life relationships with Kgirls who were no more than 15-20 years younger than me.  Beyond that, it's a waste of time and it not going to last.  

I've had the same types of experiences with comments from Kgirls.  I remind them of their uncle, or a guy they used to work for, but I haven't gotten the "college professor" analogy yet.  I'm pretty much limited to Kgirls in their early 40's now if I want a good connection in a real relationship. The youngest one I have dated was 29 (now 35) and it lasted only two months.  We had nothing in common to talk about.  

Yes! Trophy-Wife/Arm-Candy situation analogy can be used but it is hard to describe them as a Trophy-Wife when they have been fucked by 5,000+ guys: There is nothing trophy about that  if you ask me.

Ahhh...That thorny issue.

Experience#1: I am banging a 20 years old K-Hottie who is fucking me to coma every time that we meet and she is so nice to me. I tell her after our 5th sessions that fucking her feel so wrong. She asks me: "Why?" I tell her that she is 20 and I am 2.5 of her age. Her response was creepy by saying: "Don't worry, you remind me so much of my dad when we are together". That was an odd comment.

Experience#2: After a first great session, the girl ask me how old I am? I tell her my real age and she is quiet and I can sense that she is shocked. I asked her, do you want me to leave now? she goes: "No! Do you want do a second round with me?". When I was leaving, she kept patting me on my back and kept saying "superman".

I have few more incidents that were interesting exchanges!

Sometimes their responses are mind boggling.

But in all honesty, it does feel wrong sometimes.

All girls (civilian or working K-girls) are looking for financial stability and that very True sir! Guys over 48 are target for marriage to some of the K-girls who are in their 35+ years of age. I had two asking me point blank to "Take Them Home".

 I just don't agree on where and the venue that these K-girls chose to find their life partners. It is a bit odd place to look for a boyfriend, significant others or a husband.

worried88 reads

We're probably less judgmental, than the non-hobbyist.  But I agree that the illusion of passion that we expect will quickly fade into a cold reality.  Also, I think they are retiring in their late 40's, not 30's, just because they can work.

I don't judge them for what they do! Would I have married one? Probably not and that is not because of what they do but because how they act when you get to know them. I have taken six out and almost all of them are very hot tempered and sensitive to their past.  

The choices that they make becomes a liability with them and it is hunting their present and future. Almost all K-girls live in deniability of what they do is not being a hoe but it is a just a job. So, it is difficult to live with someone who lives in alternate reality.

They offer nothing of a substance in their relationship except sex and that gets old and tiring after a while.

-- Modified on 9/8/2023 8:02:24 AM

so tell us who is the girl
if you can do that...then date her
if you cant give her up!

Why would I tell you her name and give up her privacy?

Not sure what painter was trying to say there. I don't see that your actually telling anyone her real name would change any advice those here might offer -- unless there are others that also know her (but then stage name should work just fine too) and can say more specifically about her personality and the like. So no sure he was really asking you to name the name.

Perhaps what was being said, poorly expressed maybe, was if you *could* tell us her real name then she must certainly have shared that with you. That would be a sign of a level of trust that suggest perhaps pursuing a relationship is possible rather than some of the other potential suggestion that have been floated. That is not a bad "sanity check" on just where things stand.

If that was the question, then yes I know her real name and other various personal info and even looked through her passport.  

1234S4321101 reads

guessing from his past  May June  reviews if he did review this girl.......

Nope I intentionally didn't review her.

1234S4321102 reads

guess you fell for her from day 1, that explained not reviewing her as you planned.
i did the same things years ago, even helped to delist and removed all the records once decided moving forward!

I don't know if I planned it from the beginning.  I usually wait several weeks before writing reviews and after a while just decided not to based on how things were rolling along.  

1234S4321114 reads

if you were not jealous after starting dating the girl, i'd then ask what kind of BF you are!
it's human natural!  

nevertheless, a majority of kgirls in this industry have their own underlying motivations, challenges, and financial requirements. If you believe that a lasting future is possible between the two of you, whether in matrimony or otherwise, it would be wise to have an open conversation. Take the time to deliberate and develop a joint strategy that addresses both of your needs, particularly concerning her financial well-being – if it's something you are capable of managing.

