Inland Empire CA

Tennis Fan!?!?!?
fjchpr 32 Reviews 1388 reads

Looking for a provider that can pick or meet me at the Ontario Airport, hang with me for a couple of days in Palm Springs, watch the Indian Wells tournament, and have some fun on idle time. Few things to iron out as to likes and dislikes. I expect to be screened, but provider must be screened too. Honesty has to go both ways. Fire a message or let me know how to best contact you.

To be considered simply send a $15 screening tribute via a method I have listed on the link below, + Real Life ID, along with an introductory email. Thank you kindly.

I offer a variety of fun encounters, & my donations vary depending upon your interests. Reach out if you want to make a friend for life because I am feeling generous it's my Birthday month! Smile 4 me! xoxo  

[email protected]

I forgot to add my link. lol

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