Otherwise, give up your plan and move on, she is only one of your ATFs.

if your SO was a professional actress and she was in a movie where she did a hot bedroom scene with a hunky guy who is way better looking than you?   When it's her job, she is not emotionally involved.  Providers are the same way.  They are actresses.  It's possible real life love could blossom between providers and their customers, but if she is in a committed relationship with one person who has transitioned from customer to real boyfriend, the sex she has with other customers means no more to her than would her students if she was teaching an aerobics class, although experienced providers will convince their customers otherwise with their acting abilities.  

Kcoyote104 reads

ROFLMAO: Actresses with lots of orgasm after orgasm !

-- Modified on 8/31/2023 7:17:28 PM

Would be a bad move since you are committed to three years when the going in odds are low of a long-term relationship duration of three months or more! Set up the recommended ground rules, set aside your jealousy and enjoy it while it lasts! Moving in together is a bad move given the green card marriage with a different guy.  Why don’t you start with a sleepover or two a week?

asappocky105 reads

I mean, you can live with her and see how it goes. Some things to consider are her lifestyle, personality and quirks, and personal baggage that you potentially haven't encountered yet.

I knew the guy who was on the verge of marrying legend Reah. All was good and dandy until some things started to slowly unravel.  

Just know that they're just people and not their job. However, their path to this line of work will hopefully give you enough insight. Use your best judgment.

i dont care about her real name
what i am trying to say if if you want to date a kdoll
and keeping her a secret by not letting us know her kdoll name  
then you have a problem
if you didnt care about her work..then help her in her job
it seems you cant decide what to do here
if you really love her then go for it..tell her to quit and have her and support her
if not move on
i personally dont care who it is  
i believe on the forum sharing and being supported to other mongers is why this board lasts so long
no more on this
move on dude!

I don't ever recommend publishing her name.  It will cost her some business.  Many mongers will not see Kgirls if they know they have outside boyfriends for three reasons.  1)  Boyfriends are usually going bare, even if she is a GFE girl at work;   2)  We all want the fantasy of thinking the Kgirl we are fucking is into us.  If you know she has a boyfriend, it's hard to pretend you are anything special to her;  and 3) Those of us who date Kgirls would rather control the information the kgirl we are dating gets about us.  We don't want to have to do damage control when some bigmouth sees her, and says, "I know your boyfriend.  He's a wild one.  Did he ever tell you about the time he and three Kgirls were drunk and naked. . . . . ? "

Him disclosing her name is a lose-lose for both of them on several fronts.  I hope this will help him decide what the right decision is as far as publishing her name.  You should not be asking this, because their relationship has moved from the incall to becoming personal, and personal information should not be published here by anyone.  Have a little class and discretion and leave her name out of it.  There is no need for you or any of us to know.  We should only be concerned about what happens at the incall, not in real life.

asappocky95 reads

This logic too also expands to the kpop industry. Image control and retaining that whole parasocial connection, as strange as it may get.

worried116 reads

I think it'll INCREASE her business.  People will just stop in to see what the fuss is about.  I would. BTW, her making a shit ton of cash is win-win for both.  What was her name again?

experience with dating Kgirls on the outside.  They KNOW it hurts their business to have a real-life boyfriend, so many don't do it in the first place, and others who take boyfriends tell them not to tell anyone.  If word gets around the Kgirl network that as a boyfriend, you can't be trusted to be discreet, good luck finding any other Kgirls who will take you as a boyfriend after that.  Your speculation and instincts on this are just plain wrong.  

worried126 reads

You're right.  Never dated a prostitute.  Release the name and she'll get a increase in business and quit the business.  Then the OP can ride off into the sunset with bags of money with his true love.  

came here to work for ninety days and ended up staying for years like their job and are not necessarily looking to be "rescued."  This cliche is often thought of by guys who have only seen Kgirls as their customer and never outside on a personal level.  They like their life, their independence and the money they earn during their prime years in their 30's.  Once past 40, some will think about retirement options then, but rarely before.  

Interestingly, the profession of the men that Kgirls most often have successful marriages with is lawyers.  Two former legends, Lohan and, Hiroko have been married to lawyers who were originally their customers for over five years each.  There are others as well, and several that are dating lawyers currently with hopes that it will become an exit plan at some point, and this is why Kgirls take an interest in their customers who are lawyers if they are nearing retirement age.  When I have asked them "why Lawyers", the most common answer is that they are not as judgmental as other guys.  

My own philosophy about dating Kgirls is that, "Everyone has a past, but it doesn't matter unless you want to live there."

worried105 reads

That was a pretty random response.  One thing is true; they love the money.  But releasing  the name WILL increase her business.  BTW, Buddha has a similar philosophy.  

told you who they are dating on the outside and asked you to spread the word?  I assume it has happened to you since you are so firm in your belief that their business will increase by publishing who they are dating.  Could you provide a link to any post of yours where you named a kgirl and the guy she was dating on the outside so we can see the date on your post and track the reviews that came after it?   Or, can you show us a post on this board from ANYONE else who named a Kgirl and who she was dating on the outside so we can see if her business improved or not?

Yes I totally agree with you. There some chumps that book them all day thinking that they can get them. Turns out they actually have a real bf in secret. If they aren’t putting you in the Facebook/ social media to show their friends, then are not the bf just another customer spending too much .

i just thinkj if you really love this girl
then the answer is obvious
if you are asking what to do then you arent sure of your intentions

Kcoyote113 reads

Well, sometimes we need validation or reassurance from our monger peers: nothing wrong to ask for 2nd opinion or perspective.

A relationship that is PURELY BASED on SEX NEVER last forever and neither a relationship without sex; both of those relationship are very tough road to navigate and keep intact. Most often and 90% of time, we get to know the person well before we start intimacy and with K-girl, we fuck them after we say HELLO and then we get to know them. And then we find out: "Oh boy ~ this was not a right decision".

That pussy trap is a not a good thing and it is very powerful. So, make a logical decision based on the person behavior outside the bedroom.

ive been a monger for over 15 years. went hard at it when I was living in ktown since it was so convenient. I've seriously dated 6 kgirls in the scene....2 of them legends...and currently dating one still.  

Similar to your situation, every moment they had off, we would be hanging out, going out to party, dinners, small trips to vegas, sleep overs, meeting her other working girl friends and going to karaoke...the whole nine. even introducing her to my group of friends and saying we "met on a dating app."  

i did have a similar jealous feeling as well.... It sucks having to wake up and leave since your girl has an appointment first thing in the morning, then come back at the end of the day after shes gone through 8-10 mongers that day.  

you'll start to develop thick skin over time, and maybe pushing back those thoughts and emotions back into your head. its weird now it has become almost "normalized". i just think "...whatever shes just going to work." not sure what sort of advice i can give you brotha, but just keep an eye out for the obvious red flags. I've been fucked over more than once and now I'm on high alert.  

edit: actually i do have some advice. have your fun, but know in the back of your mind you'll never marry a hoe. just stay for the short ride.

Kcoyote105 reads

The closing argument: "...Actually i do have some advice. have your fun, but know in the back of your mind you'll never marry a hoe. just stay for the short ride."

Once a hoe, a great chance that always be a HOE. Can't change one DNA ...It just won't happen.

not sure why you want to make a big deal as if this particular type of case is so different than other marriages of financial gain and sex benefits (at least in this case you know the sex will actually be good and not just what others are imagining).

The guys I know who have married Kgirls and are willing to support them get absolute loyalty.  Kgirls who used to sell sex know a good situation when they see it, and MOST are too smart to fuck it up by playing around on the prince charming they managed to nab.  

Men are more likely to get a disloyal wife with one who has NEVER been a sex worker.  A girl reaches 30 and suddenly realizes that they have only fucked 6 guys and there may be way better sex out there if they hit on some more guys while there husband is at work.  I would defy any monger to name something (other than Anal) which a Kgirl would be curious about because they have never done it.  Kgirls have already satisfied all of their curiosities about sex, and different kinds of men, so there are other considerations other than sex for them in choosing a guy to retire with.

It's interesting that the Kgirls who married for retirement are happier than the girls that married for a green card.  Most Green card marriages do not last the requisite 3 years, so she wastes a year or more with a guy who used HER more than she used HIM, because free sex is usually part of the "green card package."   Poetic justice.   Lol

Can I ask what was the red flags that you saw with kgirls you have dated?  I am also curious on how you were fucked over if you don't mind sharing.

ok my opinion
lets close this..its getting boring
if the guy wants to date a kdoll big deal
if he really loves her then he will realize it will take some big bucks
if he is so concerned now then he is really confused
i say
let him post the kdoll name and help her

Kcoyote101 reads

Let's wish them a happy ending and let's hope that they last together but be forewarned that this story 95% has a very bad ending for the gentleman who is involved. They leave and they won't even shed a tear; for them it is just a "Way of Life" and it is a "Job" and we are the "tool".

I posted her working name but deleted it because it felt like invading her privacy. She might have loose lips but I shouldn't gossip like that. No need to know her name anyway. It would just cause jealousy. She may get more businesses from curious mongers but that could be annoying to be asked about her private life. Other mongers may stop seeing her because they don't feel special anymore :-D
Her visa expired and 36363jensen said her green card will take a long time so he thought I got the wrong Kgirl. I still think I am right unless the OP said otherwise. I got a PM from someone but I can't read it.
The right thing to do is to retire her. If I like someone enough and can retire her, I wouldn't let her go through a fraud green card marriage. Retire her immediately and plan the future together. Understand all the risks and work it out. Only the OP knows how far he would go for her. She needs someone to take care of her. If the OP is not willing to do that then there is nothing to discuss, is there?
Anything short of retiring her is just a fling. No need to overthink in that case.

by reading your post
im sorry to say
you're gone and lost!
good luck!

just wondering if they broke up yet?

wondering if we are all invited to the wedding?

So far so good as we are 3 plus months into the relationship.  We are planning on moving in together in a few months and see where things go from there.  No fit of jealous rage as of yet.

woohoooo!!!! godspeed brother, you are living the dream of a lot of dirty old johns. seriously, I hope it works out.

"dirty old johns", but rather clean-but-very-horny old johns. From what Kgirls have told me for years, older customers rarely pass on the shower, unlike younger guys.  Just sayin'.    Lol

Why in gods name would someone pass on the shower? It totally sets the tone of session. Insanity.

for years that there is no better ice breaker.  The yutes don't get it.  It takes five minutes.  With age comes wisdom.  

The shower is just another part of the session to have some great wet 'n' soapy foreplay!
Both the welcome and farewell shower!

After commenting that the shower was fun, the Kgirl closed the curtain, turned the water back on and we played for another five or so minuets!

Speak for yourself dude.  I think it's kind of silly to be "dating" a provider.  It's even worse if it's one-sided monogamy which it often is the case.  She's going out there getting slammed by me and 7 other guys from 10am - 10pm but then the boyfriend isn't allowed to talk to other women because it's "just business."  If it's a situation where you're paying for dinner in lieu of paying the rate and that's the "relationship" then so be it.  But it's usually not the case.  The times it has come up in conversation it's almost always the "boyfriend" needs to behave and act like a real boyfriend but she can go do whatever she wants as long as she's getting paid cash for doing it.  That's ridiculous.  Pretty soon it's not just cash, but it's trips or shopping sprees too.  So it'll be time off but some client bought tickets to Europe and so she's gone with him for a week getting nailed while this guy sits at home watching TV and scrolling his phone for text updates.  And that's "just business" also.

Moving in together?  That sounds like a trainwreck.  I think I can count on one hand the amount of providers I'd be interested in speaking to for more than 15 minutes, but I've seen zero I'd want to hang around and see daily.  And let's be real, "moving in together" doesn't mean splitting the rent 50/50.  It's usually this dude paying ALL of the bills in exchange for someone to talk to and someone to sleep with 2 nights a week for 20 minutes each time.  If you're going to do that, you can find someone who is hot and went to grad school and looks the part when you go out in public instead of looking like exactly what it is -- a client and a provider.

Guys who do this are going for the easy play.  Dating is hard.  Rejection is tough.  Competition in LA is absolutely fierce for the top tier women.  There's almost zero serious competition for something like this.  Just open your wallet and agree to bogus relationship conditions.  Yeah some guys will actually take these providers out for a day or maybe even a weekend, but hardly anyone wants to move in and pay all the rent while they scoop up hair from the bathroom sink and buy groceries from Hmart.

You sound bitter. Did something happen that you want to share? Talking about it definitely helps!

Bitter because I don't date providers?  Ok...

I agree that the one-sided monogamy is often a condition for the Kgirl.  However, I moved away from that after the first couple of Kgirlfriends.  Since then, I have told them I want a level playing field, so we reach an agreement that if she's going to continue to work, then I should be able to remain a "customer," without jealousy or repercussions.  Therefore, transactional sex for both of us is okay.  As long as she is getting paid, and as long as I'm paying the other ladies I see, we both agree in the beginning that it's not cheating.  With this approach, I get a much longer run dating a Kgirl than I did with my first couple of Kgirlfriends when I went along with the one-sided monogamy.  

With that said, these relationships seem to eventually blow up because of jealousy . . . . hers, not mine.  After a year or so, they will come to me with something like, "My close friend is roommates with a new girl that is bragging she saw my boyfriend, and I don't like it," and then they ask belatedly for me to be monogamous.  That's when its time for me to move on.  

Yeah transactional things are fine with me, like I said above where if instead of paying a rate I'm picking up a check, then whatever.  But I don't consider that a relationship like OP is mentioning.  And I think for a lot of these co-habitating relationships, it's more like instead of paying for sessions, old dude is paying the full $4,500 a month rent plus shopping plus a vehicle every single month while she pads her savings account.  In fact it almost has to be that way because if she's paying any expense he's involved in, he's no longer a customer, he's a pimp.  Which is a felony in California under the Pimping and Pandering laws.

To me it's just easier to pay, have a session, and not have to deal with anything afterwards.  Don't have to answer texts, don't have to accompany someone to the doctor, don't have to answer questions about how the tax code works, don't have to be a translator, just live life.

Me getting asked out by a provider is rare, but it's happened 4-5 times in my life.  Each time I usually ended up laughing or something at the thought and they got pissed off.  Which I didn't mean to offend, but it just is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of them wanting me to go out in public with them or "sleep over" or whatever that I couldn't help but either laugh or just have a big smile and shake my head no.  I had this "legend" maybe 6 years ago ask me to come over to her home on an off-day for a holiday.  I said "What for?"  She said "To just hang out."  I said "Hang out?  What are you talking about?"  She said "Nevermind" and put her phone down.  To me, it's like I just paid you $300 to unload in your mouth and now you're a civilian and we're hanging out all of a sudden?  It was just bizarre to me.

I've learned over the years when asked what I do for fun, I pick a 1-person activity like "read books" or something else.  Because if I name a place I go or thing I like to do, they might say "Well let's do that next week!"  Then they'll see it on my face that that's not happening.

"What do you usually do?"

"I work."

"What about when you're not working?"

"I read books."

"Do you go out anywhere?"


"You just stay at home?"


"Where do you live?  Close by here?"

"No, it's kind of far away."

That usually insulates me to where they get the picture but I'm not hurting anyone's feelings.  But it's more rare these days, probably because I just steer the conversation way far away from me being accessible in any way.  I learned the hard way about naming off places I go, what I do, and providing openings for them to just kind invite themselves into my personal life.

I should send them to OP.  Say "I know a guy who would love to hang out with you in his free time!"

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